chapter 16

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Juhi .: of course horror she said giving vijay and avni  evil looks'..

even though it was decided that everyone was going to watch horror movie vijay and avni were still saying no..; but at the end they got dragged into it'.

They went to the cinema and bought popcorn and drinks and went in' vijay  sat between, juhi and riya and next to riya  was avni and on avni other side was Neil and next Neil was aman... while sia went to make a quick call

They all were seated in their seats right at the back' neil was surprised to find out that avni was still scared of horror movies' even during their childhood time she was scared when he forced her to watch a scary movie with him but he thought she would not be scared to watch horror movies anymore... the lights were slightly dim but he still could see her facial expression'. Avni was looking at the screen with a scared expression and her hands were glued together out of nervousness'

Neil  came out of his staring session when riya  spoke.

Riya : yes finally the movie is about to start'

Juhi : exactly riya but the fun is to see avni and vijay  expression after the movie ends.

Riya: TELL U and both hi- fi each other'. Vijay bhai who was sitting between the two girls glared at them but after few minutes he folded his hands together and prayed

Vijay:oh god please, please save me'..riya do one thing swap seats with me so that I can sit next to avni..

riya  was about to say no but then she imagined herself sitting between avni and vijay who were digging their nail on her hand out of nervousness' she came out of the imagining session and thought its better to swap seats.

Vijay: avni come lets pray that soon this horror movie ends soon and we don't have any nightmare'.

Sia came back  after talking to daksh and sat next to juhi however she didn't  miss her two scared siblings praying'

the movie started and everyone was into the horror movie' except our avni and vijay bhai. They kept closing their eyes whenever they saw a scary scene'

vijay bhai was biting his nail when a scary face popped up on the screen from nowhere while avni held Neil's hand tightly and buried her face on the crook of his neck and closed her eyes.. neil who was into the movie slightly jerked when he felt avni breath falling on the crook of his neck and he looked at her angelic face... neil just stared at her for few minutes.

Neil: princess r u alright

Avni: neil please let me stay like this' I really wont be able to watch this movie' .....Neil didn't say anything and let avni stay like that and tried to get his attention back on the movie'.

It had been 10 minutes and neil was not able to focus on the movie as avni's  closeness was making his body react in another way and on top of that her breath of his neck was not making it easy for him'.

 The movie had ended after an hour and when the light started to come on... neil blinked because of the lightness and didn't know when he fell asleep...' he was about to sit up when he realized that his head was on avnis head while she was still holding on to his hand'. But this time her head was resting on his shoulders who was also asleep'... he smiled at her cute looks but soon saw 5 people looking at him.... However avni woke up soon because of Neil's  movement.

Avni: has the movie ended she asked everyone while stretching her hands.

Aman : haan avni didu it has' I hope u enjoyed sleeping on Neil bhais shoulder.

Avni : hmm yes I did..avnis  eyes went wide when she realised what aman asked her and what she replied' ...her cheeks were slightly red' she looked at neil who was smirking at her.

Vijay: aww look at avni she is blushing

Juhi : bhai  I never knew u slept in the cinema and avni when did u get the habit of sleeping she said teasingly

Sia: ok guys stop with the teasing and lets go now' they all agreed and went.

Neil and avni were walking behind everyone.

Neil: princess I never knew u enjoyed sleeping on my shoulders' he said whispering'.

Avni: neil I just said it like that so don't think in that way. She said whispering back

Neil: princess I never was thinking in that way but I guess u were' and I guess u should admit it that even you like my attention and find me good looking, smart, sexy and so on...' u know princess when girls are with me they don't realise how time goes so quick and when they are lost into staring at me they don't realize when they reached from once place to another im sure u will be one of them  

Avni: oh god here we go again...Neil don't u get bored by self praising ur self..

Neil : ab kya karien princess' people get so lost into me that I have to praise myself which has kind of become my habit

Avni: well I guess u should change ur habit.

Neil: y ? r u going to praise me all the time. He said in a flirty tone.

Avni : in ur dreams.

Neil : hayeee now I really cant wait to see u in my dreams bye'.. he  winked at her walking  to his car' .

Avni saw that she and neil had reached to her car and she didn't realise it'...neil didn't miss that look' and when she looked at him... neil gave her a i-told-u-look.

She remembered his words again
u know princess when girls are with me they don't realise how time goes so quick and when they are lost into starting at me they don't realize when they  reached from once place to another im sure u will be one of them

she shook her head to get his word out of her head and gave a hug to juhi'. While the others exchanged hugs to each other. Neil came near avni again and hugged her but before letting her go he whispered in her ears:

Neil: looks like my charm has started to work on u' (he slightly moved back)  .. princess if u look at me like this then surely kuch kuch will happen' he said seen how she got lost looking at him

Avni came back to reality and quickly sat in her car before neil or anyone can see her cheeks turning red.. the Khannas  and metha  car started to move out of the mall with their guards in another car.

Okies guys here was part 16 hope u liked it' im glad u all liked the previous part and thank u so much for the amazing comments' really loved reading them' hope u like this part too will be waiting for ur comment don't forget to press the vote button and do leave ur comment

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