chapter 3

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At the jewellery store Neil was speaking to dd and the other officers through his Bluetooth.

Neil: guys I want all of u to be alert, If anyone sees our target then don't make a move without letting me know. I don't want this person to get away this time.

Dd: don't worry sir... hold on a second sir he said noticing something

Neil: what happened dd?...

dd looked at the person behind the counter and a customer who had a beard... seen the exchange between the 2 he understood.

dd: sir our target is here at the ground floor jewellery shop

Neil: keep an eye on him I will be there ...till then I want all the other officers to keep a back up at all the exit point of the mall.

Neil ran to the jewellery shop and reached to where dd was who gestured where the target was sitting... Neil went up towards them and placed a hand on the person shoulder.

Neil: can we also have some drug panther bhai he said tightening his grip on the persons shoulder.

Panther: who panther? Neil looked at his target angrily and pulled of the beard of his face and gave a slap on his cheeks

Neil: u panther... where is the drugs bag he said looking at panther and the person behind the counter.

Dd: there is no point of hiding anything just tell us where is the drugs that u were trying to sell. The person behind the counter gave the bag that had drugs

Neil: dd take both of them from here and give a good treatment to these people in jail. The owner of the store came up to Neil.

Store owner: officer I didn't know that my employee was doing this behind my back.

Neil: it's ok but you need to keep any eye on all your employees so that things like this don't happen.

Store owner: sorry sir.

Neil: u don't need to be sorry if u haven't done anything but yes we will need to take all the items in this store to get it checked that there is no drugs in them...Since ur employee was part of this he must have placed some drugs in most of your jewellery before. The owner nodded and Neil left from there

At night time avni was cooking dinner

Nanno: hmmm avni beta the food smells yummy.

Avni: of course it will nanno your chef avni has made it.

Neela: that's y u should cook often so that we get to eat tasty food like this.

Avni : very funny... u know that won't happen

Nanno: chal Neela let's go and sit in the living room. Moi bachi when your done lets us know.. avni nodded while Neela and nanno went to the living area

Meanwhile at the khanna mansion.

Shweta was serving food to Bebe and Prakash....She was making sure everything is perfect so that Bebe doesn't get a chance to say anything to her

Bebe: shweta?

Shweta: Ji Bebe?

Bebe: have u got mendhi on your hands

Shweta: no Bebe y would I have mendhi on my hands now she said laughing and then realised Bebe is taunting her

Bebe: then y r u serving food so slowly she said giving her a look

Shweta: sorry Bebe she said giving a sheepish smile.

Neil: hello everyone he said coming down after getting changed and sat on his seat.

Shweta was about to serve Neil dinner

Neil: mom sit i can serve my self.

Shweta sat down and was putting Some food on her plate

Bebe: yeah sit otherwise u will say we didn't let you eat peacefully as u had to serve us food. Shweta looked at Prakash who nodded

Prakash: Bebe u know shweta doesn't think like that.

Bebe: stop supporting your wife.

Neil : ok guys stop it and let's have dinner peacefully.

Shweta: Bebe my friend Neelas in laws has organised a party and they also want u to come along with us. Even Prakash ji knows them as he is doing a business deal with them.

Bebe: what is the party for

Prakash: Bebe my friend sister in law   had started a new salon business and since its doing well she is throwing a party as she will open another salon at a different place so we all r invited

Bebe: ok... madonna ji can u pass the Roti please she said to shweta.

Meanwhile at avni houses. Dinner was finally ready and all sat to have dinner.

Neela: yummy bacha the dal is amazing I'm sure which ever house u will go to will be lucky.. avni looked at Neela

Avni: mama I'm not going anywhere so consider yourself to be lucky for the rest of your life.

Nanno: bachien u have to go one day.

Avni: no I'm not going anywhere for now.

Neela: by the way shweta was asking about u

Avni: really... what did she say

Neela: she was asking where have u disappeared since she hasn't seen u for a long time.

Avni: oh ... I will see her tomorrow

Nanno: if I'm not wrong she said she has a son right

Neela: yes in fact he normally doesn't stay at the khanna mansion because of his duty. So it's only sometimes when he comes and spends time with them

At the khanna mansion after dinner Prakash had gone to his room as he had to finish of some presentation while Neil was busy watching TV in his room. Shweta took milk for Bebe and went to her room and knocked the door

Bebe: come in.

Shweta: Bebe milk.

Bebe: I hope U added sugar into it

Shweta : ji Bebe.

Bebe took the glass and sat down on the bed to have milk but realised shweta is still standing there

Bebe: r u going to watch me drink milk ? Or u like my room that u don't feel like leaving.

Shweta: Bebe I actually wanted to talk to u about something

Bebe: about what

Shweta: tillu

Bebe: what has my tillu done to u. Shweta kneeled in front of Bebe

Shweta: Bebe it's been 5 years since Juhi has passed away I have told tillu to move on and find someone else as he can't spend the rest of his life with Juhi memories

Bebe: but if he is not ready to move on then what can we do

Shweta: Bebe u always say sometimes we have to push our children so that they understand what we r doing is for their own benfit... I know it won't be easy for tillu to give his heart to someone else but if he tries then it won't be hard.

Bebe: u r right shweta but we have to make him agree in our way

Shweta: thanks Bebe. She said slowly wiping away the small tears that had welled in her eyes. Bebe smiled warmly while seeing this

Bebe: now will u sleep on my lap till morning go to your room. Shweta smiled and went.

Next morning at the metha house

Dayawanti; hetal make sure u have called the catering people to reach on time and also check if all the items r there.

Hetal: ji maa

Daywanti: diksha ! Diksha

Diksha: mama stop shouting otherwise someone will think something happened that u r shouting out my name so loudly

Dayawanti: chup! Now tell me have U called the decorators

Diksha: chill ma I called them ages ago and they will reach here soon

Dayawanti: ok go... diksha went and dayawanti was wondering where avni, neela and Fatima r

Dayawanti: y haven't they come yet

Riya: who dadi?

Dayawanti. Avni, neela and Fatima ji

Riya: chill dadi they will come... by the way have u taken your medicine

Dayawanti: I will take them after

Riya: no come and take it now.

Avni: come on my darling dadi take the medicine she said walking in with Neela and nanno. Riya and dayawanti smiled seen them walk in while dayawanti hugged avni, Fatima and then Neela... Riya went and hugged Fatima and Neela and then avni

Riya: thank god u came on time babe otherwise I thought it's gone take long to convince dadi.

All sat down

Dayawanti; u don't how good it feels to see all of you.

Neela: same here daya maa but how is your health

Daywanti: it's getting better beta.

Nanno: dayawanti ji where is ketan, hetal and diksha

Dayawanti: ketan has gone office and diksha and hetal r just on the phone making sure everything is ready on time before the party starts.

Riya: u guys talk and avni have to go to the jewellery store.

Neela: ok but do come back on time so that u get enough time to get ready she said teasingly

Avni: mama I will be ready in few mins but it's this madam who takes time

Riya: oh hello that's y I look the best. Anyways let's take a selfie before we go

Nanno: na baba I don't like taking these selfies velifes

Riya: oh come on nanno. After a lot of pleading Riya finally managed to get a selfie taken with the others and soon left

Meanwhile at the police station Neil arrived and went straight to the lock up to see panther (drug seller) who had so many bruises on his face because of all the beatings

Neil: so I hope u got the best treatment... Now will u reveal where your actual location is of keeping drugs. He asked But there was no answer

Neil: dd.... Give him a 3rd degree treatment and if he still doesn't agree then shoot him.

Dd: but sir how can we shoot him as we need a solid reason

Neil : make one up... We will tell the police department that we had no option other than to shoot him as he took our gun and tried to aim it at one of us so to protect our self we shot him

Dd: sir what is the point of giving a 3 degree treatment let's finish him  directly

Panther: no please don't shoot I will tell where we keep our drugs and what places we supply it don't shoot he said getting scared while dd and Neil smirked.

Neil: SPEAK! He said giving deathly glare at panther.

After few mins dd and Neil came out of the lock up and went to Neil cabin

Neil; dd send our officers to the locations that panther said and make sure everyone is caught and all the drugs r bought here

Dd: yes sir.

Neil sat down and started to read a case file when he received a call from his mom

Neil: hi mom

Shweta: tillu don't forget we have to go the metha house tonight so be home early so that we could reach to the party on time

Neil: don't worry mom I will be there on time.

Shweta: I will have to worry because once u get a case u forget stuff like this. Tillu I'm warn.. but she couldn't complete as Neil interrupted

Neil. Mom chill I will reach home early ok... bye. He said cutting the call

Shweta: this boys always does this. She said putting her phone down and went back to choosing what saree to wear

Time flew by... nanno and Neela stayed at the metha house helping out with all the arrangements while nanno took special care of the food that was going to be served but after everything was done they went to change to get ready for the party.

Avni and Riya were getting ready... Avni had first gone to change in the washroom and came out wearing a lovely indo western lengha and then Riya had gone to change into a indo western lengha

When she came out she saw avni wearing a simple jewellery which matched to the lengha

Riya: avni let me curl your hair for u.

Avni: Riya don't worry about me u still need to get ready.

Riya: don't worry about me here let me do it she said taking the curler from the side and started doing Avni hair. Once done Riya started doing her hair while avni applied kajal and lip gloss.

Once ready.

Riya: babes come on let's take a picture.

Avni : ok...both posed and decided to take another one when someone photobombed their picture.

Riya: dad! U just photobombed our picture.

Ketan: come on I'm sure the picture must have come out good he said coming closer to the girls placing both his hands around  their shoulder.

Avni: chachu u r looking handsome Today.

Ketan. Thanks sweety

Riya: actually the picture came out quite good.

Ketan: I told u

Riya: come on dad the photo had to come out good since I'm in it. Avni and ketan looked at each other

Ketan& avni: really?

Riya: of course she said slightly smirking and went to the mirror to fix up her hair.

Ketan: anyways I came to tell u girls that do reach downstairs on time as the party has started and the guest have slowly started to come.

Avni: don't worry u go we will come.

After few mins avni and Riya reached downstairs and saw guest giving gifts to diksha and also congratulating her.

Avni and Riya went to neela as she had gestured them to come.

Neela: Avni, Riya this is Shwetas Bebe and aunty this my daughter Avni and my niece Riya

Avni and Riya took her blessing.

Bebe: u both r looking really beautiful

Avni &a Riya: thank u

Nanno: benji come with me I will show u dayawanti ji. Bebe nodded and both left from there.

Shweta: Avni puttar give me a big hug she said. Avni smiled and hugged shweta.

Avni: how r u aunty

Shweta: all goods. How is your cafe going.

Avni ; very good.

Shweta: Riya puttar come she said and gave her a hug. What happened u won't take your usual selfies?

Riya: of course aunty u know I would never miss that.

Neela: by the way where is your son Neil

Shweta : he went to park his car and over there he met his friend Ali. U know how boys r always busy talkings

Riya: we would go and see them come Avni u will also get to see Neil. She said dragging Avni out.

Neela: strange na we have been friends for so many years but our children never met each other.

Shweta: exactly.... Sometimes Neil would be busy in his work solving cases and sometimes Avni busy with her business.

At the parking lot. Ali and Neil were busy talking

Riya: Ali! Ali saw Riya and smiled at her while Neil turned around to see Riya but saw someone else walking with her but he couldn't see her face properly Since she was looking down.

On the other hand Riya and avni were walking towards the boys. But all of a sudden avni felt her bracelet hook lose on her wrist so she was trying to fix that not looking ahead of her.

Once she was done avni looked up moving her hair from her shoulders and Neil was shocked to see her and quickly turned around before she looked at them. Avni looked towards Ali and saw a guy back towards them.

Riya: hey. She said giving a tight hug to Ali who returned it back and then moved to Neil who gave her a side hug. While avni hugged her best friend not paying attention to the guy standing next to Riya

Ali l: u both r looking awesome.

Riya: thanks baby.

Ali: by the way avni this is my friend Neil my second best friend he said moving towards Neil placing a hand around his shoulder ....avni gaze followed Ali and looked at the guy he was standing next to. Her smiled disappeared slowly from her face forming a frown, then shock and lastly anger which made Neil smirk

Avni: YOU!

Neil: yup me. Ali and Riya were confused.

Avni: what r u doing here completely forgetting that Riya and Ali had mentioned he is their friend and shweta son.

Neil: I came to take sorry from u. He said sarcastically

Avni: don... but she couldn't continue as ali interfered.

Ali : guys for a sec can u please tell us what is happening and how Do both know each other.

Neil: I will tell u ...the thing is yesterday miss ajooba... But avni interrupted.

Avni: wait let me tell u she said and told Riya and Ali the incident that happened outside the cafe and at the jewellery store.

Ali: come on guys forget the whole issue and start from the beginning as it is only a misunderstanding that happened.

Riya : exactly now come on say sorry to each other .

Avni: sorry and that also to him never and don't call me miss Ajooba she said walking off while Neil shouted

Neil: I will get my sorry . Avni turned around and glared at Neil and went back in while Riya ran towards her.

Ali: come Neil let's go in.

Avni went in and composed herself. This guy was giving her mixed feeling and that smirk she felt like taking it of his face

Riya: babe calm down. Don't forget Neil is shweta aunty son

Avni: I know. But he is just so annoying.

Riya: maybe because your meeting with him didn't turn out good. Don't u remember me and Ali use to argue like this and then we became friends and now we r in love she said remembering those days.

Avni. So r u trying to say the same thing will happen to us. Don't forget Riya I don't believe that love will come into my life.

Riya: no babes I'm just giving u an example

Avni: talk about the devil and here he comes she said mumbling while glaring at Neil and stormed of to where her family was.

Avni went to where shweta and Neela were talking and laughing

Neela: what happened y do u seem angry

Avni: no no nothing like that she said plastering a smile on her face.

Neela: looks like my two mother have become friends with Bebe she said looking at dayawanti and nanno talking with Bebe who were talking and laughing slightly with each other

Shweta: I know when I see Bebe laughing like that sometimes I wonder there r two types of Bebe one that is always after me and another who is kind. Avni smiled while listening to shweta and Neela.

Shweta: tillu come here. Avni was confused as to who Shweta was calling and when she turned around she saw neil and closed her eyes in annoyance.

Neil: ji mom he said looking at avni from the corner of his eyes.

Shweta: beta this is Neela my friend and this is Avni her daughter I'm sure u met her with Riya ..Neil took blessing of Neela and while doing so he looked at avni with a smirk

Neil: nice meeting u aunty and yes mom I did meet miss ajooba I mean Avni. He could feel Avni glaring at him

while Neela and shweta didn't pay attention

Precrap: party goes on with some avniel moments

So im back with chapter 3 and I want to say a big thank u to all the lovely readers out there... thank u for the likes and thank u for commenting It really means a lot I get some satisfaction reading those comments so keep giving me love like that

I hope u like this chapter also will be waiting for all those lovely comments and don't forget to press the vote button

Ps sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake

Love sonali

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