chapter 4

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So Adiza r not going to be in Delhi on 1tth October as the event got postponed but not to worry at least it didn't get cancelled. Hopefully they will come back with a new date and we should he happy that we got so many Adiza pics, video and not to forget the cake segment on that date so cheer up

Avni: move she said glaring at him.

Neil: u have changed a lot... looking even more hot in the formal dress especially without those glasses of yours  he said eyeing avni up and down making her uncomfortable

Avni: with time everyone changes... but u still seem to be the same or let's says u have become worse than before she said pushing him away while walking back to where Manish and Sheetal were standing.... while Neil clenched his jaws

Neil came back to where vidyut was... two other people went in turn by turn and then lastly it was Neil.

Avni decided to leave when she saw Neil walk in as she knew there was no point in staying at that time as everyone would get to know in the morning if they got the deal

Neil came out to see his dad with ashish and vidyut

Prakash: how did it go beta

Neil: all good he said proudly.. he looked around looking for that one person who actually has been haunting his mind since he was her at the restaurant after so many years with  a complete makeover.

Prakash: come let's go for a drink ashish

Ashish: sure

Prakash: u both joining us?

Neil;  no dad u guys  carry.on...

Once Ashish and prakash left vidyut noticed Neil looking around

Vidyut: who u searching for?

Neil turned to look at Vidyut with a smirk and instantly vidyut knew

Vidyut: yaar just let her be y r u even after her now?

Neil: y shall I let her be? U know vidyut I never found her this attractive but that night when i saw her After all these years.. there was something that was pulling me closer

Vidyut: Neil if u think avni is one of those girls who will be ready to spend a night with u then u r wrong.. she won't even come near u after what happened

Neil: i don't care.. if I want something I get it.. be it by hook or crook.. avni still feels for me but she isn't showing it so it won't be hard for me to try on her

Vidyut:just stop it Neil before u get hurt so badly one day.

Neil: chill bro dw too much about me.. go and rest I'll see u tomorrow he said leaving from there while Vidyut watched his friend go

Neil went to the receptionist

Neil: hey beautiful women.. the receptionist looked up seen such a handsome (devil) person in front of her

Receptionist: hi she said blushing already due to the way Neil was smiling at her

Neil: what a beautiful smile ... just like u he said leaving over the desk

Receptionist: Thanks a lot sir.. is there anything I can help u with.

Neil: yah actually I need u to do me a favour if it's  possible

Receponist: sure sir

Neil: great the thing is that I need to know what room miss avni metha is staying in

Receponist: just a sec sir.. she is in room 301

Neil: thanks... is there anyone else in that room

Recpeopnist: ummm yh there is two people staying in that room one is miss avni metha and the other is her sister riya metha..she said looking at her screen

Neil thought for a sec when he got an idea

Neil: i need u to do me another favour beautiful lady he said winking at her Making her blush even more

Receponist: what else sir

Neil:make a call to avni metha and tell her that her that one of the member from the event management  is waiting for her in room 500 to discuss about the project

Receponist: sure sir. She said believing Neil

Neil.waited till the  receptionist called avni

Riya was laying on the bed. While avni was going to change.  When the phone rang.. riya went to answer it

Riya : hello

Receponist:hello may I know if I'm speaking to miss avni metha?

Riya: nope this is her sister riya metha

receptionist: can u please give to avni metha please.

Riya:sure just a check

Riya called out to avni who came out without getting changed

Avni: what happened?

Riya: the receponist wants to speak to u.

Avni:me?.. avni took the phone and spoke.. hello avni metha here

Receponist:hello ma'am sorry  disturb u but one.of the memebers from the event management wants to speak to u about the project in room 500

Avni: event management  Ok I'll be there  Thanks alot.. she said cutting the call

Riya: what happened

Avni:one of the member from the event management wants to meet me

Riya:shall I come with u

Avni: no dw I'll be back soon she said taking her phone and left

Meanwhile downstairs

receptionist sir she is coming

Neil: Thanks a lot Love I'll catch u later he said patting her cheeks making the girl smile and turned to leave while rolling his eyes.. he quickly ran to the lift and got in

Avni was looking for room 500 and took the lift to get up there.. once she reached up there she was looking for the room and found a staff member outside who was going with the trolley

Avni: excuse me can u tell me where room 500 is

Staff: ma'am u r on the wrong floor.. go up the next floor as soon as u get out of the lift turn to your right and keep walking straight and there u will see room 500

Avni: Thanks a lot she said smiling and quickly ran to the lift.

Once she reached there she searched for room 500 and found it but was surprised as the door was left ajar

Avni held the door knob and slowly opened the door to see the lights were dim.

Avni: hello.. anyone here? She said walking in and tried to look around to see if she can find someone

Avni: see i got a call saying that one of the members from the event management wanted to meet me and I was told to come to this room

Still she got no answer

Avni : what is going on? I'm not even late as I got the call a while ago... also the door is open.. I should just go down and ask the Receponist she might know avni said speaking to herself

Neil slowly walked behind avni and stood so close to her leaving no gap

She was looking around the room one last time when she felt someone stand behind her Making her go still with her eyes widened as she has felt this person presence before

Avni swiftly turned around.. and during that her lips brushed against his slightly.. making her take a step backwards seen Neil eyes closed and he slowly opened it looking at her again with the look which she wasn't able to guess.

Avni:what r u doing here she said managing to speak

Neil: this is my room so I can come here any time he said smirking talking a step towards with his hands in his pockets.

Avni frowned but slowly her frown dissapeared she was fooled by none other than Neil khanna

She glared at him and walked past him when she stopped in her tracks as Neil held her wrist . Both turned around facing each other... while avni pulled away her wrist from his grip and looked at him angrily

Neil: wont u stay here to meet the event management rmemeber

Avni: i very well know who that stupid event management rmemeber  is that called me up here. So stop playing games.

Neil: chalo at least u r smart enough to understand this. He said moving closer to her while avni didn't move this time and looked at him in the eyes

Avni: yes and next.time I should be more alert

Neil: really? As far as I remember u made the same mistake again... don't u remember your second day in college? He said saying all this while walking in circles around avni and then stood in front of her tucking her hair behind her ear


Avni was happy that she didn't see Neil or his gang the rest of her day and how her first day went well without been ragged

While Neil was not happy as avni was the first girl or let's say first person who didn't do what he said and hebdecided to make her realise who she is messing with as that time she went away with one of the professor who had a go at him and his friends during theb.

Vidyut: Neil what r u thinking about.

Neil:about that fresher.. she doesn't know who she is messing with...

Vidyut: just because she didn't get ragged... come on Neil there is no point of thinking about her or whatever happened

Sheena didn't like the way Neil was thinking about avni as she always wanted Neil mind to be thinking about one girl and that's herself

Sheena: Vidyut is right Neil.. don't give that nerd girl any importance baby... Vidyut and raj looked at each other rolling their eyes at Sheena antiques.

Neil:oh please I'm not giving her any importance but thinking about how to show her place... and I have a perfect solution for that. He said smirking while the rest looked at each other knowing Neil won't say anything.

The next day avni reached to college she had already made few friends and was walking towards the library.. when one of the member from Neil group shekar came dressed as a professor

Shekar: miss avni metha ?

Avni: Yes she said frowning.

Shekar: miss avni metha Im one if the professor and i would like u to come with me

Avni: but where sir?

Shekar: just follow me and u will know otherwise u will be in trouble.

Avni not knowing what she is getting herself into went with Shekar.

Shekar: do one think go into that room and wait for me I'll be there in few mins he said pointing to an empty room.

Avni nodded slightly and went there. As soon as she opened the door the bucket from the top tilted  making her half wet as she moved away quickly when she felt the water on her head

Avni : what was this..maybe someone was going to play a prank on the professor but I became the victim she thought not knowing the water was there for her welcome.

Avni walked in to see the empty class and sat down..  Shekar came while Neil and the gang was watching this from the window without avni knowing.

Shekar: y r u all wet? I told u to come straight to the class? Where did u go that your in this state?

Avni:sir I didn't go anywhere I was just here in fact when I opened the door the bucket was kept on the top making the water fall on me

Shekar:stop lying such thing has never happened it's only your second day and you already started making excuses

Avni: believe me sir I am not lying.

Shekar:u will surely get punished for this come on hold your ears and sit on your knees.

Avni:sir I ...but she couldn't continue

Shekar:i said do it he said a little loudly while avni was on the verge of crying and sat on her knees holding her ears

Neil came in that time and sat on the desk smirking at avni while she wondered as to y he is there

Shekar:what the hell r u doing over here Neil

Neil: chilling sir he said and soon the rest of the gang walked in

Shekar: behave Neil I'm your professor he said walking to Neil.. while avni watched them.. suddenly both burst out laughing confusing avni.

Neil: come on end the drama I feel satisfied seen her in this state he said looking at avni

Shekar nodded and soon took of his fake moustache.. glasses and wig making avni eyes widened and she got up straight away.

Neil walked over to avni.

Neil:this is what u get for not listening to Neil khanna yesterday. Felt sad? Well I don't care. He said walking away from her while avni looked at him go and angry at herself for not understanding what was going on 

End of flashback.

Avni:of course I remember.. I was still a fool to fall for u and and believe u after that.. but not anymore. Got it she said pushing him away and walked out of the room

The next day avni quickly got ready as ashish came to call her saying that they have been called downstairs to talk about their presentation

As soon  as they entered avni was surprised and angry to see Neil.. however she smiled at prakash

Ashish went and sat down next to prakash

vikrant:Mr khanna and miss metha the reason y we called both of u is because both of your presentation was good...

Prakash and ashish who were sitting down listening smiled while looking at each other

Satish: been in a delimma we came up with an idea how about khanna company and metha company merge together for this specific project... what do u say Mr praksh khanna and ashish metha

Ashish: that is really great Mr satish what do u say prakash

Prakash: absolutely this would he a great opportunity for our companies to work together.

Vikrant: what do u feel mr Neil khanna and miss avni metha.

Neil: I'm completely fine with it... in this way I would get to know about avni more and how she works he said looking at avni.. their fathers smiled while only avni and Neil knew the actual meanings to his words

Avni: what if I say no then who would get this project

Vikrant:that's a tough call but then we wouild decide to give it to Neil khanna

Neil smirked.

Ashish:avni this is actually a amazing oppuritiny don't lose the chance

Avni wanted to say no but she looked at ashish who was excited for this deal and he also had hopes on her from day 1.

Avni: i agree then... they all shaked hands while ashish and prakash hugged.

Neil forwarded his hands while avni looked at his hands she would have shoved it away but everyone was watching them so she had no option to shake it

Neil:it would be great working with u avni he said smirking

Avni nodded.. she quickly moved her hands away when she felt Neil caress the back of her hand with his thumbs 

Precrap Avni got up from her seat collecting her files and turned to leave when Neil blocked her way

Neil: why r u in a rush avni he said looking at her and then eyed her lips for few secs before looking back at her in the eye

Avni gulped seen the look in his eyes however she didn't show it

Avni: I had to come and show u the presentation I'm done with that so there is no point of staying.

Neil: oh I don't mind u staying a little longer...we can spend some time together. He said tucking her hair behind her ears while avni tried to move her face to the other side

Avni: I would only spend time with you if it's only work related Mr khanna.

Neil: but I would love to spend some personal time with u he said whispering huskily near her ears

Avni didn't expect him to come so close to her and whisper like that. She quickly took few steps backwards

Avni: I have told u before and I'm telling u again. U mean nothing to me Neil khanna so stay away from me..

Neil: if I mean nothing to u then my closeness shouldn't effect u... right avni he said slowly taking steps towards her while avni moved backwards.

Avni: your closeness make me feel like running away from u because I don't want to be near a man like u Neil khanna she said and turned to leave but Neil quickly grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall.

Neil: is that so? He said looking at her seriously

Avni: truth always hurts u just need learn to accept it. She said trying to push him away but he didn't movie. His one hand that was on the wall was now on avni waist.

Neil: let's forget your so called truth... he said moving his face closer to hers... Avni saw that while her eyes widened

Avni:move I need to go... leave me she said trying to push him away but no luck..she stood still when she felt Neil's lips on hers.

He slowly kissed her while he was drawing patterns on her waist by moving his hand under her shirt ..Avni closed her eyes feeling a shiver run down her spine. Her mind was telling him to push him away but somewhere her heart was telling him not to let go... she didn't want her heart to win and tried to push Neil but instead he pulled her closer to him by resting his other hand on her waist and deepened the kiss... Avni was fighting but stopped when she slowly started to respond as his handwork on her waist was making her feel things that she didn't want to feel.

Neil slowly lifted his one hand and caressed her breast from the top of her shirt and within few secs he was able to feel her nipple hardened underneath her shirt  making him smile through the kiss... he slowly broke the kiss while his hand was still caressing her nipple

Neil: u say u feel like running away from me when i come near u but your body is giving me another answer he said running his lips near her ears making avni close her eyes but she opened it quickly realising how she got lost and opened her eyes to see Neil hand on top of her breast she quickly pushed him away while Neil smirked seen her reaction

Avni looked at Neil annoyingly while tears was filling up slowly.

Neil:.seen the effect I have on u I really want to continue avni... come on just drop your so called attitude and admit that u can't resit me

Avni was so mad with Neil and herself... she was mad at Neil because of how he played with her emotions and she can't allow him to do that again and mad at herself for loosing control and got lost in the moment
But when he said the last bit she couldn't  control herself and *bam* she slapped him across his face

Avni: I hope this gives u my answer Neil khanna she said looking at Neil who had his face side ways with his hand on his cheeks since she slapped him

Neil slowly turned to avni but her anger changed into fear a little seen Neil looking at angrily.... she looked away not wanting to show her reaction and ignored as if his anger doesn't scare her

Neil was about to grab her arm.when there was a knock on the door avni Thanked her stars

Neil: come in he said rudely while his eyes were still on avni who was walking towards the door while a employer  came in and avni left Neil cabin without looking back

Neil: u will pay for this slap avni metha I will make sure u do he thought to himself

Hey lovelies how r u all good..

Thanks to those who voted for the previous chap and also commented

Will be waiting for all the lovely comments and votes so keep it coming

Lots of love sonali

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