Chapter 18

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The guy who was holding Avni opened the door of the passage while avni and rhea were trying to get out of Their grip. Suddenly they heard a voice

Voice: when both the girls r telling u to leave them then y don't u listen to them

Both the guys stopped and looked at the person who spoke while avni and rhea turned and gave a sigh of relief to see Neil

Guy 1: oye who r u

Neil: u really want to know who I am he said raising his eyebrows

Guy 1 : r u some president or something that u r saying it with such pride

Neil: not really but if u want to know then I'm Neil khanna. IPS Neil khanna

Guy: police? He said letting go of rhea. While the other guy still held on to Avni hand.

Neil: y don't u leave her hand just like how your other friend did
Guy 2: u think i will just believe u like that? What proof have u got.

Neil laughed slightly while walking toward them with one hand on the back of his neck. Once reaching near the guy he started at him and then...*bang* he slapped the guy

Guy: you! He said raising his hand to punch neil ...but Neil held it tightly and with his other hand took out his id letting go of the guy hand

Neil: now r u satisfied. He looked at the guy hand which held Avni and raised it up and pulled avnis hands away from that man grip.

Neil saw one of the club security guard who came there

Security: what's going on here? Neil showed his id

Neil: i need u to keep an eye on these two until one of my officer don't come here he said taking his phone out and quickly texted Dd.

Security: sure sir he held both the guys by the collar and took them to one of the room

Neil: u both ok he said looking at rhea then Avni

Rhea: thank u Neil. It's good u came on time she said giving him a side hug and smiled at him

Neil: it's ok rhea. Miss ajooba u ok? He said forgetting the awkwardness he had with her after seen her dream.

Avni: yeah she said giving him a blank look

Rhea: Neil a request just don't tell Ali anything

Neil: rhea he has the right to know I mean y would u hide it from him

Rhea: I won't but for now I don't want anyones mood to spoil I promise I will tell him later

Neil: sure?

Rhea: yeh.

Neil: Cool then lets go. He said walking ahead while rhea and avni followed him

Avni in her mind: Avni just say thank you to him. If he hadn't come on time then god knows where u and rhea would have been by now

She was about to call out to Neil but god knows y she was just not able to say anything... she ignored the idea

Avni in her mind: let it be Avni otherwise question mark will start his favourite lecture on thank u and sorry... also he will be satisfied that he made u say thank u. She said trying to assure herself

Once reaching back to where the others were Neil saw how well Kareena was bonding with everyone and smiled.

Ali: did u go to the washroom as well he said seen Neil coming with avni and rhea

Neil: no ali he said looking at rhea.

Aman: I'm getting another drink he was about to go when avni stopped him

Avni: no more aman u have to go college tomorrow

Aman: come on di another drink won't be a harm beside I will be going in the afternoon

Avni: aman no means no I will tell mama then don't tell me I didn't warn u

Aman: go ahead I don't have to worry as Nannu is here now. And he went to get another drink while avni shook. Her head ... suddenly she felt ali tapping on her shoulder she looked at him to see him crossing his arm

Ali: excuse me but how comes u didn't tell us hemant nanu came . Avni rolled her eyes

Avni: because I forgot to tell u

Ali. Avni u were with me the whole day how can u forget such thing like this

Avni: now u know right so stop moaning

Ali: yah now I know thanks to aman if he hadn't mentioned it then u wouldn't have told. Is this how your friendship is. I never expected my best friend to hide such things from me he said dramatically

Avni: oh hello stop your drama. And my friendship is much better than yours... i forgot to tell... but u ?

Ali: what did I do ?

Avni: didn't u hide it from me that u and rhea r dating each other and when do I find out? when it had been a year since u both dated

Ali: Haan so y r u blaming me say something to rhea she didn't tell u

Rhea: oh hello please dont bring me into this I had told u to let Avni know. but u r the one who denied it.

Ali: forget this it has been so many years now y bring this topic now
Avni: nautanki she mumbled to herself.

Rhea: so Kareena enjoying with us... aman came back at that time

Kareena: of course

Neil: I told her to tag along but she thought u all will mind. Now r u satisfied?

Kareena: haan Bhai thank u so much because of u I made so many friends in a day. Everyone is so sweet.

Neil: except one person.. miss ajooba . Still hasn't said thanks and sorry for all the other incidents. And today I thought she would say a thank u but no typically miss ajooba. Would hurt her ego he thought to himself suddenly a photographer came up to them

Photographer: hey Guys I could see u all r having fun. Do u guys want to capture some moments

Rhea: of course

Photographer: ok so u girls sit together. Boys...u three go and stand behind them. avni was in the middle while rhea on the right and Kareena on the left while behind them Ali was in the middle while Neil was on the left and aman on the right .. The boys had their arms around each other shoulder

Photographer: smile... perfect now one more I actually want u boys to lean a bit forwards towards the girls. They did as the photographer did

Aman: how long will it take us to get the pic

Photographer: just give me few mins he said taking out his laptop and connected his camera to the laptop.

Rhea: I'm amazed at least we don't have to wait for the pics for a long time

Photographer: so can any of u give your number so that I can send the pics. Through whats app

Ali: yh take my number

Avni: no actually let me give u my number since I had taken some Pics before. So i could send it all together to u all

Rhea: when did U take pics

Avni: when u all were busy dancing

Photographer: right I am sending u the pics on what's app he said opening the app which was downloaded on his laptop. After few mins

Avni: got it

Photographer: and look I'm deleting your number he said showing it to Avni... while she nodded. The photographer left
Ali: so shall we go somewhere out and eat

Rhea: yeah I'm actually Hungary

Neil: there is a restaurant nearby over here we can walk it as it's 5 mins away.

Few mins later all were walking ali and aman were laughing since Neil was telling them about a funny case while avni rhea and Kareena were talking behind them. Rhea and Kareena were planning on what to do then next day while avni was just listening

Soon they reached to the restaurant
On one side the boys sat... Neil was sitting on the left while ali in the middle and aman on right while Avni was opposite Neil, rhea on the right and Kareena in the middle

And they ordered a range of food which they were waiting for

Rhea: by the way Ali we all girls have planned a day out

Ali: so r u telling me I'm not a girl he said jokingly

Rhea: not funny just telling U... that don't expect Avni to come to the cafe

Avni:. I promise I will try to attend more often so that u don't have to do everything alone.

Ali: oye did I say anything to u? No right then y r u giving explanation

Rhea:Kareena do once thing give me your number

Kareena: ok. Avni also took her phone down and started to save the number.

Ali: there u go I saved it too... kareena smiled at ali

Soon the food arrived and everyone started taking little bit of each dish in their plate.

Kareena was eating and was about to put another price of paneer in her mouth when she started choking.

Neil got up and was abut to give Kareena water when he saw Avni giving her water and rubbing her backs he sat down and looked at the scene

After few mins

Rhea:. U ok? She said placing her hand on her shoulder

Kareena: yeah thanks she said looking at avni then rhea. Avni smiled at kareena and placed the glass down.

Neil: miss ajooba.. Avni looked at Neil questionably

Neil: thanks he said with a genuine smile... Avni nodded. While everyone got back to eating and talking

Rhea: guys lets take a selfie while posing with our drinks.

Ali: of course can it be rhea wants to take a selfie and we say no..

Neil: come on mr dramebaaz get up he said to ali... The boys stood behind the girls and all posed with their drinks and then sat back down

Once they were done Neil thought of getting some sweet dish for his family and went to make a purchase at the counter while everyone waited at the counter for him... Avni thought its best to say thanks to Neil for the incident that happened at the club she excused herself. And slowly walked up to Neil

Avni: ne... but she stopped she didn't know y it was hard to say thank u to this guy

She muttered up courage and this time called out to him

Avni: question mark? She closed her eyes here she was going to say his name but question mark came out of her mouth.

Neil turned around Giving Avni a surprised look

Neil: what a pleasant surprise never expected u to stand next to me

Avni closed her eyes she would love to answer him back. She controlled her anger

Avni: I actually want to say something to u

Neil: go ahead.

Avni: i want to

Neil: hmm continue

Avni: I actually wanted to say tha...thank you... Neil was surprised

Neil:. Thank u?... did u just say thank u

Avni:yes for saving me and rhea at the club. If u hadn't come then god knows what would have happened she said shrugging her shoulder slightly

Neil: I'm shocked didn't expect u to say thank u so quickly? By the way don't u want to say thank u and sorry for all those other incidents. He said leaning at bit closer
Avni glared at him which made Neil laugh slightly. Avni was about to go when Neil stopped her

Neil:Avni... Avni turned around to look at Neil.

Avni: r u going to stand there smiling like that or will u say something

Neil: u r welcome he said with a genuine smile . Avni gave a small smile shaking her head slightly and went back to where the others were while Neil waited for few secs and collected the Deseret and all left

Kareena hugged rhea and avni . While giving high five to aman and ali and left with Neil.

Rhea: ali ?

Ali: hmm

Rhea: I actually need to tell u something

Ali: go ahead? They had Reached near Avni car by now

Rhea narrated what happened when she and Avni went to the washroom at the club and how Neil saved her

Aman: u both didn't tell us this at that time? He said angrily

Avni: aman we thought we will tell u later as everyone was enjoying and we didn't want to spoil everyone mood.

Ali: rhea do u know how serious this was and U both? On top of that Neil didn't say anything

Rhea: no he was going to tell u then and there but i stopped him from telling u at that time

Ali: rhea he said hugging her

Ali: u both r seriously mad. He said looking at avni and hugged rhea tightly

Aman: next time if anything like this happens or u notice men likes this around u will find a safe spot and call us

Rhea: aman come on Its not like this is going to happen again

Ali: aman is right rhea. He said seriously

Avni: can u both stop with this serious and mad look.

Ali: No... Avni and rhea looked at each other.

Avni/rhea: sorry they both said holding their ears.

Aman: it's ok

Avni: ali u r so cute when u get angry but not all the time she said pulling. His cheeks

Ali: Avni stop it

Avni: no I won't she said pulling his cheeks again.

Rhea: Avni I see a small smile on Ali's face.

Ali: I am not smiling

Avni: yes u r.

Ali: no I'm not.
Rhea: baby please I promise next time I will tell u straight away.

Avni: yeh dw if she doesn't then I will .

Ali rolled his eyes

Ali: u both sisters r drama queen he said smiling slowly

Aman: ok now let's go .

Avni: bye... Avni and aman hugged Ali and rhea and left. While ali went to drop Rhea to her car and then left on his bike

Meanwhile in Neil's car

Kareena: Bhai can I ask u something

Neil: hmm he said looking at Kareena then concentrating on the road.

Kareena: how comes u r friends with everyone expect Avni Di...Neil was surprised at this question

Neil : don't know maybe we both don't feel the friendly connection with each other he said coming up with an answer

Kareena: strange one min u both get along with each other and then next min u don't.

Neil: and how do u know that?

Kareena: because u both didnt talk to each other that much... then all of a sudden u both talking to each other when u went to get desert to take home.

Neil: Kareena sometimes it's not like u mingle with everyone in the group. I am friends with everyone be it ali rhea Ali and now aman . But I'm not friend with Avni. But that doesn't mean I think she is bad person and I don't like her ...its just that we didn't click

Kareena: so there could be chance of u both becoming friends

Neil: u never know. Like everyone says kal kya hoga kissi pata. If we r meant to be friends we will become friends. Kareena smiled and nodded

Kareena; Bhai thank u so much

Neil: now what is this thank u for

Kareena: for today I really had a great time

Neil. That I know as it clearly showing on your face

10mins later Neil and Kareena reached home

Neil: arien wah all r still awake.

Prakash: of course after all Maddy and Kareena came back after a long time so we had some catching up to do. Neil and Kareena smiled and sat down next to them

Neil: by the way here u go he said putting the bag on the table

Shweta: what is this Tillu

Neil: some desert for all of u

Bebe: Kareena puttar did u enjoy

Kareena: of course Nani. Plus tomorrow I am going out with rhea Di and avni Di...Maddy looked up

Maddy: out? Where r u going? Who is Rhea and avni?.. everyone smiled at Maddy as they knew how protective she becomes when it comes to Kareena

Bebe: Maddy calm down. Kareena is only going out u r acting like she is planning to run away from here... and about Avni and rhea. They r very sweet girls. We all know them personally

Kareena: haan mama please. U don't know how comfortable they made me feel. It didn't feel like I was meeting them for the first time... please

Shweta: maddy just say yes. Maddy looked at everyone

Maddy: ok fine..

Bebe: oh madam madonna r u going to hold on to that bag or take the desert out from there

Shweta: yea Bebe I wills just go and puts it in a bowl

Neil: mom just take it for u 4 and Kareena had ours

Shweta: ok tillu she said going to the kitchen.

Bebe: Prakash I will go and rest in my room u tell shweta to bring the desert to my room.

Prakash: ji Bebe... Bebe pretended to slowly get up while Maddy helped her.

Neil: come Bebe I will drop u.

Bebe: dw I will manage

Neil: but Bebe ?

Bebe: tillu if I need help I will tell u ok.

Neil: ok. Bebe walked up the stairs excited for her plan that she will execute the next day .

At the parikh house.

Aman and avni walked in to see Neela and nanno watching tv. They came and sat down next to them.

Avni sat next to nanno and placed her head on her shoulder.

Neela: so how was your night out

Aman: awesome. But?

Nanno: but what?

Aman: your daughter and niece tried to hide an incident that occurred with them and they decided to tell us after so that our mood doesn't get ruined he said looking at Neela and then at nanno

Neela: what incident she said concernedly... looking at aman and avni... Avni glared at aman

Avni: did u have to mention it over here

Aman: yes because I don't want to hear a lecture in the future as to y nobody told them

Nanno: u both stop and tell us what u r talking about she said pulling Avni up from her shoulder and looking at her

Neela: Avni answer us she said impatiently with a little bit of sternness in her voice.

Avni: ok fine... me and rhea were going to the Washrooms there was two stupid men there teasing which ever girl went past after coming out we thought they just have gone but they were still there but we didn't pay attention when they started to misbehave with us so I slapped them which got one of them furious and they started dragging us but then

Neela: then what she said coming and sitting next to Avni and checked her to see if there is any mark

Avni: then question mark came and saved us

Nanno: who is this question mark

Avni: I mean Neil. Nanno and Neela shared a look

Nanno: screw these type of men who always misbehave with everyone. They should rot their whole life

Avni: anyways I'm going to change.

Nanno: aman come let Me apply oil on your hair

Aman: no way nanno no oil please he said busy typing away on his phone

Nanno: aman

Aman: I said no he said going in his room

Nanno: even im your nanno I will apply hair on your oil no matter what she said going after aman.

Meanwhile in Avni room. Avni came out after changing and saw Neela sitting on her bed

Avni: what happened to u. She said seen Neela looking at her with a smile

Neela: nothing I'm just noticing it's always Neil who is always saving u. Be it as his own house. Then at the jungle and now at the club she said smiling.

Avni rolled her eyes

Avni: its only coincidence mama nothing else's

Neela: so many coincidence all the time? Avni looked at Neela while sitting down in front of the dressing table brushing her hair

Avni: yes. Neela walked over to avni and took the hair brush. And started to brush Avni hair

Neela: bacha I'm your maa. By the way y do u call him question mark she said smiling slowly and looked at avni through the mirror

Avni. Because all he does is keep asking non-stop question. I think he has taken his cop job too seriously. Neela smiled.

Neela: what type of question? Avni looked at Neela

Avni: annoying and random question and his pin is always stuck one the same think which is to make me say sorry and thank u

Neela: for what?

Avni: for the mistake he does but he likes to blame it on me

Neela: like?

Avni: for instance when he bumped into me at the cafe for the first time. Then at the jewellery store?...then but avni got intturpeted

Neela: jewellery store she asked surprisingly

Avni: yeh met that question mark there too before diksha bua party

Neela: not bad u haven't forgotten where and how u met Neil and what happened on those days she said teasingly.

Avni: haan so?

Neela: no I'm just surprised usually u would forget incidents like this but with Neil u remember them all. Avni looked at Neela for a moment who was tying her hair into a pony tail

Avni: but they mean nothing to me mama. Neela looked up for a few seconds and continued to tie Avni hair

Neela: so when did I say it means something I just said u haven't forgotten it

Avni: can we please stop talking about question mark

Neela: last question Avni rolled her eye and got up and sat on the bed while Neela followed her and sat beside Avni

Avni: what is it maaa

Neela: did u say thank u for saving u today. Because if he hadn't reached there on time then . Avni smiled and took Neela hand sensing how Worried she was getting thinking about what would have happened

Avni; I would say thank u to a person for helping me in a situation like this Neela smiled

Neela got into a thinking mode. Remembering her phone conversation with dayawanti and started her plan

Neela: bacha I just remembered. This afternoon I was talking to daya ma and she said she wanted to meet u to discuss about something.

Avni: about what?

Neela: I don't know I didn't ask her.

Avni: ok I will be going to pick up rhea tomorrow anyway so will meet her then she said getting up to close the window

Neela: pick up rhea?

Avni: yh Neil's cousin has come so we r just going to take her around and show her some place. Neela nodded and thought

Neela: sorry bacha but we all r doing this for your happiness only. U will be hurt in the beginning but later u will understand everything

Avni: mama im going to sleep now

Neela: ok. I will also go tomorrow is a long day. Neela kissed avni on the forehead and left the room

Avni was about to sleep when she received a message from Ali

Ali: need the Pics of us so send it to me now... Avni shook her head thinking how impatient Ali is. And sent all the pics

Ali received the pics and thought of sending it to the others

He started of with rhea but stopped

Ali: I'm such a stupid let me just create a group chat so it's easier to send the pics to everyone and also if any of us ever plans something we could just message on this group chat. He said to himself

After few mins he succeed in adding Avni Neil rhea aman and Kareena and uploaded the dp of their group picture that the photographer had took

Avni: proud of u Ali. Nobody else thought of making a group chat except U. Everyone should have a friend like u he said patting his shoulder and sent all the pics on the group chat

Neil came out of the washroom when his phone vibrated he looked at it to see a message on what's app to see the group chat names as the mad gang. He was a little Confused to see who it was and opened it to see all the pics from clubbing and also messages saying. Pics from the club. Credit goes to Ali the genius Neil smiled at that and started scrolling through the pics. When he spotted once of his Pics dancing with others. He was wondering who took it and that's when he noticed everyone in the picture except Avni and remembered how she mentioned she had taken some pictures

Neil: miss ajooba his whispered with a faint smile which he was unaware of himself. He scrolled to the next picture To see one which rhea had taken when they all posed with their drinks at the restaurant. And few more . He went to see who is added on to The group to see aman name Ali's name Kareena. Rhea and a unsaved Number.. he clicked on the number and checked the dp to see two pics merged together. Where a small girl was posing with Neela and some other lady which was Ayesha but Neil didn't know about her

Neil: that for sure is Neela aunty and that must be miss ajooba picture with her when she was young?... but who is this other lady. He asked himself.

He came out his thinking mode when his phone beeped. And saw Rhea Message saying
Rhea message

Thanks for the pics baby and also someone is smart to create a group chat.

Soon he saw Ali relying back

Is someone been sarcastic?... well what can I do when none of u r smart enough.

Neil replied after
Well have to salute u for that. And the name u created for the group chat only u can think of that

Ali replied
Thanks mere dost

Suddenly Avni texted

Stop with the texting I'm trying to sleep here.

Rhea replied

Rhea: yes I also need my beauty sleep good night

Ali replied

Neil let's create a group chat for us boys Alvida girls

Avni smiled seen Ali's message and also surprised that Neil was on the group chat as she didn't realise until Ali mentioned his name. She went back to the group chat and realised she missed out on it since his number was not saved on her phone. Avni was feeling little confused but after a lot of thinking she saved him in her contact list and saved him as mr question mark while on the other hand Neil was busy as Ali actually made a group chat which included him neil and aman. However while talking to Ali he did go back to the group chat and made sure to save avnis number and saved it as miss ajooba

Avni placed her phone away and thought to herself

Avni: u r not bad as I thought mr question mark but that still does mean u r very annoying.

The next morning Rhea called avni around 8 am

Avni: haan Rhea Bol

Rhea: yeah i just called to ask what time u leaving

Avni: I'm going to leave in 20mins as I just finished having a shower

rhea: ok cool see u soon

avni: bye

rhea: bye babes.

After cutting the call rhea called kareena and told her they will come and pick her up around 9:30

Avni quickly got ready. And it was around 8: 25 when Hemant stopped her

Hemant: avni beta where r u going he said putting his new paper down. Avni went and sat next to him

Avni: good morning nanu and im going to pick up rhea and one of our friend to go out

Heamant: how was your night yesterday sorry I slept early so didn't know when u came

Avni: nanu u don't need to be sorry and besides it was a fun at the club anyways nanu im going to leave now mama already knows but just let her know I have left

Heamant: u dw go I will tell her. Avni kissed Hemant on the cheeks and left.

Meanwhile Neela was in her room saw avni car leave... she moved away from the window and called dayawanti

Neela: hello ma

Dayawanti: haan Neela what happened did u tell avni I wanted to talk to her

Neela: maa I did but do one thing don't tell her anything now

Dayawanti: why what happened?

Neela: maa avni is coming there to pick rhea to go out and if her mood get spoilt during that time then rhea will doubt and if avni tells rhea then our plan may flop.

Dayawanti: but then when would I tell her.

Neela: lets do one thing baba has come here so I will bring him there in the evening ...u will get to meet him and also speak to avni privately while the others will be busy talking to baba

Dayawanti: Hemant bhai came?... fine do that bring Hemant bhai and I will tell avni that I will tell her later on... after a while she and Neela cut the call

avni reached to the metha house around 8: 40

Avni: good morning chachu she said moving towards ketan and hugged him

Ketan: hello beta. How comes u r here so early

Avni: came to meet dadi and pick up rhea

Ketan: where u both going today

Hetal: Mumbai darshan... avni and ketan looked at hetal who came towers them... hetal hugged avni

Ketan: Mumbai darshan?

Avni: haan shweta aunty niece has come so we r just going to show her certain places around here.

Ketan: oh right well hope u girls have a lovely day and sorry I have to leave for an urgent meeting. Hetal can u please bring my briefcase till then...hetal nodded and left.

Avni: chachu where is dadi

Ketan: she is in her room.

Avni: ok avni moved towards dayawanti room. And when she reached there she saw dayawanti sitting on her bed

Avni: dadi?

Dayawanti looked up.. she knew avni had come few mins ago as she was about to go downstairs when she saw her speaking to ketan.

Dayawanti: avni? Beta when did u come.

Avni: just now but what happened mama said u wanted to talk to me about something. She said sitting next to dayawanti

Dayawanti: i do but I will tell u everything later on tonight

Avni: y cant u say it now?

Dayawanti: avniii she said softly

Avni: ok fine but u better tell me

Dayawanti: I will now go rhea must be waiting for u... avni nodded and left to rhea room

Avni: ready madam

Rhea: of course babes she said putting on her earrings and then checking herself in the mirror

Avni: rhea u r look nice now stop checking yourself out and lets go

Rhea: come on babes I do have to look the best... avni shook her head while rhea checked herself in the mirror for the one last time and took her bag and phone.

Soon they both left and headed to go the Khanna mansion

so guys here is chap 18 hope u all like it... thank u to those who commented on the previous part and also  voted

would be waiting for all those lovely comments for this part... now bebe shweta neela dayawanti and nanno plan will begin lets see if they succeed in convincing avneil

dont forget to press the vote  button and do leave your comments

love sonali

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