Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Heeey! I have 100 followers, thank you all so much for following me, it means a lot and to celebrate I'm updating all my stories, Kirstie and the Cobras will be tomorrow hopefully and then maybe a new story if you're interested, let me know. Please enjoy and don't forget to make my day by voting and commenting :D

Chapter Eleven

1 hour until leaving for tour.

Avi sits laid out along the couch as he waits for Kevin to stop fluffing about with his checklists.   He is on his laptop since he knows he needs to conserve phone battery for the 20 hour trip.
     "Kev you've gone over that list enough times that I know you've got everything on it," he says as he looks up at his best friend.
     "If I'm leaving for seven weeks I have to be 1000 per cent sure I haven't forgotten anything."
     "Well I'm 2000 per cent sure you haven't, so just relax."
     "That gives me no confidence coming from the guy who forgot his underwear when we went to Europe," he rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
     "But it was okay because I bought more, I got to own European underwear," he jokes in an attempt to make Kevin relax.
    "Okay that's not as funny as you think it is," he shakes his head. "You know what the worst part of this tour is? It's not even missing classes, it's that I can't take Beyoncé, I practice on her every day. You get to take your guitar," he gestures over at Avi's pile for tour. "That thing is going to drive everyone nuts by the end."
     "Okay firstly, my guitar is less than half the size of your cello, secondly if mine breaks it'll cost hundreds less to fix. And thirdly, I'm a great guitar player and everyone will love it thank you very much," he folds his arms in a huff.
    "Sure, sure," he sighs as he finally sits down in the arm chair, but he was in no way relaxed, sitting on the edge of it with his hands clasped together.
    "Kevin if you forget something it's not the end of the world. Besides if you've forgotten it then it's probably not that important."
     Kevin turns with a raised eyebrow to Avi, "Like underwear."
     "Hey, we've already sorted that situation thank you very much," he points an accusing finger. "I can make a quick list for you though, like underwear, pants, shirts, toothbrush, pyjamas, school books, phone charger, laptop... phone charger," he pauses.
     "You said that already," he frowns.
     "No I need to get my phone charger!" Avi stands up, dropping his laptop on the couch before he runs off down the hall.


20 minutes until leaving for tour.

Kirstie jumps on her suitcase, almost toppling off as she tries to jam it shut. "Gail get it! Get it now!" she calls out as her roommate rushes over to zip up the suitcase.
     She pulls at the zip and shakes her head, "It's not happening Kirst," she tries pulling the zip again.
     Kirstie is bouncing on the suitcase when the door to her room opens and her and Gail look up.
"I'd like to say that this is the weirdest thing I've ever walked in on you doing, but it's not," Scott says with a laugh, dragging his bags through the doorway.
     "Shut-up," she replies slightly breathlessly before she starts bouncing again.
     "Why don't you wear one of the chunkier pairs of shoes and put the sandals in there?" Gail suggests.
     Kirstie stops, "That might be a good idea." She slides off the suitcase and flips the lip open.
     "At least nothing flew out this time," Gail jokes as she drops back on her own bed.
     Kirstie smiles as she pulls out a pair of boots with a large chunky heel and replaces them with the sandals she had been wearing. She still has to lean on the case to get it to shut, but it does finally zip up.
     "I thought girls were supposed to be good at packing?" Scott asks with a chuckle.
     "We are, just not if it's for seven weeks!" she retorts.
     "That's fair enough, I struggled too, but I always do, I can never choose."
     "Oh you're telling me, but do you know how much spare room you have compared to me? Ten bras worth of space, not to mention all the pads I had to squeeze in so that I won't have to buy them while I'm with you guys."
     "And you have two bags Scott, she has one," Gail points out.
     "See, I did so much better than you, I mean I have a backpack too, but you would as well right?"
     Scott nods, "Yep, underneath," he gestures to his pile, "Your suitcase is twice the size of one of my bags though."
     Kirstie is about to reply with Mitch knocks on the open door, peering in on the scene.
     "Come in," Kirstie smiles over at him.
     Mitch casts half a glance at Scott as he walks in, and then keeps his head down to avoid looking at the blonde again.
     "Mitch has more bags than me," Scott mumbles, half glancing at him.
     Kirstie rolls her eyes, "This is no longer borderline pathetic guys, it is pathetic. The other three are going to be here very soon to pick us up and I want you two to have a decent conversation before we leave or we won't leave," she folds her arms.
     "We have had plenty of decent conversations, it's just getting past the slight awkwardness of being around your ex," Mitch sighs.
     Her eyes widen, "Wait what? When did that happen?"
     "Like a week ago," Scott shrugs.
     "It just wasn't working," Mitch adds.
     "No," Kirstie sighs sadly. "Well I don't mean to sound like a bitch but you two are going to have to suck it up for the next seven weeks because we are all going to be stuck in a car together and we can't have this negative energy, I'm sorry but we just can't. Now we need to go down to the gate and wait for them there." She huffs, standing up to drag her suitcase off the bed and pick up her backpack. "Bye Gail, have fun without me," she chuckles.
    "Easy done," she laughs as she waves them out. "You guys try and have fun too!"
     The Trio make their way down to the quad in awkward silence. Kirstie didn't know what to say, and of course the other two weren't talking.
     They're met half way across by Avi who offers to take Kirstie's bag for her. Smiling she accepts his offer, left with her backpack as he leads the three of them back to where he'd come from.
     "Oh that's cool," Scott comments of the SUV Esther had rented for them.
     "We had money left in the budget for a really good one, best air con, best sound system, plenty of seating and boot space. It's great," she smiles back at it lovingly, stroking the hood.
     "Oh no, she's in love," Avi jokes, earning a small amount of laughter from everyone but Esther who casts him a glare.
     "Just for that, you can get their stuff in the boot," she says as she gets into the driver's seat.
     "Who's in the front?" Scott asks.
     Kevin goes to answer, but Kirstie cuts him off, "You are."
     "I was going to navigate," Kevin frowns.
     "Well I want to sit next to Avi, and we can't have Mitch and Scott together at the moment so you need to take on for the team," Kirstie snaps.
     "Maybe Mitch should navigate then, I'm not very good at it," Scott observes.
     "You know how to get to Texas Scott, just sit in the damn front."
      Scott nods slowly at the short girl in front of him. They load up the boot with their bags, having to pull Avi and Kevin's out so that they could get Kirstie's large suitcase in flat. Everything ended up jammed in, and Esther could just see out the back window. But Avi decided that his guitar was much safer in the seats with them.
     Avi and Kirstie sat in the back row with the guitar between them, then Kevin and Mitch in the row in front. Scott and Esther were of course in the front. When everyone was buckled in and finally ready to go, Esther pull away from the curb and they started their journey towards Texas and the start of their tour.

A/N: Please don't hate me! I am so so sorry about Scomiche, it just kinda needed to happen this way, sorry.
     I hope you guys like the chapter other than that, and hopefully I won't be making you guys wait too long for the next one.


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