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This Post is Specifically reserved to the Heartfelt Dedications I have received from My Readers.!

So excited to post them all.!!!!!!!! 😃

Thank You Everyone for Taking Your Time and Efforts in order to make me feel good.! You guys are Gold.! 👏❤


This is a kind of Spin-off of the Scene where Neil Saw Avni for the first time In Jaipur - written by Frreebird

The unexpected knock at my life's door

Firstly a big congratulations to@docritu99 dii on millionaire turning a year old this year..
A wonderful story with the amazing writing, ideas, presentation..
Deadly combination.. 😘😍
Stole my heart!! 💖💖
Thanks for such a wonderful story..

This little presentation is a small effort from my side to cherish the moments of millionaire..

Here, I am presenting my take on the day when our little dinousour, millionaire neil khanna, the heart throb of the young ladies out in the town met his life, his "miss fiancée" 😘😍 Avni Ayesha..
Its purely from the neil's point of view..
Hope you enjoy it!! 😊😊

The day when their paths crossed; when the destiny finally decided to play its ace card and curved the paths of the two souls to propose them in each other's life...
Here it goes!!

In jaipur

Today, I landed in jaipur to attend the most crucial meeting of my life; the meeting which would decide the fate of my dream project. My dream project, I.e. the khanna airlines, for which I have worked day and night to make it happen..

When I Departed from the airport, I saw a driver with a BMW waiting for me ( perks of having a caring and wonderful father; love u dad!)
Seeing the luggage in my hand, the driver came fastly towards me and took over my luggage and placed it in the car..
For this I thanked him..
Firstly he was confused as to why I was thanking him..
But then when he saw my subtle smile towards him
He understood it and reciprocated it with a warmth smile .
My bebe has always taught me that we should always be grateful to the people around us who help us, ignoring the fact how big or a small help he do to us.

I think I am the luckiest man on this earth blessed with such a caring and fantastic family!! And yes I accept this fact!!
Every day when I wake up, I first thanks god for this gift!! 😘😘

While thinking this, I seated myself in the lavish and brand new BMW and started my way towards the hotel ...
Completely unaware of the beautiful gift of my life waiting to knock in life!!

On my way to hotel i decided to go through the files, but then a sudden realisation struck me and I left my work in half way...my heart which was petulant, irascible,irated and fumed has now started to beat regularly, as if the thing it was longing for a few moments back has finally reached to it, making it feel peace, relieving it from the craving... and now it is loudly screaming.. this is the feeling of homecoming!! 😊😊

You must be wondering what had happened; so here I tell u about it..

One hour before my flight landed...

I was in the airplane, going through the files of my important meeting today; donno why today my heart is behaving erratic. I am not able to make myself engross in the work and pay all my attention to it. Feeling as if something is making me distracted, a little weird feeling engulfed me.
Trying to decipher what it is..
The chuddy buddies yet the rivals of my life got activated..

Mind:Kya drama laga rkha hai? You have only one thing to do and that is pumping blood.. do it.. don't trouble my gabru jawaan.. ✋✋ let him focus on his work.. 😠😠

Heart:Hey its none of ur matter dude!! Stay away from it.. yeh dil ki baat hai tum nhi samjhoge dimaag babu!! You can't feel na.. oops 😂😂

Mind: Eew... 🙈🙈
So what, I can't feel but I can think.. and that's important..
Its because of me that this gabru is so smart, stylish, well mannered, have proper etiquettes. And these traits of him are the reason of making the hearts of young ladies in town beat a little faster for him..
See I am helping your fellows to survive.. how selfless and caring I am naa!! 😉😉
( To himself:Aur yeh maara mene sixer!!) 😂😂😂😂

Heart: Is it so!!??
Well my lovely partner, if you think you are helping my fellows to survive.. then I am the reason of the eligible bachelor, the beat of various heart's life.. 😉😉
Aur haan dhyaan se dekh sixer nhi tha.. u were bowled!! 😂😂
Such a dolt you are.. 😂😂 😂😂

Mind: Hey I am not dolt, okay!! 😤😤

Heart: Oh yeah, you are not dolt; you are stubborn, overweening, jerk.. 😝😝

Mind: Hey dude!! Don't call me my names, or you will find that two can play at that game!! 😤😤
You are an instable creature!! humesha upar neeche hote rehte ho.. koi stability naam ki cheez hai ki nhi.. learn from me..

Heart: creature kise kaha!! 😠😠
You dud!!

Mind: Oh hello!! I am not dud.. I am a wizard!! 😎😎 💫

Heart: you are impossible!! 😤😤

After getting kicked here and there like a football, I put an end to this tom and jerry's fight by listening to my mind i.e. better to sleep and not to ponder over the weird feelings of heart during my flight..
This flushed mind with a ton of happiness.. after all he won.. a short lived though!!

And then I peacefully completed my journey in plane by sleeping!!

At present...

Yaa so where I was..
Homecoming yes..
This feeling made me happy from inside.. some unexplainable feelings.. ebullient my heart has become now..

How weird heart is..

Too unpredictable at times.. some moments before, badly craving for some unknown feeling and now at peace as if nothing has happened...

While I was trying to analyse why it is so.. suddenly the partially sunny weather (like my heart's situation at present ) took a spin..
The dark clouds covered the sky
The gusty winds moved little faster
The dust left the ground and freely roaming around.. as if enjoyong its freedom..
The tiny droplets preparing to descend on the earth
What a beautiful weather it was!! 😊😊

Still unaware of the imminent stupendous, majestic, sublime, beautiful sight of my life..

I paid attention to the ineffable preparations of nature.

And then when all the preparations of nature are done to bestow us with a wonderful play of rainfall in front our eyes, it started to rain..

Though I don't like rains much but today something is magical in it..

A kind of peace, relief it was carrying. The beauty of nature intertwined with the tranquillity imprinted an unexplainable impression on my soul..

So full of life!!

While I was engraved by this majestic play of nature..

When suddenly my phone rang up.

Looking at the caller's name ; a little smile came on my face..it was dad's call. He called me up to know whether I have reached properly or not.
Parents always remain concerned and protective for their child even though he will be a millionaire...
And yes who is complaining...
I love being pampered!! 😝😝

When I was making dad satisfied that I have reached jaipur without any difficulty and holding my phone in my right hand, I rotated a lil bit towards my right and moved my eyes out of my car to get a sight of the wonderful rains outside..

While I was screening the outside view,a auto stopped parallel to my car on my opposite lane..
And yes
This was the moment which changed my life..

And my heart started humming this song
Jiska mujhe thaa intezaar
Jiske liye dil (yaani main) thaa bekaraar
Woh ghadi aa gyi..

Shutting my heart, both I and mind sternly told him to keep quiet.

Then ,I saw a hand coming out of the auto to enjoy the rain by moving the hands upward and downward like playing with the drops of rain which has just started!!

Curious to know who is this..
There she comes..
To answer my curiosity
To satiate my heart with her purity,
To adorn my dusky life with turquoise 💫 💫,
To clear the mist of my life,
Through her warm and placid smile,
To drench me in the pure emotions of love.. 💖💖

Just her once glance, her one glance captivated me and I got numb..
Her once glance though inchoate one , since it started to rain heavily but a little glimpse of her managed to put all my senses to a freeze zone..
Now only my heart and my eyes are working..
(Ps:I am still on call with my dad 😝.. but completely not pondering over what he is saying)

My heart started fluttering more faster, demanding a more clear view of her..
Screaming this is what I was longing for..
My eyes just got glued to that auto as if nothing in this world exists other than this..
"All black and the spotlight on her"..

(Never felt so much importance of eyes.. as today it is making me feel it.. 😝😝 and I will always remain grateful to my eyes for gifting this view.. 😘😍 )

My growing curiosity to see her clearly, so I rotated to my right to the extent which I could and seems like my demand reached her heart.. her face slowly came out of the auto..

Can she listen to my heart?

Sowing my useless thoughts deep down in the ground, I paid attention to the ineffable unveiling scene in front of my eyes...

Slowly her face came out of the auto with closed eyes and neck towards the sky enjoying the pearls of drops..
Revealing more clearly the complexion, innocence, beauty and vivacious face...

And the nature also enjoying and celebrating her beauty.

The swaying soft wind nuzzling on her cheeks just to make its presence felt attenuated the pandemonium going inside me.

How can sukoon on her face bestow me with the tranquillity my heart longing for..? My mind wondered..

The tiny droplets carrying the ability to ablute the mustered eerie feeling inside anyone ;slowing placed itself on her eyelashes , on her chubby, soft, pinkish cheeks..
One second
More than she was enjoying the rain..
I think its the trickles of rain dancing and bouncing on her cheeks!!
How I wished I could be a droplet!!

Wait!! What?

Bravo!! Now my heart is jealous of tini- mini droplet and I left embarrassed at my own weird thoughts.. 🙈🙈

And then a beautiful smile which can steal anyone's heart adorned her face..

Her smile
Yes her smile is the most precious possession of her..
And it should always remain there.. my heart screamed!!

Completely new emotions arouse in me.. some unexplainable feelings..
Making me more happier that I could never had been..
The beauty and purity on her face mesmerised me..
Occluded my mind to think rationally

How can she without saying any word do magic on me?
Is it her beauty or her pristine, divine expression on her face has captivated me?

The answer came to me.. this is the purity on her face that has enthralled me..

"To convert an ice ball into ice cube, ice ball needs to be melted!!"

And her smile is doing nothing less than this...

Her personable, affable, enthralling, beautified smile is melting my heart, inciting some new feelings in my heart melting away my previous petulant, weird feeling.. making me a more subtle and peaceful person at heart..

With every glance at her, I got filled with joy, happiness,cheerful, vivacious,benigness....

Wondering why the sukoon on her face is pacifying me, I ended up asking certain questions to myself without leaving any chance to descry her..

Is this how it feels when the moon's amiable cool shine fall on earth pacifying its craving?
Is this how it feels when the sand after struggling in waves finally reach the shores?
Is this how it feels when the soft chilling winds comes your way and enthrall you completely?


To these answer came to me..

My heart screamed yes!! 😘😘

Though my mind deprecated this answer, raised objections to it and advised me to think rationally...

But unfortunately when the matter to control heart's voice comes,
Its always the heart who wins.. 💖💖

And this time I neglected to what my mind was saying and accepted what heart was conveying..

Has the millionaire neil khanna got smitten by her?
Have I fell in love at first sight?

And without wasting any second, heart said yes, yes dude!!
You are in love.. 💖💖

Uff!! Just a small thought of falling in love is making my heart shiver more..
I think I have gone mad!!

Yes, the mind replied..
And decided to sign off from this situation..
Instable heart made my gabru insane and no way to pull him back!!
And before I also loose my saneness
Its better to leave these pagals together and stay in my cocoon..

Poor mind can't feel naa.. 😉😉

Yaa.. what else u can do.. Defeated badly today and yes now got to know who is wizard and who is dud -- my heart said to mind and smirked!!

Finally when I realised that yes I have fallen for her, I decided to go out of my car and somhow manage the way to know about her..

But thanks to my overpoor kismat
Before I could implement my plan,The auto engine started and moved on its way.. and before I could get a hold of her ,It disappeared from my eyesight..

Leaving me in a deluge of new emotions, she left me..
And I know nothing about her..
I cursed myself to become so numb at that time..
How I wished I could have been a little early to react on my heart's words, I would have got a chance to meet her?

Suddenly I heard dad's voice coming from somewhere..
Making me wonder how dad can reach here too early..
And then the reality struck me
That I am still on call
Still carrying phone in my right hand

Ohh shit!!
Finishing the call eagerly after making several lame, weird excuses to tell dad why I was not responding earlier, I decided to find out the whereabouts of that girl.. who had stolen neil khanna' s heart..

I was feeling like dancing in the rain
Playing garba with these tiny droplets ( of which I was jealous some moments back)
Want to hug the people paasing by me and loudly scream that neil khanna is in love...
(But chappalo ka darr abhi zinda thaa mere zehann mein; grateful to my mind that he has not fully given up on me.. I still have some ability to think 🙈🙈 and I shooed away this thought in fraction of seconds)

I think I have became a maniac
Love has made me insane
Today I am not that person who is more of composed and self-controlled..

I have lost control on my heart..
Bss itna hi kehna thaa ki..
My mind started humming
"Dil le kudi jaipur di, oye hoye.."
Finally chutkara mila iss instable creature se.. 😝😝

This time before my heart reply, I said
Yahan neil khanna ki baji hui hai
Aur tum dono kya ek ek krke apna radio bajaye jaa rhe ho
You both better sow down your talents.. and allow me to compose myself..

Then I finally composed myself and decided to find out that girl after attending my attending my meeting tomorrow...

Something which I made a goal of my life now..
Yes.. I have to find her..

"Sometimes it takes whole life to love someone,
But sometimes a moment and a single glance is enough to fall in love"

My first love at first sight..


Song which I want to dedicate to this particular encounter:

Jise zindagi dhoond rhi hai
Kya yeh woh makaam mera hai
Yahan chainn se bass ruk jaaun
Kyun dil yeh mujhe kehta hai
Jazzbatt naye se mile
Jaane kya asar yeh hua hai
Ek aas mili phir mujhko
Jo qubool kisine kiya
Kisi shayar ki gazal
Jo de rooh ko sukoon ke pal
Koi mujhko yun mila hai
Jaise banjaare ko ghar..


So this is from this side
To show my affection and love for the story..

Loads of love
💖💖 💖💖


● An Awesome Video Representation of whatever little Millionaire has Acheived till date by cutieees



● An Interesting Story of fondness told by Spreading_happiness


● An Ahmazing Tribute to the Story by  cutieees
(This is an overall Heart-touching Summary of Millionaire and Main Extracts out of it. Totally Loved it.! ❤)

A Tribute to Millionaire's first love

I don't exactly remember the day when millionaire entered into my life.But from the moment it entered into my life,it never failed to make me smile not even in worst phase of my life.

Basically it had became an integral part in my life.Whenever I read a funny scene in millionaire I laugh ,whenever I read an emotional scene I too become emotional.

That word is not enough to describe how highly I am effected by millionaire and how highly I am attached to it.

What I learned through MILLIONAIRE?

I didn't believe in fairy tales and knight in armour concepts at first.
But after reading millionaire I started believing in fairy tales  nah MODERN fairy tales,Happilyeverafters and what not. I completely crosses the thin line between fiction and reality when I was reading millionaire

Do you know why?

*The first reason is none other than our millionaire aka Neil khanna

A man had a bad day.He was very frustrated and was stuck in traffic.There he saw a beautiful girl .He falls in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT of her.
He decided to find her and never give up on her until he get succeeded.It was not a easy task for him to find her in this big world.After finding her,he struggled again to make her trust his love and in relationships.I agree avni had past baggage on her head .But still,neil never left a stone unturned to gain her trust ,love .
He followed the mantra "Slow and steady wins the race" and eventually he won her heart with his will power .

^Neil taught me to stick on to your goal under any circumstances.
If you are honest and hard working ,then you will definitely achieve it ,may it be proffesional or personal.


A girl who had dreamt of a happy family in childhood.But unfortunately fate didn't support her and she end up watching her dream shattered into pieces right infront of her eyes.Her own people accused her of being a bad omen.She broke down but at the end ,she become independent and didn't give a damn about her so called family and their property.
The people who once accused her for being a bad omen are now coming to her for her signature.
She earned bffs for life through her good nature .
And then neil entered into her life.
At first she was hesitant because she saw her mother suffering in past.
But neil's love broke all the barriers that avni had built around her.

The thing I liked most about avni is
Though she accepted neil's love late,she accepted him whole heartedly  .

Khanna family

Prakash khanna & Shwetha khanna
Prakash adored avni like his daughter.
Shwetha is no less compared to prakash.I still remember how shwetha was introducing avni to the people who came to bebe's bday party and how neil was telling her to control her enthusiasm  ,otherwise they will get to know about the relationship they  are sharing with avni before AVNEIL's marriage.
The bond between them is something that every girl wished to have with her in laws

The biggest Avneil shipper

The coolest dadi who helped her grandson to locate his lady love and played a major role in their reunion after avni found out that neil followed her.

In short ,she is GRANNY WITH A SWAG

I too want a granny like her :)

Neela maa

Angel of avni's life.

Though neil told her everything about how he traced avni ,she never told avni about that .
Because she knew that if she had revealed anything to avni,then avni will break the marriage proposal even before giving it a chance

To protect your loved ones ,in order to give them a happy and secured future ,sometimes a mother takes harsh decisions .
No one knows  what is good for her child  than a mother.

That's what neela maa did in avni's case and I love her for that.


Akash is a part of avneil's journey from the initial stage.Obviously he knows more about avneil than any other buddy in buddies gang.

Angie tried to make avni realise her love for neil in multiple situations like when avni was spending her day & night by stalking neil ,when she watched neil's interviews multiple times.
Akash-Angie are avneil shippers after bebe.
These two are love!


Dd ,the encyclopedia of buddies gang

Iski nazar se kuch nahi chup saktaa

He never miss a minute detail when it comes to neil.

Iski stalking skills se koi competition nahi kar sakta

Iskeliye tho ek hi line thaa mere pass

Ali tera kya hoga ali

But after rhea's entry in angie -akash's wedding venue,my perspective towards ali changed
His mature side is yet to be explored by readers which will be done when novel releases
I am sure hamari Dr.writer ne explore kardiya hoga:)


She trusted her love blindly
As a result she lost her best friend

I learnt that one has to think twice before speaking anything

A single word said in heat of a moment will make us regret later

There are many other characters like shivam ,dd's girl friend Amyra who have their own prominence in the story.

All these characters influenced me ,each by their own ways.

But where did the characters come from ?

From the heart of our DR.WRITER -Riya

Her way of describing scenes and situations is awesome

When I was reading her writings be it mfl or spring ,I get a feeling that I am watching a hindi movie

I can give you some examples why I love riya's writing style:-

*Mind vs Heart conversation
I read it for first time in mfl

*On AVNEIL's first date in mfl ,they play a Rapid fire game in order to know each other.

The idea of using rapid fire in this situation ,that is something I had seen in mfl

*Neil's interview scene in mfl

I was literally in awe when I read that update.
Riya even described small expressions like neil's boyish smile
etc in that

*Not to forget about Buddies gang whatsapp convos

I can quote so many examples like that.

Her writing style made me able to connect with the story line

Thank you riya from the bottom of my heart for penning a beautiful story like A Millionaire's First Love

No matter how many stories you will write,I will be a reader of all of those .
Do you know why?

Because I am addicted to your writing

Keep smiling always

With Love
Keyura aka CUTIEEES


● A Cute Story of a Non-Book Lover Turning to be Millionaire's Fan narrated by dazzling_thorn


● A Real Sweet 'Few Words of Dedication' by @snowysummer

Hey Riya its me jannat ur not so chotu sa fan .

So its been a year that ours very own the one and only "MFL" or "MILLIONAIRE'S FIRST LOVE" ( my keyboard seems to know u so well dat 1 & only likhne k baad hi MGL suggest kr raha hain ). Ur baby is growing so fast and in this precious moment i m gonna share my experience isliye nahin ki aap bole isliye ki i want to .

            So in feb i open a account in insta and after somedays i came to know an acc . There is a story about ours Fav NAAMKARANN so i started to read it then i saw a link of d story and thats when i came to know about this wattpad thingy isse pahle to janti tk nahin thi isk baare mein. So when i logged in here i came to know about ur story in my suggestion list .

Sacchi bolu prologue padke laga ki ek cliche romantic story and i m not into something close to romantic but i wanna try and i m admitting with my whole heart dat was a great decision.

Main aapki hi story padhke naamkarann k mera love infinity. Tak badh gaya . Maine ek hi di mein amost 30 chaps padh liye the cause i cant stop myself u know. The story is epitome of perfection . Means to the BUDDIES like dd, angie avni akash ali to d scenario of hospital to subham every thing is perfect . Every emotion joy fun sadness romance teasing anger revenge misunderstanding and what not , u cover every single thing . Like how is this possible ?? Its beyond my thinking . U never missed any link not a chotu sa thing . Like serial in ur story Neela ma is goal . The BUDDIES r goal like every si gle person will wish to get them in their life while reading .

      Now coming to our AVNI . She is me without the parents problem like she is totally me i can relate to her every single thing beside she is dotor and i m studing engineering(i know big time sucked up) so i love her .
And now our very own mr perfect khanna our millionaire our NEIL KHANNA . HE IS EVERYTHING. I m like avni totally without my neil khanna ya and i want him ur story this craetion made me romantic yes and its not a lie .
Neil ka character jis tarah se aapne banaya  o God he is goal like jis tarah se wo avni ko samjhta hain apni family ko samajhta hain i bet koi nahin kar sakta .
         Now the story from the very starting point i fell in love with you and your story the hospital buddies secret place neela ma ka neil k saath meeting arrangemant akash ka support neil ki understanding wo rainy night wo beach par questions all the bg song neil ka confession avni ka anger bebe ka manana engagement would be mrs khanna ka identification choopana doston and neela ma ki teasing shuvam se jealousy Angie ka prob udko solve karna the drunken nights every single detail the nicknames like mnchkin everything is beyond PERFECT .


   UR story is a complete package mere pas paisa hota na to main aapse film banane ka coppyright le leti and MERI ALL TIME WISH KI AGAR GAUTAM HEGDE K SAATH AAP NAAMKARANN KI SCRIPT WRITING K DEPARTMENT mein hoti to humarank band nahin hota i simply know dat and i gurantee u this .

    Now coming to u . U r gem . Besides ur hectic schedule u always gave us update time to time and dat notification of ur update create a smile in my face noo  scratch that a grin long grin . U always reply to every single one .
     dat bad news of stealing ur story, after nk s off air dats the most shattering news but i m wating for the paperbook and i m going to read dat imaginnig AVNEIL
PHEWWW thats all i just one to say i love u a lot and ur another stories are bliss . 


The kind of Words A Writer Wants to Hear by avneilfan01


In between The Journey of Millionaire, i came Across a "Girl" a real sweet awesome Reader She was.

Lets call her 'Anonymous' for now and i am sure she will understand that i am talking about her whenever she will read this.

This 'girl' had bared her Heart and Soul to me while narrating her Soul-wrenching "Real-Life" Story and the atrocities she went through right from the wee-age. I had myself cried at what i have heard.

And when she said, "Millionaire" helped her not only in coping her pain but also giving a new Trust in Dreams, Love, Fairy-tales and Happy Endings, I didnt know how to react except for shedding few more tears.

That has been the "BIGGEST" Accomplishement for me So Far.!

My hands are itching to share her Messages but considering its her "Very Private Secret" that she has trusted me with, I am gonna abide by her Implied Negation in letting this Publicise.!

That was one 'Earth-Shattering' experience. From the day onwards, i have wished nothing but "Best" and "Happiest" for her.

If You are Reading this, or Will ever Read this, I Just Want to Let You know that You are One Avni Ayesha to me Whom i Respect a Lot.!


Having Said this All, I wanna Thank You guys again, for such lovely Dedications.!

And Well, Its Not Over Yet.!!! 😉


Untill Next Time

Happy Millionaire ❤

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