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"I can't sense it anymore" Bianca said

"the this must be the place" Madelyn said there was an ice like cove or cave surrounded by life threatening iscles then all of a sudden Adrienne emerge from it.

"well, well, well so this is Morrison's best team" she laughed in a mocking tone.

"I thought my mother could do better than this" she said still laughing.

"well I won't be so sure if I were you" Madelyn said which only made Adrienne laugh harder.

"You're so pathetic but I admire your courage" Adrienne continued.

"You're coming home Adrienne" Tranio said.

"how sweet" Adrienne said scoffing

"we've come to save you from whatever force Bianca has been sensing" I said and Bianca gasped then shook her head vigorously

"A... Adr.. Adrienne is the evil force I've been sensing" Bianca gasped shocked.

"wow! At leat there's a clever one among you" Adrienne said.

"well either way we're taking you down" Madelyn said giving Tranio a signal and he made the ground shake where Adrienne was and stones came crashing on her.

"well so much for dark force" Tranio said smiling but was cut off as the pile of stones started shaking and Adrienne came out smiling.

"aww cute but way mediocre" Adrienne said as she sent Tranio crashing into a wall surrounding him with icicle and he was unable to move.

"Tranio!" Madelyn said rushing over to him trying to release him but the icicle only grew longer preventing her from going any closer then Adrienne froze her into an ice sculpture.

"Madelyn?" I called tapping the ice.

"what have you done!" I shouted.

"oh I'm so sorry for freezing your friend Ashley" she said feigning sympathy. "but you made this personal when you made out with my boyfriend in the garden!" she yelled.

"what are talking about?" I asked confused

"oh come on don't pretend I knew what happened between you and my Ralph in the garden" she said scoffing and I remembered.

"oh we didn't..."

"I warned you I told you he was mine but you still dared me now you die!" she said blasting at me unexpected but Ralph pushed me out in time.

"okay that does it" Ralph said coming to stand toe to toe with Adrienne. "look I was never yours okay so stop talking like we shared anything" Ralph snapped.

"oh baby but you kissed me so passionately" she said holding his face in her hands and he pushed her away irritation clear on his face.

"baby I love it when you get mad but I don't want to fight you darling this is between Ashley and I so how about I keep you busy" she said and conjured a large ice monster who immediately attacked Raphael.

"Ashely her source is from her crown destr...." biance was saying but Adrienne cut her off by freezing her.

"well Ashley face it you're useless without your friends, just a weak poor bitch" Adrienne said as she quickly conjured a large ice sword and dragged it across the ground as she walked towards me.

"turns out the dark room makes you stronger and now I have its powers" she said as her crown started emitting rays which gave me a massive headache.

"now I can torture you as I wish" she said laughing. What a sick freak.

"what do you want Adrienne?" I asked on one knee what was that crown doing to me.

"nothing much just for you to die I should have killed you the first time" she said as she flung the sword almost extracting my head from my shoulders but I dodged it. I couldn't control my ulterego it seemed to come when it wanted.

"I guess I'll have to do this myself" I murmured as I kicked her down and we kept on fighting hitting and doging each other's blows then she sliced my arm a bit.

"Ashley" Ralph called hearihg the sound of the sword opening my flesh.

I kicked the sword away from her hand.

"your mind is an open book so unprotected even after experiencing the tortue of the dark room now your going to experience more torture" she said.

Hey guys I really hope I tried for the action part
Also don't forget to vote, share and comment thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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