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Ashley's POV

We started going round the mountain in search of Adrienne but the fog was too thick.

"Ash think you can take care of this?" Madelyn asked and I shut my eyes clearing the fog in a second I turned to look beside me Bianca wasn't at my side anymore I turned around she had stopped I walked over to her and saw her eyes glowing white.

"are you alright?" I asked

"I'm sensing a very dangerous force" Bianca said.

"can you see how this is going to end?" I asked. And she shook her head.

"I can't see the future" she said staggering back a bit and I grabbed her arm.

"are you okay?" I asked

"yeah I'm good" she replied as we kept walking then there was a loud echo and the ground started shaking.

"Guys what's happening?" Madelyn asked and she screamed as she fell into the ground.

"Madelyn!" we all screamed except from Ralph whose eyes just widened.

"I have no idea what the...." Tranio was saying but he was cut off as he fell inside the ground

What the hell was happening!

A strong wind carried Bianca away while she screamed.

"hold me" I told Ralph

"why?" he asked but I ignored him and grabbed his hand and we both fell inside the ground and I screamed and landed untop of him.

"Fuck my back" he groaned as he pushed me off him and I stood up.

"what is this place?" I asked as I dusted my clothes and looked around.

"what?" Ralph asked as he stood up.

"I thought you weren't talking to me cause I slapped you" I said feeling the walls for anything like some secret trap door or a torch and he scoffed.

"look I'm sorry I slapped you but you can't blame me" I said as I finally found a torch, the type with a cloth tied around the wood this place must be decades old.

"light em up" I said and pointed to torch to Ralph who I could hardly see.

"what?" he asked confused.

"use your powers to light up the torch" I said in a commanding tone

"you don't tell me what to do" he said taking another torch and lighting it up and a radiant glow of orange brightened the whole place we where in some kind of cave with no exits.

I felt around for any secret trigger that would open a door.

"what are you doing?" Ralph asked

"trying to find a way out" I replied as I ran my hand round the wall but there was nothing but hard rock.

"oh shit what are we going to do" I sighed leaning on the wall till I sat on the floor.

Ralph hanged his torch and folded his arms across his chest and leaned on the opposite wall staring at me.

I looked around and saw some inscriptions on the other side of the wall and I stood up and walked over to it.

"hey come check this out" I told Ralph and he walked over to me.

"there's a message but it's written in a foreign language" I said and he looked at it.

"no its written in Latin" he said as he studied it and I stared at him.

"how do you know?" I asked

"I speak Latin" he replied still studying the writing.

"you speak Latin?" I asked then he turned to face me

"I'm Italian" he replied and my eyes widened I had no idea and his accent was clear and fluent it didn't sound Italian.

"so what does it mean?" I asked.

Responsum est quod
Vos es vultus pro vestrum

"it says the answer you are looking for is right in front of you" he replied and I looked around the only thing in front of me was Raphael.

He looked around and smiled "I think I've found a way" he said

"okay what is it?" I asked

"we fell into here then it means we can go out through it also" he said pointing to the ceiling. he was right we could go out through the way we came and it wasn't made of hard rock.

"with your fire powers we could use your hands like some kind of rocket and blast us out of here" I said yes that was a perfect idea.

"us?" he asked.

"yeah you and me" I replied

"and how is that going to work?" he asked.

"well...." I was saying then I realized the only way to do that I had to hold unto him.


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