chapter 23

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Avni: erm neil the dare is over so I think u can go…she looked at him after she didn't hear him response and saw him smirking making her confused and after a while she spoke again ..what? The dare is over so can u leave my room now.. though she didn't want him to go.

Neil: princess as far as I remember vijay banna and the others locked the door from outside so until they don't come I cant leave which means more time with u he said flirting and took  step forward while she took a step back.

Avni: well u were sleeping then how comes u know they havent came.

Neil: ofho come on princess if they had opened the door then I don't think it would have been peaceful… she nodded as she knew that what he said was correct 

Avni: I guess u r right…. She turned and walked to her wardrobe but stopped halfway when neil spoke.

Neil: I must say princess I never knew u were so romantic in the morning because if I knew that then I wouldn't mind coming here every morning if u were this romantic. ...avni was embarrassed but she tried to cover it up and turned around.

Avni: ur wrong neil I was just going to wake u up but then u woke up urself.

Neil: u were going to wake me up by putting ur hands on my cheeks lovingly…. Before avni could say anything the door opened.

Avneil  turned their attention towards the door and saw juhi, riya , vijay and akash  standing at the door..

Vijay: so what was it like staying in one room last night  or let me say  avni  how was it to spend a night in one room with the dashing, hot smart, intelligent yuvraj Neil Khanna ?.he asked  raising his eyebrows

Avni felt a shudder as vijay asked her that question reminding her of what happened...she could also feel Neil's  gaze on and  didn't dare to look at him... she composed herself and spoke.

Avni: vijay bhai if u r that desperate to know then y don't u spend a night with him in one room as u think he is dashing, hot, smart and intelligent? Im sure you would love it since u r'.... she said letting her sentence hang... while the others were laughing at her reply

Vijay: oh come on avni I am not gay so plz don't try to say that. He said annoyingly hearing some more giggling coming from behind

Avni: but vijay bhai I was going to say u would love it since u r not interested in spending time with girls I mean that doesn't mean that im trying to say u r gay.. Or does it actually mean that? she asked with a naughty smile'. Vijay glared at her.

Vijay:  avni im so going to get u for this he said and started to run towards her but he couldnt get to her as she ran out of the room'...

He was still chasing her and she was still running... this chase went all the way to the garden... avni was running and then stopped to catch her breath... but once she saw vijay coming she started to run again'

vijay saw avni running again but then he saw the Gardner watering the plants' he took the hose pipe from the Gardner remembering the last incident where avni was running behind him witha glass of water to splash on him.

Vijay: avni that time u were chasing me to spill water on me  but this time I will get you drenched he said with an evil smile...luckily the hose pipe was long enough and avni was not that far...  

Avni turned around and saw vijay walking.towards her with an evil smile his hands were behind holding the hose pipe covering the hole with his finger to stop the water'. She was confused thinking what happened to vijay bhai' juhi,akash, neil, aman and riya were standing on the terrace watching all this happening' finally vijay bought the hose pipe in front of avni who was looking at it with wide eyes

Avni: come on vijay bhai u cant do this.

Vijay: really avnk but I remember that once someone was also running behind me to splash water on me... before acn could run vijay had already started to drench her  while she was trying to get hold of the hose pipe and when she did she quickly started to spray it on vijaybhai'.

They could hear the others laughing but still they didn't give up as both avni and vijay were holding the pipe in the middle and tying to aim it at one another.  Finally getting tired they stopped and walked back inside laughing and talking to each other...everyone else went to change and so did avni and vijay as they were completely drenched'.

Avni was walking towards her room but suddenly she got pulled so quickly that she didn't realise what happened, finally breathing back to normal she saw herself staring into neil eyes and also realised that she was blocked between him and the wall.

Neil: what happened princess got scared' he said tracing his fingers on her face tucking her wet strands behind her ears.

Avni: y...y... wou...would I be scared she said not trying to stammer

Neil: really then y r u stammering and not looking at me'.He said now tracing her arms and could feel her shiver by his mere touch

Avni: erm neil riya and others will be waiting for us downstairs for breakfast she said moving away from him finally by pushing him and took a step when neill held her hand and pulled her making her back collide with his chest

Neil: so? That doesn't answer my question princess he said holding her waist tightly.

Avni: I don't think I need to answer your question... now let me go I need to freshen up she said looking at him from sideways.

Neil: hmmm princess I don't think u need to change because u look hot in wet clothes he whispered in her ear' ...avni heart skipped a bit and her face slightly turned red even though she was not facing neil she could still feel his gaze on her...

without turning back she tried to free his hands from her waist and when she succeeded she ran away from she  reached to her room she closed the door and tried to control her heartbeat'...

Later on

all were sitting at the diningtable having breakfast.

Vijay: so finally all the elders r going to be back today neil, juhi it was really great spending time with u all' and akash im really glad to meet u but y don't u come here often.

Juhi: exactly akash I guess u should she said winking at avni who also winked back however this didn't go unnoticed by neil.

Akash: I will try to come here more often but hey thanks anyways for inviting me..

Juhi: so today me and bhai will be going back.

Avni: we had so much fun yesterday hain na guys but now I am excited to join sanjeevani

Juhi: exactly avni I cant wait to meet the other senior doctors... this is going to be so fun. ' it had been two hours since akash had left and the rest had decided to look at their childhood photo albums'

they all were having so much masti  when the elders had arrived...' they all looked tired and little disturbed everyone took blessing from the elders and let them relax for a while' avnj, neil, juhi,vijay, aman and riya gave each other confusing look because the elders was behaving so odd as they usually question them about what they have done and how their day went but all they got was silent.

Neil: what happened y r u all quite

Avni: is there any problem?  Dayawanti looked at avni when she spoke and walked towards her  

Dayawanti: beta I want to tell u something

Avni: haan dadi go ahead.

Dayawanti: avni beta i  know we allowed u to do medical and u even gota degree and even became a doctor... working in a big hospital like sanjeevani was urs and juhis dream but sorry to say that only juhi will be working not U

It took avni few secs to register what dayawanti said

Avni: coz what Dadi she said trying to speak normally 

Dadi took a deep breath and then said: beta u know that u will become the yuvrani of devgarh.and soon mahrani of jaighar and just by this much u will get so many responsibility where u will have to think about your ppl more than urself... sh estopped as avni  interrupted

Avni:but dats what l will be doing Dadi i will be thinking about others as a yuvrani and also will be taking care of them as a doctor too she said with some hopes

Dayawanti: :avni its not dat easy being a doctor and a ruler of two places wnt be easy  sorry but u will have to forget this dream of your... u should focus on ur crowning ceremony first as u will become a yuvrani soon.. and hope u will obey us...

Avni tried to stop her tears she was really shattered and looked at everyone... Juhi,vijay, aman  and riya were standing by her side supporting her as they were not agreeing with Dayawanti  but her eyes mainly focused on neil she wanted his support...

Neela:bacha  I know how important this is and it will be really hard for u to decide but..

Avni:then  y did u put me in this spot she said breaking her gaze from neil and looked at neela

Ashish: it was really hard for us beta please try to understand..

Neil:  ashish uncle, dad, dadi  can I please take avni from here I need to talk to her.

Daywanti nodded and looked at bebe while neil walked towards avni and held her hands taking her away from the others however she didn't stop him as she didn't feel like saying anything..

Aman: how can u all even do this' u all r being unfair ...avni di has right to fullfill her dream ...u cant make her forget it... she was nearly to her destination' u know at the breakfast table she was so excited about joining the hospital but u all ruined it by ur so called duty lecture'  riya walked over to dayawanti

Riya:  dadi  u know avni di is  capable to do anything she could even handle two riyasaat and also work as a doctor then y shatter her dream

Vijay: riya and aman r  absolutely right' avni is getting shocking news after one another ...first it was about her rokha and now it is where she has to forget her dream of working as a doctor' its not fair where we all can fullfill our dream and that poor girl has to sacrifice her dreams' that person on the phone was right avni would be getting a shocking news and she actually did..all the elders looked at him in  shock.

Meanwhile neil made avni sit in the car who was in her own world with tears flowing down her eyes and he sat in the driver seat speeding off' he kept glancing at avni every five minutes and saw her sitting in the same position and not moving at all except the tears falling from her eyes making something prick in his heart.

Back to the mansion.
Daywanti : what person called and when, how comes u didn't tell us,

Vijay: there is no point of telling u all anything

Daywanti: vijay said in his anger

Diksha: vijayendra how dare u speak to maa saab like that apologize right now..

Vijay: im sorry nani if I spoke to u rudely but I'm not sorry for whatever I said because instead of consoling avni u all were telling her to forget about her dream and think about her responsibility.

Riya: vijay bhai is actually right and I don't think any of u should go near avni di until she feels better because if u all do then u might tell her to think about her duty of a soon to be yuvrani and mahrani or even if u do go to her then don't talk about this at all im sure u can do this much right..juhi put a hand on riya shoulder to calm her down.

Neela: riya just because we r silent it doesn't mean  we r  u can blame us for anything and speak whatever way u want.

Riya: think whatever u want If u think we r being rude then fine we r extremely sorry but I can't tolerate if someone hurts avni di even if that is my own family member...She said getting a bit emotional  walking away from there with vijay and aman . Juhi was standing there lost in thoughts.

Shweta  : daya maa..bebe...whatever riya and vijay was saying was showing their love for avni. They care for her so much that they can fight with even their family member but some solution has to be figured out

Bebe: u r right shweta  but we have to wait till avni comes back.

Neil had stopped the car and looked out of the window to see only few people were at the beach but far away. He got out of the car and went to avni side and took her out of the car by holding her hand.

 They walked a little far.... avni came back to reality  when she heard the waves of the sea and felt the cool breeze  but she still remained silent.

Neil: princess? He whispered...avni looked at him and he can see the rush of emotions on her face

Avni: why? Why? WHY? WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME she said shouting and then breaking down ...her body just falling on to the ground and hands were trying to clutch the sand but like her dream it kept slipping out from her hand. 

Neil wanted to go near her but he wanted to wait until she vents everything out and she actually did continue speaking'

Avni: I dreamed about one thing neil and that was to join sanjeevani as a doctor' after a lot convincing,dadi  allowed me to go abroad to do my internship so that I can become a doctor and work at sanjeevani but she gave me a condition that along with joining the hospital I will also have to take care of my responsibility when I become a yuvrani and probably a maharani.... I didn't object because I would take care of my responsibility but also fullfill my dream which actually is going to be incomplete. Neil all think that I can easily forget my dream but how can I ?..when I have been dreaming about it since I was young how can I forget it so easily? But dadi and everyone told me to forget it ...don't they know how hard it is'. Neil went near her and made her stand up by holding her shoulders

Neil: princess if I support u then all the elders will not like me going against their decision and if I don't support u then I know u will somehow be hurt and think that nobody cares about u and ur dream'
Avni if u think about it then I know it won't be easy for u to forget ur first dream but it doesn't mean life stops here u can still do more in life ...think about other things that u may be capable of doing... if ur first dream just stays as a dream it doesn't mean u should stop dreaming u should continue to dream and try to do something new... it could be ur successful that time.

Avni: neil its not that easy to forget your first dream it takes time to.

Neil: but if u try... then anything is possible he could see the tears welling up in her eyes and took her in his embrace.

Avni was surprised but then she didn't say anything and for the first time surprised neil by hugging him back and burying her face onto his chest.

Neil could feel his shirt getting a bit wet but he didn't stop her from crying. They stayed like that for few minutes and he thought its best to go.

But before he could say anything he felt avnis hand loosening around his waist and dropping to the side.

He pulled her away to see her eyes closed, he was shaking her slightly and calling her name and slightly touched her cheeks when he felt a little bit of fever.

Without wasting time neil took a unconscious avni in his arm and walked quickly to his car and seated her on her seat'.

After what seemed like ages they finally reached the mahal and neil was walking with her in his arms he was still trying to call out to her' all the elders were sitting in the main hall but were shocked and worried to see a unconscious avni in Neil's  arm. Juhi ,riya ,aman  and vijay bhai were just coming down when they saw neil rushing in with avni

Bebe : neil beta what happened to avni.

Neiladbebe  she fainted  and has got fever we need to call Dr uncle

Ahsidh : I'll just call him'and he walked off to call doctor saab.

Vijay: juhi u can check avni right after all u r a doctor and ur dream has not been snatched away. The elders ignored vijay taunt.

Neela : neil beta it will better to take avni to her room. Neil nodded and all rushed behind him, once reaching to avnis  room he made her lay down on the bed and sat right next to her and was rubbing her hand

Riya : Neil jiju what happened to avni di

Neil:  i don't know what happened to her she was really upset and then fainted. He didn't want to tell anyone about the convo he and avni had and that's y he took her away from everyone so she can vent everything out.. .

after a while ashish  and prakash  came in with DR saab and DR saab requested all that they should go out as he needs to do avnis check up.

Everyone started to leave and even Neil was about to get up when he realised that unknowingly avni had clutched his hands in a unconscious state.

Shweta  turned around and saw neil staring at avni... she walked towards him.

Shweta: what happened beta.

Neil: nothing mom. Dr uncle can I please stay here with avni... while u do the check up please... Dr saab turned to look at dayawanti  who was standing at the door and nodded allowing him to give the permission.

Dr saab: yes neil beta u can stay here. Once DR Uncle gave permission shweta  left the room and stood outside with the others ... Dr saab went to close the door and started to do test on avni.

After a while he finished some test and gave avni the required medical she needed. After finishing he gave her injection

Neil: Dr uncle what happened to avni  why did she faint all of a sudden.

Dr: beta when mahraj ashish called me he told me what happened about avni having to forget about her dream so I understand that. But when u took her out how did she faint... now Neil  didn't want to tell about avni fainting after hugging him so he tried to make his answer realistic.

Neil: Dr uncle I took avni out so she can pour everything out of her heart    we were about to leave when I noticed that avni closed her eyes when she stopped walking  and she had a fever when she fainted

Dr saab: hmm neil... avni fainted because of stress and weakness because it seems like she didn't eat properly and the stress came from everything that happened

Neil: yes dr uncle she didn't eat properly the whole day I member her saying that she doesn't feel Hungary.

Dr saab: Anyways u don't worry...she will be fine as u r with her ...but do give here these medicines on time I'll go and inform the others. And he opened the door and let the others in.

Riya: dr uncle wt happened to avni di

Dr saab: she is fine riya don't worry just because of stress and fever she fainted but she does need a complete bed rest as we all know when avni is not well she feels weak so someone need to be with her. For now I have givinen her injection but for few days please make sure she stays in bed and I'll keep cheeking her till then.

Dayawanti: thank u dr saab we will make sure she takes complete rest.

Neela : ill I'll stay with avni tonight

Riya: no mom I'll stay with avni di tonight.

Neil: daadi  is it alright  if I stay with avni only ...if u allow me to. Daywanti  looked at ashish  and neela , and they nodded their head. While shweta, bebe and prakash  smiled at each other.

Dayawanti : sure beta u can but also make sure u take care of urself.  All walked out except juhi' she walked
over to neil

Neil: chotti u need anything.

Juhi: no bhai all I want to say is take care of avni she will need it.

Neil: don't worry I will... but  u take care of urself. He said cupping her face and giving her a side hug after breaking the hug juhi left after giving one last glance at avni.

Neil went and sat next to avni and caressed her hair... after few minutes neil called one of the servants and asked him to get his laptop and some folders which was in his car and done some of his business work in avni room but also kept an eye on her.

He kept on checking her forehead as well to see if she had fever and she actually did but slightly had reduced. and he didn't realise when he fell asleep (neil is actually sitting next to avni on the bed).

Downstairs in the hall
Bebe : daya   its time for us to leave now,

Dayawanti : harleen y don't u stay over here.

Praaksh : we would love to but maybe  some other time for now at least u have  Neil but we will come in the morning at breakfast time.

Daywanti: teek hain we will be waiting for u. they all greeted each other and left

Ashish: maa  I really can't believe all this happening... I just hope avni doesn't think we r forcing her because right now riya, aman  and vijay r really angry.

Neela : ashish  is right and I am wondering how r we going to tell sia about this because she wants avni and juhi to be in charge when its time for her delivery and giving her this type of news in this condition that only jhbi will be able to complete he wish. Im just really worried. If only our children knew the bitter truth we had been hiding all these years from them

Dayawanti : yes its true that riya , aman and vijay r angry but im sure if avni thinks that we r forcing her then only sia can help us in this but I don't think we will have to diavni is a sensible girl but this time the decision is between her dream and we cant bring the bitter secrect that we have hidden all these years as we wont know what the  outcome will be .  all looked at each other

Next day

The  sun was out and was falling on to Neil's  face ...he realised that he slept in a sitting position, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness he turned to avni side to find her missing' he got up and knocked on the washroom door couple of times but there was no answer he turned the door knob and opened it to see no sign of avni

Neil: maybe she has gone downstairs. I  will change first and then go.   he went to his room and had a quick shower luckily he did have spare clothes left over and rushed downstairs once coming down he saw everyone seated for breakfast even his parents except avni

Everyone greeted him and he greeted everyone back. But he was still looking around

Neela : neil beta wt happened and has avni woken up.

Neil: I thought she was here that y I came downstairs

Dayawanti : but wasn't she in the room.

Neil: she was daadi  but when I woke up in the morning she was not there.

Aman: where could avni di go.

Vijay: neil did u try to call  avni on her mobile

Neil: I did but she is not answering.

Prakash : beta try again. Neil nodded.

Ashsih : where can avni go she is not feeling well and top of that her carelessness of going out without telling anyone.

Riya: dad plz don't  call avni di careless this wouldn't have happened if' but she got interrupted but dayawanti

Dayawanti : riya please this is not the time to talk about this.

Riya: great so now we cant even say what we want to.

Juhi: riya calm down.

Riya: no I wont... I cant calm down if something goes wrong and even if avni didi agrees to forget her dream I still wont be able to forget what happened' dayawanti called the security guard  inside.

Security guard : morning rajmata ji.

Dayawanti : morning ram sing. I just wanted to ask u did u see rajkumari avni going out this morning.

Security guard : yes I did rajmata I tried to stop her as she was stumbling to walk but she said she is fine and needs fresh air and not to disturb anyone about going out as that is her order. Neil was angry as avni was ill but she still decided to go out.

Dayawanti: thank u ram singh u may go now.

Neela: maa  I just hope avni come back soon she is not well at all and if the media people find her in that condition then they will make a big issue out of it.

An hour had passed and finally avni walked back slowly into the mahal who was wearing a casual top and jeans holding her head as it was paining. all were happy to see her back.

Neela: bacha y did u go without telling us and what was the need to go out when ur not feeling well she said touching her face to feel the fever is still there.

Avni: ma im fine I was feeling a bit suffocated so I thought I should go out myself and not disturb you all she said in a weak tone.

Neil: avni go into ur room. Finally she looked at him and she could see that he was angry and she knew it was because she went out without telling.

Avni didn't say anything and walked to go to her room but she was about to lose her balance  near the stairs when neil caught her from the waist. He helped her walk to her room. ...But on his way he told the maid to bring her breakfast while others loved how neil was taking care of avni.

Once reaching to the room he made avni sit on the bed and when the food arrived. He closed the door and sat next to her.

Avni: neil im not Hungary. She said .

Neil: I know u r not  but u need to eat so you can get some energy back now don't argue with me and eat quietly he said feeding her.

Avni: neil...' but couldn't continue as he put a piece of apple in her mouth.

Neil: avni just eat and he was about to put another
piece in her mouth when she stopped him

Avni: y r u angry at me? She knew the answer but still asked him.

Neil: what do u think I will be happy that u went out in this condition when u r meant to rest completely.

Avni: well now I can rest all my life right?

Neil: princess y r u saying that. u can do other things.

Avni: really if I can do other things then y cant I work in sanjeevani that is like other things but anyways lets forget about this for now and plz im not Hungary.

Neil: at least drink this juice.

Avni: no neil I really don't feel like it plz.

Neil: for me plz drink this u need to take ur tablets that dr uncle gave me to give u'and after a lot request she finally drank the juice and neil also made her finish her breakfast after a lot of convincing. he then gave avni her medicine.

Avni: neil'

Neil: hmm. He said putting the medicine on the side and looked at her face which was showing hesitation

Avni: neil wo actually can I erm actually nothing.

Neil: avni u don't need to hesitate u can ask me whatever u want.

Avni: can I have a hug please. She whispered  He was surprised

Neil: hayee princess seems like someone is falling for me. He said naughtily and also thought she will react back but she didn't' of course as she gave a forced smiled

Neil: of course u can princess there is no need for asking u can hug me whenever u want because im all urs.

Avni didn't say anything and just hugged him she needed the same comfort that she got when she hugged him at the beach. But because of the heavy dose of the medicine it made avni fall asleep quickly and when Neil noticed that he made her lay on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Before leaving her he kissed her forehead and closed her door.

Avni woke up in the evening she still had a fever and it wouldn't go that quickly as she knew whenever she had a fever then it would take time for her to recover. She was lost into her thoughts when she saw riya, aman and vijay walk in

Avni: hey she said weakly she tried to smile but it didn't reach her eyes. Riya ran and hugged avni,

Riya: I cant believe they r doing this to u ... but u don't give up and fight for ur dreams.

Vijay: riya is absolutely right avni...don't give up and achieve ur dream that will be best for u.

Avni: u lot r not understanding its not that easy im stuck between my dream and responsibility.

Aman: forget the responsibility di and go for ur dream.

Riya: I don't know y but when everyone knows you can handle everything so well then y cant they let u do both of the things

Avni: whatever will happen will have to happen im not planning to do anything so please can we not talk about this please. 3 of them nodded

Aman: how u feeling now di

Avni: bit better.

Vijay: oh come on guys u know that whenever avni gets fever then it will take time for her to recover. I TELL U

Riya: ok ... u take rest but if u need anything do call us k. and 3 of them they left avni looke up at the ceiling as her eyes filled up quickly she felt took a deep breath trying not to cry

Ashsih: I cant believe this ...avni has gone to the hospital which means that she finds her dream important than her responsibility.

Avni walks in along with juhi.  Ashish  walked to her in anger while everyone is watching.

Dayawanti : ashish  calm down

Ashish : no maa  I wont'... avni how selfish  can you get we thought u will think about ur responsibility and will forget about ur dream but no u proved us wrong by going to the hospital I didn't know u will find ur dream important than ur riyassat.

Avni: paa plz try to' but she got interrupted.

Ashish: seriously avni I thought u were my best child who will think about her responsibility and family more but no u proved me wrong...

Avni  looked at him with teary eye and felt guilty for not telling'.

Phew taz1613 here u go the longest chap for this story

Thanks to those who loved the previous chap and voted

Will be waiting for all the response

Lots of love

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