chapter 4

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once she reached at the end of the stairs she took a deep breath and was trying to breathe normally and when her breathing got normal she went and sat next to 'juhi  until she saw him come and sit opposite to her

Avni: Great' she mumbled under her breath juhi who was sitting next to her heard her.

Juhi: what is great avni? Aman, riya and Vijay stopped talking and looked at the two girls'.

Avni  somehow came up with an answer .

Avni: nothing juhi I mean it's great to be back home'... but it's not great to meet your brother ... she said the last bit  to herself but juhi heard her and tried to control her smile'.

Riya : anyways guys this Saturday we have organised a party for you guys have you  decided what to wear.... But to be honest I guess if Neil  wears anything.. other girls will still find him dashing right Neil
Neil : Well riya  if ur saying it then I can't do anything but agree with you and looks like someone else will become my dewaani too he said looking at avni '' while avni   gave him a angry look.

Vijay: oh really who is she neil

Neil : hain koi'. Nd you know what I like about her the most'. I like when her nose gets red in anger and that also because of me'.. She is like a challenger to me and u all know how I like challenges in my life.He said first looking at vijay but then fixed his gaze on avni

Avni just felt like doing something to him at that moment

Neil; Anyways why is there a party for us he asked  moving his attention to vijay,aman and riya

Riya : because now you all r back for good so it was just a way to celebrate it and probably the party could lighten your mood'. Also there could be a get together where you can meet the people who haven't seen you for ages.

Avni : seriously riya  does there have to be any party I mean cant their just be family get together ( avni is not a party type and sometimes does a drama when she has to go to one).

Vijay: oh come on avni here we have organised a party and u r  still moaning... I thought that you will love going to parties once u r in abroad but oh god u r still that Drama queen'.. I TELL YOU

Avni : vijay bhai if I don't like parties that does not mean I'm a drama queen
Vijay: prove it then'.. by coming to the party'.. nd yh you have to stay there till the party ends

Aman : oh come on vijay bhai u know that didu will only stay in the party for about 15min nd her staying in the party till the end is impossible.

Avni:  if u guys r challenging me then watch I'll prove you all wrong and stay in the party until it's not finished'.. nd gave juhi  a hi-fi

Neil : by the way chotti when will u get ur results?(neil.sometimes calls juhi chotti)

Juhi : bhai... avni gave the hospital doctor uncle email address so they will forward the results to him'. Neil nodded as he was very serious when it was about his sister

Riya: OMG girls how can we forget the most important thing.

Juhi : and what is that.

Riya : shopping babes we have to do shopping for the party come on get up and lets go now.

Avni: riya we have got like 2 days left for the party so we can go another day right what's the hurry

Riya : oh come on avni we have to go now because we need to find something good to wear ASAP

Avni : but we can call our designer and tell him to do it.

Juhi : no excuse avni... riya  is right and about designer you know it takes some times to make a dress and we can't force them to get the dress ready in two days

Avni: erghh k fine lets go. Sheetal  tell dadi  that we r going shopping.. the servant followed the order and left to tell dadi''. Avni  got up along with juhi  and riya  when vijay popped in

Vijay: u guys r so mean' here me, aman and Neil  r sitting and u didn't even ask us one ...he looked at riya  nd avni  and said "bhena bhena na raha"...and then looked at juhi  aur "dost dost na raha''' the girls just rolled their eyes.

Juhi:  vijay bhai u and aman can come wath us and bhai r u coming?

Aman:I cant come need to go college so see u all later and please get me something to wear  he said leaving while saying bye to all

Neil : of course juhi  I don't want to miss the chance of not coming ...avni looked at him as if trying to find out what is going on in neils  head.   they all went in Neil's  car'..

Neil sat in the driving seat, while vijay sat next to him and the girls sat at the back.

Neil  adjusted the rear mirror and focused it on avni'..

while driving he was glancing at her every few seconds and avni could feel his eyes on her but she ignored It and looked out the window and luckily nobody noticed this'..

Neil  in his mind: hmmm so I do have some kind of effect on her not bad neil '. Let see how long you try to run away from me avni.. he thought and then smirked

Once they reached the mall neil opened the door from the other side and so did vijay bhai''.. and they started walking in with guards behind them'..

they went inside a store and were looking around avni thought juhi  and riya were behind her she was looking at few party gown and was confused to which one to buy.

Avni: hmmm juhi  which one shall I choose I'm confused she said looking at the gowns carefully' neil who was behind her moved a bit closer and whispered in her ears

Neil : the red one will be awesome on you princess nd kissed her earlobe....avni  shrieked feeling his lips on her earlobe and neil whispering so close to her... she could feel his hot breath near her neck...she closed her eyes and tried to calm her heart beat that was beating so fast this was the second time in a day he made her heart skip a beat and she didn't know why,,,,

she opened her eyes and turned around to look at him but could not find him... her gaze was still trying to locate him when she found him standing next to vijay looking at some suites'.

She smacked her head and turned around to look at the gown his choice was not bad at all she thought'. juhi and riya joined her later and she went to try on the gown'.. when she came out juhi and riya was shocked to see avni '..

Riya : omg avni di this gown looks so gd on u I think u should buy it
 (im gone post the pictures when it's the party)

Juhi : exactly avni this gown will look beautiful on you only'.. avni  agreed and the girls took their gown to the counter'.

They met neil and vijay at the counter and purchased their clothes together'

when neil saw the gown he chose for avni he was surprised as he didn't know she will buy it

They reached back to the metha mansion  and saw the elders sitting in the hall.

Dadi : how was ur shopping?

Riya : it was good dadi and can u believe it avni di chose her dress without asking any of us

Avni  looked at neil for few sec and then looked away...' they all were sitting down with elders now while the servants took riya, avni  and vijay bags as juhi and neil left their bag in the car'..

Avni sat between prakash  and ashish  and put her hand  around ashish  arms and her head on his shoulder'..

Avni: dadi luckily it was not a nightmare going shopping with riya as she only bought  one dress for the party otherwise we all know she will buy the whole store''. Everyone laughed at this.

Vijay: I TELL YOU'. while riya just rolled her eyes,

Shweta : daya ma, feels so good to see the kids together and I am glad neil took interest in going shopping she said teasingly while juhi  knew what her mom meant

Neela : why doesn't Neil  go shopping she was surprised and asked

Shweta : no when he was in London I thought he would go and do  his own clothes shopping but then I got to know that Yuvraj Neil Khanna made other do shopping for him

Neil: oh come on mom I just didn't have time so I sent somebody else to do shopping.

Shweta : haan but today you went urself which would surprise anyone'.

Avni  was enjoying listening to the convo...Neil  was going to reply back when'..

Avni : shweta aunty u know I was looking around the mall when my eyes fell on neil and vijay bhai looking at suites very interestingly they seemed more interested than us she said and  looked at neil...and  saw him give her a "watch-what- I -do- to u" look. she tried to stop her laughter and looked away from him'.. 

Avni: at least I got that annoying smirk off his face she thought to herself

Precap: avni in her happiness was dancing that she didn't realise she hugged neil and gave him a kiss on his cheeks

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