Chapter 10

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Sir, why didn't you tell me that even Bhabhi is a police officer?"

"Shut up DD!! She isn't your Bhabhi" Neil whisper yelled.

"So all of this was misunderstanding. She's here because of the job and mom didn't send her here for our rishta. How dumb of me?! All of this is because of mom and DD" Neil thought face palmed.

But then he realized something. Why was DD calling Ananya as his bhabhi? Clearly he himself wasn't knowing anything about her. And what surprise was DD talking about? Neil wondered.

Here Ananya aka Avni was busy talking with the DCP. She thought, "Working with this ACP is going to be difficult. I guess all the people with the name 'Neil' are good in giving people tough time. I'm still not sure whether he's some else or the same person. Let's see"

While she was busy in her thoughts, the DCP sir waved his hand in front of her face, " Miss Ananya, are you alright? "

She came out of her thoughts and replied, " Yes sir, sorry. So you were going to give me the details about that case which you want me to handle, right? "

"Right. I like it. It's your first day and you are eager to start working instead of taking time to settle here. That's the spirit. See boys, give all the information about our current cases to Officer Ananya and make sure she's comfortable in this office."

"Of-course Sir!!" DD replied excitedly.

Even Neil replied, "Yes Sir, don't worry."
He groaned internally seeing DD's over-excitement.

On the other hand, Avni was quietly observing the scene before her.

"Sir, I have some important work with DD regarding some case. Come with me DD. See you in some time DCP sir and Officer Ananya" Neil waved them and gestured DD to follow him.

After coming out of the cabin, Neil, clearly irritated with the situation, went towards a corner and DD followed him.

"What happened Sir?" DD asked innocently. He knew the look on his Sir's face which screamed that he has messed up something.

"What happened??!! Why were you calling Miss Ananya as Bhabhi DD?? Are you mad?? Do you know her because clearly she doesn't know you and wasn't having any idea about you before coming here. So tell me, why did you call her bhabhi?" Neil whisper yelled at DD and picked up a glass of water to calm himself.

"Because she is your girlfriend?" DD replied unsurely.

Neil choked on his water and sputtered. He looked at DD in disbelief. All the other officers looked towards Neil. DD rubbed his back to calm him down.

Noticing everyone staring at him, he ordered, "Is this the only task in your life?To stare at my pretty face? Never seen a man coughing? Now continue your work."

DD remained quiet as he knew this anger was now going to be directed at him.

"I would really like to know DD that how do you get such pretty thoughts in your mind? If there's a research going on for how do human brains work, I'll definitely ask them to study yours"

DD's face lit up listening these words.

"But wait a sec, for that, I'll have to kill you first! " Neil whispered yelled at DD.
DD's reaction changed from that of being amused to horror.

Meanwhile, after some discussion with the DCP, Avni came out of the cabin and began walking towards Neil. She saw Neil and DD's facial expressions and tried to figure out what they were talking about. She went near them to understand the situation. As they were speaking in a very low tone, she wasn't able to understand a word. So she cleared her throat and said,

"If you both are done with your gossiping, can we talk about work?"

Hearing her voice, both Neil and DD turned to face her. DD still was recovering from his shock whereas Neil masked his emotions and had a neutral expression.

"Gossip or no gossip, but you do have a habit of being at wrong places at wrong time" Neil replied nonchalantly.

"I'm sure you can win wars of words but you must also know that actions speak louder than words. So, instead of wasting more time, let's get to work" Avni concluded.

Hearing her words, Neil clenched his jaw whereas DD gaped at her in astonishment.

"Ok..... Let's start then. Including the three of us, more two officers will be joining us in our case. So that makes us a team of five. Let's go in my cabin and discuss the further details" Neil said and walked towards his cabin. Both Avni and DD followed him.

The other two officers also joined them and they started discussing about the case. The case was about a mafia lord who dealt with drug smuggling and murders. There were chances that the said person was involved in many other crimes but for now, they were able to figure out only some of his crimes. They did not even know how he looked. They only had a name, that too an alias name. Michael. A common name but his deeds were indeed not common.

"Ok. But this much information is not enough. How will we catch a criminal with this rough description?" one of the officers asked.

"We will!" both Neil and Avni replied with determination at the same time. They both looked at each other's way for a second and then again diverted their gazes.

"How?" DD asked.

"We have got a tip from one of our spies. A person that supplies drugs to him is going to be there in Club 365 where a party is organized. Such parties are just a facade to carry on illegal dealings. But this is just a tip, we are not sure whether the person will actually come or not. But we have to start from somewhere and act on any information that we get. So, we will have to hatch a plan" Neil said.

"But such parties usually have an invite without which we won't be able to enter"
DD said.

"Ohh....That issue can be fixed right now. Give me your laptop" Avni commanded and DD nodded

"What are you going to do?" Neil asked

"Just wait and watch" she answered and started typing something on the laptop.

"You're hacking into the Club's system? You cannot do that. We have a professional IT hackers team for it. It's their job" he said while moving forward and then tried to close the laptop.

But Avni was adamant and stopped him from closing the laptop. " Listen, we don't have so much time. The party is today at 7pm. So we have to be fast. I'm just going to do the same thing that they will be doing. It's already 12pm. We have many more things to discuss" she replied.

"Ok. But atleast tell me what you're going to do exactly"

"I'll hack into the club's system and add our fake names as invitees. Then, we'll prepare an invitation card which is similar to their invitation card"

"Ok. Let's start then" Neil replied.

After sometime, Avni was able to hack into the club's system.

"Yes!! I've hacked into their system. Now let's see the invite and the invitee list"

Everyone's eyes were now focused on the laptop screen.
"Ok. So you can bring a plus one to the event. Now let's see the list of names. Who knows we will find some more criminals in this list" Avni said sounding a little excited.

"Oh Rajdhani Express.....don't be in such a hurry. Read the invitation carefully. It says that it is a theme party. Masquerade party" Neil said.

Avni glared at him while the other three were looking here and there, not wanting to hear another argument between these two.

"Well, it's good that you have eyes too. Atleast you can use them now" Avni replied sarcastically.

"If we leave them alone, I'm sure they will murder each other" one of the officers whispered to DD.

DD nodded thinking on the same lines.

"Learn to accept your mistakes Officer Ananya" Neil replied, suggesting her previous mistakes too.

Avni glared at him and then continued,
"Now let's check the invitee list. What I'll be doing is, replace two names from the list with our fake names"

"Why not add the names, instead of replacing?" one of the officers asked.

"The count of invitees. They might have kept a record of the number of invitees. If this is the case, they will immediately come to know that something fishy is going on" Neil replied.

All nodded.

"I've added two names. Mr. Marcelo D'souza and Mr. Joey Fernandez. These will be our fake names" Avni said.

"Good. So now, four of us will enter the club and one will be outside the club. DD and Ananya, you both will enter as Mr. & Mrs. Fernandez and Anish will accompany me as my plus one." Neil said in an authoritative tone.

"No!!! I will not go with bha- sorry, Miss Ananya!! " DD exclaimed in a worried voice.

"Why???" Both Neil and Avni exclaimed at the same time.

"How can I go with bha-sorry...Miss Ananya. She's the female version of Neil Sir. With so much difficulty I'm coping up with Neil Sir's pressure. I cannot handle 2-2 Sir jis at the same time. I'll go mad with so much stress" DD thought.

"Sir, today is Thursday" he said.

"Huh? So? What is the connection?" Neil asked.

"Today is my fast. I have kept it for my future wife. My mom has suggested " he said.

"So??? You don't have to eat anything there. We are not going there for dinner. Stop making excuses!"

"Sir, you don't understand. I have to keep distance from girls when I'm keeping this fast. Or the Goddess will not fulfill my wishes of getting a good wife" DD said dramatically.

"I know that girls keep such fasts for a good husband. I didn't know that even boys did the same" Anish whispered.

"What rubbish DD!!" Neil exclaimed.

"Sir, there will not be any major changes in our plan. Me and Anish will enter together and you can enter with Miss Ananya as Mr & Mrs Fernandez" DD replied calmly.

"What????No!!!" Both Avni and Neil exclaimed simultaneously.

I know it took me too long to write this chapter 😅Now onwards, will try to update weekly.

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