Chapter Seven

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A/N: All this stuff about class and credits and tours, I've got no clue what really happens, but let's just role with what I've got and not question it (unless it makes no sense at all, then by all means question it :P)

AVI – Chapter Seven

Kirstie walks up to Avi and Kevin, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend and resting her head on his shoulder she whispers, "Some people seem like they'd make the most perfect couple and then nothing goes right."
     Avi watches her with a frown as she steps back from the hug with her vague words, had that been intended for them? Or... he glance up at Scott and Mitch who standing some distance apart, that had changed since the last time he'd seen them.
     She takes his hand, interlacing their fingers as she walks with them the few steps back over to the aforementioned two.
     "So," Kevin nods once when everyone stays quiet. "Scott?" he turns to the usually most talkative member of the group.
    "Right, so I think you all know what this is about," he starts, looking over the other members.
     "The tour," Kirstie nods with a smile.
     "Yes, the tour, the Sing Off Winning Tour that the Warblers have been doing for the past four years. We won and so we get to go to a bunch of high schools and perform our songs from the competition. What's usually done is you go to the previous high schools of your members, but since that'd only be three I think we'd need to organise some more."
     Kevin casts a glance at Avi who is staring silently-wide-eyed at the ground. "We can't go to our school."
     Scott, Mitch and Kirstie all turn to face Kevin, Avi keeps his head down; he knew Kevin was saying it on his account.
     "Oh right," Scott nods slowly, "I mean it'd be completely different people there now though, especially with you guys..." he trails off as Kevin slowly shakes his head and Avi's snaps up.
     "What does it matter about the people? Kevin what did you tell him?" Avi pulls away from Kirstie, taking an angry step closer to Kevin.
     "I told him you didn't like high school cause the people sucked," he lies.
     Avi watches the beatboxer closely, "Well you shouldn't have told him anything," he spins back around to face Scott, "I don't want to go to my school, we're not going to my school!" he almost yells before practically running off back out of the gate he and Kevin had entered through.
     "Should I go after him?" Kirstie points over her shoulder, turning her head to watch him.
     "No, maybe give him a couple of minutes?" Kevin suggests and Kirstie nods with a sigh.
     "So should we just keep going, I mean Avi will be fine with anything else right?" Scott asks but doesn't wait for an answer as he continues. "I'm thinking we go between Texas and California, like as in we go as far as Texas, no I mean we start there and then make our way back going to amount of states we're supposed to."
     "Which is how many?" Kevin asks.
     "I think it's like 10, but I'm thinking a couple of shows in each and that'd only be a couple of weeks, no big deal," he shrugs.
     Kirstie nods slowly, "That sounds good to me."
     "Yeah, as long as we do have some time to get class work done, we'll get behind otherwise," Kevin observes.
     "Yeah I know! Did you know that if I were a senior I'd get credit and not have to do one of the assessments? Because I'm studying music. Avi will get it with his opera major, I don't know about theatre though, but it would only be if you guys were seniors," Scott points between Mitch and Kirstie.
     "Well that's unfair," Kirstie pouts. "But so Kevin's a senior too," she turns to him, "But you won't get the credits because you're a medical major," her brow furrows.
     "That's what it sounds like. I guess it's sort of like you guys study music, so being a part of musical extra-curricula's is helpful towards your work, it wouldn't be for me. But I don't understand why it's only if your seniors, you'll have to look that up," Kevin tells them.
     "Yeah we will," Scott nods. "Let's get back on topic, so we only know of two places we're actually going, me and Kirstie's high school, and Mitch's high school, that's two in Texas so far, but we still have to book it. And we have to book the rest of them... you know this is why groups usually have a teacher helper or something, we totally skipped over that last year in our rush to form the group," he says scratching the back of his head.
     "How did it work with the Warblers?" Mitch asks quietly.
     "Everything was just sorted, we just went on the tour, we were told where we were going and where we were staying, there was like four people organising the whole thing and we just had to show up. They're paid out of the budget," Kirstie explains.
     "What's the budget?" Kevin asks, "The School's covering it right? Because I don't think we could afford this ourselves."
     "I don't know the amount, but yeah the school covers it, and I reckon we should hire someone," she nods.
     "Well we don't need four, we just hire one person to organise everything, our budget won't be as big because we're only a quarter of the size of the Warblers, it's not entirely fair because we'll be doing the same amount of work as them, but whatever, we'll have more fun," Scott smiles.
     "If we hire one person they need to be able to do the driving, and we'll only need a van, not a bus. But then that person can't do all the driving themselves, you guys will have to do some," Kirstie adds.
     "Because you don't drive, right?" Mitch raises an eyebrow as Kirstie nods,
      "Well I don't drive at night, I'm happy to drive any other time, just not at night. Avi would do well at night," Kevin speaks with a shrug.
     "We can sort out driving schedules once we've actually found our person, how do we even go about finding one of them?" Scott asks.
     "Oh! Avi's sister does travel stuff, we could ask her about the kind of person we should ask," Kirstie grins, clasping her hands together.
    Kevin tips his head back before he looks across at Kirstie, "We don't have to ask Esther who we should ask, we ask Esther to be the person, she works at a travel agency. She plans trips for a living. If we pay her I'm sure she'd do it, she and Avi are really close, we get him to ask her and she won't say no."
     "We know she's super nice, we met her at the competition, so that's not an issue. But is she good at what she does?" Scott raises an eyebrow.
     "Esther is the most organised person I've ever met, she will not steer us wrong," Kevin speaks with confidence.


Kirstie walks out the gate and down the path looking out for Avi's car, she really hoped he hadn't left yet. She sighed in relief when she saw him in his pick-up just up the road. She quickly makes her way towards the truck and taps on the window to get his attention, and offering him a half smile he opens the door for her to slide in with him.
     "What's up?" she asks as she pulls the door shut behind her.
     Avi shakes his head, slumping down in his seat a little further.
     "Come on, you can tell me."
     He shakes his head again, "I can't tell anyone."
     "I think Kevin knows, well I know Kevin knows, but Scott knows something too. Avi I'm your girlfriend, why can't you tell me?"
     He shrugs.
     "Fine, not today. One day I will get it out of you though," she sighs, flopping back against the seat before she turns to him again. "We need you to call Esther."
     "Because we want her to be our tour manager, we'll pay her, we just need someone that's all."
     "I'm not sure she'd have the time."
     "It's only a couple of weeks, she could take time off and we'd pay her. She just has to do a little organising for us because we have assessments and class and all that to worry about. Also I won't be the only girl for the duration, being stuck in a van with you four would probably do my head in," she jokes, earning a small smile from Avi.
    "I guess I can ask, there's no harm in that, Esther does love to organise," he says with a growing smile.

A/N: Woo we're getting more Esther :D Do you guys like that?
      Yay for an update, hopefully there's many more to come over the next few weeks!

Love Hannah :) 

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