chapter 59

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Neil took the gift from her

Avni: open it she said in low voice 

Neil he was about to open it he looked at avni who was waiting for his reaction...when he fully opened it he saw a branded watch which came out few days back 

Avni; I know how you have a collection of watches and thanks to shweta ma help I got to know that you plan to get the latest one in few days so thought might as well gift you this

Neil: princess you didnt have to do this he said softly 

Avni: I wanted to...this is our first valentines and I wanted to gift you something 

Neil smiled as he noticed how avni had set the time already on the watch 

Neil: wont you make me wear it he asked 

Avni: you have a watch on neil

Neil: I know but since you got this for me I want to so now come on he said removing his old watch and forwarded his hand 

Avni smiled and placed The watch around his wrist 

Neil: this will be my favourite watch from now on he said looking at the watch and then at avni whose smile widened 

Neil: by the way when did you go and get this? 

Avni: this morning me and riya went 

Neil: how sweet princess  he said pulling her cheeks 

Avni: I shall we go down now 

Neil: you're in a rush to go downstairs princess 

Avni: haan because I want to enjoy this party with you... is there any problem

Neil: no problem at all come he said taking her hand in his 

As they started to walk away the man slowly came out of the room hearing no talk  and saw the corridor empty 

Ayesha who was smirking all this time saw avni and neil  walking down 

Ayesha: when did this neil go upstairs? no matter what today the royals night will not end on a good note not at all she thought to herself 

Ayesha messaged the person telling what to do next and she will signal him

She saw him coming down and look at his messages to which he looked at her and nodded.

Vijay: attention attention my darling since this is a valentine party can it be that we don't play a right he said as he heard cheering sound from the guest and continued speaking. 

So my dear couples we are first going to play a small game and then do other fun loving task the game that we will first play is blind we will separate all the couples where the men and women will stand separately... we will tie blindfolds on all the couple and have you all shuffled around...the couple's have to try and find each other without any sort of communication..if you think you have found your couple and take your blindfold of but it turns out to be someome else then you wont get a other chance but if you find someome and still have your blindfold on you will still be my darling couples please separate 

All the couples started seprating 

Avni: good luck yuvraj sa 

Neil: thanks princess but i wont need it as i can find you with my eyes closed 

Avni: y? Have you get an xray machine in your eyes...

Neil: i dont know about eyes but my heart surely does 

Avni: lets see then she said wiggling her eyebrows playfully and went and stood where all the ladies stood 

The staff memebrs came and made sure to tie  blindfold on all the couples once that was done they shuffled the order everyone was standing in 

Vijay: alirght now let the game beginnnn..but remember no communication and audience there shouldn't be any sort of help he sad turning to look at those who wasnt participating 

All started to walk around to find their couples but on the way few would bump into each other wheras some had found the wrong couple taking their blindfolds off proudly only to to see someome else partners in front of them 

Avni waa trying her best to avoid bumping into people who were bumping into her to find there way

Avni: vijay bhai comes up with any random can someone find their partners in such crowded area she thought. 

It was really hard to exacly locate...avneil were walking back and forth missing many opportunities as they were near but after a moment their arms brushed against each other...they took few step and stopped...somehwhere knowing the touch very well...taking small steps backwards they stopped as their arms again brushed against each other. Both avneil turned facing each other and moved their hands up to feel each others... a smile appeared on their face knowing they found each other  and slowly  removed each others blindfold...making their family happy while riya and juhi were still finding their respective partners 

A smile appeared on both avneil face....avni jumped in excitement and happily hugged neil surprising him for a second but soon enough placed his hands around around her 

Neil: kya but hain so much excitement haan. He spoke in a teasing manner 

Avni: shut up neil....she said as he held her hand as they got out of the way and watched the other play 

Neil: by the way i told you i will find you 

Avni: oh please...its not like it waa only you who found me even i found you too she said rolling her eyes. 

Neil: awww i didn't know my princess can recognise me by a single touch he said 

Avni didn't know what to say...a surprised look came on her face as she never thought she would find neil this way. 

Avni: neither did i she said in a low voice which neil heard...he noticed the smile on her face as she turned to face him. 

After few round juhi, vidyut and riya and ali managed to find each other along with few more couples 

The next game was going to be announced after sometime...avneil and the rest were standing together...the boya were busy talking while the girls were talking with riya taking selfies with juhi and avni now and then...few waiters came to them to offer drinks and some starters

Ayesha saw all busy chitchatting and headed to her room 

Once reaching inside she opened one of her drawer up and took out a phone as she added a sim card and turned it on too see many numbers already saved 

Ayesha: time to call avni she smirked..she turned on the voice changer before making the call 

Avni who was enjoying her time looked at her phone to see it buzzing....she frowned seeing the number not knowing who could it be...avni was about to decline the call when the phone stopped ringing.

She went back to chatting with the girls when her phone rang again...avni looked at neil to see him busy talking to the boys...she would have told him but thought it wont be something big and decided  to answer thiking it might be someome who she talks to....she excused herself and walked away from the there

Avni: hello? She said answering the call as she walking in a corridor 

Ayesha smirked as she spoke 

Ayesha: hello yuvrani avni this journalist simrsn kaur calling from bombay would be great if you can give me few mins of your time i promise i wont be long 

Avni: um...sorry but im at a party is it ok if we plan some other time 

Ayesha: yuvrani ji please its really urgent otherwise i wouldn't have wasted your time...i promise i will only take 5 mins of your  time.

Avni: fine.. i dont understand how you journalist seem to find out about our whereabouts and number's she said shaking her head 

Ayesha: thats a job of journalist yuvrani ji shall we start now she spoke as she messaged the guy from his other phone to see if he is keeping a watch on avni 

Avni: sure go ahead she said 

Ayesha got a thumbs up message from the guy and smirked 

Ayesha: hello? Hello ? Yuvrani sa i cant hear you 

Avni: but i can hear you very well 

Ayesha: yuvrani sa are you there??? Hello? Hello she said and ended the call 

She took out the sim card from the phone and went to the washroom as she flushed it down the toilet 

She grabbed her phone and headed back to the party with a satifised smile as she watched the royal unaware about what will happen in few moments 

Meanwhile as soon as the call had disconnected avni turned to head back to the party when her eyes widened seeing a person standing in a distance with black mask covering his face and a coat on, staring straight at her....she felt a shiver in her spine...her body trembled with a fear. She couldn't run back to the party as he was standing in the way 

Avni took small steps back as she watched him take few steps forwards...she looked at the man and her phone at the same time as she tried to unlock her phone without giving the man a hint...she was about to dial neils number when she saw him increase his pace all of sudden and thats when she noticed the knife in his hand. 

Avni grabbed the vase near her and threw it at the man which missed making her grab another one...the second hit his shoulder making him stop in pain giving avni a chance to make a escape... she called neils number as she ran towards where ever she was able to find a escape from the person.

Meanwhile neil who was with the boys saw avni call and looked up to see avni wasn't standing with riya and juhi.

Vidyut: hmm looks like avni dissapeared as she wanted to spend time with neil and is giving a signal he said playfully 

Neil: there is no such thing vidyut he said shaking his head with a smile 

Juhi: come on bhai answer the call..i think avni pretended to excuse herself on the pretext of phone call she said joining vidyut to tease her 

Neil shook his head and answered.

Neil: yes princesss... please dont tell me you planned for another sur..he couldnt continue as he heard avni shout 

Avni: neil help pleaseeeee... she said with panic visible in her voice and face 

Neil: what happened princess?. Where are you now he asked making the gang frown at him noticing the serious look...

Avni: ahhhh she screamed as she felt herself been yanked backwards with the back of her head hitting the wall very hard her fingers  accidentally pressend on the call end buttton making  her phone slip on the floor due to losing her balance 

Neil: princessss!!! He shouted as all turned towards him the guests frowned while the family member walked towards him 

Neela: neil what happend? 

Prakash: neil answer what happened ??? 

Ashish:. Where is avni he asked but neil didn't answer as all he could hear was her scream echoing in his ears

ayesha watched them from far and saw neil walk away 

Vijay: what happend neil banna he said but neil didnt answer.

Neela: NEIL  answer she said stopping him  

Neil: split up and look for avni...she is in danger he said 

All were shocked and noddedd 

Dd got the guards to search each area of the palace along with the royals and told them to stay with each member of the royal family.

Wheras vijay looked at dayawanti who gestured him... he understood and nodded walking back to where the guests were to stop anyone from leaving unitl they dont find avni

Avn held the back of her head when she felt the guy grab her throat...she closed her eyes and opened it as she tried to set herself free but he seemed more stronger than her....her eyes held fear as she saw him bring the knife down to her belly area able to feel the sharp points bit on her bare skin...tears rolled down as she was still stuggiling to set herself free...

The guy laughed  maniacally as he saw her stuggle for her life but soon enough he knelt down in pain as avni had kicked him in his ba**s ..

Due to the sudden kick the shap edge of the knife did poke her skin slightly...avni quickly ran as she tried to catch up with her breath and held the back of her head with her other hand not noticing the blood.

The guy got up after few seconds and was about to go to the direction avni went to when he felt a hand on his shoulder...before he could do anything he heard ayesha voice 

Ayeaha: the guards and royals are on the lookout for avni...dont stay here any longer..leave from here before they inform the guards know the way she said 

Man: ok boss he said and left from there while ayesha looked at the blood on the wall and smirked leaving the place after few secs...he walked into one of the washroom which was avaible for one of the guest.. he took of his mask putting it in his pocket...opening the window he was lead to another corridor and continued walking untl he found his way out towards the main entrance seeing all the gueat taking among themselves.

Taking out his phone he stepped out making a call

Man: im coming be ready he said...

He walked towards the gates and greeted the guards who let him out unaware of what had happend inside.

Neil who waa with few guards came through a corridor, he didnt see any sign of avni and was about to turn when he stopped in his track and looked back to confirm his doubt  .his eyes widened as he noticed the mess further down the corridor and he reached near he noticed the broken vase on the floor along with avni phone and the blood stain on the wall. One of the guard picked up the phone

Neil for a sec went numb noticing the blood stain on the wall...he touched the wall with his fingers and flinched thinking how much pain she must have been in.

Neil: where are you princess he spoke in a low voice when he heard one of the guard speak 

Guard: yuvraj sa...there seems to be blood in that direction he said pointing to his right...neil turned to look to see the trail of blood on the floor and without wasting any time they moved ahead.

As they walked for few min...neil stopped in his track along with the guards when they noticed avni sitting against the wall with her eyes closed but pain was visible on her face

Neil ran towards her while one of the guards radioed the other guards who told them about avni whereabouts and her condition..

Wheras vijay stood in the hall telling the guest to wait for sometime  

Neil reached near avni and kneeled near avni 

Neil: princess he said cupping her face...avni stiffened for a sec but when she felt familar hands she opened her eyes slowly which was blurry at first but after she noticed neil

Avni hugged neil straight away feeling safe in his arms while neil hugged her back stroking her back able to feel her silence sobs. At that time the family memebes came there making avneil break the hug 

neil: princess how did this happen ? He said cupping her face with concern all over his face 

Avni: some...someone hit me on the head.. just....just awhile ago she said as she squeezed her eyes shut due to the pain 

Neela: who was it bacha 

Avni: person had mask on she said holding her head in pain as it was bleeding slightly and thats when neil noticed more blood on the wall...he took avni hand removing it from the back of her head when all saw it covered with blood

Neil: chotiiii he said loudly 

Juhi: I'm here she said coming with the first aid kit 

Dayawanti: how did someone enter the party? Everyone had a invitation card for an entry she said ayesha who was standing far was listening and watching 

She saw how neil had held on to avni hand as juhi did her bandage....ayesha was least happy as she wanted avni to face more damage but she had eacaped with minor injuries however one thing satisfied her was how the royals were trying to find out who attacked avni and y? 

...which they would never get the answers too not soon soon 

Ayeaha: today the royals will lose their sleep while I'll sleep peacefully she thought 

Vidyut: avni said the person who attaced had a mask on...maybe we should ask the security gard outside if he saw anyone going with a mask on. 

Ashish: the person could also be inside...bacha did he have any weapon he spoke as he turned towards avni 

Avni: a knife she said and hissed after as once juhi was done with her head badaged she had applied some antiseptic cream on her stomach when the knife had been poked into her stomach when she had kicked him 

Neils jaws tightened seeing the small wound on avni stomach and the bamdage which was now wrapped around her head 

Precrap: neil gets to know avni went without guards the day before yesterday along with Ayeaha 


avni: y me dadi? Why did only I have to sacrifice my dream? 


Ayesha: sometimes words can create rift in any relation and it wont be long till the crack starts to get big 

Neela: my family love and care for each other a lot ayesha and thats something you would never understand. Words can't describe to what  my family feel for each other and neither can it break my family 

Ayesha laughed slightly 

Ayesha: over confidence is not a good thing neela anyways it's your choice she said smirking and left

Here is the next chap of forever and alwaya

Hope you all enjoy it

Lots of love

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