chapter 31

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Avni: y do u think I should be happy… u should be sorry that u left me in that situation all by myself to give juhi an answer of what was happening between us two she said giving him a small pout… neil smiled at her

Neil: then u should of told her what we were doing… avni turned red

Avni: huh u think its funny only I know how I felt in that situation…now move I have so much work to do she said running away from there

All the arrangements had been done and now it was night time however avni was getting really nervous she didn’t want to show it to anyone plus today everyone was coming up to her telling her not to be nervous and they all will be there for her. She was in her room reading her book after having dinner… and even ali had came along with akash, everyone gave them a warm welcome

Riya came running into avni room and gave her a tight hug.

avni: riya what happened… wait let me guess someone seems to be happy since ali is here

Riya: thank u so much otherwise that stupid ali wouldn’t have came.

Avni: no problem

Riya : hmmm...avni di can I ask u something

Avni: of course u can baby

Riya: avni di please don’t ever leave me…avni looked at riya who had tears in her eyes… avni cupped her face

Avni: riya,,, I will always be by ur side whenever u need me and u know that...then y r u saying this… riya got up and walked near the window

Riya: don’t know avni di I don’t know y I said this but im scared… I don’t know y im getting this feeling but its scaring me… avni went up to her and turned her around wiping her tears and then cupped her face

Avni: nobody can separate us riya nobody can...we will always be there for each other (to lighten riya mood) but haan I cant stay with u 24/7 when u get married to ali… she said hoping riya will smile but instead riya started to blush…. Omg riya u r blushing this should be a breaking news

Riya: diiii... she said and  started running behind avni who ran out the room… everyone turned around and saw riya running behind avni and all laughed

Vijay: omg cat and rat chase again… riya heard what he said.

Riya : shut up vijay bhai she said running pass vijay bhai… finally avni went and hugged dayawanti from the back and riya stood in front with her hands on her hips and giving avni a fake angry look

Neela: riya beta y were u running around avni

Riya : nothing mom u know how jiji likes to annoy me while avni winked at her

Dayawanti: k now avni go and rest as tomorrow is going to be a very big day for u and haan riya and juhi will help u to get ready

Avni: k dadi goodnight... goodnight everyone

The next day
Neela walked into her daughter room around 8am and went and sat next to avni on the bed who was peacefully sleeping…after caressing avni’s forehead neela decided to wake her up

Neela: avni come on wake up its 8am beta… shaking her a little bit 

Avni: maa please let me sleep

Neela: beta I would let u sleep but u need to get ready as today is a very big day after all u will become the yuvrani of devgarh just in few hours… avni slowly opened her eyes and looked at a smiling face of neela… she sat up on the bed and held neelas hand and by this gesture neela could tell how avni was feeling

Avni: maa I know u all told me not to worry as u all will be there to help me with my responsibility but I cant help being nervous... each second is making my heart beat fast…

Neela: avni it will be fine we all r going to be therthere bacha remember  whenever u had exams u was always nervous but at the end of the day  when u use to come back home u were confident knowing that u did well… in being a yuvrani once u learn how to handle ur responsibility then everything will be fine and even u know ur family will always be there so get this nervousness out of ur mind and just remember one thing ur family will always be by ur side.

Avni: thanks maa.

Neela:  come on now go and have a shower and I will send riya and juhi to get u ready as raj purohit ji told us that 12am is a good time for the ceremony… avni nodded and went to have a shower

after 20 minutes when she came out in a robe to see riya and juhi looking at some traditional clothes and her bed was covered with lots of jewelry... riya and juhi saw avni looking at them ...juhi continued to look at the outfits while riya went towards avni and made her sit on a chair…

Juhi: riya lets try this… riya took the outfit from juhi and placed it in front of avni to imagine how her sister would look

Riya: naa juhi look this doesn’t look good on di… wait pass me that orange one and she again placed it in front of avni

Juhi: no riya its too bright… and they continued to do this till 20 minutes not realizing that avni is getting annoyed as riya and juhi r not allowing her to get up 

Avni: guys how long

Riya: di don’t disturb us…finally riya and juhis eyes fell on a lovely lengha and both moved their hand on the same outfit and looked at each other knowing that both liked it

Juhi: avni here wear this… avni finally went to change and when she came out wearing the outfit juhi and riya were just looking at her with their mouth wide open. While avni looked at their reaction and thought maybe they didn’t like this one as well

Avni: juhi, rii what happened don’t u like this one

Riya: di u r looking like a pari… avni smiled at her

Juhi: seriously avni even without makeup ur looking so beautiful…

Avni: thanks.

Riya: but I feel sorry for di

Avni: y r u feeling sorry for me asked a confused avni

Riya: because u cant eat

Avni: don’t worry rii im fine…

Juhi: ok now the jewellery bit but before they could continue there was a knock on the door. Juhi went and opened the door but not fully  and saw neil was standing there who was trying to peek inside the room. Avni and riya found out it was neil after hearing his voice

Neil: hey chotti I came to see avni

Juhi: sorry bhai but u cant see avni yet

Neil: come on chotti as far as I know there isn’t any ritual where I cant see avni until her crowning ceremony

Juhi: I know bhai there is no such ritual but me and riya decided that until avni is not completely  ready nobody can see her so im really sorry bhai and with that she locked the door knowing well that neil will be mad… while outside neil stared at the door for few minutes and left angrily

Juhi: god bhai is going to be mad at me

Riya: don’t worry it will be worth it after he sees di she said naughtily while avni pretended that she didn’t hear avni.. soon they started doing her hair and make up and gave her an elegant jewellery that matched with her outfit and  when she was done they looked at her and were pleased with their work

Avni: thank u so much guys but don’t u both have to go and get ready.

Riya: haan juhi u go and change first and then I will after that.. (juhi and riya decided to get ready in avni’s room as it will be easier for them.

Finally both were ready and it was about 11: 40am and everyone was downstairs ready waiting for the girls…

juhi, riya and avni were coming downstairs and everyone’s attention was fixed on avni…but they also looked at juhi and riya who were looking beautiful in their outfit as well… when avni was coming downstairs she looked at everyone with a smile and her gazed stopped on neil who was just staring at her beauty…

Bebe: ur looking very beautiful avni

Avni: thank u bebe

Neela went towards avni and applied kala tika behind her ears

Ashish:  we should go now.

Neil: ashish uncle , dadi  if u don’t mind then can I bring avni when raj purohit ji call her... the elders looked at each other and smiled

Dayawanti: sure neil beta u can until then we all will go outside…  all left and only avneil were in the hall

Avni: thanks neil

Neil: for what princess

Avni: for staying back at least I will have u beside me when we go out. She said walking closer to him and hugged him resting her head on his chest while her hands moved to his back... he also hugged her back after what seemed like ages both broke the hug

Neil: princess r u ready?

Avni: im ready for the taj poshi

Neil: im not talking about that

Avni: then?

Neil: about announcing our decision of getting married 

Avni: haan I am neil she said with a genuine smile and neil kissed her on the forehead… but then one of the maid came to call avneil and neil saw avni closing her eyes and taking a deep breath and opened her eyes

Neil: shall we go princess he said forwarding his hands ..

avni placed her hand in his and intertwined her fingers with his… both started to walk out and when the crowd saw the new yuvrani coming with neil they started to cheer

they were getting near to the stage where both the family members were standing and also she was also able to feel neils tight grip on her hand assuring her that he is with her.. they finally reached to the stage and after that raj purohit ji did her aarti and  placed the crown on her head and made her sit on the yuvrani seat where the villagers were cheering and welcoming the new yuvrani of devgarh.

After the taj push riya and  juhi took avni to change from the heavy attire and made her wear a lovely anarkali as after this she had to meet other people who had came to congrats her

When she came down dayawanti and bebe  made her meet some important people who she spoke to politely and this went on for few hours however she could feel neil’s gaze on her... she turned towards him where they had a small eye lock but avni looked away dayawanti tried to get her attention.

Dayawanti: avni beta what happened where were u lost…though she and bebe caught her looking in neil’s direction

Avni: nothing  erm when is all this going to end.

Bebe: soon beta… avni nodded and continued to meet more people finally the time came where all the guest were leaving and it was only the family members… they all were sitting in the hall and talking about how well todays day went when neil interrupted

Neil: me and avni want to tell u something he said looking at the elders who were looking at them curiously… he looked at avni and then looked back at everyone else

Shweta: what do u want to tell us neil beta

Neil: , me and avni r ready to take this relationship ahead now. Everyone looked at each other happily.

Shweta : but beta avni is not ready yet I mean didn’t she need time?

Avni: shweta maa I know before when I found out about my rokha I did say I needed time but as time passed by our friendship started to grow and now I have accepted the fact

Neela: maa  this is a very good news in fact we should call raj purohit ji and tell him to fix a date for the marriage

Avni: dadi with ur permission can I ask u for something

Dayawanti: haan beta tell me what do u want

Avni: dadi I know mine and neil’s rokha happened when we were young and I don’t remember any of that so is it k if we do all the functions from the beginning again

Prakash: that is a very good idea avni beta maa  do u agree

Ds: of course we do… neela call raj purohit ji and tell him to give us a date for the engagement and also the wedding and between that we will perform all the rituals till then we can have their rokha done right now… thank u avni beta u don’t know how happy u made us by telling us this…. She said caressing avni’s head and then hugging her…. One by one all congratulated avneil …

2 hours later  avneil were made ti sit together as all the things needed for the rokha was bought

Shweta came and did the aarti and placed a chunri around avni head giving her few gifts and then fed her prasad...then  neela came to Neil and did the same proceess with the aarti and gifts and both got up after that and took everyones blessing

Bebe and dayawanti looked at each other and smiled

at night everyone was packing as the next day they were leaving for mumbai in the afternoon.

The next morning.

Neil on the phone: dd  I don’t care if its difficult but at any cost u have  to find out who called yuvrani  avni that day and next time when call me u better have some information about the caller ... he cut the call…

neil threw his phone on the bed in anger as still he hasn’t found out who actually called avni he was lost in his thoughts and didn’t realize that avni had heard him talking on the phone… avni went near him and placed her hand on his shoulder… neil looked at her when he felt a hand on his shoulder

Avni: neil don’t stress urself im sure we will find out who that person was soon and plus that person hasn’t called since that day so when im not worried about it u also don’t worry.

Neil: avni how can u say both of us shouldn’t be worrying that person could even harm u or anyone later on and I cant take that risk when it comes to my family member… I don’t know how can u take this matter lightly im sure if that person had called riya, juhi or some other family member u would have been worried as hell… he said sternly and looked away and sat on the bed… avni smiled and took his hand in hers

Avni: I don’t worry because I know u will be there to save me and I have full faith on u.. now don’t spoil ur mood plus nobody cant hide or mess with Yuvraj Neil khanna right so then even that person cant escape from u … now come on get ready everyone will come down soon to have breakfast and after that we will be leaving in the afternoon…

Neil: princess im sorry we wont be able to go back to Mumbai together u will have to go with others as I have go jaighar first and see how things r over there and from there I will be heading to office.

Avni: ok and thank u this is the first time ur actually telling me where u r going otherwise I get to know from others as u leave without informing now come lets go down ...neil smillee smile avni said that

At the breakfast table avni and neil arrived and sat next to each other  however avni could see how the youngster were giving her a teasing look as this was the first time she and neil came together for breakfast

Aman: wow avni di and neil jiju coming at the same time for breakfast and also sitting next to each other continue guys this a good progress… he said only to get a glare from avni while neil just gave his usual smirk

Neela: aman  stop teasing avni and bhai

Riya: come on mom aman is right we  will only get to tease di once because after marriage she will only be with neil jiju...right vijay bhai … listening to this neela, ashish, dayawanti,  and diksha get a bit upset

Vijay: I TELL U… avni saw the elders were a little sad so to lighten the atmosphere

Avni: riya don’t forget that even one day we will tease u when u get married to the person u like she said looking at her and then at ali…

Sia: guys stop… dadi  I was thinking y don’t we get avni neil’s , juhi and vidyut engaged on the same day.

Dayawanti : beta we don’t mind that but vidyut parents also needs to agree and purohit ji also needs to give us a date

Vidyut dad: maa saab we don’t have a problem in that.

Dayawanti: that’s great but lets see what date raj purohit ji gives us… I hope u all have finished your packing. All nodded and everyone started to have their breakfast…

Prakash: beta neil we will leave for jaighar so make sure u have all the files we need

Neil: don’t worry dad all the files r ready…

Shweta: prakash ji I thought only neil is going to jaghar

Prakash: haan he was but now im going with him so I also can see how things r in the jaighar…

after a while when all finished breakfast everyone was in their room doing the last minute packing in case if they had forgotten anything and the time was 11:30am... nearly time for them to leave… avni had finished hers and decided to check on neil…. She entered his room and saw him looking at some files and walked towards him

Avni: neil do u need help in anything… neil looked up from his file to find avni standing next to him… he closed the file and said

Neil: arien wow princess today seems to be a very lucky day. He said with a naughty smile

Avni: and y is that so.

Neil: because u came to my room twice otherwise its me who always comes to your room.

Avni: I never knew u keep a count on how many times u come to my room but before neil could continue one of the maid came to call avni

Seema ji: sorry to disturb u yuvrani ji but raj mata is calling u in her room.

Avni: k seema ji u can go now…. (She then turned towards neil(… k neil im going to go now it could be we don’t meet before going… but do take care of urself even though u will be back to Mumbai by today and haan please do text me once u have reached to Mumbai ok she said in one breath but only found neil smiling at her.. soon that smile was replace by a smirk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Neil: wow princess u already started to practice on how to be a good wife

Avni: oh hello I am not practicing anything… and u better let me know once ur home k… neil pulled avni towards him resting his hands on her waist while hers remained on his chest

Neil: princess r u trying to order me.

Avni: no not really but if u think im ordering u then let it be… now let go of me as dadi is waiting for me …. Neil leave me na...she said  trying to go but neil didn’t let go of her

Neil: not so soon… first give me a kiss he demanded while avni raised her eyebrows

Avni: and what if I dont

Neil: princess I’m not asking u im telling he said with a smirk…. Avni raised her eybrows as she knew neil wont let her go until he doesn’t get what he wants

Avni: fine close ur eyes and I promise I will give u a kiss… neil did as he was told avni went a little forward and neil could feel her hot breath around his neck and in that process he loosened his grip around avni waist…

avni was about to lock her lips with neil but then she quickly gave a kiss on his cheek once she felt his hands loosened around her waist and ran towards the door slightly pushing him… neil opened his eyes and looked at avni

Neil: princess that is not fair u didn’t give me my kiss and broke ur promise

Avni: no neil I didn’t break my promise and I gave u a kiss on the cheeks after all u only wanted a kiss right…. Bye neil see u soon and she ran away  giggling…

Neil: once im back princess I'll make sure I get my kiss and that is my promise he said with a naughty smirk….

Avni reached to daya room and knocked and waiting for daya to response.. daya called her inside and avni sat down next to her on the couch

dayawanti : avni what took u long

avni: erm dadi who I was actually with neil she said smiling sheepishly…  daya gave a smile as she was happy to know how avneil were spending time together.

Dayawanti: anyways I called here to give u this file

Avni: what is in this file dadi

Dayawanti: beta its all the information about devgarh… things that have happened  … what new building were created and many other things and I want u to read this so that u know everything about devgarh and it can also help u make a decision later on.

Avni: k dadi I will read this

Dayawanti: k now I hope u all r ready as we r nearly about to leave

avni: haan dadi we r…

soon all gathered in the hall avneil  looked at each other… neil walked towards avni and gave her a hug… everyone smiled however they knew that vijay, juhi, akash,ali, vidyut, riya, aman , sia and daksh will not leave a chance to tease them.

Neil: take care of urself

Avni: u too bye…

prakash and neil left to jaighar while the rest headed back to Mumbai… and raj purohit was gone meet them there the next day to give the date of the engagement for juhi. Vidyut, avni and neil…

once reaching to Mumbai everyone went into their room to take rest after the long journey… it was around 5pm and avni was checking her phone to see if there is any call or text from neil but there wasn’t… 

Avni(to herself) : come on avni y do u keep looking at ur phone u know he has gone to jaighar first and then he will go straight to office... he will inform u once he reaches to Mumbai so chill…. She said trying to assure herself and to make herself busy she started to read the file about devgarh that dadi gave her ...soon  she got so lost reading the file and didn’t notice that it was nearly dinner time but because of the long journey and reading half of the file she fell asleep… at the dining table everyone had arrived except for avni

Dayawanti: neela where is avnUnnat

Neela: maa  when we came back from devgarh she went to her room

Dayawanti: theek hain... seema ji can u please go and call avni and tell her everyone is waiting for her to have dinner. Before seema ji could go vijay stopped her

Vijay: seema ji u wait here… nani I will go and get avni… daya nodded and vijay left to get avni…

Once he reached outside her room he knocked but she didn’t seem to answer so he just walked in only to find a sleeping avni on the bed with a file laying on her chest… vijay smiled and went near when her phone caught his attention.. he looked at it carefully only to find it vibrating as neil was calling her… vijay moved away a bit and answered the phone

Vijay: hey neil banna what up

Neil: vijay banna where is princess and y wasn’t she answering her phone as I have been trying to call her wince 5 mins ? And how comes u have her phone he said in a serious tone

Vijay: that is because YOUR princess is sleeping and she didn’t come down for dinner so I came to check on her only to find a sleeping avni  over here and  her phone flashing so i thought of answering it.

Neil: thank god... I was worried… anyways when she wakes up please do tell her that I had called to tell that I have reached to Mumbai

Vijay: sure neil banna k neil banna everyone is waiting at the dining table and I also have to wake up avni so I will see u later bye

Neil: k vijay banna bye…. Vijay then went near avni and shook her to wake her up

Avni: please let me sleep… she said changing her position on the bed unaware of who is waking her up… vijay had no option and started patting her on her cheeks

Vijay: avni  Get up…  its dinner time get up.. but avni still didn’t move and he only had one option and that is to tickle her which worked as a irritated avni got up and sat on the bed and opened her eyes slightly to see vijay next to her

Avni: vijay bhai what do u want cant u let me sleep properly… she said yawning a bit

Vijay: avni look at the time its 7:30pm and everyone is waiting for u to have dinner

Avni: what? Oh god vijay bhai u go downstairs I'll be down in five minutes after washing my face

Vijay: ok .. vijay headed towards the door while avni was walking towards the washroom when vijay stopped her….. oh avni I forgot to tell u one thing.. neil banna just called few minutes’ back saying he reached to Mumbai and he wanted me to let u know.

Avni: ok vijay bhai thanks she said ans went inside the washroom but in her mind she was thinking…god I wish if was awake so that I could have answered the phone… wait y am I acting like this. She ignored the question she asked herself and freshened up...  heading  down to have dinner.... sorry dadi im a bit late didn’t know when I fell asleep

Daya: its k beta don’t worry and have ur dinner… avni was having her dinner and casually looked up only to find riya who was trying to tell her something who was sitting opposite to her… avni raised her eyebrows as she didn’t understand what riya was saying

Neela: avni beta what happened y do u seem to be confused…

Avni: nothing maa just was thinking about something

Vijay: thinking about something or thinking about someone avni bhai he said teasingly

Avni: thinking about something vijay bhai

Vijay: oh really and what is that… avni thought for a while and then gave a answer

Avni: thinking about when will u get married. Vijay who was drinking water choked when avni said that and looked at her with big eyes

Diksha: avni beta for now that doesn’t seem to be possible… im just waiting for the day when he thinks about getting married or at least thinks about meeting a GIRL

Avni: im sure that will happen soon bua sa. Right vijay bhai

Vijay: in ur dreams avni BHAI

Riya: I TELL U .. avni nd riya started to laugh while vijay rolled his eyes and the elders smiled looking at the kids.

Avni was in her room when riya came in

Riya: avni di I need to tell u something

Avni: oh yh I forgot u were trying to tell me something at the dining table but I didn’t know what u were trying to say.

Riya: do... me and ali thought about it and decided we r  going to inform everyone about our relationship… avni was happy

Avni: that's  great riii im happy u r making it official

Riya: I know di even I’m happy.. I just love him so much.. btw di how did u and neil jiju  confess ur love to each other… avni smile slightly faded

Avni: erm ...riya we never said I love u to each other. Riya eyes widend

Riya: what ...omg di u and neil jiju havent said I love u to each other yet u both r so close... this is unbelievable… avni looked at riya for a few second before giving a proper answer to her sister

avni: riya tbh mine and neils relation grew, and I have accepted him a part of my life… I agree that we have came close but it doesn’t mean that u have to say I love u to each other… I have never been in love hence I don’t know what the feeling is like but what I feel for neil is something I have never felt with anyone ...riya  he is just someone different… avni stopped and thought about what she was saying to riya and was thinking that she never admitted any of this before and right now she is tell her lil sister what she feels about neil.

Riya : what happened di y did u stop or is it that u r shocked that u said all this since u r confused about ur feeling for neil…

avni looked at riya  surprisingly while riya continued

Riya: juhi told me di.. we were talking about u and neil juju and that’s when she told me how u r confused about ur feeling but don’t worry di im sure one day u will realise what u feel for neil 

Avni looked at riya and nodded slightly somewhere engulfed in her own thoughts

The next day as raj purohit ji was coming..m the servants were ordered to do a lot of things as raj purohit is really important member for them.

Neil and  vidyut came along with their family to devgarh mansion… neils family had arrived first so juhi had gone to see if avni and riya r ready while vijay and aman came and sat next to neil and were busy speaking when vidyut joined them while his parent sat next to the elders…

Vijay: so guys how is ur business going… (neil and vidyut have started a new business together

Neil: its going great vijay banna… sometimes  I feel satisfied as vidyut  makes most of the decision and I trust him completely

Vidyut: yep as neil is busy so he has ordered me to make decision but yh don’t forget we have a meeting with one of our clients tomorrow and u have to be there no matter what.

Soon avni, riya and juhi came down wearing an anarkali and as usual vidyut eyes was on juhi and neil’s on avni… after awhile raj purohit ji arrived and everyone welcomed him… he gave blessing to everyone and headed in and sat down

Bebe: raj purohit ji im sure u must have got our message that we want juhi-vidyut and avni-neil engaged and marriage on the same day.

Raj purohit:  yes I did harleen ji and I have even made the dates the for engagement  7th august will be a good day and for the wedding I found a date after one month which is September 12th and in between  this u can do the other functions… I hope the dates r k?

Ds: the dates r fine

Neela : maa  we have enough time for the wedding and the other function but the engagement is after two days how will we organise everything... we still have to invite people and other things that are required for the engagement

Shweta: haan... neela is right how will we do everything so fast and we even need a place for the ceremony

Riya: mom and  shweta aunty u guys don’t worry and leave all the preparation to us  ..everything will be done and we will start from now on

Raj purohit: ok dayawanti ji, harleen ji I will leave now see u on the engagement day… everyone got up and said bye to him taking his blessing 

Riya: dadi we r going now

Dayawanti: where riya beta

Riya: to get the engagement rings as we also need to find the right size and also the clothes

Vijay: riya  is right nani. Come on guys lets go he said to the other and all followed them.

In the jewellery shop everyone was busy looking at the rings… avni was looking at the rings while a shop keeper was helping her to try it on and at that time Neil  came inside after attending a phone call which he got few minutes back...he saw the sale person holding avni hand and making her try the ring which he did not like. He went straight to avni and held her hand glaring at the sales man

Avni: neil what happened she asked confusingly

Neil: nothing princess… (he then turned towards the sales person and said)… u just show us some good rings and I will see if its fit her. The sales person smiled as he knew y neil reacted like that and slowly even avni started to smile realising y neil reacted like that… finally after a lot of trial four of them had selected their  rings for the engagement and now headed back to the palace as they decided to buy the engagement clothes the next day.

Neela and shweta who were sitting in the hall were discussing about some charity thing they have started when they saw the kids entering

Shweta: neil beta where is vidyut

Neil: mom he had to go office for some meeting and uncle vikram wanted to meet him that’s y.

Neela : did u guys purchase your rings

Avni: haan maa we did

Shweta: neil beta give me avni ring and avni u give neela neils ring so we can exchange it… avni nodded and did as she was told

Juhi: mom this is vidyut ring.

Shweta: did u give him ur ring

Juhi: haan he said he will give it to his mom

Neela: and what about the clothes

Riya: we r going tomorrow for that.

Avni: maa I will be back neela nodded while avni went to her room… she went to the washroom and changed herself into a casual clothes and came out when she got pinned to the wall

Precap: avni: neil what r u doing leave me someone will come

neil: come on princess now we r going to get married soon i have full rights on u

avni: neilllll...

Preparation for avneil engagement

Ok so here is another chap hope u like it
Will be waiting for the comments and votes
Thanks to those who commented for the previous Chao

Lots of love

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