part 21-(Guest)

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All of them reached back to Mumbai city. All of them was against letting Juhi stay alone anywhere. So they decided upon making her live at Ali's residence until they make sure that there is no danger anymore. Ali was more comfortable with letting her stay over. He was also relieved since Nanno was there to take care of her. Neil dropped Ali and Juhi at Ali's residence and hurried over to Khanna mansion with Avni. They greeted everyone and shared the news of getting things under control after which both of them moved to their room. They were clearly tired and exhausted after all the recent happenings.

In their bedroom..

Neil just fell on the bed tired after driving for so long. His eyes were paining being continuously strained.
He closed his eyes slowly and called out for Avni. She approached him slowly.

Avni: Kya hua? Your eyes are paining?

Neil: Haan yaar.. Shall we sleep?

Avni: Yes. But first change your clothes.

Neil obediently got up and changed to a normal T shirt. Meanwhile Avni changed to her night gown. Avni took him to washroom and splashed cold water into his eyes continuously blowing for a better sensation. After that both of them lied down to sleep. Avni snuggled closer to him keeping her head close to his heart. Neil kept her intact and closer to himself as if to never let her go. Avni pushed herself up and started massaging his head gently each time planting small kisses on his closed eyelids. A small smile crept up on his face when her lips sent cold shivers all around his body. No matter how used to he is to her, still her presence and closeness drove him mad. Her touch made him insane and he went through wild dreams within nano seconds. He gently stroked her palms signalling her to stop the massage and nodding as to he was feeling better. He opened his eyes and looked straight into Avni's eyes in such a manner as he explored her soul. His hands travelled lower to squeeze her thighs which made Avni let out a slight moan. He slided his hands upwards to massage Avni's back since he knew she suffered from back pain after long car journeys. This process crushed Avni's body against Neil's. Neil continued massaging and caressing her sensually erasing all her pain. She closed her eyes in relief. She flushed and gasped at the cute little antics he did to her tracing her toned waistline. He wanted to remove all barriers in their relationship. But he was too tired even to romance his extremely hot wifey. He just hugged her softly and Avni mumbled.

Avni: Thank you. It was paining a lot.

Neil: Mention not wifey. Now just sleep.

And they dozed off cuddling to each other like tiny babies do. Fresh sun rays caressed them to wake up in each other's arms. Both of them rushed to get ready and joined the family down for breakfast. Bebe watched as Swetha fed Avni lovingly and chatters filled up about the trip. Bebe and Prakash was relieved to see things settling down. Neil ran his eyes around the table to notice everyone smiling and laughing at Avni's descriptions. He knew Avni had become the life of the house. As they had breakfast, the calling bell rang and door was opened by Bheema.

Bheema: Saab..

Neil: Who is there Bheema didi?

Bheema: DD saab aaye hai. He says its very urgent.

Neil: Urgent?

Neil and Avni stood up and rushed to the door to find a visibly tensed and disturbed DD.

Neil: What is it DD?

DD moved sideways to show Neil a boy of around 12 years of age. Contrary to his age, his eyes blazed with anger and were red due to continuous crying. Neil looked at DD questioningly.

DD: Sir. He is Pandit's son Rahul. Rahul Pandit.

Avni was shocked to realise that, Ragini Pandit had a son too. Still, she did ridiculous things to other children. DD continued.

DD: Sir. The bengal police washed out all the illegal business traces of Pandit from bengal. But, she has a husband and he is missing. Police force is running here and there to find him. We are not sure what type of person is he. Ye unka beta hai. He left this small child in their home itself and went into hiding without even thinking about him. They sent him here as he was crying and demanding to meet his mother. What should I do with him?

Avni looked at him lovingly. She went on her knees and ruffled his hair. She smiled and asked.

Avni: Rahul. Mumma kisi kaam se busy hai. Shall we meet her after some days?

Rahul: I know she is in jail.

Avni was surprised that this child knew everything. Neil patted on his cheeks.

Neil: Where will you stay then?

Rahul: Aap ho Neil Khanna?

Neil: Haan. Why?

Rahul: Everybody said you put my mumma in jail. Is it?

Neil was at a loss of words. How can he explain a 12 year old boy the reasons behind his mother's arrest? Neil wiped away the small teardrops running down Rahul's cheeks.

Neil: I won't lie. Maine hi..

Rahul stroked away Neil's hands and looked at him in anger. Neil couldn't just leave him away since the child was not at mistake. He decided to let him stay over for some days till the government decide what should be done with him. Rahul, after much persuasion and may be in the realisation that he has no place to go agreed to stay at Khanna mansion. Avni took him inside carefully, explained things to everyone and set off to make a room ready for him.

DD: Sir. Don't know in what circumstances he has lived through. How he is brought up? What are the lessons that his mom gave had given him? I agree that he is a child. But, for him you are a person who put his mom behind the bars for no reason. Because of you, his dad left him alone. He is not of an age when he understands these things. Please sir, be careful.

Neil smiled at how concerned DD was when it came to him. He patted assuringly on his shoulder.

Neil: I will take care. Bahot pyar karte ho na mujhse?

DD: Undoubtedly..

Neil sighed and signalled him to leave. Rahul watched everything from his room's door upstairs. Neil turned and smiled at him which was obviously not returned. There was a determination twinkling in that child's eyes.

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