Game of love

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please read the note at the end + comment!!!

unannounced series: book 1 - Ishq ka khel one shot

Knowing well that summer vacation was around the corner, no one seemed to care about the finals season. Without a care of the world, after physics exam, Neil and his friends were sitting on their regular spot on the soccer field. Despite the no smoke sign up front them, they were smoking and doing "calculations" on every single girl that passed by.

"So little Khanna, what are your plans now?" Neil's best buddy, DD, a funny looking yet innocent guy asked. Seeing DD, no one would believe that he is a "bad boy", he just didn't have a look but in reality, DD was the biggest player among the group.

Taking a big puff of his cigarette, Neil gave a thought to what DD have asked him, while looking around at Rahul, AJ, and Reyyan who rolled his eyes. The boys were curious to see what Neil have to say about it.

Neil smirked, "boys you should know there is nothing to do expect what I always do" AJ smirks and wiggles his eyebrows, "so you really going to fuck a hottie once and leave her?" Everyone knew that wasn't the case, but Neil wasn't able to accept it. There was something in the new prey that pulled Neil, which he can't seem to get grip of.

During the Halloween party at Rahul place, Neil was assigned a prey for his new level of the game. Unfortunately, this time level was hard to crack for him, but he was a Khanna and Khanna(s) don't give up easily. With so much effort during the last few months, Neil was able to get the attention of the hottie, Avni. She just joined the east campus and on her first day, pulled everyone's attention. All of the boys were drooling and most of the girls had a mini panic seeing a beautiful girl walking pass them with so much confidence. Everyone in the campus either wanted her or be like her, there was no hate but jealous and competition.

Something that amused, but unknowingly gave jealousy to Neil was the fact that everyone started to be regular in the college and the students from the west campus started to come over their campus. Their college was divided in two campuses, one of the east sides (main campus) and another on the west side of the city. The fact that some were traveling 45 minutes away somehow bothered Neil and when Rahul, along with his friends gave Neil the dare to lay Avni, he did not hesitate a second like he usually did.

Of course, Avni was pretty, had a hot curvy body, good fashion sense, and mysterious -- very different than all of the other girls.

Neil would have shared his thoughts to his friends about AJ's question but before he could proceed, Avni came in DD's view, and he signals Neil. Everyone turned their heads towards the direction their quote-on-quote sister-in-law was coming from and quickly hide their cigarettes.

Making her way towards Neil, Avni was smiling looking around, greeting everyone. Suddenly a boy bumped into her, making Avni stumble and her books to fell out of her arms on to the ground. Avni did not mind and started apologizing to the boy, who was doing the same and not looking at Avni. He helped Avni pick her books up and apologizing smiled. Before he could walk away, Neil rushed to them and punched the boy on his face.

Avni gasped and the guy fell on the ground in shock. Both of them were taken back with sudden act of Neil. His friends were surprised seeing Neil losing his cool easily. Normally, Neil did not care what was happening around if it did not bother him or them (his friends), but from the day Avni entered his life -- Neil was being more bothersome about everything. He hated when someone looked, smiled, asked question, or worse even crosses path with Avni.

Neil hated everything and everyone that made contact with Avni.

Before Neil could punch the living life out of the guy even more, DD and Reyyan pulled Neil away. Without caring about the so-called jealousy of Neil, Avni helped the guy, stand up but he pushed her hands away and dashed out of the place.

"What the hell is wrong with you Neil?" Avni was frustrated. She hated the way Neil acted and none of his reasonings can justify his little acts.

"What the hell is wrong with me? You are asking that? What the hell is wrong with you, Avni?" Neil pushed DD and Reyyan away and got out of their hold. He was burning inside with rage and Avni was playing the clueless, dumb character -- it only pissed Neil more!

Knowing that if Neil is not stopped now, things will get out of control. Reyyan got in between Avni and Neil and put his hand on Neil's shoulder, stopping him from walking towards Avni.

"Neil stop acting like a child now, it's enough!!" Everyone knew better than trying to mind in Neil's business and no one cared what he did expect for the times when Avni was involved.

Avni was like a celebrity of their campus. Apart from having people follow her around like Neil, Avni the only person on the campus, who students had fan accounts of. Her pictures were being taken every second and no matter what happened to her every single second of the day, the news was being published on the main campus page.

For some, Avni was a icon, a inspiration and for some a source of gaining followers on social media, and no one let go of this chance.

Having Avni on your feed or story meant gain of at least a hundred followers.

Neil pushed Reyyan's hand away and looked him dead in the eyes, "I am acting like a child or her?!!" His voice was increasing with every word, and it did nothing but pushed Avni to the edge.

She closed her eyes and let her nails dig deep into her palms in a tight closed fist. She was collecting herself and mumbling few words which could not be heard by anyone around her.

Holding herself back from bursting, Avni opened her eyes, which were filled with so much anger and looked Neil death in the eyes. Seeing Avni like this was unusual for the boys. She was always calm and collective. No matter what happened, she never let her real feeling overtake, but today it was different.

AJ, Reyyan, and DD looked at each other with shock written all over their face, while Rahul shivered with the sudden coldness.

"Since I am a child here, I guess coming here to tell you about my whereabout should not be my concern. I should be acting like a child and going wherever the hell I want to go!!" Avni said those words in a high tone than she usually uses but made sure that the people who were making video from far away could not hear her.

Without caring about Neil, Avni turned around and walked back in the direction she came from. Seeing her leaving just like nothing happened, Neil was about to follow, but the boys stopped him.

Neil was burning in his fire of jealousy and the boys knew it. Following Avni now only meant throwing water over Neil's so-called plan --- which was already stupid in eyes of Reyyan.


People were dancing along the beats of the loud music playing in the club. Far in the corner, Avni was sitting on a table drinking along her friends. In a short period of time, Avni got closed with Rumi and Neha and got along better than expected. Everyone was fake or have their own motive and Avni can see it every clearly, while with Rumi and Neha, Avni like their aurora. There was something between them that clicked with she first saw them.

Neha was moving her body with the beat of the music playing in the club sitting on the table, while Rumi was going through her social media making weird faces. A look at Rumi and Avni started laughing forgetting her sour mood.

"What happened to you Ru baby?"

Rumi is very expressive person and cannot hide her expressions, no matter what the situation is. Rumi bite tongue and looked at Avni with a playful smirk, "Mr. little Khanna is under a lot of fire, are you sure you are not going to do anything?"

Once the first video of the "fight" got uploaded to the social media, everyone was looking into it. They were searching about it, asking their friends and followers making the situation be hot topic and top searched all over media. Every single angle was being posted and people were commenting about Neil manipulation. Everyone saw tears in Avni's eyes and nothing else.

Rumi's question made Avni roll her eyes on the mention of the most spoiled brat of their campus.

Leaning closer to Rumi, Avni whispered, "To hell with that little brat baby" Moving back, Avni winked at Rumi and kicked Neha's chair to bring her attention towards them. Neha being in her moments, got pissed and growled at her Avni, who only smirked and with her eyes signaled her something behind her.

Turning back, Neha saw a group of teenagers eying them and laughing like immatures. Out of everything the only thing that Rumi could say was, "shouldn't they be in school or playing house- house?" After finishing her thoughts, Rumi looked at the boys and gave them her sweet flirty smile.

Neha and Avni huffed at her acting like she just did not question their existence.

"On second thought guys, they are hot and doesn't cost a penny to be friends with" Still looking at the boys and making them blush, Rumi was getting ahead of herself.

Neha got up and smacked Rumi on the head, "you have no right to flirt with people" Avni was still eying the boys across the room. One of them, dressed in red t-shirt and lose jeans confidently winked at Avni and without a hesitation Avni winked back making all of his friends go wild. Chuckling on their behavior, Avni turned her attention to her friends.

Rumi was pouting and looking Neha, who had disgust written all over her face seeing Rumi.

"Ru baby we can stand an angry friend but not an angry friend's fiancé" Rumi stopped pouting and suddenly had the most terrifying expressions on her face.

"Stop reminding me of a forced engagement" with sour mood, Rumi picked her glass and chock rest of the drink down her throat.


"Did you find her yet?"

Neil was getting impatient. It has been hours since Avni left, and he could get hold of her.

He had to set his plan back on the track before something else happens. It has to win this bet no matter what.

AJ was on the computer trying to pin down Avni's location, but it was impossible. DD and Reyyan were eating chips not minding Neil cursing the living daylight out of everything.

"I never thought that I will get to see a stupid Neil in this lifetime" Reyyan was staring at Neil's back and DD laughed.

"At this time, you should start to expect the unexpected" both boys laughed but choked with sudden glares of their friend.

Reyyan repeated his friend's advice, "expect the unexpected" Neil was still staring at them and was about to curse them out too, but thanks to AJ's sudden squealing the boys were saved.


Neil smacked AJ and he rubbed the spot where he got hit, "sorry, but I think it's time to party tonight guys"

DD and Reyyan frowned while looking the screen and with sudden recognition looked at each other.

Everything is about to go down the drain!!

Seeing a footage of Avni entering a room with a guy made Neil growl, "she is wishing death upon herself" picking his jacket from the boxes on the ground, Neil rushed out to find his person. DD was getting fed up but had no option but to follow, when Reyyan pulled him with him. AJ like always, rolled his eyes and leaving his beloved video game followed his friends.

"If he doesn't give me any action, I will surely give him some reaction"


Rumi was getting bored of waiting. They come to a club to enjoy their last day exam, but Neha was making things hard for her.

"If I can't look at anyone than why the hell did you two drag me with you?" Sitting on the table by herself, Rumi was questioning the thoughts of her presented friends. Neha and Avni went to touch up their makeup and freshen up, while she was on the call with her so called fiancé.

"They don't consider me their friends." Pouting to herself, she suddenly got an idea. Getting her iPad out of the bag, she started to mess around and smirked seeing her final masterpiece. With a proud smile, she left the iPad on the table and got up to stretch.

The guys from before were still there. All of them were zoned out drinking but what confused Rumi was that two of the attractive ones were missing. She has been keeping her eyes on them and following their every moment, but they just vanished suddenly. She started to look around, when her eyes landed in the far corner near the lobby and her soul left the body.

Cursing on her bad luck, Rumi hide herself down the table and pulled out her phone to call her friends warning about the coming danger. Due to her current luck, they weren't answering the call, "why are fuck are they here so early? Didn't they have a game today?" Rumi peeked over again and saw Rahul sucking a poor girl. 

Being the expressive Rumi is, she gagged over the horrible make out.

"Is he that awful on making out?" a voice from behind asked Rumi, who was still busy watching Rahul but disgust all over her face. 

"If he was doing that with me, I would have kicked his balls and threw a hot coffee all over" Still unknown to the enemy behind, Rumi was busy in making notes for her future partner. 

"I want my generation to come in this world so, I will take my thoughts back" there was a tease in the voice, even though, it took forever Rumi realized it. It was AJ's voice!

Within the blink of eye, Rumi snapped her neck towards AJ, making him smirk. Horror was written all over Ru's face and enjoying the moment, AJ captured the memorable face along with many others on his phone. 

Rumi bit her tongue as snapping her neck like she is a Flash(wo)man wasn't a good idea. 

"Now be a good lady and tell me in which room your friend is enjoying?" Rumi got confused listening to his words. Whatever AJ said made no sense, "What?" She gave me a WTF expression causing AJ to get nervous and take a deep breath in. 

"Look I admire you a lot for standing up for your friends and covering them, but now it's not the time!!!" Taking another deep breath, AJ revealed his intentions, "If Neil finds Avni before us something that you don't like will happen. So, it's better if you tell me where she is so, we can save her, hmm?" 

AJ tried his best to be calm since he knew how stubborn Rumi can be, but surprisingly she didn't protest and for the first time ever, nodded her head showing her support in helping AJ. 

In relieve he let go of the breath he was holding and helped Rumi stand up. 


Standing against the wall waiting for Neha to get out of the bathroom, Avni was getting tired now. Neha was a glam queen and took forever to set herself. Avni signed when the same boy she has winked at previously appeared in front of her eyes. She frowned and titled her head to the side slightly. 

The boy cleared her throat and apologizingly smiled, "I swear this is the last time, I won't ever use you" Listening to the same excuse, Avni rolled her eyes. If someone gave her a dollar whenever this boy made this excuse, she would have become a half millionaire in the last month. 

"So did they become your friends now?" 

The boy was still nervous but nodded his head happily. Seeing him enjoying and being happy, Avni couldn't help herself but smile and mess up his hair. The boy growled and pushed Avni's hands away. Right then Neha came out and smirked seeing him.

"Did pretty boy missed me so much that he's following me?" With an attempt to flirt, Neha locked her arm with his, to which he only huffed and smirked before replying, "I did miss someone, but that person is most definitely not you.... Neha didi" he made sure to put emphasis the word "didi" as he knew Neha hated it. 

With fake anger, Neha pushed him away and cursed him for being blind. Avni was enjoying seeing her favorite people getting along and being happy. Unfortunately, the moment was cut short when suddenly the boy was pushed against the wall with unexpected force making him hiss in pain. 

Neil had his hands wrapped around the boy's neck choking him. He couldn't breathe and with each passing second all of the colors from his face were going away, leaving him with white pale color. DD and Reyyan, who was running behind Neil were now there and standing in shock. AJ and Rumi pushed past the small crowed and looked at each other feeling disappointed for being late. 

Neha was quick to act and rushed to Neil to save the boy. She was struggling to remove his strong grip and was yelling on top of her lungs. Her loud voice broke the chains of Avni's nightmare thoughts, and she pushed Neil from behind. It wasn't a great help, but it did made Neil lose his grip a little around his neck. 

Avni was in tears and pushed Neil again to remove him from the boy. Afterall she is done seeing her loved one suffering by the hand of this guy. Avni don't give him anymore rights to take away her only family left, her brother!

DD and Reyyan also came forward and yanked Neil away from the poor guy. If they delayed anymore, he could have been cold dead. Finally, not having any more weight over his neck, Avni's brother, Ayan started taking long and loud breaths in and collapsed on the ground. 

For a second, Avni's world stopped. She felt weak on her knees and her heart stop beating. Rumi and Neha rushed to Ayan and started to aid him in any way possible. Seeing Avni standing like a statue, with great struggle, Ayan raised his hand and made a "ok" sign. 

Seeing Ayan moving and his colors returning, a single drop of tear left from Avni's eyes after being dry. She deeply inhaled and moved to face Neil with so much anger that now she can't hide. 

Neil was no less, sensing Avni's glance, he started to yell.

"SO, FOR THIS FUCKER, YOU WERE PLAYING HARD TO GET HA?!!"  He was jealous and so unaware of Avni's life. Neil never showed enough interest to make Avni believe he liked her. She was the one, who made him believe that he had a chance unwillingly. 

She never wanted to come to this town or transfer to new college, but she had to for her revenge. Her enemy was in the town and in the same college, so she had to play the game. 

Avni was in so much anger that she couldn't speak, and both of the girls understood that. Rumi slowly got up and paced her way to Neil. Without a word, she slapped him across the face with all of the strength in her body, which made her stumble a little. 

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT HE'S HER YOUNGER BROTHER" Neil didn't care about these words anymore as his ego was hurt. He was slapped and that too by a girl. 

 Without care of the world or people around, Neil raised his hand with fire in his eyes to slap Rumi. As his hand came closer to her face, poor soul tried to act as if she isn't scared but ended up shutting her eyes. 

Before that filthy hand could touch her friend, Avni grabbed and twisted his arm. Her self-defense classes were finally paying off, but no matter how much happy she wanted to be it wasn't the right time. 

"Try touching my family again and I will make sure to chop you into pieces to feed the hungry street animals" Neil was taken back with roughness in Avni's voice. It reminded him of something rather someone. Feeling Rumi's hand over her arms, Avni unwantedly let go of the Neil's arm. 

Even in stage of shock, Neil had his ego up high and came closer to Avni. Seeing him get closer than needed, his friends tried to stop him but with one signal from Neil, his bodyguards held them back. 

For the first time ever, DD was scared of his best friend, "Neil stop acting like this" he knew him well, or at least DD thinks he does, "Neil please...." before another word could come out, Neil surprised everyone, making DD be in shock. 

Neil held handful of Avni's hair in his fist and brought her face closer to him. Licking his lips, with a smirk he said, "a woman who sleep around is threating me! My days aren't that bad that I will let a low-class girl talk to me like this, Fuck it!!" Neil paused and looked around him. Everyone was shocked seeing a crazy Neil in front of them. DD wasn't moving, while Reyyan and AJ were struggling to ger free. Rumi was kicking the air to free herself too, while Neha was still on the ground with Ayan's head in her lap. She was trying to put puzzle pieces together but just couldn't bring herself too. 

When Neil saw few people with their phones in front recording everything, he got the craziest idea and laughed, "I was going to do in private and with somewhat love but now let's do it here. In front of everyone" His words were confusing but not to all ears. "I will fuck you right here so everyone can see how much of their Miss Inspiration is a slut" 

Avni shivered listening to his words and wanted to throw up in disgust, while everyone gasped in shock. Reyyan was screaming at Neil to stop his craziness, but Neil kept pretending to be deaf. 

Avni chuckled, "you want to sleep with me like Luna, your Chem instructor......" Avni paused for a while before continuing to see all of the colors being drained from his face, "You think you have the right to call me names when you were the one entering different holes every night Mr. Khanna?" 

Seeing his face, Avni smiled on her victory, "I don't think so! I was talking with my brother, and you are calling me names so what should I call you?" Neil was trying to showcase Avni as a characterless girl in front of everyone unknowingly that Avni knows everything about him. 

"Your time of playing around is over" 

Loud steps were heard coming towards them, "Neil Khanna, you are under arrest for pushing Juhi Mehta to suicide, attempting to murder Ayan Mehta and for several rape charges against you. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." With that Rahul put a handcuff on Neil and takes him away with several other officers.

Everyone rushed after Neil, while DD, Reyyan, AJ, and the girls stay rotted in their places trying to understand what have happened. Everyone has so many questions but not enough words or idea on how to structure them. 

Considering it the right moment, Avni grabbed Ayan, who was okay now and rushed out of the place. 

Life is game and with every step you bet on. When love is involved, it's no longer simple, but becomes a Game of Love (Ishq ka Khel)!!

And this Game of Love isn't finished yet rather it just began. 


please do vote + comment!!!

I got busy in life + muharram came so I didn't want to write anything. Mostly because no one really reads what I write or leave good feedback, so I was bond to get demotivated. 

I have been working on this since a week one. Did he need that much time? No! I was just procrastinating and over time a lot of scenes and characters changed. I can't believe that I am publishing my 2 years old book idea into an OS but that doesn't mean there won't be a book. Even if it takes me 2 more years, I will publish that after finish writing. 

p.s. none of my works are proof edited so they will have gramme errors + some spelling mistakes!!!


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