chapter 44

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Ranveer: so what a coincidence we actually met again

Avni: its good we did at least I was able to tell u face to face that I wanted to buy your cottage

Ranveer: yes that's true anyway avni I have to go as i have to be somewhere soon.  whenever u want to meet up let me know I will come with the papers then

Avni: ok I will let u know

Ranveer: bye he said with a smile which avni responded back...

once he had gone avni continued with her horse riding when she heard neil call out to her...

Avni slightly turned around to see neil near her...

When he was next to her she could clearly see how serious he was looking at her

Avni: what happened neil she said shifting her gaze to her horse and started stroking him

Neil: was that the guy we met at the cottage?he asked trying to speak calmly

Avni: yeh it actually was. I even told him that I am interested in buying his cottage.

Neil: u don't worry about the cottage... just tell me when u want it and I will make it on your name in a day. Avni was surprised with neils words and looked at him

Avni: that's sweet neil but instead of using our powers I would rather buy it in a normal way... Plus its not like he is denying to sell his cottage to us... so y use the power?

Neil: I agree but...

Avni: but what? y do u have a problem with ranveer all of a sudden?... neil looked at avni to see her looking at him... all though avni knew that neil was jealous but she still wanted to ask him

Neil: I don't have a problem but I just don't like to see him talking to u. with that he moved away with his horse while avni had a small smile playing on her lips.

After the horse riding everyone decided to go and have lunch at a restaurant with two guards who were sitting on diff table making sure nobody is there to disturb or harm the royals.

Avni was sitting between neil and juhi. While riya, ali, vidyut and vijay sat opposite them...

They all had ordered starters. Avni smiled at neil giving him a warm smile which did slowly make him feel better.

Vijay: goshh these mushroom in creamy sauce r the best I better tell our chief to make this once we get back.

Avni: who wants garlic bread, and bbq wings?... all nodded and started trying out small portions from each other's starters. After the starters they all were eating the main course and sipping on their wine

Avni: today was fun I actually enjoyed horse riding. I think when we go back I will go to learn horse riding

Riya: im in jiji.

Ali: hey how about we organise a small party tonight. I mean see if we can get few of ours friends to if that's ok

Vijay: ali that's not ok but that's the best idea ever he said in a dramatic way.

They all were continuing eating and talking and didn't realise how they spent about 2 hours at the restaurant.

The guys paid the bill and  all were about to get up to leave  when all of a sudden they heard someone in the restaurant shouting to call the doc... everyones attention turned towards the voice

Juhi quickly got up from her seats to see a lady sitting on the floor crying... when she went near she saw a old man lying there. She went towards the lady while the guards stayed alert... avni followed juhi after few mins.

Juhi: see im a doc please calm down.

Lady: please bring him back to conscious I don't know how he collapsed all of a sudden. juhi patted the ladies shoulder... juhi checked the pulse and saw it was low.. till then avni came and sat the other side

Juhi: does he have any health issues?

Lady: he has low blood pressure.

Avni: juhi we should try to bring him to conscious and then give him something to eat... ...aunty when was the last time he ate?

Lady: beta he ate in the morning but he didn't eat a lot as he had to go work and after he came back we came straight here to have lunch

Avni: u need to make sure he eat small portions several time a day to keep his blood pressure normal.

Juhi: everyone can u please give him some space.  waiter please  get him some juice and food maybe some low carb meal for now and then give him tea or coffee at the end.

Avni got some water and sprinkled it on the old man few times till he started getting conscious.

The lady smiled finally when she saw her husband look at her.

Juhi looked towards the guard and signalled them to come over... they nodded and lifted the old man up carefully and made him sit on the chair... Till then everyone went and sat down on their tables and continued to have their food.

Avni: uncle r u ok?

Old man: yes I am beta but who r u both? He said looking at avni and juhi

Lady: they both r doctors. Juhi and avni were smiling but when the lady said both r doctors avni smile slowly started fading.

Juhi: uncle u should make sure u start eating regularly and keep having something regularly.

Lady: thank u once again... juhi nodded while avni looked lost

Juhi: avni?

Avni: huh?

Juhi: what happened ?... juhi didn't realise how the lady calling avni a doc bought her old memories back

Avni: nothing come lets go back to the table.

they went back to the table

Neil: juhi helping someone is nice but don't just go off like that what if this was someone's plan to harm one of us and avni even u went behind her...

avni looked down she didn't want anyone to know how she was feeling at the moment.

Vidyut: dude its ok I know we all have to be careful lets forget this now and leave.

Juhi: sorry bhai

Neil: u don't have to be sorry chotti u did nothing wrong but just have the guards near u when u try to go help someone. He said cupping her face

They all left and sat in the jeep.

Vijay: today was really fun... I actually cant wait for the party

Vidyut: we should call or text our friends to see if they can come

Ali: lets get started so we know how many ppl r attending.

All nodded. avni who was still lost about the incident didn't pay attention to what the others were saying.

Vijay: my darling avni come on text or call ur friends he said tapping her shoulder.

Avni: err yh... avni took out her phone and was trying to concentrate... right now she just had things going in her head

Avni(in her mind) :what am I doing? there is no point of thinking about what happened at the restaurant or about the past as it will bring back memories. Stop thinking about that avni now and incidents like this probably will come up ...
even though she was texting her friends the lady's word was keep coming back in her head...

After 40 mins they reached to the farmhouse.

Everyone got off and started walking in.

avni went to her room saying she needs to freshen up...

in the washroom she was splashing water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror... the tears that she tried to hold back started flowing down her face so fast. She slowly sat down on the floor leaning against the wall crying her heart out. ... she then got up and left the washroom and opened the door still letting the tears to fall and moved towards her bed and sat down.

After a while Juhi came to avni room with a party dress and sat down next to her.

Juhi: avni what do u think of this party dress im not sure if it will suit me. She said holding the dresses up and looked at avni face closely noticing the dried tears. She turned avni face towards her

Juhi: y r u crying? What happened?

Avni: nothing I had something in my eyes

Juhi: don't try that trick on me avni what happened?

Avni: nothing im fine dw she said walking towards the mirror and was sorting her face out

Juhi: for our friendship sake avni say it! Avni stopped with what she was doing and looked at juhi.

Avni: y do u always make it complicated for me she said sitting down on the stool in front of the dressing table.

Juhi: because that's the only way u will speak now tell me. She said moving towards avni and sat down next to her.

Avni: at the restaurant when that aunty said to her husband that we both r doctors it... it just bought back memories... juhi tried to remember and recalled that lady word and closed her eyes.

Juhi: sorry

Avni: y r u saying sorry u fool.

Juhi: because none of us realised what that aunty said... no wonder u seemed lost. She said wiping the small tears that was about to leave avni eyes

Avni: don't tell anyone please. If vijay bhai and riya know they will will be upset
Juhi hugged avni

Juhi: dw bestie I wont tell anyone that's a promise.
Avni: by the way what made u come here

Juhi: u alright now right? Avni nodded... ok then I have these two party gowns but I don't know which one to wear

Avni: see u look good in both of them but the only person who could tell u which one is the best is only riya.

Juhi: bingo I will just go and ask riya

Avni nodded while juhi left the room. She walked towards her desk to charge her phone when she heard neils voice

Neil: so u were not going to tell me about this...

avni turned around to see neil closing the door and walking towards her.

Avni: y u saying that? she asked him confusingly. She was hoping that that he didn't find out about the plan to make him jealous.

Neil: about what u said to juhi. Avni looked at neil with a surprised look.

Avni: how do u ... she left her question midway

Neil: I was about to come and see u when I heard u telling her what happened at the restaurant.

Avni: neil don't take me the wrong way I just didn't want u guys to know because u will be worried about how I would be feeling and plus I didn't want to spoil anyones mood.

Neil: princess if u think u can be normal by hiding something that hurts u then it wont work ...eventually someone will find out. sometimes u should let out whatever is in your heart

Avni: y don't u try that

Neil: what?

Avni: let out whatever is in your heart she said raising her eyebrows.

Neil: there is nothing to say he said smirking.

Avni: fine. now I need to go she said about to walk towards the door when neil pulled her towards him.

Neil: princess not that easily.

Avni: now what do u want... neil smirked and touched her lips slowly making avni shudder which made neil smirk more

Avni in her head: control avni control don't forget your plan... but poor avni this motivation wasn't helping.

Neil: u r very smart to understand quickly princess he said brushing his lips against hers

Avni: neil leave me she said trying move away from him but neil pulled her more close to him... he started stroking her cheeks with his thumbs and then stroked her lips.

Soon avni found herself lips against his...before neil could go ahead Avni moved away from Neil

Avni:  I just remembered I had to go and see riya
and she walked out the room leaving a confused Neil.

Avni went to the terrace...she tried to calm her heart down that was beating so fast

Avni : y do u always make me forget things Neil she said closing her eyes with a smile. But because u r stubborn I have to be a little more stubborn to make u confess.  She smiled looking around and then went down to riyas room

When she entered she saw riya looking at her outfits

Avni: riya did juhi come to u?

Riya:yes she did and now she is satisfied with the party gown that she will be wearing
By the way what r u wearing

Avni: I don't know I actually haven't decided yet

Riya: mind if I help?
Avni:  baby that would be less stress for me to choose go ahead

Riya: cool lets go to your room.

Once entering avni room riya went through avni cupboard and finally found the right party dress for her

Around 6pm all the party arrangement had been done and everyone's friends were also ready to come as the party was about to start.

Avni was walking down when she bumped into Neil who held her by her waist

Neil: wow princess I must say it u r looking stunning right now and I feel like keeping u to myself...avni cheeks red but she composed herself

Avni: Neil leave me everyone is downstairs lets go now she said holding on to his hand and both walked down and greeted their friends

Avni then walked towards juhi and riya

Juhi: well done avni you are been with bhai but also keeping the distance

Avni: yes kind of playing it safe after all I'm dealing with Neil. 3 of them Laughed

Riya: plus the guys also made sure there r guards to stop many unwanted ppl  from coming in.

Vijay : my lovely ladies what r u doing here chatting come on have drinks and enjoy the party

Riya: u continue enjoying while we enjoy in our own way. Vijay shrugged and went back to where the guys were standing

vijay went back to where the boys where standing and all were enjoying but were also happy to see their friends enjoying. While the DJ was playing party songs.

Vijay: so did I miss any of the gossips

Neil: come on vijay banna guys don't gossip they only talk business

Vijay: I TELL U.

Ali: here is your drink he said handing it to vijay

Juhi: come lets go where the guys are otherwise they will think we r probably talking about something and we don't want them to know about it

Avni: oh come on juhi we all r under the same roof I mean we don't have to be around them all the time they could do their own thing at the party while we do ours

Riya: exactly im proud of u for saying that jiji. Its
not like we don't love them we do but even we need that "me" time

Juhi: I guess u both r right. So shall we go and hit the dance floor... Avni and riya nodded

The girls were on the dance floor and were dancing slowly to the music and some of their friends joined them

Vijay: my my look at our hottie princesses they r burning the dance floor. The guys looked at vijay and then at the dance floor.

Vidyut: wow he said looking at juhi. He had seen her dance but not so freely the way she was...

ali looked at riya

Ali:  one thing I know is that riya loves to dance a lot

Vijay: hmm she is crazy when it comes to Party, shopping and dancing

Vidyut: come one lets go and join them

Neil: u guys continue I will join in a bit.

Vidyut. Ali and vijay went to the dance floor and joined the girls...

The girls saw the boys and gave a look to each other *here ends our girl time* but still they enjoyed dancing

Neil joined them after finishing his drink he went near avni and started dancing next to her

all were in a circle enjoying the music. Neil then placed his hands around avni waist and both moved their body along with the tune...

however neil was trying to tease her by tickling her around the stomach and she was trying to stop him

Riya casually looked towards the entrance and saw ranveer looking around here and there . She carefully elbowed avni and gestured towards the door.

Avni looked towards the door and saw ranveer . She excused herself and left the dance floor which neil noticed but soon he got jealous when he saw where avni went and to meet who. He completed lost interest in dancing and slowly walked towards them but kept his distance.

Avni: hey so u actually came to the party

Ranveer: yh when I saw your message for the party I thought u must have sent me the message by accident.

Avni: well I thought maybe this could be a start of a new friendship since u will be giving me your precious cottage

Ranveer: not bad but what if I had declined your friendship offer

Avni: then that would be cool with me

Ranveer: ouch that hurt he said pretending to be hurt while avni laughed

Avni: thank u for coming

Ranveer: my pleasure. By the way I accept your friendship offer

Avni: oh thank u so much. By the way what is this she said looking at the file in ranveer hand

Ranveer: these r the cottage paper ma'am... thought u might want to know about the history and all

Avni: thanks she said and gave it to one of the workers and told her to put it in her room.

Avni: drink?

Ranveer: not now I actually have to go

Avni: what but u just came?

Ranveer: yes but im also a business man.. I do have my meeting and all so thought I should come and see u for a bit and also give u the  papers for the cottage

Avni: thank u so much

Ranveer: anytime but the papers will take a little while to get the cottage on your name... is that ok?

Avni: as long as I get fine.

Ranveer: all right then see u later

Avni: bye....With that ranveer left.

Avni turned around and she saw a very unhappy neil standing away from her with his hands crossed

Precrap: avni: what is ur problem neil. She said coming into his room angrily

Neil: my problem is that ranveer I have told u I don't like u speaking to his but u? he said trying to keep calm

Avni: but I what neil? Y is it that I should only speak to those who u like ? first akash and now ranveer

Neil: I never said that princess. He said slightly raising his voice

Avni: but that's what u mean. Y do u care who I speak to neil? U dont feel anything for me right?
Neil looked away

Avni: u never say whats going in your head neil and that's driving me mad. We r going to get married but here I don't even know how u actually feel about me neil.

Tears were slowly welling up in her eyes. This confess game that is going between us is annoying me now . She said now whispering

Phew so here is the next chap ...will be waiting for comments and votes

Thanks to those who commented and voted for the previous chap

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