chapter 12

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Dd:sir jee he said walking in

Neil closed his eyes annoyingly while avni moved him away quickly

Dd:oh teri... sorry sir jee wrong timing u continue your romance I mean questioning I'll come back later he said quickly turning around seen the look Neil gave him and poor guy nearly hurt his nose against the wall while leaving

As dd left avni cracked up while Neil looked at her

Avni:but in my cabin nobody will come now answer my question she said copying Neil and then burst out laughing again

Neil rested his back against the wall with arms crossed  and watched avni laugh and copy his words

Neil :done?

Avni looked at him

Avni:I guess so ... and she burst out laughing again

Neil pulled her close to him and in a sec avni stopped laughing finding herself in his arms

Neil:, what happened... laugh na he said teasingly

Avni looked at Neil with her lips parted slightly

Avni:no...I'm...I'm done she said slowly trying to move his hands from her waist but found him pulling her more closer

Neil :now answer my question and I'll let u go


Neil:I know my name is Neil answer what I asked u

Avni: yes she whispered.. she looked at his lips and saw how it formed  a wide smile while she looked down

Neil:, so then I should tell mom to talk to your family and make it official too

Nanno:y mom...u have nanno standing here I'll tell everyone .. avneil looked towards the door and moved away from each other seen how nanno looked at them teasingly

Avni:nanno woh I.. we..actually

Nanno:bas bas no need to give me explanation when this constable of yours came out I understood seen how he was not able to form a sentence 

Neil scratched  the back of his hair looking down smiling while avni quickly left from there

Nanno:, chako finally u both agreed she said tapping Neil's cheeks and then left

Dd walked up to Neil

Dd:sir jee

Neil: hmm he said smiling thinking about how he and avni will be getting married soon

Dd:did she say yes

The smile on Neil face vanished listening to dd ask such stupid question... he looked at dd and hit him on the head

Neil:akal ke dushman if that was the case y would her nanno say she will talk to the elders about aur wedding 

Dd:oh haan sorry sir jee that never came in my mind he said laughing but stopped seen Neil serious face

Neil:ab chalo let's go and question that trafficker and also show him our hospitality.

Dd:yes sir

Avni reached to the orphanage while the driver went to drop nanno home.

Avni entered and saw some of the kids playing while some were studying

Avni:, she decided not to disturb them and went in to the cabin

Juhi and sunheri saw her and excused themselves they entered avni cabin they saw her looking out of the window

Juhi:avni we thought u wont he coming today

Avni: I wasnt hut I came to share something

Sunheri:and what is that

Avni: Neil proposed

Few secs later

Juhi:omg he propersed u

Avni smiled looking at juhi and sunheri and nodded

Sunheri:damn he is fast

Juhi:very... and what did u say madam

Sunheri:juhi...avni's smile says it all

Juhi:I know but I want to hear the answer from her mouth

Avni:I said yes

Juhi:means.. feelings is equal from both side

Avni:I guess so

Sunheri:u have to be 100%sure about that .. your guess so will make others think u r not sure

Juhi:I'm so happy riya and Ali marriage got fixed and now yours  and Neil

Avni: I'm sure next one will be u

Juhi:very funny

Sunheri:I pray for that day too.. juhi slapped sunheri on the arm

Juhi:anyways congrats baby I'm so happy that u said yes she said moving to hug avni

Sunheri:me too she said hugging them both

Avni:ugh u both will squash me... move

Later on as avni was about to leave a police jeep stopped and avni saw Neil coming out of it

Avni:Neil what r u doing over here ?

Neil:thought how about I drop u home

Avni:and how did u know I was here

Neil:I'm a police officer avni

Avni:yes I know that but I'm damn sure someone from here must have told u

Neil smiled

Juhi who was coming out heard avni say that and shook her head

Juhi:oye female James bond I told him.. now stop been unromantic and go

Avni:what !

Juhi:Neil just take her because her questioning wont fact do one thing give her a job at the police station she will intergroate the goons perfectly

Neil laughed seen juhi and avni cute bond

Avni:juhi ki bachi.

Juhi:look u can get me after for now go otherwise poor Neil will be staying here the whole night

Avni glared at juhi who got on her scooty and left

Neil:*ahem ahem* ..avni closed her eyes and turned to see a smiling Neil..

Neil:, shall we go

Avni: sure

Neil opened the door for avni and closed it once she sat inside ...while he got on the driver seat and drove out of the orphanage.

Avni:so how was work

Neil:amazing... enjoyed it totally as today my day was made

Avni:good she said smiling

Neil:u wont ask y ?

Avni:y ? She said knowing the answer but still wanted to hear it

Neil:because a beautiful girl accepted my proposal

Avni:I see.. by the way must say u have a unique way of proposing ..

Neil:thanks I hope she liked it

Avni:if she didnt then she wouldnt have said yes

Neil: Pount

Both looked at each other and burst out laughing

Avni:u know u actually Did propose in a unique way

Neil:and also it was out of the blue

Avni:strange na usually people plan it all but it can also make a person feel special with a simple proposal

Neil:I guess so..

Neil suddenly looked at avni hand which was resting on her lap.. he looked at avni for a brief sec and concentrated on the road.. and this continued few times while avni was looking put of the window 

Suddenly avni turned her head looking down to her lap to see Neil hand on top of one of hers

She looked at Neil and saw him smiling while concentrating on the road now and then

When Neil saw avni didnt protest he lifted her hand and placed it on the gear while putting his on tops of hers

Avni smiled looking at their hand which was on the gear and then turned to look at Neil who was smiling while looking at the road

Both enjoying the silence

15 mins later as they reached outside metha mansion avni thought Neil will leave from there when she saw him come out of the jeep

Avni:u coming in?

Neil:yh am I not allowed to ?

Avni:yes i mean i..

Neil;, y r u so nervous he asked teasingly

Avni:I'm not u can defo come in


Avni:but wont u inform your family just in case if they r waiting for u

Neil:no need to .. chalo

Avni:hmm as they were about to take a step avni noticed a scooty

Neil:what happened

Avni: that scooty is juhi ...but then she would have told me she is coming here too


Avni:let's go in

As they entered there was laughter sound..avni was surprised seen the Khanna family too and she turned to look at Neil who winked at her

Avni:u knew that juhi and your family was going to be here

Neil:yup he said smiling  while avni formed an 'o' snape

Avni:but then y didnt u tell me

Neil:if I did then I wouldnt have got to see this surprise look on your face

Before avni could react neela saw them

Neela:look avni and Neil r here too

Avneil turned to the elders and smiled walking towards the rest and took their blessings

Dayawanti:u both made all of us happy ...when Fatima told us the news of u both ready for marriage we were happy

Shweta"exactly I was actually doing bhangra while cooking.. all laughed

Bebe:but yes Pandit ji had called and said he will come and tell the dates

Juhi: means all of them will he getting married on the same day ?


Avni went and stood near juhi

Avni: y didnt u tell me u was coming here

Juhi:y ?.. do I need your permission to come here

Avni:u know I didnt mean that.

Juhi:I came because dadi had called me so thought I could surprise u

Avni:I'm surprised she said shaking her head 

Shweta:now only our vidyut is left

Juhi:, dont worry aunty u will surely find him someone juhi said that vidyuty looked at her

Bebe:bhai if u have someone let us know we will get u Married on that day too

Vidyut:come on bebe it's nothing like that 

Shweta:chalo we will leave now as we be coming back tomorrow to give shagun to both avni and riya

Ali:we just came 10 mins ago

Neil:exactly he said but stopped when all looked at him and Ali

While riya and avni looked at each othe trying to control their laughter  

Ashish:i guess we should allow them to spend time together otherwise they wont be able to sleep at night he said teasingly 

Ragini:vidyut u coming?

Vidyut:uhh actually

Juhi;aunty let him stay otherwise I'll get bored as love birds will be busy with each other

Vidyut thanked the stars for bringing that idea in juhi while avni and riya glared at juhi for saying that

Precrap: avneil were laying on the grass looking at the sky..

Neil turned to look at avni seeing her smiling while looking up

Neil:what's making u smile so much?

Avni : just like that. She said smiling even more while Neil frowned and turned facing her

Dpalakjain this is for u 

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