The "heartthrob" (4, last)

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Hey guys, I have published a new separate os called "To Be With You". It is on my profile. Please do check it out and let me know your thoughts.

Please read the previous three part before reading this. Thank you

Previously on "The Heartthrob":
       There was light coming toward her, headlights, red and yellow of a big vehicle.Then a horn sound was heard but it started to fade away as Avni had blurry eyes and darkness started to take over her.


Neil was going to leave Avni on the road alone when he remembered something.

He has made a promise with his parents that he will always take care of her and no matter what will always keep her happy.

Realizations welcome!

Neil stopped his car and from the side mirror he saw that Avni was looking here and there, perhaps for help. He frustratingly signed and got out of his car.

He was walking towards Avni when he saw a truck coming towards Avni and her not moving away to save herself from being hit. Neil panicked and ran as fast he could to reach Avni before the truck could.

To his little luck of the day, in meantime he pulled Avni toward him and in a second truck passed them splashing water over them that was collected due to rain.

Neil's heart was not in the right place now. Instead of his chest, it was beating in his ears now. His breath was uneven and his life was unconscious in his arm with her head against his heart and arm down, with him hugging her. She was in his arm and slowly breathing, which brought Neil's to a little peace. He picked her in bridal style and slowly lay her down on the backseat of his arm.

Seeing her in this stage made Neil feel something, which he has never experienced before in his life.

Now Neil was driving slowly on the road and every now and then looked back to check on Avni. As it was Sunday, no one was at the Mansion. Neil parked his car in and carefully picked Avni from the seat and took her to his room.

Neil was so careful with Avni like if he accidentally tripped or put her someone wrong she would break. Right now, she was the most delicate piece of art he would have ever owned.

He carefully placed her on his bed and seeing her wet due to rain he got furious on himself and ran a hand through his wet hair yet perfect hair. Without giving a thought, he ran toward his closet and brought one of his comfortable shirt and joggers for Avni.

Thinking that they would magically go on her body, Neil put them beside her but to only laugh on his stupidity. Neil was nervous.

The Neil Khanna was nervous for the first time ever in his life!

He felt himself getting heated up. His cheeks were red, he was blushing. He was sweating even after being wet and cold due to rain. And he has never experienced something like that.

With no choice around, he turned off the lights of his room and came near Avni to change her clothes. With his eyes tightly shut even in the darkness, Neil changed Avni's clothes and turned on the lights. He put her clothes on the ramp in his closet room and changed his wet clothes too.

Avni was on Neil's bed for the first time, unknown to her or else she would have been freaking out by now. She was sleeping peacefully. Neil came near her and sat on the ground staring at his beautiful wife. She was looking like an angel. Her lips were red and looking so perfect to be captured.

Neil creased his right hand on her cheek and smiled at Avni who was leaking into his touch. He got up from the ground and went towards the couch in his room and called his assistance.

"Hello sir" by the sound of the greeting of his assistance, it looked like he was sleeping.

"I will not come to office tomorrow at all, cancel all of the meetings and plans I have. If needed you can have a day off and enjoy yourself." Neil told his assistance calmly yet seriously.

On the other hand his assistance took the phone away from his ear and looked at the caller id confusedly.

'Was this the same, his one and only arrogant boss Neil Khanna?' thought his assistance.

"Vikram are you even listening to me?" Neil stir voice was enough to bring Vikram back to reality. "Sorry sir, I will do it right away. And thank....." Before he could even thank Neil for a day off, Neil hang up.

Neil then dropped a text to DD telling him to handle everything in the office on his behalf if something occurred. Then he called someone to make some preparations for him and his wife. After making sure everything was done for tomorrow, Neil lay down on the couch and while looking at Avni sleeping peacefully and closed his eyes to sleep in hope to have a better start of his life with his wife.


Avni woke up feeling fresher and comfortable than usual. Suddenly, she realized something. Rain, her getting wet, Neil leaving her and.... the truck.

'Holy moly snickers bar!! Did she die at a young age??' Avni thought.

Avni started to touch her hands and face saying things under her breath, which made Neil wake up. He looked towards the bed to only find a weird yet entertaining scene.

Avni had a horrifying look on her face. She was constantly touching her face and muttering something under her breath from which Neil could only hear the part where she said, "Am I dead?"

Neil was amused seeing this Avni. She was something else.

Neil could not help himself, "No you are not dead" Avni quickly looked toward Neil.

It was so quick that she had to move her head a little above it could have definitely cracked.

Seeing Neil with a smile on his face and sitting in front of her made Avni even more shocked than she was before.

The next thing she did made Neil shut his eyes tightly, while protecting his ears. Avni screamed on top of her lungs. It was like an earthquake had came.

Avni could not believe that Neil was in front of her and smiling. His smile was the last thing in the world that she would get. She could not believe anything around her, she pinched herself, "Ouch!"

She had pinched herself a lot harder than she would have. Avni busy in herself that she did not noticed when Neil started to walk towards her and sat on the bed.

Avni looked up shockingly and saw Neil smiling, again. She could not help herself but say, "You are not Neil Khanna"

Neil looked at her dumbfounded, her heartbeat started to get faster and faster. Neil bite on his lower lip to control himself from laughing, "Than where is Neil Khanna?" Neil tilted his head sideways.

"You can not be Neil, who are you?" Avni just could not believe that he was actually him. He was behaving a little too weird, "Avni I am Neil Khanna, your husband." Neil was super amused.

Neil stood up from the bed and pulled Avni with him, " Get freshen up and I will make breakfast."

Avni nodded her head and as started to walk towards the bathroom, "And if you do not mind than can you please take my clothes out, please?" That made Avni pause. This was definitely not Neil.

Did she got hit by the truck? Was this a fantasy?

"Are you listening to me wifey?" That was the end of Avni. She turned towards Neil so fast that her legs tangled together and she was about to fell. But before she could fell, Neil rushed and saved her.

Avni had her eyes closed. She was looking super cute and with her blushing cheeks, Avni was the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Avni...." Hearing her name, Avni opened her eyes and got out of Neil's hold, "Did you heard what I said wifey?" The word wifey, only brought more blush to her cheeks and Avni nodded her head. Neil laughed and kissed her on her cheek.

He kissed her.
The Neil Khanna kissed her.

Mr. Kharuse kissed her!!!

Avni rushed to the bathroom and when she came outside she saw that her dress was already out on the bed and there was no sight of Neil. She took the dress and got ready. She left the room but not before taking out something for Neil to wear.

Avni was going down the stairs, when she smelled something good. It was making her more hungry. She ran to the kitchen and saw Neil making breakfast.

"You did not had to do this. I will do this as you should get ready. It is getting late, you need to go to the office." Hearing her, Neil turned toward her with a plate full of pancakes with syrup and strawberries on.

"You do not have to worry about that. I have a day off and so do you." Avni frowned.

"Why can't a boss have a day off too?" Avni shook her head, "The company will go crazy if the boss is not there." She walked towards the cabinet and took out a glass, when Neil took the glass from her and gave her a glass of fresh orange juice.

"I think they all can survive without me for a day" He hold Avni from the shoulder and made her sit on the stool near the counter. "Today, I am going to only be with my wifey and give her my full undivided attention."

Avni started to drink her juice, "Seeing you behave like this making me be worried sick."

"Do you love to talk to yourself?" Avni looked up at Neil , who was already looking at her.

"Who said that?" The blush on her cheeks was coming back and thankfully this time Neil decided to go out of the kitchen instead of just stand and make her more blush.

"Nothing, I will go and get ready. Have your breakfast before it gets cold."

Neil was gone and now in the kitchen, there was only Avni and her beloved Pancakes.

She loves pancakes more than herself, with Neil nowhere to be seen. Avni digged into her pancake like a child.

By the time, Neil came downstairs, Avni was done eating and had washed the dishes. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching show on the TV.

"Sorry Wifey but I have a problem." Neil hold Avni's hand and pulled her with him and started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you taking me?" Avni was confused and now she was having doubts that Neil was planning on killing her.

"I have to go office as I have a meeting. Sadly it can not be delayed." Neil made Avni sit in the front seat of the car and made his way towards the driver side. "You and me are going somewhere after the meeting. So you have to accompany me in the office." Avni nodded her head.

The car ride to the office was quiet. The whole time, Avni was looking outside the window and counting tress. Suddenly car stopped and Avni looked at Neil, who looked like he was about to get out of the car. Avni looked up and saw they had arrived at his office.

She got out of the car and was about to walk, when she left something pulling her. She looked down at her hand and saw that Neil had held her hand. "Where are you running to wifey?"

Avni looked at Neil and shook her head. They both were holding hand and entered the building. Everyone was looking at them. They were so shocked seeing their boss with a girl and that on top holding hands. While Neil had a stur face, Avni smiled at everyone and went inside Neil's office with him.

DD was not in the office at the moment or he would have added spices to the whole situation.

Neil made Avni sit on the couch in his office, "Be comfortable and I will be right away. I will not take long. You can do anything you want while I am gone." With that Neil left to attend his meeting.

Avni was confused with what was happening. She could not believe that who she was seeing or hearing was Neil Khanna, her kharuse husband.

Avni's office was quite big. It had a long glass wall size window on the left and in front of it was the long couch. On the right was his desk. It was simple yet elegant.

Avni was bored by herself and decided to look at the paintings that were on the wall behind Neil's desk. As she passed the desk she noticed something, a picture frame.

Not any picture frame, her picture frame.

The frame had her picture in it, holy moly snickers!!!

She hold the frame and started to look at it. It was the picture from her bridal shower that Kareen, Neil's cousin, took that day. She did not knew that she had sent it to him.

She was looking at the picture, when a hand came forward and took the picture frame from her.

Avni looked up and saw Neil looking at the picture smiling and put the frame back, where it belonged.

"Neil what are you trying to do?" Avni turned her body toward Neil.

"I am just trying to use the second chance I have" Avni did not understood what he was trying to say, "I am giving us a chance Avni, is it wrong to do that?"

Avni kept quiet and did not said a word. She did not knew what to say after what Neil said.

Was there a second chance for them?
Was there any chance what so ever?

"Let's go, we are getting late." Neil held Avni's hand and went out to the building and hit the road to wherever he wanted to take her.

Avni was again looking out the window not saying a word and Neil was also driving the car quietly, unlike other times, this time the car was going slow and smooth.

Avni noticed that they are in middle of no where. There were no cars, no houses, no people but just trees everywhere. It was a whole jungle. Was he....

Her eyes widen on the thoughts she was having and who would not when the other person is behaving all mysterious.

Avni turned towards Neil, who was calm and no sign of anger was shown on his face, "Neil are you trying to kill me? Are you trying to threw me in the jungle and leave so the wild animals can eat me?" Avni said what was going on in her mind since morning. Neil turned to her and was shocked on her words.

"If this is what you are planning on doing than let me tell you, I will haunt you for the rest of your life. In your dreams, you will see me. In your daydreams....."

Avni was going to say more when Neil, who was dumbfounded started to laugh so hard.

He was laughing without any care, this was the first time Avni have seen Neil like this. 'He looks cute laughing like this', thought Avni

Neil was still laughing, "I.. am sorry" laugh "I did not mean to burst out like this but...." laugh continues.

Avni pinched herself and winced in pain, again.

"Where is the old kharuse Neil?" Avni said to herself but Neil heard it. As soon as she said that Neil's laugh died. He felt bad on hearing.

Neil was trying hard to make her comfortable and forget the old Neil he was. But it seems like he have to work harder now as his wifey seem to love the old Neil.

"Why are you missing him?"

Avni did not say a word or looked at him. Not getting any response, Neil also focused on the road and did not say a word. It was going to be a long drive but to Avni's it was not that long.

She was lost in her thought when she felt the car stopping. She looked towards the driver seat but Neil was not there. She got confused and heard the door from her side opening, which made her jump in surprise. When she saw Neil standing there with his hand out, Avni relaxed a bit.

Hesitatingly Avni took Neil's hand and got out of the car. Avni looked around to see where they were and rolled her eyes, "Seriously Neil, the farm house" Her tone was yelling ughh from every direction.

Neil laughed and pulled Avni excitingly towards the back of the farm house, where the garden was. It was Avni's most favorite place, when she used to stay there with her parents before wedding. It made her be relaxed and found her happiness.

As soon as he took her there, Avni got surprised.

The garden had a table with two chairs in the middle, around it were many lights and balloons. The garden had fresh flowers planted and with the cool breeze their scent was everywhere. The whole scene went so well together and make everything look.....romantic.

"This is beautiful." Avni was memorized with the decoration and everything.

"Is it?" On Neil's question, Avni nodded her head excitedly which made Neil chuckle.

"Wait here I will be back?" Neil went somewhere and Avni walked towards the table.

"Hey listen" It was Neil's voice.

Avni turned toward him and smiled widely when she saw her favorite cake!

Neil came forward and put the cake on the table. Avni clapped her hand like a child but made a confused face.

"Its not my birthday, than why does it say happy birthday?" Avni made a confused face.

Neil turned her towards him by her shoulder and caressed her cheek with his hand. Feeling his touch and seeing him coming near her, Avni closed her eyes and blush formed on her cheeks.

Neil smirked and kissed her forehead, "Why do you ask so many questions wifey?"

It made Avni open her eyes and look at Neil.

"It is birthday of something special."

Avni shook her head, "No it is not. Everyone special in my life does not have their birthday in this month. Mom's birthday is in the beginning of the next month and your is at the....."

Avni regretted saying this. She was not supposed to show him signs that she cared. Dame it!

Neil on the other hand was little surprised. He did not knew that he was in her special list, "I did not knew that my wife had me in her special list." Avni opened her mouth to say something but closed again not knowing how to say it.

"Its fine wifey, you do not have to explain it. After all I am your husband, I can be in this list."

Neil turned to the table and held a knife, "You have to help me cut the cake wifey."

"But..." Avni stopped when she felt Neil's one arm being wrapped on her waist and with his other hand giving her the knife and holding it. She shivered under his touch.

Neil was so closed to Avni and she liked it. She liked how their bodies were connect.

They cut the cake and Neil made her eat it. Avni was confused on why having a cake cutting ceremony and she was about to ask when she was black clouds forming.

It means it was going to rain.
She hated rain.

Black clouds were formed and the wind started to be stronger.

It thundered and it made Avni jump. She held Neil's arm as if her life depended on it. She was looking at the sky.

Neil looked at Avni worriedly and made her look at him, "Avni its okay I am with you."

Neil started to pull Avni along him to go inside but as the thunder song were becoming louder and louder, she stood still in fear.

Seeing her standing in one place and not moving or looking anywhere made Neil be worried. In the next moment, Neil picked Avni up in his arm and started to make his way inside the farm house. Thunder sound was louder and Avni buried her face in Neil's chest while griping his shirt in her small hands. She felt Neil walking faster and than being placed on the bed.

Avni opened her eyes and saw Neil sitting on the floor in front of her looking at her worried.

"Are you okay Avni?"

Avni did not say anything but jumped on the next thunder sound.

"Neil I am scared." Avni started to cry and seeing her cry made Neil be hurt.

"I am so sorry Avni, I should have done my rain check." Neil cupped her face and rubbed his thumbs on her cheeks.

Avni loved his touch, it made her be calm.

"It fine." Avni said it after a while when there seem to be no thunder sound. She opened her eyes and looked at Neil who had tears in his eyes.

"Neil it's fine, you do not have to be worried." Avni smiled to make Neil not be panicked but he was not fool. He knew Avni was scared.

"Avni I am so sorry. I just wanted to make you happy. I wanted to bring you out and clean the mess I have created. I wanted to start all over again with you. I wanted to tell you that I....."

Neil paused and Avni held his hand that was on his face and squeezed it gently.

Neil took a long breath, "I wanted to you that I love you, I love you so freaking much. To the point that I can not see you with anyone but myself. I love you so much that I want to grow old with you."

Neil stood up and gripped his hair, "Fuck this was not supposed to go like this. I wanted this to be our best moment and I ruined it all over again. Shit!"

This time a loud thunder sound was heard, "NEILL!!" Avni screamed his name and he quickly sat in front of her again and put his large hands over her small hands that were on her ears. Feeling his touch, Avni opened her eyes and looked into Neil's concerned eyes.

"I love you too, Neil!"

Neil took his hands off her hand and got up. He took out his phone from his pocket and connected it to the speaker in her room. He played random song on full volume. He did not wanted her to hear the sounds of thunder.

The volume was loud enough to block the thunder sounds from entering Avni's ears. Neil again sat on his knees in front of her, "what did you say?"

Avni looked at him and shook her head, "did you mean it?" Neil wanted to hear the words from her mouth. Avni closed her eyes as she heard a little thunder sound, "I love you Avni"

Avni opened her eyes, "And I love you too Mr. Not So Kharuse After All" Neil smiled hearing her confession and leaned toward her. Due to thunder sound, which got louder than before she squeezed Neil's hand.

With his other hand, Neil reached for his phone and turned it a little higher, now blocking every sound from outside.

Neil turned towards Avni and looked at her and than at her red lips, which he always admired. And back at her, she got the signal and nodded her head.

Without wasting a second, Neil put his lips on Avni and started to kiss her passionately. Avni responded to the kiss with the same passionate and while kissing, Neil made Avni lay down on the bed.

Neil was on top of her and due to lack of breath both parted. Neil looked at Avni who was blushing and her eyes were shut, this time not because of fear.

Neil smirked and started to kiss her on the neck gently. Avni gripped Neil's shirt tightly. Not feeling his kiss or little weight on her, Avni opened her eyes and saw him taking his shirt off.

"Today you are mine." With that Neil went back to his mission not before turning the lamp off.

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Word Count: 4400
Published: August 2, 2020
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You all really thought I was besharam.

With the worst description ever, you can tell I don't know the ABC of romance like that. I just wanted to end "The Heartthrob" on a different note. I wrote something like this time but do not expect from me to write it again. Idk how to write things like this.

Anyways, this four shot have came to an end and I am crying. I enjoyed writing this Four shots more than any other os I have ever written. I am sobbing. They were my babies and I do not know what to do. My brain is now just filled with scenes related to this four shots. I need a moment.

I hope you all have like this part as much as you guys had liked the previous ones. Please do keep supporting and loving my writing and I will always work hard for you guys.

Since this have came to an end, I am planning on writing another os. Remember when I said that I am thinking about an os, well yes it is that one. I have decided to make it as a short story. I might after few hours or tomorrow publish the book so you can read the preface of it.

It is called "Baazi Ishq Ki". It is AvNeil Short Story and I will be waiting for you guys there. Also, please do check out my Avneil OS "To Be With You".

Thank you .

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