chapter 45

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Avni saw Neil standing there with his hand crossed and his look told her that he was not happy...  avni went toward Neil

Avni: Neil ranveer came to give me the previous papers of the cottage and he said the new one will take a while to get on my name. She said hoping he will say something

Neil: I heard u both speak princess and I also heard how he mentioned that u texted him to invite him for the party.

Avni: yh Neil but what's wrong in that?

Neil: nothing is wrong princess but u should think before inviting a person  that u just met few days ago

Avni: agree but people become friends in few days. So there is nothing wrong in inviting them to the party. She said Trying to make her point clear.

Neil : don't trust strangers easily Avni

Avni: Neil y r u behaving like this?

Vidyut reached to where avneil were standing

Vidyut : oye love birds... y u standing here?... come on let's have a drink before getting back to the dance floor.

Neil: u guys go i just have some important work to finish off

Vidyut: man what important work did u remember in a middle of the party

Neil: I just remembered... I will be back soon if I finish otherwise U guys enjoy. With that Neil left to his room ...Avni looked at Neil annoyingly

Avni: come vidyut let's go.. . Vidyut looked at avni then at Neil

Vidyut. Everything ok between u two ?

Avni: yh she said with a small smile... come let's go

When they reached to the bar section they saw riya and ali were not there as they were talking to few friends

Juhi: where is bhai?

Vidyut: he said he just remembered some important work so went to his room to finish that

Vijay: Neil banna and his work... I tell u

Juhi: so he won't be coming down to the party

Avni: juhi if he feels like coming down then he will.

Everyone looked at avni surprisingly so she tried to control her anger and spoke normally...

Avni: I mean if he finishes then he will surely come down

Juhi: yh that's right.

Vijay: come on lets go back to the dance floor

Vidyut : u guys continue I will just go and meet one of my friends.

Avni. Juhi and vijay went on to the dance floor... all were enjoying except avni .. her mind kept going back to her and Neil conversation. 

Avni moved away from the dance floor and went back to the bar and got a drink... she took a few sips to calm herself down. But after few secs she gave up and looked up the stairs and decided to go and sort things out with neil

Meanwhile in neils room he was standing near the balcony while drinking his whisky... he didn't like ranveer at all... been royals they had to be careful with whoever they interact with and he was trying to get that into avni head. He drank his whisky quickly and decided to go prepare another one. While making another drink he had an angry look on his face when all of a sudden he heard his door room open and  he looked up to see avni

avni: what is your problem neil. She said coming into his room angrily

Neil: my problem is that ranveer...I have told u I don't like u speaking to him but u....he said trying to keep calm

Avni: but I what neil? Y is it that I should only speak to those who u like... first akash and now ranveer

Neil: I never said that princess. He said slightly raising his voice

Avni: but that's what u mean. Y do u care who I speak to neil? U dont feel anything for me right?

Neil looked away

Avni: u never say whats going in your head neil and that's driving me mad. We r going to get married but here I don't even know how u actually feel about me neil....Tears were slowly welling up in her eyes.

Avni: This confess game that is going between us is annoying me. She said  whispering after few secs

Neil: avni all im trying to say is that u need to think twice before meeting someone... we r royals and we cant take risk by letting a Stanger come between us... but that is hard for u to understand

Avni: great avoiding the topic that I just bought up she mumbled...sometimes u have to take these type of risks its not like everyone is bad. She continued

Neil: avni do u even understand wt im trying to say don't u remember the incidents that have happened to u in the past he said looking at avni who looked away angrily...

Neil shook his head seen her look away

Neil: here im trying to get some sense into your head but it seems like u don't want to understand.... Fine u want to become friends with ranveer go ahead then become friends with whoever u want to.... Do whatever u want... u think im trying to stop u from talking to people like that then fine go ahead I wont stop u from doing anything..... Now can u please leave... I want to be alone he said turning the other way...

avni was hurt, but her stubbornness took over her and she left the room closing the door without even looking at Neil

Avni went straight to her room and closed the door. She went towards her bed and laid down... tears slowly started coming out

Avni: I know u r concerned about me neil... but u wont always be there to protect me... sometimes things happens for a reason and we cant do anything about it. But I know one thing when u r with me I don't have to worry because I know I will be safe until u r around. Y cant u just say whats in your heart stupid. To hell with this confess game.

Downstairs everyone were enjoying... it had been few hours since the party had started and now it was 9pm...all the guest started to leave saying bye to their friends,

Riya: so finally everything went well.

Juhi: yes

Vijay: by they way where did avni disappear she was with us on the dance floor

Juhi: don't know I didn't see her after that.

Ali: she will probably be in her room

Riya: its not like jiji is going anywhere we could ask her tomorrow where she disappeared all of all sudden now lets go and sleep. All agreed and headed to their own room

In the morning everyone were getting ready for breakfast avni came down to see vidyut and ali already sitting at the dining table with riya...all three were chit chatting

Avni: good morning everyone she said while taking a seat next to riya

Vidyut, ali, riya: morning

Riya: by the way Jiji where did u disappear. Or don't say u started going away from parties just like before

Avni: actually rii I had a headache so I went to my room and didn't realise when I fell asleep.. riya nodded

Till then vijay and juhi came down and sat down.

Vijay: good morning lovely people

Juhi: morning guys...all greeted them back. Vijay looked at avni naughtily

Vijay: so avni how was your night yesterday

Avni: it was ok vijay Bhai she said not realising the naughty look on vijay face

Vijay: ok or u mean romantic

Avni: what r u trying to say vijay Bhai?

Vijay: oh come on first neil baana went saying he had some important work and then all of a sudden u disappeared... u two wanted to spend some time alone right

Avni: its nothing like that vijay bhai I had a headache so I thought of resting a little

Vijay: liar ... till then neil came down he looked at everyone and then avni lastly who was staring at her plate

Vidyut: here comes our hero... everyone turned their attention towards neil who sat down next to vidyut... avni looked at him for a few secs and then looked away.

Riya: lets have breakfast since we all r here

Vidyut: by the way any plans today

Juhi: how about we just stay back and relax.

Riya: not a bad idea.

suddenly vidyut phone rang since it was work related he had to answer it and excuse himself.

Vijay: so neil banna since avni  didn't give me the right answer lets ask u.

Neil: ask what vijay banna

Vijay: u and avni  made an excuse so u could spend quality time with each other last night. 

Neil: I don't feel the need to answer u he said with a smrik

Riya: vijay bhai just forget it y r u even trying .

Avni looked at neil and thought that he didn't even look at her the way he usually does and didn't even smile at her.

Precrap: none

So here is another update as someone was emotionally blackmailing me

Thank u for the lovely comments and votes for the previous chaps..will be waiting for all the comments and votes so keep them coming

just have a small request can u all follow this girl and support her so that her following list increases please she will be really happy


Id @happyshakhla27

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