chapter 9

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First of all happy adiza day guys

Avni:i wont be able to finish all of it so just share it now come .. Neil moved forward and took a sip of the coconut while avni took a sip from her straw.. both were holding on to the coconut with their forhead slightly close to each other . Neil suddenly moved his eyes up and looked at avni who was enjoying sipping the coconut water.. a small smile came on his face with the straw still in his mouth...Avni looked up when she felt Neil wasn't drinking and found him staring at her.. both couldnt look away ...something was just pulling them closer.

Neil moved the coconut water away from them... not breaking the eye contact at all... he slowly took a step closer moving to avni and cupped her cheeks and then looked down at her lips... he looked at her in the eye and then back at her lips asking for permission.. Avni closed her eyes parting her lips while Neil moved forward to close the distance between their lips..

As their lips were about to touch Neil's phone rang... both came back to reality.. while Neil closed his eyes in frustration and  avni blushed thinking what was about to happen and turned the other way

Neil:yes DD he said annoyingly

Dd: sir Jee where r u?   r u not coming to work today?.. Neil pushed his hair back annoyingly.

Neil:I told u yesterday na DD that I wont be coming in today he said turning around and went blank for a min

Dd: really ? But y dont I remember? So will u be coming back tomorrow? he asked

Neil couldnt hear dd at all as he was just too busy with the sight in front of him

Dd:sir jee r u there?.. I guess no network he said looking at the call seen it still connected and ended it

Avni had seen some kids near the ice cream stall and went over to them as neil was on the phone    .  she asked those kids their names and handed them some ice cream and had some too... unaware of a pair of eyes watching her 

One of the kids saw the beach been empty and saw only a table

Kid:didi y is the beach empty today ? The gurad standing over there told us nobody can go to the beach as its booked (I dont know if guards r kept at beach and all but oh well anything can happen in a fan fiction right 😂😎😉)

Avni: woh actually... avni didnt know how to answer when she heard a voice from the back she turned around to see Neil

Neil:that's because I told the guards not to allow anyone on the beach today as I specially booked it for your didi to make her feel special  he said looking at avni who smiled and took a bite of her ice cream... Neil looked at that.. wanting to wipe away the ice cream which was on the corner of her lips

Kid:so we cant go on the beach The other kid asked  

Avni looked at Neil.. she so wanted to tell them they can go but as Neil planned all this for her she didnt know what to say

Neil:of course u can.. u kids r too cute  so how can we say no he said ..

Avni was happy as Neil said that and so was the  kids  and they ran to the beach

Avni was about to take a bite of her ice cream when neil held her hand stopping her..  avni looked at him confusingly ... Neil looked at her and moved her hand towards him and took a bite of the ice cream surprising her.

Avni: if u wanted an ice cream u should have told me I would have given u one she said teasingly

Neil:I thought u wont be able to finish it of that's y.. besides eating from one ice cream is just a different feeling he said ... avni felt something happen in her stomach as Neil said.

One of the kids came running to them and held their hands taking them to the beach telling them to play with them 

Avneil played with the kids.. it was Neil turn to catch everyone . He was trying to get hold of them but couldnt.. he tried to get avni but was unsuccessful for a couple of time. But finally caught her 

Soon avneil decided to leave as later on ...some people were going to come and remove the table that was kept there ..

As they were walking towards the car Neil held avni wrist stopping her

Avni turned around and looked at him

Avni:what happened neil?.. Neil walked over to her and Held both her hand looking at it and then looked at her.

Neil:avni I hope u enjoyed today and I  didnt disappoint u

Avni:of course neil.. this was the best and I totally loved it 

Neil: I'm glad u did

Avni:now let's go   neil smiled and let go of one of her hand while he he intertwined their other hand together while walking to the car   avni smiled seen that and looked at their hand giving her a different feeling . Neil opened the passenger door for her and made her sit in while he went and sat on the driving seat

he dropped her outside metha mansion.

Avni: thank u once again neil

Neil:, I'm glad u enjoyed it

Avni:I totally did so see u some other time then .

Neil:yup.. avni was about to get out of the car when she stopped... she turned around.. while Neil noticed her turning around 

Avni:come a little forward

Neil:, what happened.

Avni: just do as I say na.. Neil did as avni said

As he moved forward avni did too and gave him a hug .. while Neil was just more than happy as she hugged him and he hugged her back

Avni:thank u for making me feel special 

Neil:because u r special avni.. avni smiled biting her lips

Avni broke the hug



Avni got out of the car and Neil waited for her to go   ...she turned around waving at him while he waved back

As she walked inside neil had a big smile and then drove away

Avni entered in to see juhi and riya giving her naughty looks

Avni:what ?

Juhi:just see u both look like a happily ever after couple she said looking at the pic that riya took of avneil

Avni rolled her eyes and was about to move away when juhi and riya pulled her making her sit down ..

Riya:where do u think u r going baby

Avni:to my room she said about to get up but both pulled her down making her sit down

Juhi:do u think we will let u go so easily 

Avni:y ? Plan to kidnap me

Juhi:not at all just give us all the details about whatever happened and we will leave u

Avni:yaar at last spare me with this

Riya:, y shall we

Avni:do I tell u to give me details  when u r Speaking to Ali.. riya coughed

Riya:we r friends ok

Avni:friends my foot its clear that u r more than friends

Juhi: stop changing the topic and tell us.. avni took a deep breath and looked at juhi and then at Riya

Avni:he took me to the beach and we ate, spoke, got to know each other in a little way and spent some time with the kids she said not mentioning about their almost kiss.

Riya: hayeeee


Avni:phir kya he dropped me here she said getting up going to her room

Juhi:I'm damn sure she is not telling us everything

Riya:well atleast we got to know this much.

Meanwhile at the Khanna mansion Neil's state was going to be the same as soon as he entered he found Ali,bebe, shweta and ragini smiling at him 

Shweta:how was it

Neil:good he said smiling and walked ahead when he got stopped

Ragini:where did u both go for your date ?

Neil:beach bua he said pulling her cheeks and took the next step when bebe stopped him

Bebe:what did u do and did avni like it

Neil: spent some time spoke and ate.. and yes she loved it 

Ali:what did u both talk  about and what type of time did u spend together  he said stopping Neil on the stairs 

Neil:u r eager to know

Ali:of course he said with a naughty smile

Neil:y? Plan to surprise riya like that too

Ali: no way.. y would I... we r friends na he said trying to glare at Neil..

Neil:acha Neil said a little loudly

Shweta: kya acha she said walking towards them .. Neil turned around to see all ladies standing there

Ali:nothing nothing I just asked him that he did the right thing by spending time with avni and taking her to the beach

Neil:really but u didnt say that he said puting his arm around ali's shoulder who was glaring at him

Bebe:then what did he say

Ali:he is joking bebe dont listen to him

Neil:no no no I'm not .. he was actually saying he will do the same for riya

Sheeta:Riya.. omg u will propose her that means

Ali:what... ma no I mean I . Haan I have some work

Ragini:bebe seems like we should get Ali and riya engaged look how red he has gone 

Behe:ofcourse I'll talk to dayawanti right away

Shweta:chalo at least one of our kid will be getting married soon

Ali:I'm going bye he he said and  ran up the stairs while all laughed.

Neil:finally.  These two haven't even told each other their feelings yet

Bebe:well u did the right thing

Neil:I know .. when will u talk to dayawanti dadi

Bebe:today in fact lets do one thing after dinner lets go to their house and ask them directly 

Ragini:that's a great thing bebe

Neil was excited as he would see avni again

Neil was in his room laying on his bed thinking about his date with avni.. a boyish smiled came on his face remembering their almost kiss..

Neil:u r making me go crazy avni

Suddenly he felt someone hitting him with the pillow and looked up to see Ali

Neil:ali what r u doing he said rolling to the other side of the bed and got down

Ali:look vidyut he is asking what am I doing when downstairs he actually didnt listen to me and tells everyone that I plan to propose riya the same way 

Vidyut:oh I missed it..

Ali glared at Neil

Vidyut:no I mean neil u shouldn't have done that . Poor Ali now what will He do   he said winking at Neil

Ali:oh please I know u r on his side

Neil:arien yaar atleast i helped u

Ali:helped me in this way.. I dont even know if riya likes me the same way

Neil:she does

Ali:how do u know that he asked glaring at him

Neil:because avni told me

Ali:so u even told avni that I have feelings for riya

Vidyut:glad he accepted that now he mumbled

Neil :haan so it's good I did atleast we got to know riya also feels for u he said knocking some sense into Ali

Vidyut:come on Ali what happened has happened after dinner we will be going to the metha mansion and over there bebe will talk about your ristha

Ali:yaar I'm nervous as hell.

Vidyut:dont be plus we r with u.. acha neil how did your date go.

Neil filled vidyut while Ali went to see if Neil has any shirts which will suit him

After dinner all went to the metha mansion and rang the door bell

Precrap: neil: y does it feel like I'm falling for u avni.. or I'm already in love with u 

Avni was surprised 

Neil:u make me feel things that I have never felt before

Avni:like what... Neil moved closer to her and slwok wrapped his hand around her waist which made avni lip part slowly 

Short but yes I know but i was able to write this much and thought to publish it so that I dont waste time on one story 

Hope u all love it
Will be waiting for all the comments and votes
Thanks to their who voted and commented for the previous chap

Lots of love

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