Chapter 5 - Part 2

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    Avni turned to the casually dressed man and watched him climbed down the stairs one step at a time. "What are you doing here? I didn't send for you."

    "You didn't have to. I'm here, today is the last day so give me your best shot," Avni said. Neil looked at her with narrow eyes, it was obvious that Avni wanted to end things with him as fast as possible and she didn't even bother try to be hide it. "Well, go home there is nothing for you today." He walked past her.

    She whisked ahead and blocked his path. "no. no. don't try to play games with me." She knew if she doesn't finished their deal, Neil would only use it against her. "Fine." He turned around, moved toward the double French door and they went through it. The room was big with tiled floor, tall windows that reach up to the ceiling were at every wall.

    "Scrub the floor." He turned to her to see her eyes widen and waited for her objection.

    Avni didn't expect this, it would take her two days if she was to scrub a room of this size and alone. Was he is trying to punish her for kicking him? It doesn't matter, after today she won't have a reason to meet him again.

    Determined to finish the deal she made with him, she dropped to her knees, her fingers squeeze onto a rag and grazed it along the floor. Neil was disappointed, he wanted her to refuse, to beg him but she kept her pride to the end. Now she was alone, she still didn't stop but scrubbed harder and harder. All this felt familiar,her eyes closed and she was 12 again. Crouched on the floor with a rag in her hands.

    "Keep scrubbing the floor, don't stop. You good for nothing." Her father scary voice rang in her head. Her hands automatically grazed faster and harder against the floor. She braced herself by the sound of his belt unbuckled and jolted up the moment the leather belt swiped against her back.

    She could recalled how her body jarred with each blow, how the pain seared through her skin and took away every feeling of safety and trust she ever had. Her father exerted all his effort into each strike, flogging her wasn't just about losing his temper but more of a stress relief to him. As a 12 year old girl, there was nothing she could do but to burst into tears.

    Avni was scared of what her past held, all the memories that seemed to never escape her. They were pin point needles that pierced through her skin. Avni hadn't realised how much her fingers peeled from the friction against the hard floor and now began turning red. She shook her head to bring herself back to reality, her attempt to escape from her painful past and abusive father was her greatest wish. Would she ever be free of this? Would episodes from her past always move her to tears? Just then Neil entered the room, he could hear stifled breathing and crept closer. He studied her with unwavering attention.

     "Are you crying? Avni?" his voice hinted a bit of concern.

    Her hands swiped over her cheeks in attempt to stop the tears. Her voice now cracked and raw. "Leave me alone." She didn't want him to be here. It wasn't his business, nothing in her life was his business.

    She felt him behind her, dropped to his knees, and pulled her to a tight hug.

     "Let go of me,"she begged.

    But he didn't. He turned her towards him, his hand went to the back of her head and pressed her against himself. She bucked against him to free herself but he was too strong. Eventually, her shoulders slumped and once she gave up, his grip softened, his hand rubbing rhythmically up and down her back while he spoke to her softly.

    "It's okay, you are okay."

    Shock was the least of what she felt at that moment. It was such an oddly tender gesture and from the last person in the world she expected. It was as if he understood somehow.

    Her fisted hands curled into his blazer and she worked hard to stop the tears. She had every reason to hate him but in that moment, he was her ally. He held her for what seemed like hours. It was the closest she felt to anyone in a long time. The tears had dried and she'd pushed away from Neil again. Fresh embarrassment buffeted her in waves. He took her to his study.

    Avni sat still with her hands placed on her knees and her eyes were lowered. How could she have lost control like that? And with him of all people. His shirt was wrinkled where she'dcrumpled it in her fist and a smear of mascara smudged on the white fabric.

    He took out a first aid box and brought himself to seat on the table before her, picking her hand and took notice of the blood that coated Avni's fingers. He looked at her, she had a delicate frailness to her that made him instinctively protective of her.

    She pulled her hand from his and bounced to her feet. "I have to go back to finish."

    "You are hurt and that's all you can think about." He snapped and pulled her back to her seat."

    His tone was harsh but it carried a hint of worry and concern. "Can you just forget about it, your debt? It's over."

    Avni sat still and stared at Neil as he applied some antiseptic on her fingers and then began to wrap each finger with a brightly coloured plaster. He displayed such tenderness she had never witness from him.

    Neil didn't ask why she was crying, he was sure she wouldn't tell him. He felt her intense gaze on him and when he turned to look at her, she shifted her attention to the floor.

    When he finished treating her bruised up fingers and she was too quick to remove her hand, it made her feel uncomfortable but Neil didn't let go, he tightened his grip on her enough not to hurt her.

    She met his gaze, their eyes locked like magnets. He had the most arresting eyes. She told herself to look away, to silently send him the message that she wasn't willing to play his game because she was clearly losing.

    Drawn to the vulnerable image she presented, he pushed back some strands of her hair behind her ear, his fingers trailed down to her cheeks, and his thumb brushed over her lips. His focus shifted to her lips and the urge to bite it, to kiss it swirl in him.

    He moved his head closer to her. Their forehead rest against each other. She could feel his breath on her face and glanced down to his lips, barely inches away now. All she had to do was tilt her chin further and reach out her tongue but she wasn't sure of what to do, push forward or pull away. She sat frozen in surprise — surprised at the gesture, surprised atthe effect it was having on her. "I don't like it when you cry, let me protect you," He whispered.

    "I don't need your protection." Her voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension between them. His soft lips graze over hers which sent shivers down her spine and her body was filled with her urge, an urge she couldn't go through with. Her mind screamed at her to snap out of her daze. She jumped to her feet and rushed out of the room.

    He chuckled despite of himself. He thought she hated him considering the tough girl façade she had on but like all girls sooner or later, they fall. Nobody can resist the Khanna charms. He is going to make Avni his and win this bet.

    He sank back into his seat, picked up his drink and a smile played onto his lips. There was just one thing that hung at the back on his mind. Why was she crying?  



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