Chapter Three

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Damn, I didn't realize until now that the update was not published yet. It was meant to happen yesterday and the clock has already struck past 12 now. Anyways, apologies for that. The delay or you can say, the miss was from my end. My fault completely.

So without wasting much of your time, I will hand over this third installment of this book.

By the way, I will be also updating the forth installment, that is the next chapter today itself. No changes with that. Just let me know by when should I put that up!! ;P


Ananya turned on her heels, only to have met gleaming eyes of Neil. He padded towards her with his eyes glued to hers. He walked in as if he owned the place.

Letting out a sigh, Ananya asked, "How may I help you, Officer?" A slight hint of smirk rolled onto her lips as she caught him off guard. It was evident from his expressions that he hadn't expected her to know his identity already.

Her eyes trailed past his to find a uniformed cop walking upto Neil. Dakhal Dayal a.k.a. DD, she had found out about Neil's team while she investigated about Neil.

"ACP Khanna," he held his hand for hers.

She rolled her eyes at him and completed, "ACP Neil Khanna! I already know that, Officer," while she shook hands with him. He was left astounded. They had already done a background check for him.

Impressive, he thought.

Having studied the reports on the NGO and getting details cross checked, Neil was left amazed. The amount of background checks that the NGO did was extensive. They had a far more informative checklist than what an investigation team would do for suspects of a crime.

He had earlier thought that the investigation only started post the form submission for verification and cross checking of the data submitted. However, that was not the case.

"I would like to have a word with Ms Parikh," he said. While investigating, he had found out that the NGO was now lead by Ms. Parikh, the daughter of the Late Mr. Parikh, founder of RIGHTS.

"Alright," she sighed.

She led them to one of the conference rooms and turned towards them while they were all comfortably seated.

"Ms. Parikh is on her way," she informed, "is there anything I can help you out with, Officer?"

"Maybe you can tell me how you dug into my life after having met me briefly yesterday," Neil leaned back into the leather seat with crossed legs as one ankle rested at his knee cap. His elbow rested at the table while his fingers rested on his chin, he pinned her under the scrutiny of his eyes.

Though, what he didn't know was that she wasn't the one to falter. She rather held his eyes and a smile crept across her features as she replied back, "Just like I would have done for any other person who would shown the slightest of interest to join us, or for that matter walked through the doors of our premises."

It surprised the two cops present in the room, DD couldn't contain his surprise and jumped into the conversation to ask, "Do you mean this is a procedure you carry out for almost everyone?"

She couldn't resist but let out a chuckle at his astonishment, "Every single one, Dakhal Dayal!"

DD was left wide eyed, baffled that he wasn't spared either. He hadn't stepped into the premise to even start with but he was subjected to the investigation as well.

"Pretty damn impressive, I must say," Neil looked pleased.

DD ignored Neil and his comment, while he cleared, "It's DD," Neil shook his head at his antics, but DD continued, still a little embarrassed, "and why was I looked into?"

"That's what I do, it's a part of my job," she smiled while pride took over her as she further added, "we just don't do things for the sake of it. We do, what we mean and we mean, what we do."

Neil was about interrupt when he heard the door unlock and he turned towards the door and found a lady in her early forties.

She walked in and took a seat right next to Ananya, as she faced Neil and DD. "I am Neela Parikh, officers," she announced.

"How may I help you," she queried.

Neil looked up at Ananya and then Neela only to be reassured by Neela, "I wouldn't have hired her, if she wasn't trust worthy, Officer," she declared.

"It's ACP Neil Khanna," he introduced himself and tipped at DD as he said, "and this is constable Dakhal Dayal, DD."

"Ms. Parikh, we are currently investigating the serial murder case. You must have heard about the recent murders happening in the city," Neil briefed her about the case.

"We will be happy to help you in any manner we can," Neela stated while her eyes turned to glance at Ananya.

"I want you to provide me with the list of people involved or connected with your NGO. Also, if you can give me a separate report about the people who have been murdered so far," Neil enlisted the requirements and added, "For now that should do, we will get back to you in case we need some more help."

Ananya shot up from her seat and announced, "I will get the reports."

"We will come along, Ms. Verma," she was at the door when she heard him. Rolling her eyes, she turned to look at him and said with a forced smile, "Sure!"

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