chapter 7

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*warning some mature content scenes.. read at your own risk*

When his phone started to ring

Person: sir I have got her location she is with her friends at the moment eating at a cafe which is owned by her friend.


The person sent Neil pics of avni where she was eating with sameer riya laughing and few pics were of herself where she was smiling... laughing which he didn't like

Neil: you don't like me been close to u right? U feel like running away from me? Well now I'm in Mumbai let's see how u get away from me Avni metha.. and surely u will have to pay for this slap... he  said looking at her picture

Few hours later Avni was sitting on the terrace.. Riya closed the door and sat next to her

Riya: what happened after that.. she said referring to avni talking about her and Neil in the past

Avni looked at riya and spoke

Avni: I tried to keep away from Neil riya.. but he would find ways to annoy me.. even though he was a senior we both were going to finish college on the same year as my course was for two years while his was for three years..... I got to know from the professor that he was a second year student when it was my first year.. I always tried not to come in front of him but Neil.. he would always try to annoy me in some way just because he still didn't get to rag me when it was my first day.. I was fortunate enough that i always got away from his trouble but that somehow didn't go well with him. It felt like his aim was to get revenge from me.. just because he wasnt able to rag me.. one day I got angry at him as he purposely spilled his food on me  and pretended it was an accident.. I couldn't take it and slapped him  and told him to stay in his limit...

for me this is how my first year was going but as it was about to end...I don't know what happened to him.. he slowly stopped annoying me.. I thought he would get me back for that slap but he didn't...I would always feel I'm in for some trouble when I see him but he didn't do anything.. I found it strange but then I prayed to god that this is how it should be....then came second year..last year for me and also for Neil.

When we started college again. I was about to go to the library when suddenly someone came to give a note to me.

Riya: who was the note from

Avni:Neil.. Riya was surprised

Riya: what did it say ?

Avni: something like ...I know we didn't start on good terms.. somewhere it did get to me when i wasn't able to rag a fresher... but I believe we should forget the past and move on..

Riya: r u for serious?.. what happened after.

Avni:after reading that note I thought this must be another prank from Neil... like after all that time he stopped annoying me & now this note on the first day of second year.. I decided to ignore it thinking I don't want to waste my time thinking about this.. suddenly Neil appeared and smiled...  but I didn't know how to react.. I was about to ignore him and walk away when he stopped me...


Neil:can we talk please?

Avni: about what...I don't believe we have anything to talk about

Neil: see avni... I'm sorry.. I know I have annoyed u a lot.. but I just couldn't take the fact that I wasn't able to rag a fresher and that too in front of my friends... and also where I got told of in front of the teachers.. I'm really sorry but somewhere I realised my mistake and didnt know how to say sorry but I thought this is a new year for both of us and also last year so y not start on good terms... Avni was surprised..

Avni: r u Been serious?.. I mean

Neil:I know u probably think this might be my new plan to annoy u right but no..I mean what I said.. maybe we can become friends..

Avni:friends? she repeat been surprised again.

Neil:yeah u r different.. I mean u have the guts to tell me if I'm wrong and I like that about u.. so I would love it if  be my friend and trust me my gang would accept u warmly

Avni: ohh but u can't just become friends with someone like that I mean until u don't get  that friendship connection type of feel if u get what i mean

Neil:of course I do u can take your time..for me and my gang u r our friend and we would always be there for u..

Avni: ummm thanks I'll need time to think.. but right now I need to go to the library she said adjusting her glasses.

Neil: sure

Avni walked past Neil however she turned around to see he was looking at her while smiling and she quickly turned around continuing to walk.

That day she didn't see Neil after but she would see his gang that would wave at her be it while coming out the library, going to her class, canteen or other places in college.

This had continued for some days while she was still dealing with Neil  and his friends behaviour.

One day Avni had finished college late and  was on her way going home.. she decided to walk it.. when suddenly she felt she was been followed.. Avni stopped and turned around but didn't find anyone...she continued to walk when she suddenly got that feeling again and increased her pace.. suddenly she felt herself been turned around... while she saw a guy smirking at her

Guy:hey beautiful.

Avni: who the hell r u leave me?

Guy:sad that u didn't notice me but I have been noticing u since last year.. u r some hot girl that I would love to spend a night with u

Avni SHUT UP.. LEAVE ME.. she said trying to get his hand of her arm and even succeeded but he pulled her back again.

Guy: what's the hurry baby... One night I promise and u can leave

Avni: I don't want anything to do with u let me go otherwise u don't know what I'm capable of she said trying to be strong but from inside she was scared

Guy: awww.. well u can scream as much as u want only when I..... he said moving near her ears while avni closed her eyes knowing what his incomplete means

Avni:u r disgusting get away from me she said trying to kick him but be picked her up and started to walk towards his car.

Avni:someone help she said screaming but nobody could hear her as they were near a alley.. Avni didn't know what to do... she couldn't lose hope and was hitting him now and then but it had no effect..

The guy opened the door and threw her on the back seat and was about to get in when suddenly she saw him been pulled and thrown on the floor.. but what surprised her was seen the person she saw

Avni got out of the car seen how Neil was beating up the guy

Neil: when she said get away then u get away.. he said beating him while Avni looked at Neil blankly.

Neil continued beating up the guy while avni watched with utter shock.. somehow the guy ran away.. Neil was about to run after the guy but stopped and looked at avni and went towards her

Neil: avni.. but she didn't respond and was staring behind him.

Neil: avni he said this time loudly and shaked her a bit

Avni:huh? She said coming to reality she looked at Neil and then relaised it was only them while the guy was not there

Neil:u ok he said cupping her cheeks.

Avni nodded while tears slowly filled up in her eyes recalling what happened

Neil: don't worry he ran away

Avni: thank u she said hugging him throwing her hands around his neck

Neil: shh it's ok I'm here now.. calm down.. I won't let anything happens to u  he said caressing her back as he felt her sob

Avni: it means a lot Neil. . Somewhere I thought everything will end today but u saved me and that means a lot

Neil:hey u should never thank your friends

Avni: I need to thank u because a girls honour is the most important thing for her and today u saved mine.. she said breaking the hug

Neil:felling better.

Avni: sort of she said quickly wiping her tears

Neil:come let me drop u home

Avni:no I'll.. ok fine she said first about to deny but then agreed.. Neil took avni to his car and opened the door.

Avni gave her address while Neil entered it on the navigation

Avni: Neil?


Avni: how did u find me there.

Neil:I was actually driving past.. but suddenly I saw that guy... but when he was holding u I didn't know it was u but yes I was able to notice that a girl was been forcefully taken.. when I came near I noticed it was u  

Avni:I'm glad u was there otherwise ....

Neil: hey don't talk about that ok.. think like it was a bad dream.. Avni nodded slightly

Suddenly they reached outside avni's apartment

Avni:thanks once again Neil

Neil:yaar stop saying Thanks..

Avni smiled and was about to get out of the car

Avni:u r an amazing friend Neil and I'm glad i have a friend like u now

Neil was surprised

Neil: what did u say ?

Avni:that u r an amazing friend and I'm glad i have a friend like u now

Neil:so we r friends now

Avni : yeah that's what it means right she said smiling.

Neil:welcome to the gang avni

Avni:thank u and bye

Neil:see u tomorrow bye

Avni went inside her room after greeting shilpa.. she was thankful to god for sending Neil to save her...somewhere she never thought she can be friends with Neil.. but now here she was accepting his friendship.

The next day.. Avni went to college.. Neil saw her and waved at her to come over where he was sitting with his gang.. she saw everyone in the gang were friendly expect one and that was Sheena.. Avni could notice her fake smile toward her but she ignored it

Vidyut: avni Neil told us what happened yesterday...If u ever plan to go home late after college don't go alone make sure someone is with u .

Avni: thanks for the concern.

Sheena:come on guys she is not a baby.. Avni smiled a little and looked down as nobody responded to Sheena.

Neil:so how does it feel to join our gang

Avni: umm good.. but I guess during time it will become better she said

Neil:hey we have a football match wanna come later on

Avni: um ok she said casually

Neil: thank u..

Avni: come on don't thank me for that.. anyways I got to go one of my friend is waiting for me in the library.. all nodded

Avni turned around and took few steps when

Neil: avni?

Avni:yh.. she said turning around.

Neil didn't say anything and walked towards her.. when he reached near her he took the clip of her hair letting he hair fall down.. while avni was surprised

Neil:u look better like this.. in fact beautiful.. if someone else had said that to her maybe she would have just given a small smile but here she was blushing a little bit when Neil said that and tucked her hair behind her ears looking down

Avni: um thanks she said trying to speak normally but somewhere she felt too shy to even look at him but muttered the courage and saw him looking intently at her

Neil:don't ever wear these clips again

Avni just nodded and left from there with her heart beating fast

Sheena was watching all this furiously.. while Vidyut was surprised and doubtful about Neil's behaviour

Later on Avni went to the playground area waiting for the football match to start

She saw the other team come out.. while some cheered but here she was waiting for Neil's team to come

After few sec she saw him come out with him team and got up to clap.. while the rest were cheering.

Neil saw her and waved at her while she smiled back.. and the other girls thought he was waving at them.

The football match started ...avni would keep praying that Neil and his team keep scoring goals. When Neil had the ball she would smile at the way he would play and kick the ball effortlessly and score a goal. A smile stayed on her face watching him play..

Avni:come on Neil she shouted from the crowd while he and his team would try and score.. and at the end Neil would look at avni giving her a boyish smile making her smile back.

When Neil's team won everyone was dancing and cheering for Neil as they scored loads of goals because of him

Avni went down near them.. while the rest moved away to go back in... Neil looked at her

Neil:I'm glad u came

Avni:of course I would after all my friend and his team won.

Neil: I'll be back in a bit he said giving her a quick tap on her cheeks

Avni waited for Neil and after few mins he came back

Avni:since u won. U have to give us a treat

Neil:oh I would love to do that but everyone has gone for now.. so ?

Avni:well for now both of us can celebrate and then u can give a treat to others later on

Neil:done so where do u want to go my lady.. Avni felt her cheeks go red when he said my lady but she acted all normal ..

Avni: dessert shop

Neil: ok then let's go

Avni:really ?


Avni: no i mean u won't mind going to an dessert shop right

Neil:of course not come let's go he said taking her hand and ran towards the parking area as it started to drizzle slightly

Both got into the car

Avni:I just hope it doesn' get too much and stops

Neil: same

Luckily for them it wasn't raining too much and both reached to the nearby dessert  shop

They both took their seats... and looked at their menu when a waiter came to take their order

Avni:Can i have a bubblegum sundae

(Damn I just love this.. it was amazing I wasn't able to finish all of it but loved it.. oh sorry I'm been evil now right😂😂)

Neil:I'll have a forrero rocher cake with milkshake 

(Oh this was yummy too  I loved it glad that I take pics of food 😉😉 )

Avni: so? She said once the waiter left

Neil: soo he said copying her

Avni:u know I never imagined that we would become friends. That also to a senior

Neil:haha I'm glad we both r ending on the same year otherwise u would have probably missed me if u had another year left

Avni: yeah right.

Neil: do u wear specs since childhood?

Avni:yup .. Neil nodded.

Neil:avni two weeks later there is a party organised at the college .

Avni: for what

Neil: for all the last year students

Avni:but isn't that a bit too early I mean we still have time na

Neil:of course we do but the thing is the college organises two party one would be a little early and the next one would be near to the end.. u know like a treat for us

Avni:ohh thats amazing

Neil : yup... we all will have fun

Avni; yeah but I'm not a party type of person

Neil : no excuses u r coming means u r coming

Avni: but

Neil: if u consider me your friend then u will have to come otherwise I'm not going..

Avni:fine she said rolling her eyes

Their desserts arrived.

Avni: gosh I missed this too much she said loving the flavour and continued to enjoy her dessert

Neil looked at her and then eyed her dessert

Avni looked at him and saw the way he was watching her eat making her gulp

Neil: let me try some of yours too.  He said taking her spoon and took some of her bubblegum sundae

Avni: liked it she asked?

Neil: it's amazing.. I guess even more sweet since u had some.. Avni lips parted when he said that but she quickly shook the feeling away and smiled.  She took her spoon of Neil and continued to eat

Avni:Neil we clearly didn't introduce ourselves properly

Neil:hmm ok so I'm Neil khanna.. studying business and management (3 year course)  in my final year.. my dad is also a business man and we live in Delhi

Avni:oh wow.. my full name is Avni metha.. even my dad is a business man and I'm studying business and marketing a two year course and my parents stay in Mumbai while I'm staying at my mum's friend house

Neil: besides I'm sure we will get to know each other after too

Avni: yeah we can always meet after college finshes too but somewhere she felt like she was already missing him

Neil:exactly.. both continued to eat their dessert .

Avni:I'm done don't think anymore can go in my stomach she said looking at Neil.. but frowned when she saw him looking at her and got up leaning across the table.. while avni stopped her breath when she felt his face closer to her.. she saw his hand lift up coming near her face making her gulp  and felt his finger near the edge of her lips where she had some ice cream on but what surprised her was when Neil placed the finger in his mouth and licked it while sitting down in his seat.. he could have easily told her to wipe it with a tissue or even wipe his finger but no he licked it.. and the way he looked at her made her heart skip for a second

Neil: now I'm done

Avni:great let's go

As they were walking out Avni felt Neil's hand on her lower back guiding her out.   Which made her feel something but she tried to control it

Both got in the car and Neil dropped avni to her place and left

Avni reached to her room and fell on the bed closing her eyes.. but as soon as she did that she got an imagine of Neil. .. making her open her eyes

Avni: y did i get Neil's image.. Y was I blushing when Ever he would compliment me or say something..especially the Way he  took the cream of and licked his lips.. with a mere touch of his hand on my back as if sending me chills.. Urggg y am I not able to understand ... Neil had been on avni's mind in a short spam of time.. she would smile to herself imagining her time spent with him

They continued to spend days like this together while Sheena would get jealous.. her bonding with Vidyut was also great she found him as a very caring person... while with Neil she felt totally different around him. Usually she would leave the house while looking into the mirror once but now  she would check in the mirror 4 to 5 times and then leave 

Two weeks later.. Avni had come to the party with one of her classmate.. the party was held at the college itself .. when she entered she saw Neil there with her friend.. she felt her cheeks suddenly heat up when she saw Neil looking at her.. her heart skipped a beat when she found him checking her out.. Avni was wearing a party dress which was up to her knees.. she would wear dresses like this occasionally.

Her friend excused herself while avni stood there when she saw Neil walk over to her.

Neil: I'm glad u came. He said looking at her.. Avni smiled but then she was surprised when she felt him remove her specs

Avni: Neil what r u doing give it back

Neil:no... now u look amazing.. just like this he said tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.

Avni: but.. she said trying to ignore the feeling when his fingers brushed against her cheeks

Neil: nope today u will give these specs of yours a break he said


Neil: come on he said holding her hand and dragged her

Avni:vidyut tell Neil to give my specs back she said looking at Neil who was giving her naughty smile while playing with her specs

Vidyity:come on a night without your specs won't be any harm besides u can see everything right

Avni: yeah but still.

Neil:no still...u will get them once the party ends.. Avni rolled her eyes and gave up.

The gang started to move to dance... Neil and Vidyut joined them... Avni looked at how Sheena was dancing closely to Neil.. somehow she wasn't liking that and tried to look away.. but her eyes would move back to the dance floor watching both dancing... she felt like wanting to push away Sheena away from Neil but at the same time wondered y.. she and Neil r only friends..

Avni had always believed in fairy tales and she would always tell her friends how the feeling would be when she falls in love . She always said that when u r in love u will feel  special around the person.. he/she will make u smile with the smallest thing and make u feel stuff that u have never felt before .. that person would always be in your mind as they would have taken a special place in your life .. and u will know u r  in love with that person as u will imagine them been around u.. l u won't like them been next to any other person be it girl/boy.. and right now Avni was feeling all this

She took a deep breath.. she can't be in love with Neil.. they both r different.. but she knows she is matter how much she tried to deny it... no wonder she has started to change been around him...she needed a fresh air 

She was about to leave when suddenly she felt someone hold her wrist... Avni turned around and found Neil

Neil : where r u going

Avni: needed a fresh air she said smiling but inside her body was on fire just by him holding her wrist

Neil: that quickly?.. u haven't even done anything yet come on let's dance

Avni:Neil please... but he didn't listen to her and took her on the dance floor.

He let go of her wrist.. she turned around to move away but he quickly turned her around pulling her close to him while her body landed against his chest ...her one hand around his neck while then other holding his shirt collar while he hand his hand around her waist.. and the other hand moved to tuck her hair behind her ears

She couldn't look away even if she wanted to.. it was like his eyes were captivating her.. unknowingly she slowly moved along him.. both swaying their body to the music.. she was able to feel his body so close to her...

Avni: Neil..

Neil: shhh.. he said placing a finger on her lips.

Avni felt Neil hand tangle inside her hair pulling her closer.. he looked at her and then down at her lips while she was shivering .. if he hadn't held on her waist she would have dropped on the floor

Neil:may I?.. Avni closed her eyes parting her lips giving him the signal while Neil moved forward... there lips were about to touch  suddenly someone pushed avni while dancing making her realise her surroundings.. she placed her hand on his chest to stop him while he gave a confused look.

Avni:everyone is here she said looking around and moved away.. avoiding eye contact with him she walked away and opened the door to head out..

Avni needed fresh air now...she still felt as if Neil was holding her around her waist and needed to get that feeling away..suddenly she felt been turned around swiftly and was caged against the wall and Neil

Neil:what's wrong

Avni:nothing Neil l...but she want able to speak

Neil:we both were in that moment knowing what was going to happen.. I'm not going to lie to u Avni.. u make me crazy .. I'm not able to get my mind of u

Avni:Neil she whispered

Neil:I know u want this as much as i do.. he said resting his forehead against her and looked her in the eye

Avni: yes she said finally allowing her heart to speak.

Neil smiled and traced her lips with her fingers making her close her eyes.. he slowly moved his lips closer to hers.. he kissed her softly making her kiss back the same way.. she was able to feel his breath burn and the way his tounge slowly slided into her mouth as if tasting her.. she slowly felt him break the kiss and look at her

Avni:I love u was what she whispered.. Neil looked at her stunned


Avni:i don't know what exactly u feel for me may be it might be a mere attraction but I didn't realise when I fell for u .. she said looking at him with eyes welled up

Neil:avni I can't beleive it.. u don't know how happy I am hearing this

Avni: u mean u also

Neil: I love u too Avni.

Avni progressed what he said.. when she smiled... Neil quickly took her in for another kiss.

Avni:I got to go now its quiet  late

Neil:stay back.. please

Avni:only for an hour she said after thinking

Neil smiled and took her hand taking her somewhere

Avni: where r we going?

Neil: to spend some quality time.... Avni smiled while Neil held her hand and took her in the storage room

Avni:what r we doing here

Neil:to spend some quality time here as I'm sure nobody would disturb us here he said closing the door.. Avni clasped both her hands together and looked here and there when she saw Neil looking at her after closing the door

He looked at her and moved closer to her  while she took steps backward.. Neil's hand automatically went behind her back and pulled her closer stopping her from moving backwards

Neil: do u know u r the most beautiful thing that has happened to me..

Avni:same here Neil.. I never knew we would end up together like this

Neil: well now we have he said slowly tracing her back.. making shiver run down Avni spine

Neil picked avni up and placed her on top of the table.. he made her lay down and came near her side. 

Neil started to caressed her cheeks.. he then moved on top of her leaving a bit of gap so that he doesn't put his entire weight on her.

He started to place a kiss on her forehead moving down to her both cheeks placing wet kisses and rubbed his cheeks against her cheeks.. she was about to open her mouth to speak but his lips blocked her words.. he first kissed her slowly and then deepened it

The kiss felt so wonderful.. she felt like she was floating.. his hand slowly moved on her breast while still kissing her.. as soon as she felt his hand on her breast she felt him caress it within seconds felt her nipple tighten against her dress as if it wanted to be free from the material ... Neil smiled while kissing her as soon as he felt her nipple harden he gently squeezed it making her moan and arch her back.

Avni broke the kiss due to  the pleasure she was feeling with the way Neil caressed her breast.. she felt him lower his face near her breast where he was examing her harden nipple which was poking through the dress when suddenly she gasped when he sucked it slowly

Avni:Neil.. she whispered but he didn't stop

She felt him kissing her breast from above the dress.. while his hands were caressing her other breast.

Things were getting out of control now..they had to stop before they go to far... as she didn't want to rush into all this so quickly even if it felt amazing

Avni:Neil stop she said pushing him away and got up.

Neil: what happened ?

Avni felt her heart still racing while her face felt hot

Avni:let's not rush into things.. Neil looked ahead and for a bit and then looked at avni

Neil:of course baby no problem at all.. Avni smiled glad that Neil agreed and went to him and hugged him

Precrap:Sheena:stay away from Neil avni he is mine

Avni: u need to understand that Neil was never yours.. we confessed our love to eachother

Sheena looked at avni blankly and then laughed it of

Sheena:r u drunk ? Do u realise what u r saying .. Neil can never love a girl like u

Avni:well in that case y don't ask Neil for yourself she said Ponting at Neil who was coming with Vidyut

Sheena: Neil look what Avni is saying.. she said that u both confessed your love to each other

Avni:tell her that I'm not lying Neil.. neil looked at both of them and spoke

Lalalalalala oh sorry I didn't write what Neil said well I'm sure u all can wait by the way how did u like the desserts.. oh I'm glad i took pics of them before eating as they came in handy.. ohh I'm evil right 😂😂😂

Will he waiting for all the lovely comments and votes so keep it coming

Thanks to those who voted for the previous chap means a lot 

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