Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: So I don't know if this is a bit of a nothing chapter but I thought it would be a nice sort of moment between them, I hope you guys like it :)

Also just in case, because I can't remember if I've mentioned it before or not, but this story takes place in 2011.

Chapter 16

Day 3 of Tour: Texas – 8:24pm

Avi sat on the chair in Kirstie's room with his laptop. He was concentrating intently on what was on the screen when Kirstie walks in.
     "What you up to?" she asks but he doesn't answer. "Avi?"
     "Just a moment," he speaks quickly as he smiles at the screen. A couple of moments later he looks up at Kirstie and pulls out his earbuds. "Yep."
      "What were you watching?" she sits down on the side of her bed across from Avi.
     "A trailer that Josh sent me, it's this new-"
     "My brother," he frowns.
     "Oh, no I knew that, I just thought it was Jason for some reason," she frowns looking down at her hands."Anyway continue."
     "It's a new show and it's gonna have Dragons in it, so I can't wait to watch it when we get back," he smiles."Josh reckons it's meant to be since it actually aired on my birthday. I just can't believe I'm only now finding out about it. Dragons," he chuckles, shaking his head slowly, almost in disbelief with a great big grin on his face.
     "What's it called?" she asks.
     "Game of Thrones."
     She nods, "That's that medieval one where heaps of people die right? I've heard of it, but it doesn't really appeal to me," she scrunches up her face.
     "Well I love Medieval stuff,that's why I can't believe I haven't heard of it before now. My brother must really love me," he laughs.
     "He's probably missing you, being so far away and all. Australia right?"
     Avi nods, "Yeah that'd be right,he's coming back at the end of the year though, I'm really excited about it,"he nods with a smile.
     "I've never asked, but why is your brother in Australia?"
     "He's in the army so he goes where they tell him, but he finishes soon so mom's thrilled of course."
     "Well that's really cool that he's in the army, but still why Australia there's no war there or anything right?"she raises an eyebrow.
     "Oh, no that's because he got hurt in Iraq and so now he's in Australia doing training stuff with them, I think,I'm not exactly sure what he's doing but I'm sure he'll tell me when I see him," Avi nods with a proud smile on his face.
     A realisation hits Kirstie, "He Was in hospital when Esther went over there wasn't he?"
Avi nods, "That he was, Mom and Dad had just been to visit him because they had the cruise over Hanukkah and Josh didn't want them to miss out. I was the only one who didn't go and visit him," he frowns looking at the ground, "Do you think he'll be mad at me?"
     Kirstie slides off the bed to kneel in front of Avi, lifting his face up, "He will not be, I mean I don't know him but I have to assume he won't be. You're in college Avi, no one can expect you to be able to afford a trip to Australia on such short notice. And he's your brother, he won't be mad at you. Besides he just sent you a link to something he knows you'll love, a Medieval show with Knights and Castles and Dragons,"she smiles, taking his hands in hers.
     He nods slowly, "You're right."
     "Of course I am," she chuckles. She shuts his laptop and places it down on her bed then stands up to sit on his lap.
     "I should thank you though," he says as he looks up at her.
     "Really? Why?"
      He shrugs, "Well I guess you inviting me to come and have Christmas with you distracted me. I would have been all by myself thinking about my brother and missing my mom and dad."
She looks down at her hands, "I'm sure Kevin would have had you go to his house."
     "Maybe, but I wouldn't have gone,like don't get me wrong his family are lovely people but they celebrate Christmas for what it really is, they spend most of their time at church and taking about Jesus. There is only so much of that that I can handle, like a birthday cake for baby Jesus," he smiles.
      Kirstie laughs, "So Kevin's family is a little more in your face religion than mine then?"
     He nods. "You know when I was really little I always wanted to celebrate Christmas. I used to wake up and hope that maybe Santa had decided to visit me that year too, like he did all the other kids at school. I hated it when the teacher would ask the class after winter break, 'what did Santa get you for Christmas?' and then she'd awkwardly skip over me and another Jewish kid Nate. Like do people not get that we get gifts for Hanukkah too," he sighs.
     Kirstie wraps her arms around her boyfriend and kisses the top of his head, "What did you get for Hanukkah Avi?"
     He half smiles, "I got some shirts,a CD, a couple of books. And then all the stuff from you," he chuckles.
     "You don't have to ask me, you already know everything I got, except that Mitch and Scott bought me a dress that I'm never going to wear."
      "Why not?"
      "Well it's way too short, way too low cut and there's basically no back, not to mention how tight it is. I'm pretty sure they only got it as a joke though, at least I hope it was because I'm not wearing something with that little fabric unless it's underwear," she laughs."I feel like it was a case of Mitch had the idea and Scott jumped on board because he'd forgotten to buy me a present just like every other year."
     Avi laughs.
     And Kirstie knew she wasn't going to even try and get the story out of him about high school and the supposed girl Scott somehow knew about. He was already down enough about his brother,she didn't want to upset him further by asking him about something he clearly wasn't ready to tell her about.    

A/N: Thoughts?

Hannah :)

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