Chapter 3

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Neil: long time Avni... u have changed he said looking at her from head to toe while avni felt uneasy at his gaze when he looked back at her... she was able to smell the whisky he had 

Avni: don't touch me said she hiding her emotions from him and continued speaking ... don't think just because u r a guy u can touch any girl without their permission she said pushing him and was about to get in the car but stopped to what he said next

Neil: I wouldn't have touched any girl without their permission... I only touch those who want me to.... besides u r not any girl for me since u was my ex. He said smirking .

Avni turned to looking at him and glared at him while Neil enjoyed seen the fire in her eyes as she was never this brave during college days.

Avni: for u it was never a relation only a bet she said angrily and sat in the car leaving

Neil: avni in shimla need to find out what she is doing here he said and called one of his men and gave her details unaware she is ashish daughter

Avni soon reached to the hotel going straight to her room. and closed the door.... she went to the washroom and turned on the tap splashing cold water on her face...everything from the flashback and seen Neil after so long came back
She stopped splashing water after few mins and looked at herself in the mirror.

She never wanted to come across Neil khanna after whatever happened but seems like fate was playing with her.

She recalled how she had seen Neil first

(Flashback is shown from avni pov and also the writer)

It was her first year in college avni was nervous and excited she had moved to Delhi after convincing her family as they didn't want her to stay in Delhi alone... however neela friend shilpa was in Delhi and she agreed to keep avni at her place.

Avni: shilpa aunty I'm going bye she said wearing her glasses

Shilpa: wait beta have some breakfast then go

Avni: aunty not now some other time

Shilpa: sit warna I'll call neela.... Avni made a puppy face while shilpa smiled and served her breakfast once she finished avni left for her first day of college

Meanwhile in college there was a group of second year students who were looking for their new prey... one of the boys spoke from the group

Raj : yaar today we will get to do ragging with so many freshers so far we have got hold of u freshers making them do different things

Neil: of course raj... after all this is our right he said

Vidyut: guys that's fine but let's not cross the line

Neil : come on Vidyut there would be no fun then...

Soon a girl came walking towards the gang... her eyes was only on Neil.

Sheena:hey handsome she said coming and sat on Neil lap giving him a kiss while Neil placed his hand around her waist.

Neil: someone is looking hot today

Sheena: can't help it.

Raj: look there comes few new students

Neil looked toward the gate... his eyes fell on a girl who was walking wearing a off shoulder top and a long skirt with glasses on

Raj: Neil u always say that no girls can refuse u right?....then make that girl agree to sing in front of everyone in the canteen

Sheena: no way.. can't u give another bet as Neil will have to he all nice to her

Neil: relax babe... no need to get all hyped up

Meanwhile avni had entered the college gates busy looking around unaware of the group members looking at her..

She was about to enter the building when Neil stopped her

Neil: hey beautiful a fresher ?

Avni nodded and was about to walk in but Neil blocked her way

Neil :u can't go in until u complete the ritual sweetheart

Avni:ritual of what? she spoke.

Neil: freshers been ragged... Avni got nervous for a sec but ignored it

Avni: there is no such ritual as that

Neil: listen u r new in this college so u know notning so it's best if u listen to us..

Avni didn't know what to do when she saw some people who looked liked professors walk past

Avni: excuse me sir

Professor: yes

Avni:can u tell me where the registration office is

Professor: sure I'm going there y don't u come with me

Avni: thank u.. Avni looked at Neil who have her a look... she was not one of those to agree to someone so easily.

The professor stopped and turned around to look at Neil and the gang

Professor: it doesn't mean if u r in 2nd your of college u don't attend lectures get to your class now .

Avni didn't look at the gang and walked away with the professor

Suraj: strange... usually girls die over Neil look and they will be flattened and do anything he says... but here a fresher didn't even look at him properly

Neil glared at Suraj

Vidyut: not every girl is the same now let's go.

Neil: she can't escape always one day she will have to face Neil khanna

End of flashback

Avni came back to reality when she heard the door knock and went to open it.

Ashisb: u ok jaan he said seen her tensed face

Avni: haan papa all good she said faking  a smile.

Ashish: y did u come back alone.. I had called riya and she said u left so i came to check if u r back since u wasn't answering your phone

Avni:sorry I was actually in the bathroom... anyways forget that y haven't u slept

Ashish: thought of checking if u need help in for presentstioon

Avni: not yet but I would love it if u check it once I'm done

Ashish: of course I will oh and also tomorrow we will be having lunch with my friend again

Avni: ok papa good night ..ashish kissed avni on the forhead and left.

Meanwhile Neil was waiting for the person call to give avni detail but he was taking  to long suddenly he got Vidyut call

Vidyut: Neil where r u

Neil:I'm outside Vidyut... vidyut who was in the other corner came towards the main entrance to see Neil standing there

Vidyut: bro what r u doing  over here

Neil: avni was here... Vidyut was surprised

Vidyut: avni?.r u for serious.

Neil: hmm she has changed...looks different he said...Vidyut looked at Neil observing his words

Vidyut: Neil...

Neil: soon I'll know y she is here and where she is staying

Vidyut: for what...

Neil: I'll see if I can have a chance with her.

Vidyut: Neil... u really think avni will want u near with her after how u played with her emotions.

Neil:it was all a bet Vidyut.

Vidyut: which she didn't know about bro

Neil: let's go Vidyur it's quite late

Vidyut shook his head

Vidyut: don't be like this neil otherwise one day your heart will break and that's when u will know how all those girls felt whose heart u broke

The next morning avni got ready while riya came out of the washroom still yawning

Avni: what time did u come back she asked riya

Riya: around 1am... u left the door open though

Avni: yup I seriously needed a nap so thought of leaving it a little open since u didn't have access to come into the room

Riya:hmmmm she said brushing her hair slowly

Once done they headed downstairs

Meanwhile Neil who was ready got a call from one of his man who told that avni is staying in the xyz hotel.

Neil: r u sure he said making sure

Man: yes sir she is in the same hotel as u.

Neil: ok..what is she here for?

Man: sir she is there for .... suddenly the line went dead

Neil: hello... hello ?..  neil cut the call since there was no response  and smirked... time to meet u again avni metha... Neil was about to go down to the receptionists to see what room Avni was staying in When prakash came knocking on the door.

Neil: dad u here...he said opening the door to see prakash

Praksh:haan I came to get u.... we r having breakfast with my friend again today ...come

Neil: dad I won't be able to make it I have some important work

Praksh: Neil yesterday u also left because your friend came and today u r going... I already told them that u will be coming with me

Neil: dad we both know that's not the truth if they want to think that then I can't help it

Praksh: u r coming and that's final eat and drink something and then leave after to do your important work.

Neil:ok fine he said rubbing his forhead

Avni and riya came down to see Manish and Sheetal there with the rest of the metha family..  both greeted good morning and sat down

Prakash: sorry sorry for been late guys he said walking with Neil.. the rest turned to see prakash and Neil walking but one person was shocked... Yup none other than avni

Avni: Neil she said in her head... her face went pale for a sec to see him again and also in the same hotel.

Neil looked up from his phone to greet the family again when he saw avni... he looked around the table to see the people he met yesterday..  and slowly whispered in prakash ears

Neil: dad what is your friend surname .

Prakash:Ashish metha... hearing the surname metha he looked at avni... now knowing this is her family... he could clearly see how her face went pale for a sec
Neil took everyone blessing and sat opposite avni not looking away from her while she made sure not to look at him even though she was able to feel his gaze on her

Dayawanti:u kids didn't meet yesterday... Riya avni, aman this is Neil prakash son and Neil this is avni aman riya  my grandchildren and that's Sheetal and Manish...

Neil shook hands with Manish and aman  and said hello to riya and then avni.. while riya smiled back avni didn't look at him.

Neil: now where will u go Avni... it will be fun to be near u... all those years u wasn't able to capture my attention but now I just can't seem to  get my eyes of u especially when I saw u yesterday.. I wonder what it feel like to explore u he thought to himself

Prakash: Neil beta come on eat something then u have to go for your work right ..

Neil: don't worry dad that work is not needed anymore he said looking at prakash then at avni.

Avni: ummm I'll leave now as I need to finish of my presentation... Neil looked at avni when she said that.

Prakash: sure beta and good luck

Avni: thanks she said smiling

Sheetal:we will meet u in a bit.. Avni nodded and left

Neil was thinking of an excuse to leave as he had none now... but suddenly he received a call from one of his men

Neil: sorry I got to receive this call.

Praksh:ok beta...

Neil answered the call while following the direction avni went in

Man: sorry sir the line got dissconected..

Neil: it's ok u did a good job

Man: sir she came there ...for however Neil cut him of

Neil: i know y she is here now end the call he said as soon as he spotted avni and fastened his pace

Neil: avni he said calling out to her

Avni heard him call her name and turned around to see him trying to catch up with her..  she turned around and started walking a little faster ignoring him call her

Avni continued walking but within sec Neil caught up to her and swiftly turned her around

Neil : listen to me when i call u he said annoyingly

Avni: y should  I? U mean nobody to me so I don't feel the need to listen to u she said moving his hands from her arms.

Neil: I mean nobody to u?  he asked coming in front of her and pushed her against the wall

Avni looked at Neil and was about to move away but Neil trapped her with his hands on either side of the wall.

Avni was a little nervous having him this close but she didn't show it

Avni: nobody Neil khanna..for me u r just my Papa's friend son nothing else

Neil eyes hardened to her reply and moved so close to her that their bodies were touching while avni mouth opened slightly when he came close to her.

Neil: liar... I know I mean more to u... but u just don't want to accept it he said slowing moving his hands up and placed a finger on her forhead sliding it down softly to her nose then her lips to which he traced avni eyes closed to his action Neil then moved his fingers  down to her neck and then slowly  slowly moving  towards her  cleavage while avni breathing had increased with what he was doing or more likely his touches but before he could continue she held his hands stopping him which still was near her cleavage

She looked at him and pushed him away

Avni: stay away from me she said looking at him one last time and ran from their while Neil looked at her retreating figure lost in thoughts

Neil:if I want something I make sure I get it avni and right now my eyes r on u.

Time went quick avni somehow finished of the presentation while Sheetal and Manish also came to help her and ashish also doubled checked it.. neela; riya, dayawanti and aman wished avni good luck and prayed that their presentation is approved.

All had gathered in the hall while some had their presentation done in the morning and afternoon the last set of people were left which was Neil and avni along with with other businesses.

Vidyut came with Neil and saw avni... she had changed a lot..

Avni saw vidyut and smiled  a little bit while vidyut also smiled back. He looked at Neil who was just staring at avni.

One by one each person was called inside to do their presentation

Prakash came a little late and stood next to Neil

Praksh: how r u vidyut beta

Vidyut:all good uncle he said smiling

Praksh:have u seen ashish?

Neil :over there

Praksh : ok I'll just go and wish him luck

Neil: wait we will come too....prakash found Neil behaviour a little odd as he hardly goes with him when he goes to talk to his friend or business partner... he ignored it and nodded

Prakash: oye ashish he said a little loudly while walking over too where ashish and the rest were standing

Ahsish turned around seen prakash and Neil walking over to where they were standing

Praksh: yaar good luck to u

Ashish:same to u...hope the best person gets the deal

Praskah: absolutely and oh meet him he is vidyut Neil college friend

Ashish:hello beta. ... while vidyut also greeted him back

A lady came out: Miss avni metha it's your turn next she said kindly..

Avni became nervous

Ashish: do your best... Avni nodded and hugged ashish and then went in with Manish and Sheetal.

Inside the dealers were keenly listening to avni while she was explaining each slides and Manish and Sheetal would now and then put their input to.

Soon they were told to go out so others could come to do their presentation

Ashish: how did it go

Avni: good just hope for the best... Avni went to get some water which was kept in the corner on the table

She was taking a few sips when she stopped drinking feeling someone behind her and turned around to see Neil standing so close

He took the glass that was in her hand and drank it while Avni looked at him and then looked away.. she was about to move when Neil placed his hand on the table so she doesn't escape.. Avni tried to move from the other side but Neil blocked her way through his body.

Avni: move she said glaring at him.

Neil: u have changed a lot... looking even more hot in the formal dress especially without those glasses of yours  he said eyeing avni up and down making her uncomfortable

Avni: with time everyone changes... but u still seem to be the same or let's says u have become worse than before she said pushing him away while walking back to where Manish and Sheetal were standing.... while Neil clenched his jaws

Neil came back to where vidyut was... two other people went in turn by turn and then lastly it was Neil.

Avni decided to leave when she saw Neil walk in as she knew there was no point in staying at that time as everyone would get to know in the morning if they got the deal

vikrant:Mr khanna and miss metha the reason y we called both of u is because both of your presentation was good...

Prakash and ashish who were sitting down listening smiled while looking at each other

Satish: been in a delimma we came up with an idea how about khanna company and metha company merge together for this specific project... what do u say Mr praksh khanna and ashish metha

Ashish: that is really great Mr satish what do u say prakash

Prakash: absolutely this would he a great opportunity for our companies to work together.

Vikrant: what do u feel mr Neil khanna and miss avni metha.

Neil: I'm completely fine with it... in this way I would get to know about avni more and how she works he said looking at avni.. their fathers smiled while only avni and Neil knew the actual meanings to his words

Avni: what if I say no then who would get this project

Vikrant:that's a tough call but then we wouild decide to give it to Neil khanna

Neil smirked.

Ashish:avni this is actually a amazing oppuritiny don't lose the chance

Avni wanted to say no but she looked at ashish who was excited for this deal and he also had hopes on her from day 1.

Avni: i agree then... they all shaked hands while ashish and prakash hugged.

Neil forwarded his hands while avni looked at his hands she would have shoved it away but everyone was watching them so she had no option to shake it

Neil:it would be great working with u avni he said smirking

Avni nodded.. she quickly moved her hands away when she felt Neil caress the back of her hand with his thumbs 
Some.past moments too.

Ok guys here is another chap hope u love it

Thanks for the lovely comment and votes for the previous chap

Will be waiting for all the lovely comments and votes for this chap so keep it coming

Lots or love sonali

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