Pain that she didn't deserve (1)

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Sorry for not posting anything in the past few days. I was working on this and a bundle of struggles were faced in the process. This have my blood, sweat, and tears.

I have never write anything like this. I mostly write lovey dovey or family stuff but this is not like that. This made me struggle a lot while writing. In this, the writer really said, "concept who?". No joke, it might be bad as I was not able to put myself in the zone, where character had to be. This is quite lengthy so, I cut some of the OS and will post it later. Please do read it to every end.  And leave your honest feedback on it. Part 2 will clear all of the confusions, hopefully.

Also, this story (ts) have mention about suicide and blood. No one try to harm themselves, they are just thoughts and blood mention is not brutal.

Without any delay, enjoy!

Hours spend on Part 1: 13 hours


Five years but it still seem less.

Five years of pain yet it keep increasing.

My punishment is increasing as I breath.

The air I inhale seems to be suffocating me.

I have thoughts about killing myself but it's haram. One time I ended up cutting my wrist but I was saved. My God wants me to live the life that is hell and I am only doing that.

After sleepless night, a cold shower is much needed and helps Avni survive the long days. No one talks to her in the house and it keeps increasing her pain. Thanks to dada jaan, Avni have less pain to bare.

But it doesn't help.

As she was the one behind everything.

She was the one, who took a daughter away from her parents. She was the one, who took a sister from her brother. She was the one, who took a granddaughter from her grandmother. She was the one, who took a wife from a husband.

She was the one, who took away a meaning of life from a family.

She was the killer, who have killed her own big sister.

And nothing in the world can bring her back or change the fact that Avni was the reason of her big sister's death.

Standing under the icy cold shower, Avni remembered the event that occurred five years ago, which only brought tears in her eyes, pain in her heart, and blood out of her hand.

Avni wrapped herself in a towel and got out of her big tub. She stood in front of her mirror, looking at herself after clearing the fog. She was not like how she was before.

It doesn't matter how she look or what she was now.

Avni got ready for her day and bandage her hand that was bleeding abnormally.

"If I would only bandage my heart like I bandage you everyday" Avni said looking at her hand and laughed, while having tears in her eyes. She took her backpack from the floor and went out of her room to leave the house.

She was walking down the hall when she was met with the eyes of her family members. As soon as Avni came in their view, they all looked at her.

Now Avni is used to ignoring their glares and going out of the house. She was about to step out when dada jaan called her, "Avni come and eat breakfast. I have made your favorite poha."

Avni stopped and after a while turned around to look at the dining table from where his dada jaan's voice came from. Everyone was looking at her and today their eyes held something.

Avni decided to ignore her useless thoughts, "No dada jaan, I do not want to eat it. I am getting late." With out saying or listening to anything, Avni rushed out of the house.

It was a regular thing that Avni did. Everyday dada jaan would ask her to eat breakfast but she would refuse and go out of the house.

Avni was walking on the sidewalk of a busy road. Cars were passing by her in full speed and unlike before now the sound of traffic keeps her calm. She was few minutes away from her favorite place, where she felt comfortable and her tears didn't betrayed her.

Her pain there didn't meant anything to her.

Avni went in a alley and stood in front of the black door. Looking around to see if anyone was around or not, she knocked on it. A slide was moved and a pair of angry eyes were seen.

"A.H" and she showed her wrist by moving it up near her face. The slider on the door closed and it was opened. Avni stepped in the place and started to walk in while moving threw old dusty hall.

It was the loudest place to exist with many people: screaming, yelling, drinking, and fighting.

She was at a fighting club.

The only place that can ease her pain.

One day she accidently came across this place and since than everyday, Avni comes here and make herself not think of bitter memories.

How? By fighting.

Avni was in the locker room and changing when someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"V.R" came a husky voice. Avni sat on the small bench near the locker, "Come on in"

V.R entered and came to sit with Avni.

"Be careful today. It is tough for you to handle." His voice had concern which now bothers Avni.

"I have been doing this since five years now no need for worrying." Avni stood up after putting her shoes and gave a ster look to the poor guy, who in return gave her a small smile.

"Of course, but everyone needs a good luck before starting something, doesn't they?" V.R stood in front of Avni looking in her eyes while folding his arms on his chest.

"People do but Avni don't and you know this better" Avni poked her finger on his chest.

V.R got serious and held Avni's finger, "How long are you going to cry over her? Do you really think it was your fault?"

V.R was angry and his words were having a effect on her.

"I told you to not ever mention that but you still did. I dare you to say a word...." Avni was cut off.

"What are you going to do?" He started to move toward her, "You can't do anything but cry and be weak like other girls."

That was enough, Avni punched V.R straight on his nose. Her one punch was enough to cause  blood to come out. He flew back on the floor.

Avni was breathing heavily and throwing her towel that was around her neck on him she walked out of the locker room. While V.R sat up by the support of his elbow and held his nose laughing.

"It seemed to work" His moved his nose and hissed in pain, "And she broke it" Rolling his eyes he too walked out of the room.

The ring was all prepared for new round of fight. Everyone was excited and many were placing their bets. Seeing Avni stepping on the ring, many people cheered. She had a serious yet hurtful expression on her face. She was ready to smash open anything or anyone.

A well built guy stepped on the ring and smirked looking at Avni, who looking straight into his eyes, took her position ready to wipe everything off of his face. The count down from 3 to began and as soon as the bell ring,  Avni punched the guy on his face.

She was about to throw another one when he blocked it and punched Avni several times, who stumble back due to the impact of the strong punches. Someone yelled her name on top of their lungs.

Everything around Avni got blurry. She could not see what was happening or who was saying what. The only thing she could clearly see was the event that turned everything upside down.

Every picture, scene and word from that day was perfectly visible in her brain. 

She fell down on the floor not feeling any strength in her body. She mentally cursed herself for not having anything since last night. She was about to close her eyes when she heard her name again. The voice told her to not give up or else she will lose everything.

Avni smiled hearing the voice and slowly got up to fight all over again this time with strength from every corner of her body.

She took her position again to shut all of the people who were cheering on her lose and her supporters to cheer. She smirked and blocked the sense of pain from her body.

She leaned and started to punch the guy repeatedly not giving him a chance to fight back or even move any part of his body on his will.

The guy had blood coming out of his nose, it might be broken. His mouth was full of blood. Seeing him in weird stage, there is a possibility that he might have some broken ribs or bones.

The guard had to jump between them and apart them. The guy fell on the floor in a damage stage, while Avni wiped blood from her mouth with her sleeve and dropped on the ground when all she could see was darkness and hear her name being cheered.

She felt like she was dying and she would be happy if she did.


"I said leave me you moran. Stop touching me like you fucking own me!!"

"I WILL TELL YOU ONE LAST TIME TO COME WITH ME....." the guy point gun at the girl's head, "OR ELSE...." He paused and smirked looking at her expressions.

"I will unload all of the bullets in your stupid brain"


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Avni slowly tried to open her eyes but shut them again due to the brightness of the room. She tried to move her hand, but could. She felt it heavy. After trying a lot she was finally able to open her eyes and turned to see many thing attached to her hand.

Avni looked around and saw that she was in a hospital room.

She tried to sit up but winced in pain as she had a broken rib. Her head was also hurting like hell. She tried to grab the glass of water from the table when it fell down.

Avni cursed for being helpless. Suddenly the door of the room burst open and V.R rushed in.

"Avni are you okay?" He looked at Avni and saw her struggling. He went near her and made her sit properly on the bed and made her drink the water.

"I am fine. You can go now." V.R huffed

"HOW CAN I LEAVE YOU HERE?" He yelled at Avni, who did not seemed to care.

"I am perfectly fine, Vidyut. No need for sympathy" Avni leaned back on the bed and closed her eyes. Vidyut closed his eyes to calm himself and than opened, " I have something to tell you"

Avni did not response or opened her eye. Vidyut pinched her nose receiving a hard slap on his hand. He chuckled seeing Avni narrowing her eyes at him.

Before he could say anything, the door of the room again burst opened and a crying dada jaan was seen. Avni frowned seeing him and looked at Vidyut, who was rubbing back of his neck.

"Fuck, you did not" Avni whispered yelled at him, when dada jaan came and hugged Avni tightly crying his eyes out. She winced in pain. Dada jaan left her and patted her head.

"WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS?" dada jaan was angry seeing Avni like this and specially for what she has been doing.

Avni did not responded but glared at Vidyut, who knew that he was about to be live without a nose.

When Avni collapse on the ground, Vidyut was the one who brought her to the hospital, he didn't knew what to do as for the first time ever he was panicking.

He knew Avni's family as he was with Avni since elementary school. Not knowing what to do, he called dada jaan and told him everything when he reached.

"Dada jaan I am fine. No need for concerns people" Avni tries to lips but her bruised lips did not let her. Dada jaan came forward and slapped her on the head, causing Avni to winced in pain loudly.

"I can see that you are fine." Vidyut chuckled seeing Avni's adorable expressions while Dada jaan smiled. Avni was about to say something when the door opened, again.

This time there were some unexpected guest. Someone who Avni have not seen since five years.

The Khanna family.

Mr. Khanna and Mrs. Khanna

They came in the room looking at Avni.

Mr. Khanna had no emotions on his face, while Mrs. Khanna had tears in her eyes. And when she saw Avni, she started to sob loudly. She rushed towards Avni and hugged her. Avni didn't try to break the hug and let (Swetha) Mrs. Khanna cry over her shoulder.

"What happened to you Avni?" Swetha let Avni go and now cupped her face in her soft hands. She was still crying. Avni smiled biting her lower lip.

Avni didn't knew what to say or do as she have never felt this love since five years.

Avni took Swetha hands away from her face and put them down, "Nothing. A little accident happened." Swetha looked at her hands that Avni pushed away.

"A little accident? You call this a little accident?" Swetha was not in the mood to buy what Avni was telling her.

Avni looked away from.

Thinking how Swetha is not even her mother and still loves her after what she did. How she have been with her along daada jaan when she needed her mother the most. How.......

With all of the thoughts, Avni was feeling uncomfortable.

She was so lost in the thoughts that she did not notice, daadi jaan along with other family members present in the room. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

"I want to rest can you all please leave?" Avni said it blankly not caring about what anyone would think. 

"Avni betha...." Ayesha, Avni's mother called her and tried to go near her.

"I am not your daughter please stop calling me that" Avni said it suddenly and regret it little but today she couldn't stop herself, "Please let me live in peace at least in the hospital.

"I don't deserve anything. Please just leave me alone like how I have been for five years. Let me live on the terms. I don't want......" Avni closed her eyes to calm the pain in her heart.

"I will move out tomorrow Mrs. Mehta" Avni opened her closed eyes and looked at faces in front of her. They were shocked.

"Thank you for giving me time to live in your big house. Now you don't have to bare me anymore. I have found an apartment and a job."

Ayesha broke into tear and sobbed. Daadi jaan was shocked in her place. Aman was pissed. Khanna family were looking at each other. Feeling a new tension in the air, Vidyut tried to leave the room, when Avni held his hand.

He was about to say something when Avni put her other hand on her chest. Everyone got worried and rushed near the bed. Avni was having difficulty in breathing properly.

Everyone was either numb in their places or shouting her name. Vidyut rushed out and called the doctor, who made everyone go out of the room.

Everyone was crying sitting outside of the room, praying for Avni. She didn't deserve this. She was getting the pain that she didn't deserve at all.

They were regretting saying everything that day. They regret loving Juhi more than anything and being blinded by it.

They regret the day that they all believe more than Avni.

"How did you find her?"


Few hours ago:

A girl was with a boy in a corner. She was all over him like he was all over her. They were sucking each other. He tried to put his hand in short dress, when she held his hand. She smirked.

"Not so quick. I am not that priceless." She traced the side of his face with her finger.

"JUHI" Hearing her name, she pushed the boy over to see who is being impatient.  As soon as her eyes landed on the guy, her eyes widen. She could not believe that he was standing there.

"V..vidyut?" Juhi stammer.

He looked angry and in quick second looked at the boy who had his arm around Juhi's waist. With long steps, he went near them and punched the boy on his face making him fall on the ground.

Vidyut went on top of him and started to punch him. Juhi came to her senses after hearing the boy in pain.

" leave him." She started to pull him from his arm, "He wil die!" With a jerk Vidyut was up and held Juhi by her hair.

"Let him die than!!!" His eyes were blood red.

" This time I am making sure things go to their place" Saying this he started to drag Juhi with him and when she started to act up, Vidyut hit her head with a gun.


After Juhi was gone. Vidyut was feeling something was out of order. He worked day and night trying to find what was the actual truth. And seeing Avni going through rough time and the day when she tried to kill herself. Vidyut promised to himself to find out the truth and make Avni stop suffering.

It was hard but not impossible.

With a lot of handwork,  Vidyut was able to find Juhi and came to know about a bitter truth, who no one would believe. It took him a while to digest it and he knew if he just brought it out no one will believe him. Since the day he found Juhi, he have been tracking her and collecting proofs to end her games.

"Where is she now?" Aman asked Vidyut as soon as he finished. Vidyut hesitated for a while not knowing what Aman will do.

"She.... don't worry she is fine" Aman cursed under his breath.

"WHY IS SHE FINE?" No one knew what to say or do to calm him down.

"How can she be fine after making our lives hell??!" Aman banged his hand on the wall and now even the people who were not looking at them looked. A nurse came and told them to be quiet or leave the hospital.

Vidyut is pacing in the corridor, daada jaan and daadi jaan are sitting on the bench. In front of them were chairs, where Swetha, Mr. Khanna and Ayesha sat. Swetha was consoling Ayesha. Aman was leaning against the walk. 

Everyone were in bad condition and regretting everything they did.

"Bee...." A voice came and being aware of it very well everyone looked at the direction.

Juhi ran toward her bee aka daadi jaan and hugged her while kneeing down, " He saved me bee or else I would have died" She was hugging daadi jaan tightly and not feeling her warmth, Juhi broke the hug to look at her.

"Are you not happy that your doll is saved?" Juhi cleaned her nose with her long jacket sleeve.

Before she could proceed, Daadi jaan slapped her across the face making everyone gasp in shock. As Juhi was kneeing on the ground, she fell down and with wide eyes looked at daadi jaan.

" Save from what? Weren't you enjoying your life after faking your death?" Juhi got pale. She stood up and shake her head, "What are you talking about bee? It's not like this, ask Vidyut" Juhi turned towards Vidyut, he had his arms crossed and was making holes in Juhi.

"Tell them, how you saved me please!" Juhi put her hand on his arm, "Tell them he was about to kill me and how you came" Juhi held his hand when Vidyut jerked it away and looked at her in disgust.

"You will never change Juhi. I regret the time you were in my life" Vidyut had tears in his eye and feeling them coming down any moment, he turned around. All this while Aman was clenching and unclenching his fist to make him stop from doing anything.

But he had no more courage to listen to Juhi's voice.

Aman walked toward Juhi and by her forearm turned her around. He was angry and before he could say anything. A doctor came, "Vidyut!"

His grip on Juhi's arm tightened when he looked at the doctor.

No one was able to handle things at the moment and Vidyut had to be on the front.

"Is everything okay, Neil?" Vidyut was trying to read his expression.

"She is stable right now. But her mental state along with physical is not good." Dr. Neil paused and looked at everyone's faces.

"She needs to stay happy and positive. Avni have already tried to kill herself and if she have these thoughts again no one would be able to save her. Try to make her move on." Suddenly his eyes landed on Juhi.

"Now I guess it might to little possible that she might stay happy" Neil pat Vidyut on his shoulder, "can I have moment with you in my office?" Vidyut nodded and walked with Neil towards his office.

Before they could go away, daada jaan said, "Can I meet her Neil betha?" Neil looked at him who was looking helpless at this time.

Neil nodded his head, "Only one person" He smiled at daada jaan and looked at Aman, "Please respect. People are getting their treatments and this is distracting them." Amen nodded his head and left Juhi's arm, who rolled her eyes.

Neil is a friend of Avni and brother of Vidyut. He have seen Avni in every color of her life and since past five years, he have seen her broken and colorless. He doesn't like to fix his professional and personal like together. Especially when he have to treat one of his family members.

Today seeing Juhi in front of him, alive and all well made him want to do something. And he could have done something without anyone's fear, if only that could erase Avni's pain.


As soon as Vidyut entered Neil's office, he slammed himself on the couch. Neil picked a water bottle from the small fridge and threw it at his older brother, who catch it and drank all of it in one sip.

Neil took off his white coat and after hanging it came and sat in front of Vidyut on a chair.

"Are you okay?" Vidyut who was playing with his fingers looked at Neil and smiled.

"I am just worried about Avni" Neil nodded his head and kept on reading his older brother's expressions.

"Are you sure?" Vidyut frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Vidyut sat up straight on the couch and cleared his throat, "I should be the one to ask this question. Are you okay little brother?"

Neil looked away from Vidyut causing him to laugh lightly on his brother's attempt of hiding his pain.

"She will be okay Neil." Neil huffed and looked back at his brother.

"I am a doctor and I know she will be okay" Vidyut rolled his eyes.

"Why is Juhi bhabhi here?" Neil could not help himself but ask it to his brother.

Neil knew that his bhabhi was alive as one day he caught his brother researching. Vidyut's weird behaving lead Neil to spy on his older brother, which he hated but with no option had to do it.

" I think it was right time now......" Neil interrupted him, " Last time was a lot better but that time you didn't brought her than why now?"

Vidyut ran his hand through his hair, "Because I am tired of seeing Avni doing the same thing over and over again. I am tired of seeing her hurting herself everyday. I am just tired of seeing her pushing everyone away especially you, Neil" Neil did not know what to say to his brother.

"I... I.. I'm sorry, I just...." Vidyut shock his head making Neil stop.

"I should be the one saying sorry. If that day we didn't have fought like that.... this day would have not come."

Neil stood up and went near his brother. They had tears in their eyes.

"It's not your fault bhai. All of this was meant to happen. If Juhi Bhabhi did not faked her death, Mehta family would ever have seen the true face of her." Neil hugged his brother.

"Stop crying now. Tears don't look good on you" Neil said to Vidyut, who in return slapped him on his head after breaking the hug.

"You should stop calling her bhabhi now." Neil made a confused face but seeing his brother smiling he stopped himself from asking anything.


"Ayesha stop crying. She is okay now" Swetha have been trying to console Ayesha, who have not stopped crying till now.

"Mom please" Aman came and sat with his mother and hugged her. Putting her head on Aman's chest, she cried for a while.

"Please ask her to stop everything Aman" Ayesha came out of her son's hold and cupped his face. " You are her older brother and she listens to you. If you talk to her she will listen"

Listening to his mother's words, Aman felt his heart being broken inside. Sure he was not cruel like his other family members with Avni but he didn't listen to her when Avni asked.

How can he be her older brother, when he couldn't protect her.

"Stop this melodrama, don't y'all remember how she used to act? She is just trying to make you all feel guilty for no reason." Juhi was not helping her case. Aman was trying hard to not case a scene in the hospital but Juhi was provoking him.

He stood up and went near Juhi, "Now that I think about it, you are actually not how you seems to be. We all were blinded and didn't see your true color." Juhi looked at her brother and rolled her eyes.

"Please don't start your lecture on me. I am out of here."

She turned to leave when she bumped into someone and fall on the ground.

Vidyut purposefully let her fall on the ground.

"You should watch where you are going?" moving around her, Vidyut went towards his mother.

"Mom, you should go home now. Take auntie and everyone with you. Neil have night shift and I will stay with her. We both are here with her." Swetha caressed her son's cheek.

"No I will stay here and won't leave until I see her." Vidyut held his mother hand and kissed it.

"Please mom, you can come tomorrow but go home now." Vidyut looked at Ayesha who was looking at the door of the room Avni was in.

She turned toward him, "Can I see her while she is sleeping?" Vidyut didn't know what to say. She was a mother after all, "Sure auntie" He got up along with her and went toward the room.

Avni was lying on the bed with vires attached to her. She was pale and looking a lot weak. But she was peaceful.

Ayesha went near the bed and caressed Avni's face. She started to have tears in her eyes again and leaned down to kiss Avni on her forehead, "Please get up and fight with us but don't shut like this betha".

Vidyut held Ayesha, "Please stop crying. She will wake up soon. Don't worry in few days everything will be normal."

Ayesha nodded her head and walked out of the room with Vidyut.

"Aman take everyone home." Aman tried to protest, "I will keep you guys updated. Just rest for now" Seeing his tired mother and daada and daadi, Aman nodded his head and took everyone home.

Mr. Khanna left as he had something important to do and Swetha stayed back with Mehta family as they need her support.

Visitors hours were over, Vidyut was sitting on the couch in Avni's room reading a book. But his mind was somewhere else. It was past midnight and the sleep was far away.

Avni stirred a little and hissed. Vidyut came near the bed and called her constantly.

"Can you stop yelling?" Avni, who opened her eyes looked at Vidyut with annoyances.

" You are awake!!" Vidyut said in excitement. Avni than closed her eyes and smiled, "You are behaving like I was going to die."

The door opened and Neil walked in the room. He had heard what Avni was saying, "Don't you have other things than dying?" He was angry.

"Visitors hours are over Neil Khanna." Vidyut smirked at Neil, who sighed in annoyance.

"I am a doctor." Neil went near Avni and started to check her.

"I don't remember going out or calling a doctor for her"  Neil's eyes went wide and his ears had pink tint.

"I....i..." Neil could not say a word.

"Oh could you two just shut up, geez" Avni screamed at both brothers, who were shocked. Avni pulled her blanket over her head.

"Miss Avni here" Neil went near the bed and got painkillers to give to Avni. Hearing Neil's voice, Avni took off her blanket from the face and looked at him.

Neil looked exhausted. Avni slowly sat up with the help of Vidyut and ate the pills. They helped her a little to numb some pain in her body.

After checking her Neil went out of the room. Vidyut helped Avni lay down and sleep when he saw Neil going out and rolled his eyes.


To Be Continued

Word Count: 5,100
Published: August 19, 2020

Please do not push me to write part two and update it quickly as it will make me rush.

I'm already on the edge of being writer block. Your writer got a bad nazar, I need kala theka, prayers and some sweet words.

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