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For the first time I actually looked at him from the attractive side. I had always known he was handsome but that smile was bliss he should smile more often, I just nodded as we headed back to school with Madelyn levitating an iced Adrienne.

"did you really have to freeze her Ash she's so heavy" Madelyn complained and I laughed and turned to see Ralph staring at me but instead of saying something rude as always or rolling his eyes he just smiled and I blushed a little.


I cussed under my breath as I looked away maybe saving his life softened his heart and I decided to walk over to him.

"well this day was completely awkward" he said I didn't expect him to talk first.

"why?" I asked

"I can't believe my life depended on a girl" he replied

"really you're not going to change?" I asked and he chuckled a bit and walked ahead of me.


We arrived at school and delivered Adrienne to her mother the semester wasn't even over but miss Victoria was shutting the school down and everyone was packing and going home.

Madelyn and I went to see the school nurse and she removed the knife and blood started gushing out. I looked away till she was done and bandaged my hand and we went back to our room to finish packing.

"I can't believe this is goodbye" Clara said almost crying.

"well no matter what we'll still be friends" Nicole encouraged and Bianca was already crying she had always been with us since the beginning.

Madelyn laughed with tears in her eyes "I'm going to miss you guys so much" I said blinking back the tears and we hugged each other Clara and Nicole were the first to leave.

"I'm really going to miss you guys" Madelyn said cleaning the tear that escaped and she started laughing.

"I still have to say goodbye to the guys" she said

"we'll come with" Bianca said and I shrugged and followed them everywhere was busy people hugging, crying and leaving after a while we found Tranio and Madelyn walked over to him and hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you" she said

"me too" he replied hugging her back

"where's Ralph?" I asked

"on a call with his mum" he replied and I nodded.

Ralph's POV

"hey mum school's over Tranio and I are coming back home" I said over the phone.

"so soon?" she asked

"yeah something came up" I replied

"who are you talking to?" I heard my father's voice in the background and I almost smiled at the sound of his voice I never thought I would miss him.

"Raphael" my mum replied.

"you better not let that beast back in this house" he said and my little smile disappeared.

"shhh!! I'm on the phone" my mum whispered.

"Ralph's coming back? That guy ruins everything " I heard my eldest brother Cain say in the background.

"he's your brother" my mum said.

"well I wish he wasn't he's a monster" Cain said and tears started burning in my eyes.

"Raphael honey you can come back home there's no.......... " my mum was saying but I hung up and sent my phone flying into the wall smashing it and it broke to pieces then I ran out of the school.

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