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"A Millionaire's First Love" turned 1 today.

The feeling is no less than celebrating 1st b'day of my own child.. well ofcourse its my Brain child that i had nurtured through my hard-work and perseverance.

I heartly Welcome all of you, who are reading this, on this special occassion.

Needless to say, i am on roll today.


Since i am a story-teller, lets begin this day by telling you a story, A "True Story"

A story of a simple girl of her self-discovery, who never knew there existed a "little writer" in her.

A story that started from being a "Silent Reader"

Not a long time ago, early 2016 to be precise, I had joined 'India Forum' an Entertainment Discussion Portal on Indian Television and Bollywood. It had opened a new door of 'Fiction' to me.

After few months of dormant phase of "Silent Reader" i was determined on sharing my own ideas in the form of fictional stories. But there comes a catch, "I didnt know how to write"

'You will never know untill you'l try' i explained myself.

A few days later i posted my first ever fictional story that was so pathetically written that i still cringe when i read it.! 😄
(Plz dont ask me the details, i will be hell embarrassed🙈)

But some amazing readers from the forum picked up that my plot was brilliant and even the execution of the story. I instantly knew my Strengths and it was the time to work on the weakness.

I switched to a more busy forum that buzzes with persistent activity, began reading and vocally appreciating more. In the course of time, i didnt realise when i got inspired to even write more.

With each one shot, or each chapter of other long story, My writing kept on improving and i was mildly recognised amidst the brilliant writers on that forum. That was my first Victory.

Then came an year long of Hiatus which consisted of Final Exams.

In late 2017, i started writing for AvNeil begining with few one shots that were instantly recognised and praised.

Eventually, Millionaire happened and there was no looking back.

'But why am i telling you all these.?'

Definately not for entertainment.! My pure intentions are to make you realise that, there might be a story even better than Millionaire inside your mind right now, but since you have not learned the art of expressing yourself, you cant acknowledge it.!

Its not easy to be a 'Silent Reader', but why settle for less when u have better options.! 😉 Not everywhere you get the right to express yourself, and if you are letting it go, you are loosing a chance to grow yourself, discover yourself.!

I still think, i would have been a forever Silent Reader, had i not taken a decision to join in the discussions, talk to writers, express my views.!

So, that was a summary of my short journey of about 2 yrs as an amateur writer.

But nonethless, i will always take pride in the manifest growth in my skill of writing along the time, even though they were slow and baby steps.

One year of Millionaire is not just the journey of story and its characters, its the journey of me as a writer too.! Even now when i look back at its initial chapters and instantly realise that now i can present those parts in a better way with better structured sentences. It has been a journey of my growth too.!

And as this journey will continue, i will be forever keen on learning and improving further.

Philosophical much, Eh.?! 😉


Getting a story published is not the 'Final Destination' infact its a new beginning to another Quest.
(That reminds me of Spring😄)

The Quest that may involve a whole lot of failures before a taste of Success.!

So even when i am giving my best in Millionaire, i cant be certain about the Success of its Paperback form. Not that i expect it to reach heights in my first attempt itself, since not many are open to Slow-Simmering-Romance.

But guess what, its Not about the result for me anymore, its more to do with the joy of attempting something new. And i will always be ready to bounce back with another plan - i. e "Next Book" 😉

I am gonna share more of my Publishing story once we are through it.! For now, only this much is enough.

Having said that, i may write a best-seller in coming 10 yrs which could be my 10th or 20th attempt in writting but but but, Millionaire will always be "Special and Irreplaceble" to me.



It wasnt easy to stick to it for such a long time. There were times when i had almost given up on this (in starting) but what kept me through was "the unceassing Motivation in the form of accolades from my persistent readers"

You guys were the force who drew me to sit back and write it, to see through the initial disappointments and kept myself motivated.!

Thank you for everything You dear Readers have done for Millionaire and me.!

I will never get tired of accepting and saying this out loud, and you all know how much i mean it.! I simply Love my Readers.!


Now since that you guys have done so much, You deserve something in return. Right.?

So wait for my next Update.! 😉

But but, before that...

Since i am puffed up with happiness today, why not share it before it turns me into a wandering balloon and drifts me on a Sky-Trip 😉

I am open to Re-publish "One" just one Chapter of Millionaire for you all.!

You simply have to tell me here in inline comments which one you wishes to read. Its not easy to remember chapter numbers neither i am asking for it, just request the part of the story you want to read.
(Put ur inline comment here)

The part which will be requested by maximum number of readers will be up by evening under the tag #ReadersChoice
(P.S. It will be easy for me if you try to be a little more specific with respect to the scene)

And Yes The Surprises Wont Stop here.! 😃



This is an absurd thing considering you guys already know me.

But since a Friend cum Reader suggested, i am ready to give it a go.

You can ask me anything here through your comments (if you wish to) and i will answer honestly and truthfully.

Untill Next Update,

Happy Millionaire ❤

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