chapter 5

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Good news san is ok now.. she is recovering and shifted to another hospital

Avni: what if I say no then who would get this project

Vikrant:that's a tough call but then we would decide to give it to Neil khanna

Neil smirked.

Ashish:avni this is actually a amazing oppuritiny don't lose the chance

Avni wanted to say no but she looked at ashish who was excited for this deal and he also had hopes on her from day 1.

Avni: i agree then... they all shaked hands while ashish and prakash hugged.

Neil forwarded his hands while avni looked at his hands she would have shoved it away but everyone was watching them so she had no option to shake it

Neil:it would be great working with u avni he said smirking

Avni nodded.. she quickly moved her hands away when she felt Neil caress the back of her hand with his thumbs

Vikrant:so we will see u all soon with the actual presentation as this was just like a test to see who gives us the best presentation.. it will be great working with u both. He said shaking hands with avni and neil

Avni: it will he great working with u too she said ignoring Neil.

Vikrant:great so this Is the actual file u both can discuss the project and start making the presentation he said handing it to Neil

Once they all the left the cabin prakash and ashish were happy while avni forced a smile... she was able to sense Neil's gaze on her who was standing behind her

Prakash: I'm so happy that we will be working together especially our kids who have so much potential

Ashish: u r right.. this is the best thing that has happened

Prakash: these few days went so quick... tomorrow we all will be going back

Ashish: but when r u shifting back to Mumbai .

Prakash: soon I guess sometime this month.

Ashish: great we all should meet soon.

Neil:avni I'll see u the day after tommrow

Avni:y? She blurted out while ashish looked at her


Avni:woh I'm actually asking since how can he see me the day after tomorrow as we r going to Mumbai and he will be going to Delhi so how can he meet me then.she said making an excuse.

Neil: actually I would have come to Mumbai to meet u at your office but the thing is I have few meetings lined up which I can't cancel and also on that day im only free in the morning because after that I'll have more meetings.. so I thought it's best if we discuss some points about the project

Ashish: it's ok beta... Avni will come don't worry.. Avni looked at ashish thinking what mess she has got into.

Prakash: if that's the case avni can come with us to Delhi and stay will us till then and come back.. Avni saw Neil expression and quickly cancelled the idea

Avni: don't worry uncle I'll be fine I'll come to Delhi the day after tomorrow.

Neil in his head: dad gave an perfect idea but u declined the offer let's see how u get away when u r with me in my office.

Avni: I'll just go and see riya she wanted to go shopping before we go back

Ashish: ok beta

Avni:bye uncle

Prakash:bye bets take care

Avni gave Neil a look while leaving from there while Neil was thinking of how to get close to avni.

Avni went straight to her room she was glad that
she won't be seen Neil for now but was thinking about how she will avoid him after.

She was packing her clothes any how when Riya came back into the room.

Riya: babes what is this ?

Avni came out of her thoughts and looked at riya

Avni: what?

Riya: look how u r packing your clothes.. if neela ma saw this she would have given you a long lecture

Avni sighed and threw the last piece of clothes in

Riya: what's troubling u she said turning Avni to face her

Avni: nothing

Riya:avni tell na... something is bothering u

Avni:woh nothing just praying that this project goes well

Riya: uff tum bhi na ofcoruse it will plus u also have Neil with u

Avni in her head: he is the main problem for me.

Riya: chal don't worry and lets go shopping she said dragging avni not giving her a chance to react

The next day the metha family got ready to leave shimla along with Vidyut, neil and praksh.

Avni and riya came near the reception to see ashish and prakash talking

Neil saw avni come and smirked. While avni ignored him.. Vidyut saw avni and thought of saying bye and moved towards her

Vidyut: hey avni.. Avni looked st vidyut and smiled.. she never had a problem with him at all.

Avni: hey vidyut how r u im sorry we couldn't talk properly at all since we came here

Vidyut: it's ok I understand no hard feelings by the way congrats for getting the project

Avni:well yh which your friend is part of too but thank u... but forget about that's life

Vidyut:all good in fact happily married

Avni:omg vidyut pandit is married I wonder who the lucky girl is she said smiling

Vidyut: Juhi.

Avni:Juhi nice name. U better introduce her to me

Vidyut: defo will

Neil was watching Avni and vidyut interact and somewhere wanted to get avni attention but she just completed ignored him

Vidyut and avni catched up with few things and all decided to leave in their respective car

Avni was about to get in the car when Neil called out to her

Neil: avni

Avni.closed her eyes annoyingly but turned around to look at him as her family stopped when Neil called her

Neil:don't forget I'll see u tommrow he said seriously

Avni: sure she said faking a smile and then got in the car

Neil: i get what i want avni and right now u r on my list. Let's see how long u will run for

Time went it was 5pm as everyone had reached home few hours ago and were resting

Ashish:avni the private jet will leave at 7:30pm for u to reach to Delhi

Avni nodded however she wasn't looking forward to see Neil

Avni:papa y don't u come.

Ashihs: avni.. superstar just think I'm there with u.. I know u can manage this without me.

Avni: but papa u have always been there with me no matter wherever I go

Ashish: i know I have but I believe my daughter has that potential to handle everything alone...I'll always be there to support and guide u but right now u can do this alone I believe u can and u also have Neil

Avni nodded if she only could tell her dad what the real reason was..but that didn't mean she would sit quiet and allow Neil to do whatever he wants.. she decided that if he misbehave she will answer him back

After dinner avni came to her room and got her clothes ready for the next day and was placing the file on the table when she heard a beep sound on her phone

She picked up her phone to see who mesaged her to see it was an unsaved number

She opened what's app and started to read the message sent

" can't wait to see to see you tomorrow.. Don't be late...Neil"

Avni at first frowned but when she read Neil name she was a little shocked at to how he got her number because as far as she remembers he didn't have it.. and neither did she give it to anyone during her stay in shimla

Avni: avni was about to block his number when neela came into the room and with that she quickly closed the screen not able to do it

Neela: bacha? U ok?

Avni: haan maa I'm ok

Neela: ok don't stress yourself out hmm.. neela was about to leave when avni held her hand

Avni: maa stay for a bit please... neela looked at avni

Neela: ok she said and sat down while avni rested her head on neela lap while neela stroked avni hair

Neela:what's wrong bacha

Avni: nothing maa just a little nervous

Neela: u r my avni.. been nervous is normal... sometime it helps a person to deal with situation.

Avni: but what if there is someone who tries to make the situation worse

Neela: instead of thinking what the person will do to make the situation worse think what u will do to reach that specific goal u made and also how to tackle that situation later on

Avni tonight of neela words and slowly closed her eyes completely forgetting about to block Neil's number

The next day

Avni got ready.. she was wearing a shirt while shirt with a thin black cardigan on top with black jeans and hair in a pony tail .. the family wished her good luck..she left from there and reached to where her private jet was( sorry if I'm going to fast just don't want to drag it much)

She sat down while the pilot greeted before going away... she looked at her phone to see her battery is not fully charged and got her cable to charge it

Few mins later the jet took off while avni heart was beeping every second... two hours distance and she will be seen the person she doesn't want to see at all

To divert her mind she decided to listen to some music and take a sip of her drink which was already placed there for her... music always calms avni down in most of the situation and somewhere it was helping now... while listening to the music she made some points about the project so that she could discuss it with Neil and leave from there asap.

After 2 hours 15 mins the jet finally landed while avni was dreading each second... she got down and there was a car waiting for her to take her to Neil office

Once she reached there she was taken to Neil cabin and was told to sit till he comes.

Avni checked her watch and was waiting for Neil.. it had been 10 mins but he still didn't come

Meanwhile Neil was in a room which only Neil or his family member have the permission to use....he was sitting taking a sip of his coffee while watching avni on the monitor.

He smirked seen how she was checking her watch every min waiting for him to come but he wasn't planning to go and see her any time soon.

Employee:ma'am would u like something.. avni turned to see someone and got up.

Avni: yes.. can u get Neil khanna to come here otherwise if he is too busy then I'll leave as I have other work to do too..

Employee: I'm sorry ma'am but he should arrive soon.. till then do u want anything else..

Avni: some water please.

Employee: sure I'll get u some cold water.

After few mins the employee came back and gave avni water while she took few sips and placed the glass on the table.

Avni: i swear if he doesn't come in 5 mins I'm leaving. She said to herself while Neil was watching her keenly.. he saw her walking back and forth

Avni saw the time and 5 mins were up she picked up her bag and file and started to proceed towards the door when she bumped into Neil.

Neil saw avni getting ready to leave and that's when he decided to come in front of her.

Neil: how r u?.. he said closing the door behind him... while avni took few steps backwards keeping a distance between them

Avni: Mr khanna if u was going to be late u should have informed me.

Neil:y? R u my wife? Gf? Friend? That I should inform u.. this is my office so i don't need any permission on when to arrive... he said walking past Avni and sat on his seat

Avni: nope I'm none of that and I don't plan to be your wife, gf or friend at all but what can I do we have a project together that's y I said that..

Neil:sit he said pointing to the chair opposite him

Avni took a deep breath trying to control her irritation and sat down

Avni: i have a few points about the project that I would like to give which we can add for the preparation She said looking at Neil.. seen him leaning back on his chair all relaxed

Neil: go ahead I'm listening to u he said looking at her.... Avni opened her file and placed it in the middle so Neil can see the points she has highlighted

Avni: see if u read this part u will know there will be a lot of work required and....

she continued speaking while reading the points from her file... while Neil was busy staring at her.. he looked at her eyes which had Kajal applied.. then looked at her cheeks to which he wanted to caress while his gaze moved to her pink lips ready to attack on them... he then moved his gaze lower to see her wearing a white shirt with first button open while a thin black cardigan.. if it was in his hand he would have taken of the cargidan and see just how well the shirt fitted her body.

Avni was so engrossed in telling her points that she didn't relasie the way Neil was staring at her... she stopped speaking when she relaised that Neil wasn't answering at all and looked up to see how he was looking at her which made her uncomfortable and alert at the same time.

Avni: i have highlighted my points and mentioned them just go through them and I'll send u my bit of presentation which u can look at...then we can do the rest with few of our employers... she said avoiding to look at him.

Neil watched avni gathering her stuff getting ready to leave.. avni left a copy for Neil and closed the file putting back the remaining papers

Avni got up from her seat collecting her files and turned to leave when Neil blocked her way

Neil: why r u in a rush avni he said looking at her and then eyed her lips for few secs before looking back at her in the eye

Avni gulped seen the look in his eyes however she didn't show it

Avni: I had to come and show u the points we can add for our presentation... I'm done with that so there is no point of staying.

Neil: oh I don't mind u staying a little longer...we can spend some time together. He said tucking her hair behind her ears while avni tried to move her face to the other side

Avni: I would only spend time with you if it's only work related Mr khanna.

Neil: but I would love to spend some personal time with u he said whispering huskily near her ears

Avni didn't expect him to come so close to her and whisper like that. She quickly took few steps backwards

Avni: I have told u before and I'm telling u again. U mean nothing to me Neil khanna so stay away from me..

Neil: if I mean nothing to u then my closeness shouldn't effect u right avni... he said slowly taking steps towards her while avni moved backwards.

Avni: your closeness make me feel like running away from u because I don't want to be near a man like u Neil khanna she said and turned to leave but Neil quickly grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall.

Neil: is that so? He said looking at her seriously

Avni: truth always hurts ..u just need learn to accept it. She said trying to push him away but he didn't move. His one hand that was on the wall was now on avni waist.

Neil: let's forget your so called truth... he said moving his face closer to hers... Avni saw that while her eyes widened

Avni:move I need to go... leave me she said trying to push him away but no luck..she stood still when she felt Neil's lips on hers.

He slowly kissed her while he was drawing patterns on her waist by moving his hand under her shirt ..Avni closed her eyes feeling a shiver run down her spine. Her mind was telling him to push him away but somewhere her heart was telling him not to let go... she didn't want her heart to win and tried to push Neil but instead he pulled her closer to him by resting his other hand on her waist and deepened the kiss... Avni was fighting but stopped when she slowly started to respond as his handwork on her waist was making her feel things that she didn't want to feel.

Neil slowly lifted his one hand and caressed her breast from the top of her shirt and within few secs he was able to feel her nipple hardened underneath her shirt making him smile through the kiss... he slowly broke the kiss while his hand was still caressing her nipple

Neil: u say u feel like running away from me when i come near u but your body is giving me another answer he said running his lips near her ears making avni close her eyes but she opened it quickly realising how she got lost and opened her eyes to see Neil hand on top of her breast she quickly pushed him away while Neil smirked seen her reaction

Avni looked at Neil annoyingly while tears was filling up slowly.

Neil:.seen the effect I have on u I really want to continue avni... come on just drop your so called attitude and admit that u can't resist me

Avni was so mad with Neil and herself... she was mad at Neil because of how he played with her emotions and she can't allow him to do that again and mad at herself for loosing control and got lost in the moment
But when he said the last bit she couldn't control herself and *bam* she slapped him across his face

Avni: I hope this gives u my answer Neil khanna she said looking at Neil who had his face side ways with his hand on his cheeks since she slapped him

Neil slowly turned to avni but her anger changed into fear a little seen Neil looking at her angrily.... she looked away not wanting to show her reaction and ignored as if his anger doesn't scare her

Neil was about to grab her arm.when there was a knock on the door avni Thanked her stars

Neil: come in he said rudely while his eyes were still on avni who was walking towards the door while a employer came in and avni left Neil cabin without looking back

Neil: u will pay for this slap avni metha I will make sure u do he thought to himself

Precrap: Neil: you don't like me been close to u right? U feel like running away from me? Well now I'm in Mumbai let's see how u get away from me Avni metha.. and surely u will have to pay for this slap... said looking at her picture

Hey guys here is the next chap..

I hope u like this chap will be waiting for all the comments and vote so keep them coming

Thanks to those who liked the previous chap it always motivates me

Sorry for any sleeping or grammar mistake

Lots of love


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