Unexpected (2)

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Dil Tera Sansari Haiga,
Lage Dil Ko Beimaani,

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Previously on Unexpected:
Neil stood up and smiled, "Unknown people give you roses the most." He put the rose in her hair behind the ear and walked back to the table but not before winking at Avni.

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Title: Our College is on Fire!!

Juhi was beyond furious seeing the scene being folded in front of her.

What did Avni have that she didn't have?
Why was everyone behaving like lost puppies in front of her?

"I should have showed her where she belonged!" Avni stomped her foot and left.

"Avni....." Avni was looking around the cafeteria and Priya was trying to figure out what to eat. Currently Neha and Avni were standing in front of the cafeteria guy to order their food. Neha has placed her order three times and canceled it. She is being too picky today.

"Avni listen to me!" Avni looked at Neha and tilted her head, "Yes honey"

Neha smiled and made puppy eyes, "Samosa or chaat? I can not understand what to get."

Avni was tired of her drama, "then why don't you get both things." She turned to face the poor guy, who was looking at them and was trying to get free, "Excuse me, I will take one samosa, one plate of chaat, one coke bottle, and one cup of coffee." The guy smiled and nodded his head.

"I do not want coffee." Neha told Avni like a child.

"Madam I need coffee to survive." Avni said it in duh tone.

Neha smirked, "OMGGGG!!!! It is finally happening....."

Everyone looked at Neha who was yelling. Even in the loud cafeteria, her voice was echoing and everyone turned toward her.

Some were shocked to see a new Neha.

She was a totally different person before the new girl came. She was no longer shy but crazy.

Avni slapped her hard before she could complete her nonsense.

The cafeteria guy gave Avni their order and after having it she went back to her table. As soon as they arrived at the table, Neha made a mess by mixing samosa in her chaat and started to eat like kids.

Avni looked at her disbelievingly, "Neha honey, you know you are in college."

Neha shrugged her shoulders and continued her food while Avni drank her coffee.

Out of nowhere, a boy came running in the cafeteria, "EVERYONE OUT!!! GET OUT OF THE BUILDING THERE IS A FIRE IN BUILDING 2."

Everyone gasped and started to run out. Avni and Neha looked at each other and they collected things when someone came and grabbed their stuff. Both girls looked up and saw serious DD.

Neha grabbed her food plate and went behind him with Avni.

In a situation like this, she was still enjoying her food without caring about anything.

She was walking slowly like she was in a drama. Not feeling Neha next to herself, Avni turned around and saw Neha way behind them.

"DD..." he turned and Avni threw her bag at him. She ran back and grabbed Neha's hand and yanked her with her. The plate from Neha's hand fell and she complained like a child.

Once they were out of the college, they saw fire coming from building 2 and it was uncontrollable. There were alot of police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances.

There were few media people covering the news and it is now definitely on TV and the most dramebaaz mothers are left to face.

"You need to do something about your obsession with food." Neha narrowed her eyes on DD, "I mean I get it you love food but do not love it so much that one day you will die because of it."

DD was asking for something impossible from Neha. Without food Neha was nothing.

"You should watch what you are saying if you....." Avni massaged her templates.

"Can you two shutup please" Avni took out her phone and called someone. Neha smiled broadly looking at Avni, who ignored her completely.

"He is safe and sound in the office." DD took out a water bottle from Avni's bag that was still in his hand and started to drink out of it.

Avni was about to grab the water bottle when the person on the other side answered her phone. Before Avni could say anything the person started to inquire, "Yes auntie, I am fine."

The person on the other side asked something else, "Yes auntie, I am with your daughter. Do not worry I will drop her off." Avni smiled and turned off her phone.

The first thing she did was yank her bottle from DD, who have already finished drinking all of the water from it. Avni frowned, "Aik dusray ka jhuta kahay pinay se pyaar barta hai, nahi suna kabhi?"

(Drinking or eating other's things makes the love grow between them, haven't you ever heard that?)

Neha was burning holes in him, "Let me drop both of you home."

"No need my driver will be here and he can take us" DD looked at Avni and smirked, "Oh the driver who I told to not come, right?" Avni's eye went wide and Neha's jaw dropped on the ground.

DD chuckled, "let's go, Neil told me to take care of you too anyways." Both girls made weird faces hearing Neil's name.


Currently Avni and Neha are sitting on the sofa and seeing their sweet lady's drama.

"What would we have done if something happened today?" It has been half an hour since DD has dropped them off and saved himself making an excuse. Since then they are trying to handle a mother and seeing her cry.

"MRS. KHANNA WE ARE OKAY!!" Neha and Avni yelled.

Mrs. Khanna sat on the sofa and narrowed her eyes at them, "Where were you two when this happened?"

"We were in the cafeteria." Avni told her lovely auntie.

Mrs.Khanna made a shocked face, "Oh my God! I knew about Neha but Avni you were also skipping and that too on your first day." Neha got shocked by her mother's words.

"What do you mean 'I knew about Neha', ha? Do you think of me as that low mom?" Neha started to fake cry and somehow she made her big fat tears come out of her eyes.

"Aww baby, she did not mean that. We all know how good a girl you are?" Avni was counseling her but she pinched her. Making Avni jump in her place. Neha narrowed her eyes.

"I always knew I was an adopted child. If I was your child, you would never say something so hurtful to me... but...." Neha was continuing her drama and Mrs. Khanna paid her no attention.

Seeing no response, Neha started to cry loudly, "Where are you tears coming from?" Mrs. Khanna came toward Neha and held her face, examining from where the tears were coming from. Avni chuckled.

Neha made a puppy face, "Mom I would have died today, you know?"

Mrs. Khanna left her daughter's face, "And I would have been happy to have you finally out?" Neha again started to fake cry loudly, Avni rolled her eyes and went toward the kitchen.

"Now stop and tell me what you need?" Neha looked at her mom and smiled, "You know me so well ha" Neha wiped her fake tears and looked at her mother, who rolled her eyes.

"I do not know what I did wrong that I got a daughter like you." Mrs. Khanna started to switch channels of TV to find something interesting to watch.

Neha got up and went to her mother's side, "Please can I go with Avni today?"

Mrs. Khanna looked at her daughter and shook her head, "Please, please, please mom!!"

"Absolutely no, you should learn to stay at your house too. This is not your hotel that once in a while you can come and check in." It was true, Neha treated her house like a hotel where she once in a while slept.

It was like Mehta house is her real house.

"Mom this is not fair." Neha looked up and saw her best friend coming into the living room with a plate of biryani. She was eating it while walking towards them.

"Auntie this biryani is everything...." Avni closed her eyes as she put a spoonful of it in her mouth. Out of nowhere Neha snatched it from her and started to eat it, "Ask mom to let me go with you!" Neha was ordering Avni to ask for permission.

Neha made herself comfortable beside Avni and started to eat biryani that Avni bought for herself from the kitchen

Avni snatched the plate from her, "how about no?" She fake smiled and started to eat it.

Neha huffed and took the plate from her again, "I'll give you something special if you help me" Neha winked at Avni.

"Mind telling me what that something 'special' is?" Neha had a mouth full of food. She shook her head, "i do not think you will like it if I said it in front of mom" Neha leaned toward her and whispered it in Avni's ear.

Avni's mouth opened on hearing her. Neha laughed and closed her mouth with her hand.

"What are you two gossiping about?" It was Mrs. Khanna who asked.

"Auntie can I borrow Neha for tonight?" Mrs. Khaana looked at both of them, "Avni you know I feel bad for always sending her with you. I do not know what Neela think of me?"

"Auntie mom loves her company more than mine. It is like Neha is her real daughter." Avni went to Mrs. Khanna and sat in front of her holding her hands, "Please auntie let her go"

Mrs. Khanna signed, "Okay fine, you can take her. But tomorrow afternoon I need both of you in this house." Avni smiled and Mrs. Khanna patted her cheek.

"Deal and now I will take her." Neha was done eating biryani, which she snatched from Avni and stood up.

"Finally now I can breathe!!" She started to walk toward the main door taking her bag, which by the way had all of her belongings.

In the morning she had planned to take everything she needed with her and go with Avni after college but sadly the incident happened at college and her mother India told them to come.

Avni laughed and Neha turned to see if Avni was coming or not when a cushion hit her on the face.

Her own mother, threw a cushion at her, "MOMMM!!!!"

"You are going to come back tomorrow and I'll see if you will be able to breath or not than" Mrs. Khanna narrowed her eyes at her daughter, who stuck her tongue out and ran away before a flying chappal could land on her face.

"Bye auntie and do not worry I will take care of her" Avni turned around while walking out of the living room and promised her best friend's mother. Who smiled and waved at her.

Avni was walking out looking down at her feet when she bumped in a wall. She closed her eyes and prepared herself to fall when she did not and felt someone's arm around her waist. Avni opened her eyes and saw no other than her best friend's brother, Neil!

He gave her a smile but Avni gave him no emotion.

She freed herself and was about to go near Neha who was standing near the car watching her, when Neil held her hand and pulled Avni towards him, which made her crash in his chest.

Neil titled his head sideways, "You know Avni we are home right now?"

Avni was trying to free herself, " Mr. Neil Khanna what is this behavior?"

Neil pulled Avni more into him and moved her hairs behind her ear, which were blocking his view, "What behavior? I am not doing anything." Neil gave her smile while she rolled her eyes.

Neha 'aww' which made Neil leave Avni. "Bhai you are romantic thank god!"

Neha put her hands on her hips, "I thought you were a boring person but...." She was not able to complete as a car came in their driveway and honked.

Everyone looked toward the car and saw a smiling DD waving at them.

"Where did this monkey come from?" Avni pinched her nose and looked at Neha who was waving back.

Completely ignoring Avni's question, Neha turned toward her brother and friend. "Now bhai, you can take your time and make sure to drop my bestie home safe. I have completed my work." Neha winked towards them and ran toward DD, who was in the car.

She opened the door and was about to sit, "I'll meet you later at your house Avni."

As soon as she sat down, DD reversed his car and they went away. Avni turned to face Neil, who had no emotion on his face. She was about to say something when her phone made a sound indicating that she had a new message. She looked at her phone and it was Neha.

"Make sure to open the door for me! If you get late just tell me I will cover you up *winking emoji*"

"UGHH!! Can I kill Neha?" Neil looked at Avni and smirked, "Go ahead than I won't have to go to jail". Avni gasped and slapped Neil at his chest.

Neil laughed and pulled her with him and made her sit in his car.

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Word Count: 2374
Published: August 8, 2020
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I do not liked the way this turned out but still posting it as I have wasted my energy at it.

Everyone was asking for part 2, so I was like why not. I'll post part 3 tomorrow and day after than. I do not want to drag this shot any more as I want to start posting Qismat.

Which reminds me, do check out "Qismat Preface" and also cast a vote. 

I am working on a lot of things at same time so if I do not post one day just know Ms. Writer is busy in losing her brain cells.

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