chapter 6

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so as I said I'll be giving u treat because of my birthday here is treat no 1

Back to the khanna mansion
Vidyut: does she feel the same way too ?

Neil:I don't know and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable by telling her how I feel

Ali:but until u don't tell her? how would u know?

Neil:maybe when time comes I'll get to know her feeling and it's doesn't have to be the same from both sides she may only consider me as her friend

Vidyut: and u have started considering her more than that

Neil: I think so.. I mean like I said I feel happy around her .. there is just something about her .. I want to get to know her better if u know what I mean

Ali: don't worry mr serious  may not understand ( he said pointing to vidyut) but I do

Vidyut: be quiet he said hitting ali on the head slightly

Later on at night avni was thinking about what juhi said she kept tossing and turning and then sat up on the bed looking at her friend who was sleeping peacefully.

Avni got up and went to the balcony without disturbing juhi and sat down on the bean bag

Avni:although I believe in fairy tales and waiting for my true love .. can someone like or feel attraction  for someone just in few meetings... neil is a nice guy but whatever juhi is saying can it be true?.. I mean i have never felt him look at me in that way... or was it that I just didn't notice

She thought of those time spent with Neil to see if She can actually remember him looking at her or behaving that way but by recalling those times a smile crept on her face

She relaised how she was smiling like a fool and smacked her head slightly.. she started to wonder if juhi was right about her possibly liking Neil..

Avni:stop thinking about it Avni Neil hasn't said or done any thing like that and just because juhi said all  that doesn't mean it will be true.. sleep now and stop thinking about Neil.

She went back in and looked at juhi who was sleeping peacefully

Avni: Juhi ki bachi is sleeping peacefully after telling me all this. Juhi watch when your time comes

Back to the khanna mansion the boys were still awake

Ali: hey I know what we can do we can ask Riya maybe we can get to know if Avni has a bf or likes Neil... neil glared at ali when Ali said bf

Vidyut:do that

Ali:cool I'll message riya and let u know what she says

Neil :but make sure she doesn't tell anyone

Ali:don't worry I know riya very well she is smart enough

Vidyut:of course u will praise her after all.. before vidyut could finish of his sentence Ali left from their while Neil and vidyut chuckled

Vidyut: y don't u tell avni directly how u feel about her

Neil: I don't mind but I don't know how she will react and plus I don't want things to be ruined between us

Vidyut:u do have a point.. let's see what Riya says . Neil nodded

The next day

Riya saw Ali's message and was surprised reading it. She decided to call him.

Ali was sleeping when he heard his phone ringing he was curing the person.. he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the caller id .... instantly his eyes shot open and answerd

Riya:hey Ali

Ali:hey i hope u got my message

Riya: yes I did... but Y do u want to know if Avni has a bf

Ali:first tell me na then I'll tell u

Riya: nope she doesn't have a bf and is waiting for that special person to enter her life

Ali:so that means she is single do u know if she likes someone

Riya:no I don't think she does. Yaar Ali stop questioning one by one and come to the point... wait do u like her thaat u r asking this she said hoping the last bit is not true

Ali:no riya of course not Avni is my friend.. Riya felt a relief

Riya:then y r u asking

Ali:actually Neil likes avni but he doesn't know if avni  feels the same way.. if she does then he would like to get to know her more if u get what i mean

Riya:of course I do but the perfect person to answer that question would be Juhi or avni herself.. but Neil isn't bad I mean if he tells avni that he wants to spend time with her as he likes her then maybe there can be a chance

Ali:yes but I think he will be tensed about things going wrong between him and avni if things don't work out

Riya:ok hold on I'll call Juhi and let u know ok.. Ali agreeed and ended the call

Riya called Juhi who answered after the first ring

Juhi:hey riya what's up and y didn't u come last night

Riya:sorry was busy but pakka next time sure.. acha suno I need to ask u something

Juhi:haan tell me

Riya:is avni there

Juhi:no she is speaking to the kids but what happened

Riya:actually the thing is ... and she narrated everything that Ali said and was surprised

Juhi: so that means I was right

Riya:about Neil liking avni ?

Juhi: haan.. he had come to sukoon ghar yesterday and when I came back both were so busy in talking and teasing each other especially Neil.. there was just a different smile it's like he wanted to be there with her

Riya: what about Avni

Juhi:avni also seemed to enjoy... like I feel they r just perfect together u know.. as u also know avni takes time to open up with certain people I mean she would talk politely.... but with Neil she was chasing him hitting him as if they have been in contact for many years

Riya:great so that means we can set them up

Juhi: yes only if our drama queen agrees  if we say it she will keep denying.... but as I made her promise that if Neil asks her out she won't say no... so he need to speak to her directly

Riya:right so shall I inform Ali

Juhi:yes but tell him I'll call Neil directly and speak to him in my way so he understands

Riya:ok then speak to u later bye babes

Juhi:bye baby.. she ended the call and smiled naughtily thinking whatever she said to avni was right 

Juhi searched up Neil's number as she took it when she was at avni's house for dinner

She dialled and waited for him to answer suddenly she saw avni coming  with some files and ended the call pretending to work

She remembered she had to get some grocery for sukoon ghar and used that as a chance to call Neil when she is out

Juhi:Avni listen she said calling out to her

Avni: what happened she said turning around

Juhi: nothing wanted to tell u I'm going to get grocery... do u need to add anything else on the list

Avni:no nothing else needs to be added if u think so then u do it

Juhi nodded.. once she came out of the orphanage she walked towards the road to catch an auto and meanwhile called Neil who answered after few rings

Neil who was getting ready to go to the police station saw juhi call when he was about to answer... it cut of so he thought maybe she had called by accident but after few mins he saw her name on the caller id again and answered now doubting y she was calling him

Neil:hello he said praying that Riya shouldn't have told avni or Juhi any thing

Juhi:hey Neil can u meet me near the shiv mandir in 30 mins

Neil:is everything ok

Juhi: for now yes but can u make it there or u busy

Neil:yup i can as my duty is after 2 hours but can u send me the address

Juhi:ok ill send it to u on whats app.. see u soon bye


Neil waited for juhi to send the address and once he got it he was about to leave when he bumped into vidyut

Vidyut: hey I was just coming to  your room but y do u seem to be rushing

Ali:he is rushing because juhi has called him.. hearing Juhi's name again vidyut felt like smiling but controlled himself

Vidyut: for what?

Neil: How did u know?... both questioned at the same time

Ali: because Riya told me about her conversation with Juhi and Juhi told her that she will call Neil to talk about Avni

Neil: what conversation did they have

Ali narrated whatever Riya had told him while neil was nervous and happy at the same time.

Neil:u both come with me

Ali:no if all of us go everyone would wonder y we r leaving so early and we always tell them in advance that we have planned to do stuff

Vidyut: ali is right

Ali:vidyut... bro u go with Neil.. Vidyut nodded and both Neil and him left early giving excuses about work

20 mins later Neil reached to the address juhi gave... both him and vidyut got out of the car and looked for juhi

Juhi was waiting for Neil when she saw vidyut and Neil looking around.

Juhi: Neil she called out loudly..

Vidyut and Neil turned to see Juhi and walked to her.

Juhi: hi she said to both while they responded back...

Neil: Juhi I... before he could say anything juhi spoke

Juhi:u don't need to say anything we know y we r here.. all I want to know do u love Avni?

Neil: I... i dont know if it's love  but ever since I met her i cant get her of my mind.. the more I try not to think ...her face keeps appearing in front of my face.. been with her makes me happy... I feel like a different person.. her smile.. it.. it just has some magic.. I don't know if I'm making sense but I want to know her even more.. there is just something about her that is drawing me closer to her

Juhi: what if it's only attraction

Neil:I doubt it.. I feel it's more than attraction.. Juhi smiled

Juhi:so u do have a liking for her.. I must say u r honest haan

Vidyut:of course he is.. and he will never break avni heart in any way.

Juhi: I see she said smiling at vidyut

Neil:so.does avni know about

Juhi:not really I mean last night I did tell her that I feel u like her but she thought I'm just assuming.. however I did make your work easy

Vidyut: how is that?

Juhi:I told avni that if Neil asks her out on a date she won't say no.

Neil felt a little relaxed hearing juhi say that

Neil:thanks juhi

Juhi: thank me after.. but first tell when do u plan to take my friend out

Neil:first let me ask her

Vidyut:I guess u should do it asap

Juhi: Vidyut is right...What time do u think u will leave from the police station

Neil:not sure... maybe a little early I guess I mean if there is no big problem then I'll reach at the orphanage by 7pm 

Juhi:perfect we were planning to leave the orphanage at 8pm. anyway

Neil:ok then see u later on then

Vidyut: we could drop u

Juhi: that's sweet of u guys but I need to go to the market which is 5mins away so it will take a while.. Vidyut was a little disappointed while juhi said bye and left

Precrap:Neil asking avni out

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