Chapter Twenty Six

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She stumbled back, while her eyes hastily wandering around. Holding the torchlight straight up, she looked around for something. Anything that could give her the slightest of clue. Alas! She could find nothing. Fast enough, her mind ran through the possible options that she had in hand. She was evaluating her options. Either she could go back to her apartment and lock herself down or she could run down to Aman's apartment. The thought of running away was instantly shrugged.

Standing there and waiting for another attack was definitely not on her list, she didn't have a weapon on her. And she knew better than to face the opponent without being prepared. She couldn't scream for help because there was barely a chance of her voice being heard with most of the apartments in the building being unoccupied. It was one of the reasons, why she had chosen to stay there. Also, she didn't want to raise an alarm while the attacker was still around. There were chances of it pouncing on her.

She didn't notice any movement or hear any sound ever since she stepped out of her apartment, so technically, she could still walk back to her apartment and prepare herself. Her feet moved back slowly as she continued to look around. Her other hand stretched backwards to grab the door knob. As soon as she held the door knob, she pushed the door close. She marched across the room to plop herself on her bed while she quickly pulled across the drawer of her side table.

Her hands stilled as she heard the wooden flooring creek. The entrance of her apartment had a wooden slab as the flooring, while the rest of the apartment flooring was of tiles. She never really understood the concept of the weird flooring but today she was thankful. Pretending to be unaware, she looked through the contents of the drawer. She was no longer concentrating to find anything but her hand ran across various items in the drawer. Pretending that she was still searching for something, unaware of her surroundings and the danger that sped closer to her. Her motive had changed. She would take down her opponent without any weapon. Well, not the one she had planned. Her eyes settled onto the vase that lay on the side table. 

Embracing herself for what came next, she held onto the vase before her head was smashed with a rod. She lost her grip on the phone and it dropped. Tumbling off the bed, she landed onto the floor. She let out a curse. Her head throbbed with the sudden attack. With strong determination to give back what she received, she twirled and smashed the vase aiming for its head.  Unfortunately, the vase didn't land across its head but was smacked over its left arm. Readying herself, she threw her right leg at it. It instantly lost its balance, lending some time to Ananya as she prepared herself for a tough fight. 

Seeing a fist being launched at her, she quickly grabbed the wrist and twisted it. Even with her head hurting badly, she wasn't letting go without putting up a fight. It stood right in front of her with a mask on. She shook her head, kicking off the pain aside while she elbowed its jaw. Soon after, her elbow came crashing down on its arm that she held. Again she smashed the back of her elbow onto its face. She heard it hiss in pain. Though, she wasn't stopping at that.

She grabbed onto the back of its head and raised her knee to bang its head. She smacked it across the floor and launched herself at it. Raising her foot, she aimed for its gut and nailed it perfectly. Her foot launched for another one but she felt a grip on her foot. Her eyes looked onto the hand that held it and her eyes grew enraged. However, before she could think of her next move, it twisted her foot and rolled her over. Her hands instantly clutched onto her stomach as she felt the force of its kick. Her body slid a few inches across the floor and her head banged on the wooden frame of her coffee table. She winced at the impact. Chanting herself to be strong, she forced her eyes open.

Her eyes caught the sight of a glistening object that was pointed at her. Unable to hold back, she spat furiously, "Such a shame, you still feel the need to hide while you have the gun pointed at me," her lips curled up sarcastically while she continued with her attempt, "I dare you to look me in the eye while you shoot me." There was no response from the shooter.

She prayed that her tricks would work but her stomach churned as she heard the gun being loaded. The smooth sarcastic laugh pierced into her ears while she wanted to rip her hair off. Looking around for something, she couldn't find an object to her favor. Her eyes dropped and the wheels of her brain rotated. With her eyes trailing back at the gun, she waited for the trigger to be pulled.

'Just don't get shot or attacked,' she remembered his desperate words with a hope that she did not.

She saw its finger pressing against the trigger, as it shot aiming at her. Instantly, she rolled but was late by seconds. The bullet drilled into her arm. The feeling of her arm being ripped and the bones being crushed was too high. Her eyes squeezed shut at the painful impact, the bullet left her with. She reminded herself of the words she had once read: Pain in temporary.

She regained of whatever was left of her strength and did exactly what she had decided. Her hand stretched out and grabbed onto the rug that the attacker stood on. And within no time, she pulled it with all her force while she managed to stand somehow as she held onto the arm chair for support. Not even caring for the blood that dripped through her arm as she put up a fight. The only thought that ruled her mind at that moment was, how bad could it get?

It had tripped onto the floor and right into her trap but what she wasn't expecting came right next. It aimed for her, yet again. And the second bullet was fired. Along with it, she heard another bullet being shot. Simulatenously, the lights flicked on. She dropped onto arm chair.

All she could see was black with her eyes shuttinng close, though she could also make out the oozing of red. She was bleeding. Her palm flung to press against the bullet wound, while it was still bleeding.

"On your knees," the crisp words of command made the urge to shoot her eyes open but she couldn't. "DD, call for medical help, quick," his words closer. That explained why she didn't feel another bullet puncture her skin, he was the one to have shot the other bullet.

There were quick foot steps that marched across her apartment and she realised that he had his team in tow.

His eyes turned to her as soon as team surrounded the attacker with their gun pointed at its head. The slightest of move from it and they wouldn't hesitate to fire their bullets to its head. He had managed to get the order passed from higher authorities. The sight of her bleeding arm melted his resolve and his concern transformed in words, "Are you okay?" His words soft, while he bent over to her.

Her head bobbed in response, while her lips sucked in between her teeth with her eyes still squeezed shut. "Where's the goddamn doctor?" He enquired to no one in particular.

"Sir," came a voice from the door. His head whipped to see the doctor with his team approaching them. "Take the bullet out," he barked at the doctor.

Leaving the doctor to attend her, he marched towards the attacker. Dressed in black, it had a black mask covering its face. He wanted to get done with this then and there. However, there was something that held him back. "Take it away," his words calm as he ordered. His team dragged it out. They would be taking it to the police station where they would be carrying further investigation procedures.

His steps fell behind his team, as he walked towards the door. His steps faltered when he heard her growl. The sight of her jaws clenched while her eyes remained shut, she muttered curses in everyone's direction each time the wound was pinned. The doctors were trying to get the bullet out but she wouldn't keep her mouth shut. He shook his head, this wasn't going anywhere if she continued to behave like that.

"DD," he called out as stepped out of the door and towards his team. DD swung around to look at him, awaiting for his next comand.

"Stay back with her," he stuffed his hands into his pant pockets while he directed his words at DD. He could see DD's eyes clouding with confusion but gladly he strode back to her apartment without voicing his doubts.


I hope this chapter was long enough for everyone. XD

For me the most difficult part was to write the first half of the chapter that was more with the action background (not my forte, at all.) Plus, there weren't dialogues. It's pretty difficult to get the chapter smooth and convincing when you don't have dialogues or emotions to narrate.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this recent development? Everything about this chapter and your predictions for the upcoming ones.

By the way, how many more chapter(s) do you think would be uploaded this week?

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