6~Gang Bang, Text And Idea

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"I bet that she will return with the same speed by which she went," Gopal said and everyone agreed besides Neil. "Why?" he asked. "Because where will she get a better company than us?" Madhav answered. "Yes, she seems to be so lonely, I think we will make best of friends with her," Lakshmann said. "Yes, we should, oops look there," Neil said pointing at front. Everyone turned their gaze and gasped. Avni was coming towards them while running. "We should've done betting yaar, she came with the same speed with which she went," Gopal said and grinned, Madhav giggled.

Avni approached them and sat leaning to the tree where Neil sat, she was shivering badly holding her knees, her eyes were bloodshot. Neil heard her breathing heavily. "Aray Avni what happen?" he asked her and she pointed at front, Ashwin was coming towards them but of course they didn't knew who he was, Avni was too much in a shock to speak, the gang looked at each other and then at him. "Who's he?" Lakshmann said. "Why is she scared of him?" Gopal said. "Why is he staring at her like this?" Madhav said and gasped. Lucky signed and Lakshmann repeated his actions. "He looks like a goon." Lakshmann giggled. "Yeah right," he said. "What do we do?" Madhav asked. "Beat the hell out of him," Gopal said and they all grinned at each other.


Anurag texted Prerna. She immediately read it which said:

An: let's hangout with your and mine friends together at night, what say?

P: sure 😀

Prerna smiled to herself while on the other side, Anurag held the phone close to himself thinking of the fun they'll have.


Ayaan selected clothes for himself to wear tonight when he will go and meet Devyani. He found the red t-shirt and smiled.


Madhav, Gopal, Neil, Lucky and Lakshmann were giggling and were about to stand up when to their shock Ashwin approached Avni and held her hair pulling her up and began to take her away. The boys looked at each other in a shock and stood up and blocked his way. "Aeyyy!" Neil shouted at him but Ashwin pushed him and he fell leaning to the tree and felt dizzy. Lakshmann slapped him and Ashwin slapped him back and he landed on top of Neil. Gopal punched him, Ashwin punched him back and he too landed on the grassy floor.

Madhav groaned angrily and took his free arm stretching it outwards and twirled him round and round but ended up falling and held his hip in pain. Lucky grinned looking at him and closed his fists and did many karate voices but Ashwin hit him as well and he landed on top of Lakshmann. "Huh, it seems as if this psycho girl got some pet dogs to protect herself," Ashwin said and again held Avni's hair and began taking her away. The gang stood up angrily.

"Aeyyyyyyyy!" Neil shouted at him and looked at the other ones as to why aren't they shouting. "Aeyyyyyyyy!" They all shouted together and Ashwin turned to them again. The five of them dragged him away from Avni and pushed him on the floor. She watched as they did that. "Have you ever seen a gang bang?" Gopal asked. "No," Ashwin simply replied. "Will you like to see it?" Neil asked and Ashwin blinked tightly. "Okay," he said and as soon as he said that, Neil held his one arm, Gopal held the other arm, Lakshmann held his one leg and Madhav held his another leg, they bounced him in the air for four times.

The fifth time they let him fall on the floor. Tears rolled down Avni's cheeks as she recalled how he hurt her forehead the previous day. The five of them kicked and punched Ashwin several times and then picked him the same way they did earlier and threw him out of the jungle. "Aeyy phata poster, don't you dare approach her again, else we will beat you more," Gopal said. "Hmm, by the way why were you taking her like that?" Madhav asked, Avni too came and stood behind them. Ashwin shook his head. "Tell else..," Lakshmann said.

"Else we will beat you so much that even if you stand for a while, people will say, wow, how well you dance," Neil said and everyone laughed. Ashwin stood up and ran away from there. Avni panted ruffling her hair, they turned and saw her and took her in a group hug, she smiled.


Avni entered her house and saw Ashwin on the couch. She shrugged and began to leave for her room. "Who were they?" Ashwin asked and Avni sighed. "Aapse matlab?" Avni asked, Janvi came and took her to her room. Avni hugged her smiling cutely.

She told her everything. "I know he's my father, but I don't think I ever had a father, he deserved whatever happened to him," Avni said and Janvi hugged her.

I should apologize to Neil tomorrow as he and his friends turned out to be my savior, I shouldn't have behaved that way with him. Avni thought.


Ayaan came to Devyani's hostel at night and saw her sitting on the swing, he went and sat beside her. "Hi Devyani," he greeted her and she smiled. "Hi," she greeted back. "You seem to be a little gloomy," he said thoughtfully.

"I m missing my papa," she told him. "Hmm, so call him," he said. "He's no more," she said and he side hugged her. "My dad keeps talking rudely with me," Ayaan told her. "But yaar you're lucky that at least you get his scoldings, you're very lucky, now since he went, I beg him daily for a scolding, but he doesn't scolds me, he's quiet," she said and a lone tear escaped her eye. "I have an idea," he said. "What's that?" she asked. "I will make you talk to my father so that the empty space is filled up for the time being," he said and she hugged him.


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