AvNeil Random Shot # o1

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This shot was created when there was "Du-Coeur" contest going on. I wanted to join and submit my work too but suddenly I got so busy that I did not submitted it. A week ago, I came across it so, thought to share it with you guys. Do vote, give feedback, and share my work. Thank you.


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July 05, 2019
Words Count 975
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"I was the one who faked that accident. I was the one who wanted to go away from you. I was the one who wanted to give you pain. I was the one who wanted to take all of your happiness and bury them in the ground. It was me Neil Khanna, not Avni."

"I was the one who sent those threat letters before my accident, not Avni, not her"

Juhi was crying as she was confessing all the things she had done. She was yelling while Neil stood there like a statue with tears running down his cheeks like the ocean's waves. He didn't know how to respond, his brain was paralyzed. While Juhi continues on confessing.

"She is pure as gold. A total innocent girl, whom I hated so much for many reasons. For being your best friend, for taking my dad, being my step sister, taking all the things that were mine. I hated her so much that I was the one who attacked her and even tried to get her killed. But today what Avni did for me, I am shameless. She saved me, my life even after knowing what I had done to her. Avni put herself in danger without caring about anything and now she is here, in this condition just because of me."

Juhi bent down near the bed where unconscious Avni was lying, with a bandage of her head and hand. She held Avni's hand and started to cry even more.

"I am sorry Avni, please forgive me......"

Before Juhi could complete what she was saying, Neil angrily held her forearm and jerked her up.

"Don't you dare try to touch her. You have already made her life like hell. Before I forget that you are a girl and try to do something, just get out of here."

"I am not going anywhere until Avni wakes up and everyone comes back from Dubai. You can't force me. And why are you being so possessive toward Avni? You hated her right. You only got married to her so, you could hurt her. Take the revenge for taking me......."

"Enough Juhi Mehta.....enough!! Not a single word. I am possessive and can be because she is mine. You get that, she is mine!! I got married to her because I fucking love her!! I love her, do you got that dammit!!!"

Juhi laughed at what Neil had said.

"You love her, you think I am a fool to not see that you are faking everything. To not see that you hate Avni so much that you believed me on everything I said to you. Neil Khanna get a grip."

"You should shut the fuck up before I lose my freaking senses."

Knowing that Neil was angry now, Juhi started to put more oil in burning fire.

"That what I want you to do Neil. To loss your senses and do something that will make me your, all your.

Suddenly there was the sound of steps hurriedly coming toward the room and Juhi shockingly looked at Neil while he smirked.

"You are under arrest Ms. Juhi Mehta for attempting to murder Avni Neil Khanna server times. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something, which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

Police handcuffed Juhi and was about to take her away when Neil speak still having a smirk on his handsome face.

"You thought that you will confess your dirt and I will let you go. Then your highly mistaken Miss Juhi Mehta. Hmm, now go home"

Now it was time for someone else to be angry, "I won't let you live easily. I will never...."

"Did not you heard that, anything you say will be held against you so, just shut up"

With that Neil nodded his head toward the police officer and they took Juhi with them to the jail. A place where she deserves to live forever.

As soon as they left Neil turned toward his wife and a pool of fresh tears made their way down to his cheeks. He remembered all the terrible things that he had said and did to Avni. He was feeling miserable but mostly disgust.

He was having all of those terrible flashbacks of the horrifying things he had done to someone he loved and still, love.

Many hours had passed but Avni was not waking up. The doctor said that after 2 or 3 hours, she will be conscious but she is not. That thing was freaking him out. Neil was having his life taking thoughts, which were not in his control anymore.

It was like at any minute, his brain would explode and everything will end.

True Love makes things, even miracles to happen.

Avni had to wake up because she had the purest things being left behind and torn apart.

When she gets well, Neil has a lot of confessions to make and have things which needed to be done. It will take a while to make a new beginning to happen and be written and Neil is willing to give all the time and will wait for it his whole life if needed.

In some part in his heart, he knows, it will not take him long to start a new chapter of their lives.

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