chapter 2

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Prakash: if u need my help then don't hesitate to ask

Neil: dw that won't happen I'm your son and I'm capable of handling my problems... anyways I got to leave as I have a meeting in a hour bye

Once he left.

Prakash: what shall I do of this guy .

Shweta: let it be prakash ji... if he will need your help then help him... right now he doesn't need it.

Bebe: there is no harm in taking someone's help shweta...I feel like we should get him married

Shweta: that's right bebe... but who would marry tillu... he needs to change himself because after marriage he has to share things which he hates doing

Bebe: I just pray to God that we find someone who can change our tillu

Time was going quick with everyone busy in their work

Avni went to ashish cabin where he was talking to some colleagues

Avni : may I come in sir

Ashish: come in avni he said seen her at the door

Avni: I have completed the presentation for the Gupta and companies

Ashish: Thanks avni I'll check it in a bit

Avni:ok she said smiling at him and the other colleaguesand left from there

Ashish: right so back to where we were... what were u saying Manish he asked one of the employee

Manish: sir our company got an invitation from one of the leading companies in shimla in fact not us but even other businesses have got this offer where they will choose one company that gives the best presentation

Ashish: but what is this for

Sheetal:sir according to our information they want to open an orphanage in shimla which has amazing facilities and for that they have organised this event where everyone gets to pour in their idea

Ashish: that's good

Manish: so r u going sir

Ashish: yes but I'll like few employees to come with me... Manish and sheetal u too.r coming... just need 1 or two people more

Sheetal: sir u always make a chart of employees who r doing well y don't u choose from that.

Ashish:I guess I'll do that but for now let's check avni presentation... Sheetal and Manish nodded... once they checked it Sheetal spoke

Sheetal : sir what if we take avni...I mean she is good at whatever presentation she makes

Manish : I agree sir in fact i was going to say her name but I thought u might think I said her name because she is your daughter.

Ashish: u know I'm lucky enough to have employees like u who actually tell me to put my daughter first in all business matters otherwise others would usually think I'm only selecting her because she is my daughter. And I'm glad there r no employee who think like that over here.

Meanwhile in prakash office he got a call from his secretary informing about this invitation

Prakash: I should go to this with Neil and also ashish would probably come there... let me surprise him by showing up there after all we haven't met for a long time ... he decided to call Neil and talk to him about this invitation

Time went really fast that it was evening

Avni and ashish returned home

Avni: hey dadi she said placing a kiss on dayawanti cheeks

Dayawanti: hi meri gudiya how was your day

Avni: good as usual ...I'll just go and change... dayawanti nodded while avni went to change

Neela came and gave ashish water while he told daya and neela about shimla invitation and how he plans to take avni too as he still hasn't told her.

Avni was walking past riyas room when she heard her talking to Ali

Avni: stop talking to Ali 24/7 otherwise I'll seriously have to get u two married she said popping her head inside riya room

Riya: avniiiiiiii she said throwing a cushion at her but missed while Ali laughed

Soon they all came down to have dinner and was  discussing about how everyones day went

After dinner they sat in the hall when ashish decided to tell avni... he looked at avni who was sitting with aman and riya... and for a second smiled seen how close they r... he secretly took a picture where aman head was on avni lap while playing on his phone and riya was sitting on than other side with her head resting on avni shoulder as avni was showing her something


Avni: haan papa she said looking up from her phone

Ashish: come here... avni got up while aman moved to riya

Avni :what happened she said sitting next to him while neela came to Give ice cream to everyone

Ashish: beta today I got to know that our company got an invitation from one of the leading companies in shimla... not only us but even other companies where everyone gets a chance to show their idea for a orphanage that has to be made there

Avni:that's good papa u should go to it

Ashish:I know and I am but I want u to come as we want u to handle this presentation for us

Avni: but papa how can I go to shimla I mean I don't even think I can handle this presentation and impress the dealers.

Ashisb:of course u can... u have handled many projects and did good work on that

Avni: but

Ashish: I'll be there with u

Avni:  ok she said hugging him

Meanwhile at the khanna mansion

Neil: dad we should give our best in this project..he said once prakash gave him the news

Praksh: of course we will. U don't mind me coming with u ?.

Neil: dad I agree I don't take your help in business but that doesn't mean I don't trust u... I do but I want to achieve it myself in my own way..  and I don't have a problem of u coming there with me

Prakash: so let's go Shimla then

Neil: shimla be ready for Neil khanna he thought to himself....he was already thinking of ideas to get this project

Back to the metha house
Avni: can I ask for something

Ashish:sure bacha

Avni: how about we all go shimla it will be like a vacation for all of us and also business work will be done too

Aman:amazing idea didu he said getting up straight away as avni said

Ashish:not a bad idea... what do u say he said looking at daya and neela

Daya: family holiday is a must for everyone I'm up for it

Neela:me too also aman has few weeks of college so it's the best time to go

Riya: right I need to decide what to take.. god I need to make a list already . She said getting up to go to her room while all smiled at riya Antics

Avni was happy seen her happy but she didn't know y she felt as if something will happen... as if her sixth sense is trying to tell her something

Finally came the day where all were heading to shimla unaware what destiny has in store

When the metha family reached there with Manish and sheetal they were greeted by the staff of the hotel and were shown the room which was arranged by the event manager.

Two hours later Neil came with prakash and both went into their individual room... prakash decided to call ashish and inform him

Ashish:hey prakash I was trying to call u since many days but u didn't answer is everything ok

Prakash:yaar I didn't answer your call on purpose

Ashish:what ....he said been surprise

Prakash: u r in shimla right

Ashish:how do u know that

Prakash:been your friend I'm also a business man I knew u would have got the invitation too so thought I'll surprise u when I come to shimla

Ashish:and here that's what I was trying to call u for... in fact come to my
room now my family is here with me too

Prakash:I would love too but I guess we all r tired due to the long journey...we will meet tomorrow  morning for breakfast as even my son has came with me

Ashish: that's fine with me... chal see u soon

Neela: what happened

Ashish:prakash is here too... he wanted to surprise us

Dayawanti: did harleen ji and shweta come too

Ashish:I don't think so as prakash said that he  came with his son.

The next day avni and riya woke up as they were sharing a room

Both decided to freshen up...once riya had a shower avni went into the washroom

Riya: avni when is the event ? She asked while applying her mascara

Avni: tomorrow in the evening   She said while washing her hair

Riya : great that means we can go

Avni: go where?

Riya: arien when we entered the hotel yesterday there was a big poster on the wall where there party is held at some restaurant which is organised by this hotel

Avni: ok so where does "WE can go" come from because I have no interest in going in fact u can take Sheetal, Manish and aman with u she said coming out of washroom in her bathrobe

Riya: avni yaar please we haven't been out like this for a while please babes

Avni: riya I need to make sure my presentation is completed on time

Riya: which I know u will finish as the event is in the evening...please please she continued

Avni at first Ignored riya please rant but she continued

Avni: ok ok fine she said

Riya: I love u she said jumping on avni and both fell on the bed laughing

Meanwhile ashish neela and dayawanti. decided to meet prakash as they planned to have breakfast together

Neil: dad who is joining us he asked while seen the time.

Prakash: one of my friend and his family in fact they know your mum and bebe too

Neil: I see he said looking at something on his phone

Prakash:I don't know if you have heard about him his name is ashish...ashish meh...he couldn't finish of speaking as he saw the metha family

Both ashish and prakash hugged and then he moved to take dayawanti blessing

They continued talking for a bit and then Prakash turned to Neil

Prakash: this is my son Neil and Neil this is ashish, neela and dayawanti aunty

Neil: hi he said smiling not wanting to look rude as he knows ashish would give him a big lecture

They all sat down

Prakash: didn't the kids come.

Neela: actually our son aman went to go and get his sister's as they didn't know we r meeting here for breakfast 

Prakash: what is their names again

Daya: riya and avn....suddenly Neil's phone rang making dayawanti stop

Neil: sorry I'll just recieve this call he said excusing himself ... Neil moved away

Daya:riya and avni she said speaking while they continued to have more talks with prakash

Meanwhile avni and riya were ready when they heard someone knocking the door... Riya went to open the door to see aman walking in

Avni:aman we were just going to come where are the rest

Aman: actually one of dads friend is here too so they all decided to have breakfast while I'll told them I'll come to get u both and we can join them

Riya: let's go then... avni nodded and all three left

Neil was still speaking on the phone

While on the other side avni, aman and riya were walking towards the canteen.

Aman:look there they r.

Neil finished his call and walked to where prakash was while on the other side avni riya and aman saw someone standing next to their family where his back was faced against them

Neil:I'm sorry I have to leave one of my friend has arrived so I'll have to go and receive him

Ashish: no worries beta... we will meet again some other time as u all will be moving to Mumbai

Neil nodded and at that time Avni aman and riya were close... but avni slowed down a little... she started to feel a presence which she use to feel in college she tried to ignore it and at that Neil went from there walking to the other direction

Neela: look here came the kids

Avni riya and aman smiled at prakash and all sat down to eat.

Riya: ashish papa at night there is party held  at a restaurant which is organised by the hotel  so can we go

Ashish:of course beta u guys can go and enjoy. Riya smiled at avni who just rolled her eyes

An hour later Neil reached to the airport to recieve his friend

Neil: long time vidyut how have u been

Vidyut: man after marriage it's all about keeping the wife happy he said jokingly

Neil: I see he said smirking

Vidyut: but I'm still mad at u for not coming to my wedding.

Neil:yaar sorry u know work and girls keep me busy he said smirking

Vidyut: when will u settle with one girl

Neil: maybe never... I get bored with one girl

Vidyut: u still haven't changed man

Neil:Neil khanna is different... anyways let's go

Vidyut: I hope u change one day Neil and find true love  he thought to himself

It was evening time Avni had invited Sheetal and Manish too as they were her friends too.... despite been colleagues them three developed a friendly bond. All of them left once aman Sheetal and Manish came into avni and riya room.

Aman: how far is it from here

Riya:10- 15 mins.

Manish: me Sheetal will go in one car while aman said he wants to come on a motorbike
Avni looked at aman when Manish said that

Aman: I just said that because I wanted to give the love birds some privacy he said shrugging his shoulder while Manish and sheetal went all red

Avni:well u can come with us y take a motorbike

Aman: naah u and riya di girly talks r so boring

Riya:very funny

Aman:di come on let me go on a motorbike please he said when he saw avni didn't move from her place.

Aman:I'm not allowing u to go alone on that bike

Riya:don't worry I'll go with him... avni agreed as riya was going to be with aman.

Manish:avni y don't u come with us

Avni: no dw we actually payed for these car so let's make a use of it besides I guess u two love birds do deserve some time alone she said while Sheetal was going to run after avni who got in the car soon all of them left in different viecheles to get to the restaurant

Neil and vidyut also decided to go  as there was a joint club at the restaurant and decided to check it out

20mins later avni reached there with the rest and all went in where they were greeted by the staff.

They decided to have dinner first and then go to the club while Neil and vidyut reached there 10 mins later but vidyut and Neil didn't see avni as she was sitting right in the corner

They both moved to the club section after collecting their drinks

The lights were dim with disco lights going on.. the dj was playing different songs to set the mood while everyone was enjoying

Neil and vidyut danced a bit before moving to the bar section to have a sip of their drink.... at that time Avni, aman ,riya, Sheetal and Manish came there... due to many people and the lights been dimmed avneil  didn't see each other.

Vidyut excused himself as juhi had called and he went out while Neil searched if he can find someone to be on his bed for the night

Avni was enjoying when aman twirled her around few time and she changed her position of dancing when she stopped seen a face near the bar...for a sec her past played in front of her eyes in full speed .

Neil who was searching for someone to spend the night was looking around when his eyes caught a face which he hadnt seen for many years..

Riya and aman went to get drinks while avni stood there she looked away to think this was a bad dream .. after few secs she looked to see he was still there staring at her... she didn't look away

Both of their eye met she could see how he had changed but that shouldn't bother her as he was the one who played with her emotions... taking a deep breath she looked away ignoring him completely. But still was able to feel his gaze on her

Avni: I'll leave now my family will be waiting for me She said to Sheetal

Manish:what happened u ok

Avni: haan I am just need to do the presentation too so that's y

Sheetal: shall we come with u..we will go and call aman and riya too if u want

Avni: no u guys enjoy I'll leave ok don't worry and also tell  riya and aman not to come early.. she said convincing them

Manish:ok ... Avni left from there leaving without looking at Neil

she walked out and opened her car door and was about to get in when she felt someone grab her arm and turn her around and there he was trapping her against him and the car

Neil: long time Avni... u have changed he said looking at her from head to toe while avni felt uneasy at his gaze when he looked back at her... she was able to smell the whisky he had 

Avni: don't touch me said she hiding her emotions from him and continued speaking ... don't think just because u r a guy u can touch any girl without their permission she said pushing him and was about to get in the car but stopped to what he said next

Neil: I wouldn't have touched any girl without their permission... I only touch those who want me to.... besides u r not any girl for me since u was my ex. He said smirking .

Avni turned to looking at him and glared at him while Neil enjoyed seen the fire in her eyes as she was never this brave during college days.

Avni: for u it was never a relation only a bet she said angrily and sat in the car leaving

Neil: avni in shimla need to find out what she is doing here he said and called one if his men and gave her details unaware she is ashish daughter.

Precrap:promo wala

Hey guys here is another update from me.
. Thanks a lot for showering your love on this new story I hope I'm able to do justice to it

Thanks to all those who voted for the previous chap and also voted

Lots of love sonali

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