chapter 14

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Shweta:shut up I'll deal with u in a bit she said nearing them and then  turned to sameer

Shweta:beta on behalf of my son I apologise she said folding her hands

Sameer:aunty u please done say sorry.. it's not even your fault

Shweta:no it is beta even though u know avni more than me but let me tell u she is lucky to have a partner like u she said smiling while Neil looked at  shweta when  said that

Sameer:I know aunty and I know it's hard to get such gems which cant be priced he said looking at Neil who raised his eyebrows

Neil:oh really? Well guess what I'll get that gem of yours... do u know y?... because nothing is impossible for Neil khanna

Neil held his cheeks and then looked ahead to see his mum looking angrily at him

Shweta:u have no shame left at all Neil... u cant gain whatever u want and dare u too look at avni.

Sameer:do u know y avni is with me Neil... sorry Neil khanna.. the reason is because she knows I wont force her like u do

Neil took a step forward and sammer said that to Neil  face to face

Neil:oh yeah? Is that y your girlfriend is still effected when I'm close to her

Shweta:NEIL !go to your room now.

Neil and sammer continued looking at each other angrily

Shweta: NOW

Neil: this isnt over sameer .. he said before leaving while shweta sighed

As Neil left to go to his room shweta turned to sameer

Shweta:sameer can u do me a fav

Sameer:what is it aunty

Shweta:tommrow can u bring avni with u at xyz cafe . And dont tell her what happened please

Sameer:ok aunty

After a while

Shweta opened neil door and banged it while Neil looked at her and then sipped his whisky

Shweta:tommorow u r going  to Delhi for a business deal that prakash ji was  handling but now u will and  u will stay there until it's not complete

Neil:I'm not going anywhere

Shweta :oh yes u r dont make me tell bebe and prakash  what their son was trying to do because they will feel nothing but  ashamed of u she spat out bitterly


Shweta: Neil u r going and that's final pack your bags otherwise I very well know how to convince u. dont forget I'm your mother she said leaving the room

While Neil threw his whisky glass on the floor

At night shweta told bebe and prakash that she wants Neil to handle one of the business deal and none doubted her as before she had made such decision where she would tell Neil to handle such projects so that prakah can get some rest

Neil packed his bag while shweta walked in

Shweta:Neil u need to stay away from avni she and sameer  r together and u cant force a girl like that.

Neil:I dont want to talk about this he said leaving while shweta sighed

Shweta:if only I was there with u during that time  then maybe that incident wouldnt have taken place which made u like this

The next day

Sameer had gone to pick avni up

Avni:sameer where r we going

Sameer:u will know chalo now he said as they sat in the car.

Avni frowned as she noticed sameer strange behaviour 

In 20 mins or so

Avni and sameer reached there

As they went inside avni was surprised to see shweta

Avni:aunty aap

Shweta:beta I dont know what happened between u and Neil in college but I do know what has been going on recently

Avni was surprised

Shweta:I have a request please dont tell your family or my family about this as I dont want this to effect our relation she said folding her hands

Avni:aunty please dont fold your hands and this is y I havent told anyone about Neil as I didnt want it to effect both the families friendship she said

Shweta:and I'm thankful to that

Shweta:avni... sameer will u agree to what I say ?

Avni:kya aunty

Shweta:both of u get married

Avni and sameer looked at shweta and then at each other

Sameer: but aunty

Shweta:my son is not here as he was sent for some business work before he comes back get married ... as all Neil has in his mind is how to get avni ..maybe this marriage can stop him from getting to avni

Sameer: but we will be rushing into things and all the arrangements

Avni:aunty is right I have seen that side of Neil where he can do anything to get what he wants. I had witnessed it personally she said

While shweta looked at avni helplessly since she had made vidyut tell her everything

Sameer:ok. If that's the case then I'm ready

Shweta:as far as I know Neil he will try to come early so u both need to get married Asap

Sameer:right maybe right now I can talk to your family about us getting married

Avni looked at sameer and then nodded 

Shweta:thank u she said

Avni smiled at shweta and hugged her

Avni:but aunty how did u find out all this

Sahil and shweta looked at each other

Sahil:Neil had called me over yesterday and then....

He narrated what happeend and how shweta heard everything while shweta told how she sent Neil away

While avni was shocked

Avni:u didnt tell me she said looking at sameer

Shweta:its not his fault I had told him not to tell u

Avni nodded

Avni and sameer then left to go to the metha mansion while shweta went to Khanna mansion

30 mins later avni and sameer reached to the metha mansion and entered inside to see the rest of the family there

Neela:u both r back early

Avni:haan we just went to have breakfast at the cafe she said

Sameer:neela aunty Ashish uncle I want to ask for something

Ashish :what do u want beta

Sameer held avni hand and looked at her

Sameer: I want to ask for avni hand in marriage.

The metha family were surprised while riya was wondering y so soon

Dayawanti:but beta u both just got into a relation now.. I mean I know u both know each other since childhood but as a couple u havent lived that life yet ..

Neela:maa is right

Sameer:I know whatever u r saying is right but dadi I have waited for avni my whole life and in a relation a couple needs to be friends to understand their partner.. and for me and avni we understand and know each other very well he said

Ashish: I just want to ask one thing ... r u both sure about this


Ashish:avni u

Avni:yes papa.

Ashish:well if they have decided how can we say no... both of u know each other since childhood and we also know sameer very well... I guess we should go ahead then

Dayawanti:ok then...neela call the Pandit ji over

Avni and sameer looked at each other and nodded.

Sameer:neela aunty I'll call Pandit ji he said taking the number and went to call the Pandit ji taking neela phone

Soon enough the Pandit ji came

As he came sameer  and avni looked at him while the Pandit ji looked at them


Sameer went out to call the Pandit ji.

Pandit: namaste  neela beta

Sameer:Pandit ji it's me sameer 

Pandit:sameer beta

Sameer:Pandit ji I need a favour from u

Pandit:haan bolo

Sameer:Pandit ji neela aunty wants u to come over to fix my marriage date with avni but we want u to tell the family that the most suitable date for this wedding is in 3 days

Pandit:but beta a suitable date comes by checking the kundali

Sameer:I know Pandit ji but please for me and avni please help us.. u have known us since childhood and u would know we wouldnt take any decision like this

Pandit:but beta

Sameer:please Pandit ji only u can help us we somehow convinced the family to get us married please

Pandit ji thought for a while

Sameer:we r doing this for our well being only Pandit ji.. u know we wouldnt take a decision like this without a reason

Pandit: ok beta.. if it's the wellbeing for you both I agree then but I will make sure to do a pooja so that all good happens during and after the wedding

Sameer:thank u Pandit ji he said

End of the flashback

The metha family looked at the Pandit ji

Pandit: the suitable date is after 3 days otherwise the next one will be after a year

Ashish:means we have to work extra hard and get things started straight away

Neela :well avni and sameer want to get married soon and their happiness is ours

Dayawanti:yes.. it will be loads of work but we will enjoy it

Pandit:however I would like to keep a pooja for avni and sameer so that things go well

Dayawanti:that is fine

Meanwhile In Delhi as the servant placed Neil's luggage in the room he closed the door and tried to call the guy who was keeping an eye on avni

Neil :y isnt this guy answering my phone I have to tell him to keep an eye on avni but no his phone is unreachable at the wrong time he said angrily

He tries to call few more times but still was unsuccessful

Precrap:bhai soch lo

So finally a chap ready

Hope u all love it will be waiting for all the votes and comments

And thanks to those who voted and commented for the previous chap

Lots of love sonali


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