Chapter 17

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A/N: It has been a while hasn't, well Avi, Kirstie, Scott and Mitch are all back and they're up to no good, but two of them don't know that the other two are up to no good of course :P

 this one's for you, thanks for messaging me about this one :)

Scott let his head hang down as he leant on his legs and tried to adjust his breathing to the warm, thick sauna air. This wasn't as relaxing as he thought it would be, a cold dip in the pool will be much appreciated after this. He didn't know how long you were supposed to stay in the sauna, but he didn't want to look weak and leave after only a minute. Those two old guys would judge him so hard.
     Scott sat back with his eyes closed and for some ungodly reason, someone sat beside him, all this room, only two other people and this guy chose to sit beside him. What the actual fuck?
     "Can I help you?" Scott's eyes wrenched open, and he had to reign his attitude back in when he realised it was Avi's brother Josh. "Oh sorry Josh."
     Josh shrugged, "No it's my bad, I should have asked, I can move?"
     "No, you're fine."
     Josh smiled, "Well thanks, so are you."
     He tried to stop his eyebrows from flying off his head, nothing about this guy so far had pinged, and then that comment.
     A smirk was fast on Josh's face, knowing he'd surprised Scott. "So how are you liking the resort so far?"
     "It's great, really great," he swallowed as Josh's knee knocked against his.
     "Yeah, we've been here a couple of times before, Esther always loved it, mostly because it's so pristine and the place runs like clockwork. Have you been to the beach yet?"
     "Uh, no, no I haven't," Scott didn't know why he was so flustered around this man, it's not like he's super attractive, because he wasn't, he was average.
     "Well you definitely ought to get down there. Ooo, we could go down there tonight, no one's there when it's dark, that is an experience in itself, not withholding what else I have planned. Have you ever skinny-dipped Scott?"
     Of course he had, but was he being himself, or good Scott? Because good Scott didn't want to play right now, but boy oh boy did bad Scott want to. "Believe it or not, I have," he smirks flirtatiously.
     "Great, I'll see you there then. South entrance B at half-eleven."
     And as quickly as he was there, he was gone, leaving Scott with a stupid smile stuck on his face.


Kirstie smoothed out her dress as she and Avi scurried towards the restaurant.
     "Sorry about that," Avi apologized with a deep breath.
     Kirstie scoffed, "What are you apologizing for?"
     "I had your skirt around your waist when that old couple got in that elevator," he smoothed out his hair that hadn't budged a millimeter.
     "Oh, right, because that's very inappropriate," she spoke slowly, almost unsure of her words.
     "So inappropriate."
     "So, so, inappropriate," she affirmed.
     "And I promise, it won't happen again."
     "Of course, wait what?" She stopped him before he opened the door to the restaurant. "What won't happen again, the elevator, or-"
     "Any of it," Avi said seriously.
     "Why?" Kirstie asked quietly.
     "Because you're not like the girls I usually date, and I'm not gonna take advantage of you," he turned away.
     She spun him back around, "You're not taking advantage of me, if I didn't want you kissing me like that then I would have stopped you," she spoke a little forcefully.
     "Kirstin, you just, I don't think you get it, you're just so sweet, and kind and good, and I'm not," he sighed.
     "But Avi you don't really know me-"
     "I know enough-"
     "No, you really don't. Avi I'm not-"
     "Avi, Kirstin, yoo-hoo!" Mitch waggled his fingers at them. "Yeah hi."
     They both turn to him. "What are you doing here Mitch? You said you weren't coming to dinner," the look Avi gave his step-brother wasn't pleasant.
     "Scott was supposed to find you," Kirstin spoke meekly.
     "Yeah, well he didn't. And I'm bored and hungry so I came to you two, lucky for me you're not even in there yet so I can order my own plate and not scab off of yours," he slung his arms over their shoulders. "I am literally starving." He marched the three of them into the restaurant.


Mitch did not shut up for the entirety of dinner and he barely let Kirstin or Avi get a word in, even as they walked along the boardwalk.
     "And tomorrow we're swimming with dolphins, so Scott better actually show up for that," Mitch gave Kirstie a sharp look.
     She frowned back at him back at him, this guy really wasn't making it easier for Scott to like him, Mitch is so obnoxious, Scott hated obnoxious guys. "Why dolphins?"
     "What else would you swim with? Sharks?" Mitch's snark was coming through thick with the four margarita's he'd downed at dinner.
     "Something less, I don't know, less scary, like... turtles?"
     "Oh my god!" Mitch groaned, "Why are you so boring? Dolphins aren't scary."
     "I'm not boring," she snapped back, coming to a stop. "I'm actually a lot of fun," her hands went to her hips.
     Avi stayed beside her, but Mitch kept going until he realised they weren't following. "No, you're boring, fun people don't spend all their spare time at church and dress like a 50's housewife."
     "For god's sake, what did I ever do to you? Why can't we have a conversation where you don't insult me?" Her arms dropped.
     "Mitch, seriously man, lay off," Avi backed Kirstin up.
     "Oh, you're taking her side?" Mitch laughed.
     "Yes Mitch, I am, because you're being a dick!"
     "I am not! I'm just pissed because this thing has been a colossal waste of time, your date is a prude, mines a no show, and there is something just 'off' about the both of them!"
     "Avi I think he's jealous," Kirstie said to him, cutting Mitch from the conversation just as Mitch had done to her.
     "I think you're right."
     Mitch scoffed, "I'm not jealous."
     "Yes you are, you're jealous of the fact that I like Avi, but Scott doesn't like you," she pointed accusingly.
     "You know you act all nice, but you're really a bitch."
     "I'd say two of us, but I don't think you could act nice if you tried."
     "Woah, hey, what's going on here?" Scott hurried over, his clothes were absorbing the water he hadn't dried off in his rush to get over here.
     Mitch would have answered with a clever retort but there was a more pressing matter, apparently Josh hadn't felt the same urgency as Scott.
     "What. The. Actual. Fuck!" Mitch said in absolute disgust.
     Avi turned around, saw what Mitch saw, almost vomited a little in his mouth, and was lucky enough to stop Kirstin from doing the same. He pulled her closer, covering both her eyes with his hands.
     "What?" Kirstin panicked.
     "At least put your fucking pants on!" Mitch squeaked out.
     "Why Mitch, you feeling insecure?" Josh's hands were on his hips, his clothes balled up in his fists, everything else on show.
     "No!" Mitch answered too quickly.
     "You know, I don't want to be a part of whatever the hell this is," he kept Kirstin's eyes covered with one hand and gestured with the other. "I'm gonna take Kirstin and we're gonna go."
     "But I wanna know what's happening," she argued.
     "No, trust me, you don't, in fact I wish I was as lucky as you and couldn't see anything," Avi told Kirstin as he walked her away from the situation and back up to the resort, her eyes still covered.
     "I'll admit, this is a little awkward," Scott chuckled.
     "Try a lot awkward," Mitch glared.
     "I actually think this is hilarious," Josh Cheshire grinned.
     "Yeah," Mitch's teeth were clenched, "You would Joshua." Mitch can not believe this happened again.

A/N: Do we feel sorry for Mitch or is this some sort of karma?

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