chapter 29

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Confession for writers day has been extended till 6th sep so u all cam send it to me on insta : sonals_
Or email: [email protected]

Avni: u scared me prakash uncle oops sorry papa now r u happy

Prakash : very happy ...see u after two day he said hugging her and she hugged shweta and juhi and left

Next day avni  was talking to sia on the phone

Avni: god jiji u r saying the same thing as neil even he said this yesterday.

Sia: avni u really worrying too much and everyone is going to be there to help you with your responsibility especially neil

Avni: k lets forget about this how r u feeling' and I hope ur taking care of urself and ur unborn baby

Sia: avni ur jiju has warned me to take bed rest I mean he doesn't even let me do anything'and im sure when we come to devgarh ma is going to join hands with daksh and both r going to be very strict on me.

Avni: aww jiji but you should be happy that jiju is taking care of u... dw not only ma but all of us r going to make sure you take care of urself understand. She said giggling.

Sia:  yes Dr avni I understand she said giggiling'

avni stopped giggilingw hen sia said Dr'. yes she was going to be called Dr avni but not anymore...sia suddenly realised what she said and cursed herself.

Sia: laado she said pausing and before she could continue avni changed the subject

Avni: jiji ur coming on the same day as us right she asked trying to speak normally

Sia: yes we r

Avni: oh jiji I forgot to tell u im actually coming with neil to devgarh

Sia:  ohhh so two love birds coming together she said teasingly

Avni:jiji its nothing like that k ...and we r going to give u a big surprise she said trying to stop herself from blushing

Sia: and what is that?

Avni: arien if I tell u now then what is the point of the surprise... u all will find out only after the ceremony.

Sia: accha challo lets see what the surprise is.

Avni: k jiji I call u later I need to help riya  pack as I promised her and u know how she is right.

Sia: k see u later.

Avni: bye and both cut the call'

In riya room vijay bhai was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, aman was busy playing a game on his phone ...while riya was taking out all her clothes and throwing it on the bed

riya: vijay bhai im so confusedI don't even know what to take' plus its so hot in devgardh'

Vijay: hmm

Riya: so shall I buy new clothes

Vijay: hmm '. He said still not paying attention to what riya  was saying

Riya: oh god vijay bhai im so confused

Vijay: hmmm'. Riya turned around  realising  that all this time vijay was looking at the magazine and was not paying attention to what she was saying ...she went and stood next to him while he was stil busy reading  the magazine

Riya: vijay bhai don't u think u should get married

Aman eyes widend as riya said that

Vijay: hmm but after few minutes vijay just realised wt riya said and looked at her shockingly to find riya standing infront of  him with a angry look

Riya: finally u heard this vijay bhai otherwise u would have continued with ur hmm

Vijay: oh come on riya...fineI admit I was not paying attention to wt u were saying but you tell me how would I know what you should take to devgardh and'. Vijay bhai was about to continue when avni entered the room

Avni: riya have u decided what to pack? She said walking over to where aman,riya and vijay were

Riya: no ... in fact im not even sure what to take and vijay bhai is not helping me at all she said sitting on her bed..

Avni: come on riya this shouldn't be hard for u...k fine lets go through ur clothes and choose some from there and you can go to the mall and buy new outfits k come now lets start on ur packing ...

avni started to help riya
In the evening avni was sitting outside on the swing trying to read a book but was not able to concentrate because  of neil

Avni (talking to herself):oh god come on avni u saw neil at his place yesterday and today is nearly over so u got only one day and then u wll be able to see him'. (but the next min) wait y am I acting all desperate to see him actually no im not desperate I can wait till two days'. She tried to convince herself and tried  to read the book but still was not able to after few seconds she looked up when she heard vijay speak

Vijay: avni what r u doing over here come ' said vijay walking over to her

Avni: nothing vijay bhai I was just reading a book

Vijay: reading a book means having ur lovers picture he said teasingly

Avni: I don't have any lover vijay bhai
Vijay: achaa if u don't have a lover then what is neil he said raising a eyebrow

Avni: neil is my' but she stopped coz she didn't know what neil is to her she was so confused about her feeling towards this guy' she ignored his question and continued...vijay bhai lets go in its nearly dinner time

Avni got up and started to walk leaving vijay behind

Vijay: I hope u realise what neil means to u because  everyone can see it except u he said smiling and went inside

At the dining table

Ashish :  avni beta prakash  called me today and asked me if u can go to the khanna mansion tomrrmow

Avni: anything serious paa

Ashish : nahi beta  ..actually shweta  bhabi sa bought u something and she wants you to try it on before going to devgarh so prakash  told me to give this message to u

Avni: k paa I will call maa up and let her know what time I am going to be there

Dayawanti: riya, aman , vijay, and avni I hope u will be able to finish ur packing by tomorrow

Riya: actually dadi I still need to buy new clothes and avni di will be coming with me tommrow

Neela: but avni is going to khanna mansion tomorrow then how will she come

Avni: don't worry ma riya will come with me to Khanna mansion  and from there we will leave to buy her outfit

Next day

After breakfast Avni and riya headed toward khanna mansion  and as usual shweta  was in the living area and was telling one of the maid to do something but stopped when she saw riya and avni  walking in

Shweta : app jayien she said to the maid'. Avni, riya plz come and sit

Riya: thanks aunty how r u

Shweta : im fine beta...avni beta sorry I couldn't call u yesterday but when I found out praaksh  is talking to
Ashish  bhai sa  I told him to pass the message to u

Avni: its k maa anyways u wanted me to try on something right

Shweta : haan beta I bought u,,, juhi, and riya this anarkali to try on' I know the dress will fit riya because by now I have know her size' but because u and juhi have been away for few years I don't know if ur sizes r the same so if you try this on then I will know if any changes needs to be done

Avni: k maa I'll try it on

Shweta : k I'll go and get ur ...outfits and she left from there' after few minutes juhi came down

Juhi: hey guys' and hugged them both

Avni: hey juhi me and riya r  going to the mall if u don't have anything to do then y don't u join

Juhi: ok I was thinking of coming to ur place but if u guys r going out then I don't mind

Riya: oh really u were planning to come to ours ...we thought u might be at vidyut place she said teasingly while juhi slightly turned red

Avni: riya don't tease her..just look how she has gone red just by mentioning vidyuts name

Juhi: omg avni at least u don't tease me like this but three of them stoped as shweta  came with the outfits

Shweta : riya here is ur dress and avni y don't u go and try this on

Juhi: haan avni u can go in my room and try it on' avni nodded and went to try it on

In juhis room

After few minutes avni tried the anarkali on and was looking in the mirror to see how the dress was looking on her when all of a sudden

Neil: chotti dad wanted u to sign these papers so plz' he looked up and stopped in his track when he saw avni in juhis room'

Neil had walked in juhis room without knocking and when he actually entered the room he was looking at the paper so he didn't see that avni was in the room

after few minutes
Avni: neil couldn't u knock before coming in she said putting the dupata around her neck and walked towards him

Neil: princess what r u doing in juhis room he said looking surprised

Avni: wo mai but she got interrupted by neil

Neil: or is it that u missed me that you couldn't wait for two days and came to see me he said smirking

Avni: please neil don't think so high of urself me and missing u is impossible in fact I was so busy that I didn't have time to think about u (she said lying) and I didn't come here to see u in fact maa called me coz she wanted me to try this anarkali on and after this I am going with riya and juhi to do shopping' now please go out I need to change

Neil: princess if u want to change then change' humse kya sharmana  he said moving forward naughtily while avni cheeks went red and was looking at neil with wide eyes

Avni: chi neil u r so besharam

Neil: u haven't seem how much besharam I can be princess he said tracing her cheeks with his fingers' avni shrieked a bit by the sudden touch which didn't go unnoticed by neil'.

Neil: I must say princess I have a strong impact on u and if you want I can help u to change...'avni tried to
compose herself

Avni: neil its better if u leave now because if I don't go down soon then im sure riya and juhi will come to see whats taking me so long and if they find u with me then god knows what they will think

Neil: come one avni im ur fianc and its not a crime if im spending time with my soon to be wifey he said winking.

Avni: so u wont go from here right

Neil: nope he said naughtily with that smirk still on his face but this time avni also smirked a little bit

Avni: fine then u can stay here neil looked at her
confsunly when she picked up her clothes from the bed and went to the washroom to change...neil smiled' avni was in the washroom and was sorting her hair out after changing she thought neil will still be in the room but when she came out he was not there' she put the ankarli back in the package and went downstairs

Shweta : beta did it fit u or does it need changes

Avni: nahin maa its nice and fitted me very well thank u. maa we will leave now to go shopping and juhi is coming with us too

Shweta: that's fine beta'enjoy girls and she left from there

Juhi: avni lets go in my car the driver will drop us

Avni:: but we bought the driver with us so he will drop u on the way back

Juhi: trust me avni my driver is very entertaining and by the way riya sent ur driver away coz we decided we will go in my car right riya

Riya: of course juhi  and y does it matter what car we r going in

Avni: yh I guess u r right...y does it matter...k come lets go' three of them headed out and the maid who was standing near the car opened the door avni was about to sit when juhi stopped her

Juhi: avni you sit at the front me and riya will sit at the back

Avni : and y is that she said raising her eyebrow' she was suspicious about their behaviour now

Juhi: ofho avni just sit at the front na we r getting late and both juhi and riya sat at the back' after few sec the maid opened the door for avni and she sat in the front passenger seat  ..she was about to turn around to face juhi and riya when she was shocked seen neil was sitting on the driving seat

Avni: tum she said shockingly while neil was just giving his usual smirk and juhi and riya were enjoying avni reaction

Neil: haan hum

Avni: where is the driver and what r u doing over here'
juhi u said ur driver is dropping us at the mall

Juhi: arien avni if I told u that bhai is coming with us then we would have missed ur shocking face and this is what u get for teasing for me

Neil: avni no need to think about the driver when u got ur personal driver with u k' he said teasingly

Avni: whatever now driver ji if u don't mind can we go now

Neil: jo hukum princess' he soon started the car'

At the mall
Avneil , Riya, and juhi were shopping.. while juhi and avni was busy helping riya choose her clothes ...neil was looking in the men section but ever five second he kept looking in avnis direction and was smiling' finally they finished doing shopping and was heading out of the store when riya spoke

J: oh god I forgot my purse and mobile inside I'll go and get it

Juhi: wait riya I'll also come with u ..bhai u go ahead with avni,,,, neil nodded they both were about to get out  of the big shopping mall when they saw it was getting packed neil held onto avni hand tightly and headed towards the car and both sat inside waiting for the other two.

Neil: so princess we r heading to devgarh tommrow  for ur ceremony and u know I cant wait coz we r going to be staying in the same mahal meaning u will be in front of me  hayee its going to be so fun.

Avni: so u think i will get to spend time with u  until we r in devgarh 24/7

Neil: right

Avni: sorry ur wrong even though we will be in the same mahal it could be u don't see me

Neil: and y is that

Avni: neil don't forget that we decided that we r going  tell the family members about u propising and how we want to start the function from engagement and stuff

Neil: but princess what has that got to do with me not seeing u

Avni: it does because it could be that u wont see me before getting married it's a tradition

Neil: princess I can see u whenever I want

Avni: no u cant

Neil: yes I can

Avni: no neil u cant

Neil: r u challenging me

Avni: nope but if u want to take it as a challenge then go ahead

Neil: fine princess i promise u that I will see u after our marriage preparation starts  no matter where we r, in devgarh ya Mumbai,and both were staring at each other

Juhi: sorry we kept u guys waiting' both came out of their staring session luckily juhi and riya were settling in the car so they didn't see avneil  staring at each other'
avni looked out of the window while neil looked at avni for few seconds and started the car

After about 20 minutes the car stopped outside the metha  mansion.

Juhi: bhai its only around 1 so can we stay at the metha  mansion for a while please' neil nodded and four of the them got out of the car and headed inside

Dayawanti was sitting with diksha and neela...they  were talking about some work when neil and juhi greeted them

Neela: how r u neil and juhi

Neil: we r fine neela aunty thank you how r u all

Dayawanti : even we r fine beta'

Avni: dadi I am going in my room come juhi.. riya r u coming

Riya : haan di I'll just be there in a little while

Avni: neil y don't u go to vijay bhai room he will probably be there

Juhi: avni for a change y don't we all go to vijay bhai room

Avni: not a bad idea' its strange vijay bhai would have called us by now to ask us where we r but he didn't'something is surely fishy..

Riya : so then lets go' neil smiled at their cute antics nd followed them' they stood outside vijays room and after few seconds entered slowly only to see that  vijay was fast asleep neil was standing near the door with his arms folded looking at the girls.

Avni: riya this is the chance to take revenge from vijay bhai

Riya : ur exactly right  everytime he annoys us and most of the times disturbs us when we r asleep but now he is  going to pay for it

Juhi: but what r u guys going to do.  Avni and riya gave a evil smile to each other'

Avni: I exactly know what we can do

after an hour vijay woke up  and went to the washroom to freshen up' meanwhile in the living area everyone was seated and talking neil was in the garden as he received a phone call.. riya, juhi , avni, neela and diksha  were talking with each other, while dadi was in her office when they heard a scream...without thinking vijay came out of his room running'

vijay: omg there is a scary clown in my room someone please save me.. he turned his attention towards the others... he saw neela nd diksha first looking at him shockingly but then they covered their mouth trying to stop from laughing. Even riya, avni and juhi tried to keep a staright face but ended up laughing dadi who was with dr saab came out' he looked at the mirror that was on the wall and saw that the clown was none other than him

dadi: vijay beta what have u done to urself y have u got make up all over u' avni and riya had put lipstick, eye shadow, eyeliner mascara and blusher on vijay .

vijay: I don't know nani when I woke up this is what my state was like. Neela went towards the girls

Neela: did any of u do this she said eyeing the three especially riya and avni' when vijay heard neela ask the

Vijay: mami sa y u asking them

Neela: because they came to ur room to see what u were doing

Vijay: kya' then it definitely must be riya or avni im sure juhi will never do that

Riya: arien vijay bhai it could be after we left someone must have applied make up on u she said trying to be all innocent

Vijay: riya my lovely sister even u know that no stranger is allowed in the mahal so its means one of u have done it
Avni: say cheese vijay bhai'. And she quickly took a snap before running off

Vijay: avni delete the picture now

Avni: vijay bhai I didn't take the picture so that I can delete it

Vijay: avni im warning u

Avni: im not scared of u..and she ran out of the garden'

vijay was about to run behind her when riya and juhi got hold of him so that they can stop him from chasing avni and took him to his room to clean up his makeup..

avni reached to the garden and was stopping to catch her  breath' she turned around and was glad that she didn't find vijay behind her.. she was about to go inside when she got pulled back and was pushed towards the wall where nobody can see her' she had closed her eyes because of the sudden push towards the wall but when she slowly opened her eyes she found neil staring at her intensely blocking her between him and the wall.
She was getting goose bumps because of the way he was staring at her

Avni: neil what r u' but she stopped when she felt his fingers caresse he lips.. she shivered and her breathing got heavier' neil went more closer to her and avni could feel his body against her now sending more shiver down her spine... her cheeks had gone already red'after few seconds neil locked his lips with her' the kissed started of slowly but then it got passionate... he then moved down her jaw line leaving wet kisses while his hands were travelling around her waist and back' he slowly moved down and started to kiss her neck and her throat and then slowly he pulled her top down from her shoulder and started to place wet kisses' avni couldn't take it anymore and pushed neil away and ran to her room without anyone knowing

She was standing near the bed but slowly moved near the wall and put her forhead against it she was still breathing heavily but then her breathing got more heavier when she again felt neils lips on her skin' (neil had followed her to her room and had closed the door but she still didn't realise)'. Neil held on to avni hands which was on the wall and was kissing her back even though she had her top on it felt like it was her second skin' he then pulled her against his body and was rubbing her stomach' avni turned around and hugged him tightly

Avni: please stop neil...stop making me weak like this' neil lifted her face up and saw her eyes were closed and her cheeks had turned really red he loved the effect he had on her and kissed her forehead' neil kissed her forehead and avni slowly opened her eyes

At night avni was in her room standing near the windownand was thinking about what happened earlier on making her blush… this type of feeling was new to her…she was scared of it but loved it at the same time… she was staring at the moon lost in her own world that she didn't realise that aman, riya and vijay bhai had entered in the room… but she came out of her dream land  when riya shook her

Avni: u guys here? Is there any problem she said sitting next to vijay bhai and aman on the bed..riya stood  stood there for a second and then sat next to avni

Riya: jiji we r fine but r u ok?

Avni: what would happen to me of course im fine

Vijay: but we don't think so

Avni: and y is that

Aman : di since  we came to ur room we been calling u for ages but u didn't respond at all

Vijay: yh poor riya had to waste her energy in shaking u…riya was  giving him a annoying look

Avni: wo aman I was thinking about something

Vijay: thinking about something or someone

Avni: vijay bhaiii..

Vijay:k lets leave topic for now… so avni ready to become the yuvrani of devgarh

Avni: guys please for now cant we talk about something else instead of this

Vijay: like lets talk about neil banna right... a smal lsmile came on avni face but she hid it before aman, riya or vijay sees her smiling

Avni:this is a boring topic any ways why haven't u guys slept yet we have to wake up early tomorrow so go and sleep.

Riya: di is right bye aman and  vijay bhai u can leave now.

Vijay: excuse me riya  but this is as avni  room so u need to leave as well

Riya: no I aint coming today I feel like sleeping with avni di si  go she said making herself comfortable on the bed

Aman :fine good night he said leaving

Vijay: alright see u guys in the morning good night

Riya and avni: gd night

Next morning everyone was getting ready to leave for devgarh while avni was waiting for neil to come since she was going with him…. Everyone was downstairs as they were about to leave soon and neil entered along with his family… they greeted each other

Daywanti : I guess we should leave for devghar right now. All agreed neil and avni walked together.. they all stopped outside near the car when shweta went near neil

Shweta : neil beta you and avni are coming together so drive carefully ok

Neil: don't worry mom see u at devgarh… juhi, riya and vijay where in one car while the elders went in another car neil turned towards avni and asked.. so princess ready for devgarh

Avni: hmm chalo lets go both smiled at each other and sat in the car.,,,

after few hours everyone reached to devgarh avni and neil got out of the car,,, neil forwarded his hand and avni held it… there was some villager standing outside for the new yuvrani welcome… both were walking towards the main entrance of devgarh palace while their family members stood there  waiting for them even raj purohit ji was there standing with the aarti plate soon avneil stood in front of raj purohit ji who started to do avni aarti and once he was done avni took blessing from him… daya then turned avni around so the people in devgarh can see their new yuvrani properly

Dayawanti : I am happy that u respected me and trusted me with whatever decision I took for devgarh and im sure even the new yuvrani avni will fullfill her responsibilities well  and not let devgarh and jaigharh pride down....all the people who were standin goutside clapped and were cheering  for the old and new yuvrani…

Bebe:  chalo beta lets go down.

everyone entered inside the mansion all the elders went in their room as they wanted to rest while riya avni and juhi went to look around the mansion while vijay, aman and neil were sitting in the living area and were talking however vijay by accidently told neil how avni was lost in her thoughts and how he teased her asking if they should talk about neil and the way avni denied it by saying that's a boring topic…  vijay was just blabbering not realising that neil was not paying attention to him anymore

neil in his mind: hmmm so princess u think im a boring topic then let me show you how much entertaining oops I mean  "boring"  in ur words I can be… time to tease princess avni,,,,  and a small smirk appeared on neils face

avni went to her room after one of the servant told her that all her stuff had been taken out of her suitcase and kept in the right place she took out a pair of jeans and tee shirt and turned around when she was blocked by neil.. she was startled to see him all of a sudden and kept her handn ear her heart to breathe normally
neil: kya hua princess got scared

avni: neil please don't appear like anyone could get a heart attack  she said and  moved one of his hands which was resting against the wardrobe ...she was walking towards the bed and sat down... neil followed her and sat down next to her

Neil: so princess u think im boring

Avni: huh what r u talking about neil she asked confusingly

neil: come on princess now don't be so innocent sure u didn't forget that u told vijay banana that im a boring topic… avni all ofa sudden remembered her conversation with vijay and riya last night

Avni:guys please for now cant we talk about something else instead of this

Vijay:like lets talk about neil banna right a small smile came on avni face but she hid it before riya or vijay sees her smiling.

Avni:this is a boring topic any ways why haven't u guys slept yet we have to wake up early tomorrow so go and sleep.

End of flashback

Avni: oh that I was just joking neil… avni got up and walked towards her desk to pick up her book but before she could do that neil turned her around and pulled her towards him

Neil: well princess I aint that boring in fact u know how entertaining I am ...avni cheeks turned red and she moved away from him as she knew what he was hinting at.

Avni: neil u never leave a chance to flirt right

Neil: when it comes to u then nope I would never want to leave the chance of flirting with u he said winking at her

Avni: whatever now please can u go coz I want to change

Neil: come on princess I have told u before u don't have to be shy of me he said smirking

Avni: chii neil u and ur shameless talk

Neil: acha princess sorry by the way I came to ask shall we go out and see devgarh we have came here after so many years right

Avni: hmm not a bad idea but lets go tomorrow the journey to devgarh has been really tiring please if u don't mind

Neil: no worries  princess in fact if u want I can stay here with u in the same room what say,,, plus we have been in one room before…avni remembered the incident when neil had dared her to say in one room with him till morning and the effect he had on her by coming close to her

Phew thanks to those who voted for previous chap and also voted..will be waiting for all the comments and votes so keep it coming

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