12~Savior And Prankster

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Neil felt her being pulled away by the waves. He wrapped his arms around her waist saving her from drowning and turned to walk out of the water. She too encircled her arms around his neck. Slowly the water level began to decrease. She coughed as her face was out of water and collapsed. "Avni!" he said worriedly seeing her eyes closing slowly. He bent and lifted her in his arms and walked forward with the waves splashing his legs. As they were fully out, he laid her on the sand and pumped out water from her lungs, she jerked.He rubbed her feet and hands and waited for sometime. When she didn't wake up, he got an idea and sighed. "Sorry Avni, I know this may make you mistrust me, but at least your life would be saved," he said and cupped her face opening her mouth and put his lips on her lips giving her mouth to mouth respiration. He felt her jerking and gave her more respiration and she coughed opening her eyes. He moved away immediately. He made her sit up. "You okay?" he asked and she nodded. "Sorry but it was necessary," he told her.

"It's okay, this is my good fate that I got a friend like you, and thanks, you have really made me overcome my fear," she said smilingly and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back. "What are friends for? No one chooses their family but everyone chooses their friends," he said. "And I m in love with my choice," she said and he smiled. They both were on their knees during the hug and so they lost balance and fell on the sand. She squeezed her eyes shut as sand went inside them. He blew on them slowly and carefully.She opened her eyes and looked at his face, he too stared at her face lovingly. Slowly a smile formed on her lips. "Neil, what good did I do to get such a friend like you? You don't seem to be of this world. Such a handsome man, good-natured, honest, I never saw anyone like you, I think you are from the outer space, out of the world, whenever I m with you, I feel as if I m out of the world in my own world, I was never so happy before," she said smilingly and traced her finger on his face.

"So I m from the outer space only, my name is O zozo over there," he told her jokingly and she chuckled. "O zozo?" she asked. "Bodyguard," he replied and they had a laugh. "Let's go," he said and they both stood up and sat in his car. "Where are we going?" she asked as he drove off. "To your house," he told her. "But why? I don't want to go over there," she said and pouted. "Don't worry, after changing clothes, we will go back to college," he said and she smiled. "So then it's fine."


Neil and Avni entered the college and saw Gopal, Lakshmann, Madhav and Lucky bunking the class and sitting under a tree. The duo went to them and sat down. "Hi!" they all sat in unison. "Hi, we're back, guess what? Avni has overcome one of her fears, first step successful," Neil said breaking the news and they all smiled as they were happy for her. "That's great," Gopal said. "Yes, we all will help her be fearless," Madhav said. "I think that you should tell your father's truth to your siblings," Lakshmann said and Avni looked down sadly.

"They won't believe me," she said. "They're your siblings, your family, they will believe you," Neil assured. "That will only bring more distance between them and myself, they love him alot," Avni said. Lucky signed and Lakshmann repeated his actions. "Uski bhains ki aankh, keeray paray usay, kuttay ki maut maray vo." They all giggled. "Okay then, make them ask by themselves, don't tell anything by yourself, let them ask," Neil suggested. "Yes, that will be okay," she agreed. Suddenly they heard ghostly voices and turned to see four people dressed all in white. They all stood up and sighed.

"For the first time I have seen ghosts roaming around in daytime as well," Avni said and chuckled. "So that means you have seen them in day time?" Lakshmann asked totally amazed. "How?" Neil asked. "When?" Gopal asked. "Where?" Madhav asked and Avni glared at them and all got quiet. "Who are you?" Neil asked and they did more ghostly acts. "We don't fear you, and Neil, what do you think? They will speak up if you ask them?" Avni asked and rolled her eyes. Madhav came forward and put his elbow on her shoulder making her turn to him.

"I know how to make them speak up," he said and winked. He closed his fist tightly and kissed it and punched one of them. "Oori baba, aaaahhhhhhhhh," the person let out a scream. "Kabir," Avni said recognizing the voice and shook her head in disbelief. Neil kicked one of them in between his legs. "Uiii maaaaa, Madhav save me," said the person letting out a scream. "Manav," Madhav said recognizing the voice. Gopal came forward and tickled the remaining two and the person laughed. "Roy," Gopal recognized. Lakshmann came forward and was about to take action but the person revealed itself before that only obviously to be Boman.

Avni, Neil, Gopal, Lucky and Lakshmann bursted out laughing. "Khud hee ki phatt gayi," Gopal said laughingly as all of them ran away. "Woh isliye Gopu, kiun ke woh 4 thay or hum 6," Avni said in Gabbar style and they laughed more. "Let's plan something against your father," Neil said as everyone got over with their laughter. "Leave it, now I have understood that what I needed my whole life wasn't actually a father but friends.. friends like you all, friends for life," she said and they had a group hug.

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