Author's Note

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I know, I don't do this often. Well, I don't put up an Author's Note at all! Just not my thing to do. No offence. But that's how it is for me. Anyways, without blabbering much, I would dive right into the topic.

Most of us have been facing issues with comments not getting posted in the first attempt. Well, I have had a temporary solution to this posted on my message board, while Wattpad goes around to resolve whatever problem it was. But I guess, not all of you all must have gotten the notification. So I would once again put it up here:

While you are done typing the comment, right before you hit the post button, copy it. In case, the comment gets posted in the first enough, good. If not, you have it copied, so no more worrying about re-typing the whole thing again. The next time you just have to paste the comment you copied and hit post, until it actually gets posted. See, saves you time and effort! 

For me personally, this work fine. Until and unless, I forget to copy. The instances when I forget to copy and the comment goes invisible, I am pretty much irked and about to give up on the idea of commenting. But then, the efforts of a writer cannot be overlooked just because of technical glitches of the app.

Coming to the second important thing, I had asked about the questions you as readers would like to get answered, be it directed to the characters or to me. I have only barely received a few. All I would say is, you can direct any question to any character. Be it Aman, Zeenat, Ali, DD, Neela, the constables who guard Ananya, the murderer, the receptionist at the NGO, any single person from the story.. and anything you would wish to ask them.. just about anything and you will have them answered by them.

So, if you have any questions, please drop them either on the previous chapter or here.

The next chapter was updated but then I had to put this up before that. So, I unpublished it. It would be put up shortly. 

Thanks! :)

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