Chapter 13

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A/N: I've finally got my act together and written up a chapter for this story, and I forgot how much I love this one, I'm a whole chapter ahead now wooo! 

Enjoy :D

Chapter 13

Day 2 of Tour: Texas - 2 Hours until Arrival in Arlington.

Avi pulled up on the side of the road right in front of a sign that said 'Arlington'. He leant across to tap Scott on the face, "Wake-up. I either need directions or you need to drive."
     "Or sleep," the tall blonde awkwardly turns, tucking his long legs half up before he decides he's uncomfortable and tries to stretch.
     "I'll tell you where to go," Kirstie's groggy voice comes from the back. She leans up against his seat with her eyes half closed. "It's still at least a two hour drive babe, you're not tired right?"
     "I think I've got another two hours in me."
     "What time is it?" Scott mumbles from his seat, his head still turned away from them.
     "Oh so you are awake?" Avi chuckles as he pulls back out onto the road.
     Scott groans, "It's so much lighter than I thought."
     "It's about six," Kirstie tells him, resting her phone on his shoulder in an attempt to show him the time in case he didn't believe her.
     "Oh my god stop!" Mitch suddenly screeches out from behind Kirstie, jolting everyone from their half-asleep or asleep states. "I'm gonna be sick!"
     Avi slams on the brakes and Kirstie opens the door, jumping from her seat that Esther adjusts and flicks forward so that Mitch can escape.
     He falls to his knees the second he's out of the car and vomits on the side of the road.
     "I now remember him saying something about getting major car-sick," Scott says before wincing at the sound the throwing up.
     Kirstie places a comforting hand on Mitch's back while she tries not to gag, she has never done too well with other people vomiting but she could stay strong she was sure of it.
     Esther and Avi get out of the car. Esther gently pushes Kirstie away when the smaller girl violently gags again and takes her cue to stand with Mitch. Avi walks Kirstie a little way away before she too vomits. Avi pulls her hair back and averts his gaze, sitting with her until she stopped.
     Kevin offers Mitch some tissues while Scott walks some over to Kirstie.
     "Do you want some water?" Esther asks Mitch, offering him the bottle that Kevin had handed her. "Hun you should have told us you get car sick, and for the record you are no longer sitting in the back seat," she tries to joke and she earns a small chuckle from the shaking Mitch.
     "I'm usually better when I sit in the front, I figured a window would work," he says slowly, taking small sips of water.
     "Done and done, front seat for Mitch," Esther calls out so that everyone can hear.
     Kevin nods while Avi and Scott respond with a yep.
     "I'm sure Kirstie would say fine too, but she's too busy pity-puking," Scott half laughs at his own joke, when no one else laughs his smile falls and he turns away as if he'd said nothing.
     "I've finished now," Kirstie says as she stands up, wobbles then leans on Avi for support.
     "I can drive, you sit with Kirst," Scott nods at Avi as he makes his way back to the car.
      Esther helps Mitch back to the car, Kevin holds the door open for them. He and Esther end up in the back seats while Kirstie and Avi are in the middle once they all get back in.
     "You okay?" Scott quietly asks Mitch as he pulls back onto the road.
     "My mouth tastes like crap and I can feel vomit in my nose."
     "Oh... ew."
     "Tell me about it," Mitch scoffs.

After what seemed like a long two hours the group finally pull up beside Kirstie's house and what would be home base for at least a couple of days, Scott might go and stay with his family though, he hadn't really decided since it was best for the group to all be together as much as possible.
     "You know what the best part isAvi?" Kirstie speaks as she looks out the window at the house she grew up in."Graycie's only coming over for the concert tomorrow, she's staying at her dad's while we're in Texas." She turns to face her boyfriend when he doesn't respond, he was fast asleep.
     "I think we should just leave him in the car," Scott chuckles.
     "I'd be on board for that, but his seat is the one that slides forward so that me and Kev can get out," Esther explains.
     "I almost reckon that we could slide it forward and he wouldn't wake up," Kevin jokes.
     "Challenge accepted!" Scott grins like a mad man before all but leaps from the driver's seat and opens the sliding door behind him. Mitch calmly gets out watching the situation from behind Scott.
     Kevin helps Scott slowly slide the seat forward; the seat stops halfway and won't go any further.
     "Oh crap, Kirstie unbuckle him,"Scott tries to say without laughing. The others all can't help but laugh alittle too.
     Avi just about falls from his seat when they slide it all the way forward, but Kirstie stops him, holding him up as best she can while Esther and Kevin get out. Scott slides the seat back,Kirstie buckles Avi back in then she gets out and Esther slides the door shut.
     "Should I lock it?" Scott asks.
      Esther shakes her head, "Nah he's already gonna freak out enough," she smiles almost deviously.
      "I feel kind of bad," Kirstie says, looking back over her shoulder as they walk up to the front door.
      "He'll be fine," Esther waves her off and they all follow Kirstie into the house where they're received warmly by Angelica.
      "It's so nice to see you honey,"Kirstie stands there getting squeezed by her mom for far longer than others, of course. She pulls back with one arm still around her daughter's shoulders,looking over the group she turns to Kirstie, "Where's Avi?"

A/N: Sooo what did you think about the first chapter back?

Love Hannah :)

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