Chapter 25

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A/N: Sorry about the break on this one so soon after I set the schedule, total dumb-dumb on my part. Never the less, here's the chapter, it's nice and long, enjoy the chaos XD

Standing face to face in a clearing, surrounded by trees, but they could still hear the noise from the party, and see the resort lights from the opposite side, were Kirstie and Esther.
     "Here," Kirstie produced a small snap lock bag from her bra.
     "Oh, pills?" Esther's eyebrows shot up, "I thought you meant weed."
     Kirstie scoffed, "You don't do weed this early in the night, you need an upper," she tipped the pills into her hand, examining them. "This," she handed one to Esther, "I think."
     "What do you mean 'you think?" Esther panicked.
     "Well this is only a sample of my mystery bag, and that's like the whole point of a mystery bag, surprise right?" She giggled.
     "I suppose," Esther nodded.
     "Yeah!" Kirstie chucked back a green pill and instructed Esther to take the purple one in her hand.
     "The more fun the colour, the more fun the pill!" Kirstie squealed, "At least in my experience."
     Esther swallowed her pill, it was a little rough going down without water, but she managed, "So how long does this normally take?"
     Kirstie shrugged, "If you've had some drinks, it'll be almost instant, but otherwise: maybe quicker than a standard painkiller. The aftereffects though, damn, those can go on for days," she laughed. "Like this one time-"
     "Days?" Esther's smile dropped and so did Kirstie's.
     "But that's not that likely, unless you took a few or it's like your first time."
     Esther's eyes were as wide as saucers, "It is my first time!"
     "Oh shit."
     "Fuck! I'm getting married tomorrow!"
     Kirstie's hands shot to her mouth with a gasp, "Oh my god... congratulations!"
     Esther broke into an enormous grin, "I know!" They linked hands and spun. "I'm getting married!"
     "You're getting married!"
     "To Kevin!"
     "Aww, Kevin!"
     They fell to the ground in a fit of giggles.


Scott ran up to Avi, "Where's Kirstie-in? Where's Kirstin?"
     "I don't know, last I saw she was with you."
     Scott groaned, a hand going through his perfectly styled hair. "I figured if she wasn't with me then she'd be somewhere with you, but here you are, at the bar, without Kirstie-in, Kirstin."
     "She is an adult, she can do her own thing. Where did you see her last?"
     "She was talking to your sister and then she was gone."
     "So we'll ask Esther then?" Avi said, glancing around the gathering. "Where's Esther?"
     Avi kept looking, eyes darting from side to side. "What were they talking about?" Avi asked, panic starting to seep in, Esther wouldn't abandon her own party.
     "Relaxing, I don't know, I wasn't trying to spy."
     Mitch walked over nonchalantly, "What have you two lost?"
     "My sister."
     Mitch snorted back laughter, "Oops, well some good news, Kevin's still in on our performance, yay!" He did jazz hands but Avi and Scott weren't paying attention to him. "Good news!" Mitch talked louder.
     "Great, but there will be no performance if we don't find Kirstie." Scott being taller, still couldn't see either of the women.
     "Or Esther," Avi added with a shake of his head.
     "Good point," Mitch started, "What if-"
     "Oh my god, relaxing!" Scott's eyes went wide, "Fuck, um, we need to find them now," he emphasised each word, pointing to the ground. "Let's split up. I got the beach, Mitch forest-"
     "I- no," Mitch put his hand up.
     "He won't go in there, I'll go," Avi rolled his eyes.
     "Fine, Mitch, you pain in the ass, our rooms, Esther's room go."
     All three men took off in opposite directions.


Scott must have looked like an Olympic speed walker as he made his way down the beach access. His loafers never completely left the sand, but he moved at pace, all trying to avoid sweating, this was the nicest shirt he'd ever stolen.
     But he came to a stop, because did he have to search the whole beach? It was getting dark and which direction was he supposed to go in first? He picked left.


Mitch only wanted to find the women for the sake of the performance, otherwise he couldn't have cared less. No bitchy Esther, fantastic! No thieving Kirstie, dream come true. But they do have the performance, so hence the women must be found.
     The light was off in Esther's suite, but he peeked in the window anyway. Immaculate, of course, empty, god-damn-it.


Avi waked into the forest, though you could barely call it a forest, a large cluster of trees maybe? You could see the resort one side, and the beach on the other. The fact that you could see civilisation from each side made Mitch a chicken, there was nothing to be afraid of, not even the horse. Wait, horse?
     He stared blankly for a moment, then he heard squealing, his gut told him to follow the noise, and he had to side step a second horse, where were they coming from? The horses weren't aggressive at all, but they would have scared Mitch.
     In the clearing there were a couple more horses of varying colours and breeds meandering around, a few standing still and just eating grass. Their pen was wide open, and it looked like two naked women were the culprits, skipping about between the horses.
     "Oh fuck!" Avi's hand shot up to cover his eyes.
     "Avi!" Kirstie cheered.
     "Avi, hi!" Esther waved, and skipped over to a cluster of three horses, two of them mini.
     "This is not happening," Avi mumbled to himself, fingers to his temples.
     Kirstie hid behind a horse, using it's main to cover herself, what are you doing here?"
     "I could ask you the same thing," he cupped his hands around his eyes, giving him vision of Kirstie only, no Esther peripherals. "What's going on?"
     "The horses deserve to be free Avi."
     "Sure, but why are you running around naked with my sister?" He turned to the left as Esther's frolicking briefly appeared in his tunnel of vision. "Are you high or something?"
     Kirstie pursed her lips, "Yep."
     Avi's eyes widened, "What the fuck? What did you take? What did you give Esther?"
     "Good question."
     His arms dropped, it was a futile effort anyway, he was already scarred for life. "How do you not know what you took?"
     "Because it's called a mystery bag Avi, duh," she punctuated with her hands, and has to quickly regather the horses mane.
     "Why are you dipping into the mystery bag the night before – No-no, that's not the-" He stopped to compose himself, there was no point in yelling, she wasn't in her right mind. "Mitch warned me, he said there was something off about you and Scott. He was right, you're out here dealing drugs to my sister, who was as squeaky-clean as they come."
     "I'm sorry, but she wanted to relax, and I wanted to be helpful, just look how much fun she's having, she needed this."
     "I am not going to look at my naked sister," He spoke firmly.
     "Then trust me, she's having so much fun."
     "I don't trust you."
     Kirstie's smile dropped.
     He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up, "I can't believe you did this."
     "Don't act like you've never done it," she spoke quietly.
     He took a step closer, "I'm not, but you did," he pointed with one hand and pulled his phone from his pocket with the other.
     "Avi, I don't know where my dress is."
     He squeezed his eyes shut, "Jesus Christ." But he slipped out of his dinner jacket and handed it to her. "That'll do for now."
     "Thank you." She pulled it on, wrapping it tightly around herself and watched him put the phone to his ear.
     Esther ran into Kirstie, "No! Lady Godiva didn't cover up and neither should you!"
     "I know," Kirstie whined, "But Avi's being a buzzkill!"
     Avi yelped, and that was the first thing Mitch heard through the phone. "Let go of me!" Avi spoke loudly, phone no longer at his ear, eyes squeezed shut.
     "Not until you stop killing our vibe!"
     "Avi! Avi!" Came from the phone as Avi dropped it into the grass.
     "Get off! This is so wrong!" He gagged.
     "It's natural, just let me hug you to calmness, deep breaths Avriel," Esther demonstrated those deep breaths for him.
     Kirstie giggled to herself, hand over her mouth.
     Avi pulled and pushed at Esther's hands, anything to get her off, but her grip was a death lock.
     "Avi! I'm coming to find you!" Mitch screeched through the phone.
     Scott ran in on the scene, coming to a stop next to Kirstie, "What did you do?" He asked in a panic.
    "We took stuff," she snickered.
     "Fuuuuuuuck," Scott groaned and stepped in, grabbing Esther around the waist and pulling.
     "STRANGER DANGER!!" Esther screamed, sending an elbow back into Scott's face. He instantly let go, but that didn't stop her from mule-kicking him in the balls and hollering in triumph.
     "She broke my nose!" Scott squealed, hand clamped firmly over his groin, the other hovering near the blood gushing from his nose.
     Kirstie dropped to her hands and knees, throwing up.
     With a rebel yell Mitch came honing down the hill from the resort, straight past the horses, spearing Esther flat to the ground.
     Unable to even take a breath, Avi watched the show in absolute horror.

A/N: So, what could possibly happen next? Is Scott gonna be okay? What about Esther? And how much trouble is Mitch gonna be in?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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