chapter 5

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SukanyaSarker thanks suku for the cover pic.. the amazing edits this girl does for me.. means a lot

Neil: hi.. I'm sorry i hope I'm not disturbing u

Avni: absolutely not.


Avni: haan Neil come sit she said taking him towards another door which leads to a garden area

Both sat down on the swings

Avni: u want anything

Neil: no thanks I'm fine

Avni: so how comes u came here or were u passing by

Neil:was passing bye so thought of saying hi he said.

Avni: that's sweet.. so have u started work yet

Neil:starting at 2pm but thought I should go early and meet everyone... avni nodded

Few mins after

Neil: so ?

Avni: what so

Neil: did u know I was from the khanna family

Avni: not at all but when u told me your name I was thinking u might be from that family but thought there r many people with the same names

Neil: same here.he said looking at avni... both were sitting while he watched her hair waiving due to the slight happiness..

Avni: so excited to start your job ?

Neil:very much although i am missing working with my team from London.

Avni:true but I'm sure u will probably get amazing officers to work with over her.e... just that there will be some corrupt police officers

Neil:yeah that is my main concern... but I'm gonna do my best to make sure the innocents gets justice

Avni: great... Neil thought of teasing avni a little

Neil:by the way u haven't changed at all..

Avni: what do u mean? she asked confusingly.

Neil: I mean u know when u was small u was chubby and u r still the same.. Avni eyes widened

Avni:Neil khanna r u trying to say I'm fat

Neil: nope I didn't say that u r the one saying that he said trying to control his laughter seen avni glaring at him

Avni: acha then what does chubby mean for u.

Neil:now see I said what I felt but if u want to take it that way it's completely fine.

Avni: Neil ... she was about to throw a cushion at him but he ducked

Neil:another thing u r really bad at aiming

Avni: I will show u how bad I am at aiming  she said getting up but Neil got up quickly running while avni ran behind him.

Neil:arien avni stop u will get tired.

Avni: that we will see she said picking up a plastic bat and ran towards Neil while he continued running

Neil:Arien Avni I was only teasing u.. u r perfect in every way.

Avni:oh really she said getting near Neil trying to hit him with the plastic bat but he moved away

Neil:seriously I swear on ma.. I was only teasing u nothing else he said stopping and tried to catch his breath

Avni stopped she looked at Neil and tried to get her breathing back to normal

Avni:one thing hasn't changed about u

Neil: and what's that he asked

Avni : your joy of irritating me.

Neil: come on that should be normal in friendship  and besides that's my right...he said winking making avni smile slowly.

Avni: well for making me run so much and teasing me u have to be punished as that's my right  she said copying Neil last line and smiled 

Neil: and what is that?

Avni: u have to have coffee with me

Neil: r u asking me out on a date he asked playfully

Avni: im only asking u to have some coffee and nope that's men job to do.

Neil: ohhh is that so


Neil: well I would love to have coffee with u but have to reach to the police station soon so maybe next time.

Avni:ok then i won't force u but a coffee is pending as a punishment

Neil:I'll take it as a date he said smiling while avni had a surprised look

Avni: go u can't trust the traffic over here she said avoiding what he said..

Neil: bye.. Neil turned around and was about to walk when he stopped and turned around looking at avni

Avni: what? She asked as soon as she saw him walk near..

Neil:take care he said moving forward and hugged her which again surprised avni but hugged him back in a friendly way.

Avni: now go

Neil:yes boss he said Leaving

Juhi who had arrived when avni got up to chase Neil was watching their interaction but when she saw Neil go she hid behind the pillar....once she saw him go she went to where avni was

Juhi: so?

Avni: what so?

Juhi:Neil came

Avni:haan so  she said walking back inside

Juhi:so tell me what u both did she said raising her eyebrows even though she witnessed it herself

Avni: we were... suddenly her phone rang and she went to attend it

Juhi:best to question her later on otherwise she will make some excuse and also give me some work so that I don't question her more. But seen Neil  expression it's clearly shows he enjoys her company and it could be he probably likes her

Neil finally reached to the police station as soon as he reached inside he saw a constable joking about something... Neil cleared his throat getting all the officers attention.

Neil: Neil.. officer neil khanna

Dd: omg sir jee u r Neil khanna our new sir jee right.. Neil nodded at dd who was the same guy that was telling a joke

Neil: yes I actually came a little early so that we can introduce ourselves and also u could tell me about all the cases that have been filed in our police station

Dd:sure sir jee my name is dd I'll tell u the full form later ...

The other police officers also introduced themselves to Neil.

Dd: come sir jee I'll show u your cabin.

Neil nodded and went with dd while some of the other police officers went to get the pending cases for Neil and for the next few hours they all were filling up Neil about the cases

Around 7pm Neil finally reached home and went to get freshen up..

Once he came down all were having dinner when Ali spoke.

Ali : so how was today

Neil: all good work went really well I met avni again today

Ali raised his eyebrows.

Ali:oh really ... did she come and visit u

Neil:no I was going past her orphanage so thought of saying hi to her

Ali:aww how sweet of u Neil he said while Neil was slightly glaring at him.

Neil: yes and also juhi was there too Avni friend he said so that it sounds normal that he met both of them.. on the mention of juhi Vidyut looked at neil

Shweta: that's really nice and I'm glad work went well she said eyeing bebe and prakash and ragini

Bebe : well I'm glad all u kids r trying to catch up with each other after all not been in contact with avni riya and aman for many years and then trying to become friends again like before must be a little hard

Neil:haan but Ali has been in contact with all three of them especially riya he said giving it back to Ali this time while Ali started coughing

Ragini:bachien here have some water she said giving him a glass and rubbed his back while Ali looked at Neil who was giving him victory smile.

After dinner the boys were chilling in Neil's room

Ali: bro just say it what's your scene with avni I swear we won't tell anyone

Vidyut: I agree with ali u seem to be different when it comes to her..  Neil looked at ali and then vidyut he recalled his time at the orphanage with avni today and smiled

neil:  i don't know what it is but i feel happy around her...

Vidyut and Ali smiled hearing Neil say that

At juhi flat.

Avni decided to stay with Juhi and both had ordered Sonali's special pizza (😂😂😂 my pizza promotion over here too)

They both were eating while watching a movie once done avni got up to wash the plates while juhi bought the pizza box and placed it on the platform.. she decided to ask avni now

Juhi: avni don't u think Neil likes u.. avni stopped what she was doing and turned around.

Avni: what ? R u mad?

Juhi: what I just said what I thought and u also seem to enjoy his company.. do u like him too

Avni: We r just friends juhi she said turning away from Juhi not knowing y she was smiling at juhi saying that

Juhi: acha to he honest it feels like he likes u I mean I saw the way u both were behaving nobody can say u both r meeting after so many years... Avni to be honest Neil enjoys your company I saw the way he smiles when u smile how he loves teasing u

Avni: so friends do that right they make sure the other person is happy

Juhi: urgghh what shall I do with u.. pagal he looks at u in a different way.. he actually wanted to spend time with u... y can't u see how he looks at u and how he smiles whenever u smile..

Avni: wait wait wait forget all that tell me if u was there noticing all this y didn't u come and join us then

Juhi: because I didn't want to disturb u both.. I mean poor guy was spending each min with u and I couldn't disturb it.

Avni:Juhi there is nothing like that

Juhi:u may not agree now but he will surely say it soon

Avni: yah right what if he already has a gf and whatever u said was wrong

Juhi: so is that what's stopping u that he might have a gf

Avni:I .. Juhi... no there is nothing like that she said finding it weird to think Neil has a gf.

Juhi:ok promise me one thing

Avni: what

Juhi: if he ever takes u out u won't say no


Juhi:promise karo warna I'll directly message Neil and u know I'm capable of doing that

Avni: what no r u mad

Juhi: then promise

Avni: urgghh fine I promise

Juhi:yay I love u said hugging avni

Back to the khanna mansion
Vidyut: does she feel the same way too ?

Neil:I don't know and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable by telling her how I feel

Ali:but until u don't tell her? how would u know?

Neil:maybe when time comes I'll get to know her feeling and it's doesn't have to be the same from both sides she may only consider me as her friend

Vidyut: and u have started considering her more than that

Neil: I think so.. I mean like I said I feel happy around her .. there is just something about her .. I want to get to know her better if u know what I mean

Ali: don't worry mr serious  may not understand ( he said pointing to vidyut) but I do

Vidyut: be quiet he said hitting ali on the head slightly

Precrap:nahi dungi

Babies here is chap 5 hope u like it

Thanks for voting for the previous chap and also commenting it means a lot

Lots of love

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