Love Me (2)

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Three Shot #o1
Love Me Part o2


In and out slowly.

Just Breathe Avni.

The tears made their way into her eyes making them glossy as she tightened her grip on the side strap of her bag. She did not dare to look behind her as she seem to know what would be waiting for her back there.

Avni noticed him walking behind her, she did not think much about it. She thought he was like other strangers walking to their desire destination, which is on the same way as her, no biggie right?

But it was not like that.

When she realized she have been walking for almost half hour in this beautiful weather now and he was still walking behind her, she knew it was not a good sign.

The weather was not bring something like it.

It was a very scary thought.

How she thought he was a average stranger walking to his destination but turned out to be a stalker now.

The most scary about him following her were his eyes. Like how they were staring straight at her without even blinking whenever she looked.

Avni was unable to tell who that person was due to a hat on his head and a mask covering his mouth till nose. But his eyes were pretty clear to her and had something undesirable and she felt it in her soul.

He was not familiar to her!

She did not know who that person was or why he was following her out of all the people in this world

Maybe Annie was right, stupid boys just want one things and they don't care who they get it from. Avni said to herself scarily.

Avni now speed walk, trying her best to cut as many corners as she can in hope to lose him. Sadly, there was very few corners and at the time she was on a street she had no idea about.

She was nowhere near her house.

She hold herself back and looked around to find any street sign or anything that might be familiar to her in hope to get away from the man following her.

She did not had to turn around to know he was right there, behind her. She just knew that he was there. If the heavy steps were not enough than the warm breath on her back of neck was.

"Are you lost, Avni?"

She let out a whimper as she turned around facing the man who was following her but slowing walking backward.

" do you k..know name?" Avni would not help but stutter. Although she tried as hard as she could to not show any signs of fear she failed. It was like he had sensed a long time ago that she was afraid.

He was different.

He could read her.

He let out a laugh but a confused frustrating one. "You really do not know who I am, do you?" he scoffed and tucked his hands inside his pant's pockets and started to walk toward her.

She continued to back up while trying to keep her balance.

"Of course I don't know who you are" Avni took a pause looking at the man and continued, "I am not going to ask you again, how do you know my name?"

The man chuckled. He took his hands out of the pant's pockets and reached his face to pull off the mask he was wearing, revealing his bold, sinister grin.

"Still don't know me?" He questioned Avni in a low mutter. His tone of voice was dropping drastically. Avni's lips tremble as she fell to the ground while moving backward. Her foot got caught into something that was already on the sidewalk.

The man took advantage of this time and hover over her, shoving a handkerchief that he had kept in his back pocket on to her mouth to muffle her screams.

It was amazing how everything had gone according to his plan. He wanted her to try and lose him by making cuts around the corners as he know it would lead them to empty streets, where no one would be at that time. And fun part she did exactly as he thought. He could not believe how easy it was, all he had to do was to keep walking behind her.

"It's sad how we have the same classes from years and yet you still do not recognize me" he chuckled, "what a shame, I have to do this to you".

"And you poor boyfriend". This caught Avni off guard. "He was quite a fighter I will be honest but sadly I was more stronger than him"

Avni's eyes widened in the fear what he had done to her boyfriend and tears strated to roll down her cheeks.

Why was he doing this to her?

Who is he?

How's it?
Did any prediction changed?
Any new assumption?

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