Chapter Twenty Four

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The elevator door slid open and she had the usual sight of the cops guarding her apartment. Of course, it wasn't enough to have two cops or more tailing her around the city. She had to have two each at her apartment and her work place. The thought pulled her eyes in a roll. Neil was never going to agree to her on this. It was pointless.

She walked out towards her apartment to witness an unusual sight. She glanced back at the constables, over her shoulder. They seemed perfectly at ease. That, however, did not cause to be a reason to let her guards down. She cautiously stepped forward, her eyes scanning the area with each step that she took. No movements caught her attention. Nothing suspicious, yet her suspicions rose.

Being as subtle as she could, she slowly pushed the door that was halfway open. The first area she scanned was, the kitchen. Nothing. She gulped as a slight movement at the farther corner of the room caught her attention. She didn't swing her head in that direction though, not immediately. She had witnessed something from the corner of her eye, something or rather someone near the bookshelf.

Her bag slid down her shoulder but she held onto its strap. She let out a shaky breath before turning around and swinging the bag across the room. The bag flew to hit it across its face, when it dodged and pinned her with glaring confusion. The bag hit the wall and slid to the floor.

She cursed out loud to find the only person she didn't want to face. Neil.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, "thanks for the warm welcome," he scowled and placed the book that he had been looking through, back on the bookshelf.

"How was I supposed to know that I had a guest?" She shot her hands up in annoyance. Not to forget that the guest had crashed into her house without a prior notification to her. And he was very much unwelcomed. However, she kept that thought to herself.

What sort of a cop is he? She thought fumingly.

Above all, given the incidents that she had been witnessing or being put through, she didn't know what would hit her next.

"That would have you given the time to prepare," he shrugged before adding, "where's the fun?" She raised an eyebrow at him. Now what did he have up his sleeves?

"I have questions, Ms. Verma," he simply stated while he sat on the armchair and gestured her to take the one right opposite to his. She walked up, "You always do. What's new?" She asked already bored.

"The attacks," his tone flat as he pinned her with a blank stare, ready to pounce on the slightest of indication that she would give away.

As expected, she did react. She paled at the mention of it. He patiently waited for her to speak, not wanting to play all his cards right then.

"What are you talking about?" She stuttered. Her words shaky and the voice trembled, just the slightest bit. Neil wouldn't have noticed had he not been closely watching or studying her.

"The car that crashed into yours this morning, the elevator incident, also the one at the traffic signal," he counted on his fingers but stopped midway to spare a look at her, "do you still want me to list down more?" His tone equally accusing as his stare.

"Those were just accidents," she shot back, her tone came out harsh unlike how she intended it to be. She blew out a breath, "You might be overreacting, you know." Her remarks, explanations were more for herself than for him. Convincing both that it was just because the murderer had gotten them paranoid by his activities. However, she hadn't completely ruled out the chances of all those incidents being attacks or warnings. For now, she was exhausted.

"Even if I was," he started calmly, but couldn't resist to add, "which I am not though," she bit back a remark and instead chose to shaking her head with disapproval. "You should have told me," he pointed out to her, his eyes narrowed at her accusingly.

"I didn't think it was worth," her words fell flat. Truth be told, she knew, it was the exact opposite.

"Still, it wouldn't hurt if you start telling things," and the truth, he suggested exasperatedly. She wasn't the only one exhausted.

"Then the same should be applicable to you," she retorted, not liking his implications.

His head snapped at her, "Now what was that supposed to mean?" He looked puzzled.

"You had one of your watchdogs spying at me," she answered trying to keep back the frustration she felt at that thought. Definitely, what was she expecting from him? He could not trust her. And he shouldn't.

"I wouldn't have had to, if you told me things," he butted in.

"Yeah, that even makes you check me with agents," she rolled her eyes at him. Of course, she had hid things from him. But who was to be blamed. She couldn't trust anyone and everyone around. That's how it worked.

"Can I be blamed?" He asked.

She sighed.

Choosing not to answer his question, she moved out of her chair and walked past him. She pulled the curtains aside, slid the window open as she stood by it. It was early evening, the sun was yet to set. Her eyes drew close as she let the evening breeze brush across her skin.

Neil shook his head as he witnessed her. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. It's never been. His eyes took the sight of hers but soon caught an abrupt sight. A red dot trailing over her frame.

A red dot.


Someone was aiming at her or pretending to.

He stilled. The aim moving up, towards her head. His armchair pushed aside while he looped forward.

A gunshot was heard.


His hand stretched out, pulling her into his side. He tucked her at the wall beside with his arm across her shoulders, pinning her in place. She eyed him blankly, unsure if she had heard a gunshot.

"Was that a," she fumbled. But she also heard the shattering of glass. So it hit something.

"Gunshot," he completed for her, though not meeting his eyes. He was right besides her, with his back stuck against the wall while he tried to peep through the window. He had his gun out, firmly held in the other hand, she noticed.

The constables at my apartment flew in, "Sir," were their alarmed voices. Neil glanced at them and cut things short with his orders crisp, "Check on others and get the mess cleared." They shot on their toes as he finished.

He dished his hand out in order to close the window and the curtains. He wanted to block the view for the attacker but before he could do that, there was another bullet shot to it. The bullet hit the back of the armchair as Neil pulled back his hand. In the process, scratching his forearm with the sharp wooden edges of the window frame.

"Damn," he hissed.

"I hope, you won't claim this one to be another accident," he gritted out. Pulling on his Bluetooth device, he dialed someone.

"I am not dumb," she muttered, furiously.

"Sure not," he commented sarcastically while waiting for the other person on the call, "when you choose not to." He remarked.

Before she could come up with a reply, he spoke, "There's an attacker on the building across Ananya's. There was another attack," he nodded his head. Of course he was on the call, "Get there, now," he commanded.

Muttering a few more curses, he turned to look at her. "Stay away from the window, duck yourself, stick to the walls, out of the sight, just," irritation scribbled over his features, "just don't get shot or attacked," he whispered, with his voice desperate like she had never heard.

Unaware, how to respond, she nodded. "You have your phone on you?" He asked hopefully. She glanced at her bag that still lay beside the bookshelf. "Shit," scrunching his face, he looked at her bag.

"I will get that," she assured him before he could dive in to get it for her. "You need not worry. I can take care of this," she mumbled.

He shot a doubtful look at her, "You are going to reach out for help, if there's anything," he instructed, sternly. "And I mean it, Ananya, anything," he pointedly reminded her.

So, what do you think is going on? What attacks were been discussed? And most importantly, are we at the final showdown yet?


Apologies. It kind of slipped out of my mind that yesterday was a Friday and an update day. It wasn't until this morning that I realized. Also, that I had to drag myself to write the whole of this. So my sincere apologies for causing all the unnecessary delay.

I definitely have one good thing to say. There's a book that caught my attention. An amazingly written tale of mystery. I found it yesterday afternoon and honestly, I couldn't put it down until I finished reading the whole of it this morning at 5. Honestly, I am not sure why hadn't I checked that out yet. Like, seriously. It's definitely made to my favourites. Just a disclaimer, there aren't much of a romantic track to it. Not that I mind. Just in case, you do . But it has been the most gripping story I have read so far.

It's called 'The trouble with love" by JJJiangx. You might have already read it. But if not, you surely wanna go ahead and check that out. It's phenomenal.

Alright Do you have a book that you feel is worth recommending? If so, which I am sure, there has to be, drop the name and other details along with the link, if you can, in the comments. I would love to read more of good books. 😍

PS: I am not paid to recommend books. It's, by all means, my genuine recommendation and obviously, my love for the book.

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