Chapter 33

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Engagement had gone well and the couples got wishes from all the guest.

Neela went to aman room to see him getting ready for bed

Neela: aman?

Aman turned around to see Neela standing near the door

Aman: neelu maa u here at this time?

Neela: Aman i want to talk to u about something she said walking to Aman

Aman :what happened?

Neela : sit first

They both sat on the bed

Neela: Aman I know u love your Avni di a lot but that doesn't give u the right to talk to your dad rudely

Aman looked away

Neela: look at me Aman she said turning his face

Aman: Neelu ma i don't think I said anything wrong

Neela: Aman listen to me carefully we all know how things r between Avni and Ashish... do u think your sister would want your relation to be effected with your dad because of her

Aman: no

Neela: then don't make things complicated because Ashish would probably think Avni made u against him.. promise me u will say sorry to him

Aman nodded half heartedly

Next day

The wedding was in a week  and everyone was busy at  khanna mansion and metha mansion as they were planning all the functions arrangement so that everything finishes smoothly.

Avni was at the parikh house avoiding to go to the metha mansion because of Ashish been there.

Neela and nanno had left to go to the metha house as dayawanti called them for some arrangements

Hemant was walking pass avni Room when she saw her sitting near the balcony playing with the engagement ring lost in thoughts.

Hemant: so my granddaughter is going to leave in few days time.

Avni got strartled and turned to see hemant sitting on a chair besides her

She placed her head on his lap while he caresseed it

Avni: Nanu say a week as it sounds far.Few days feels like I have only few hours left before going

Hemant laughed.

Hemant: even a week is not that long. But

Avni: but what she said lifting her head looking at him

Hemant: promise me one thing

Avni: kya ?

Hemant: u will not think anything negative cherish some moments before your wedding... lets spend some happy moments together because who knows when we will get time like this again

Avni kneeled on her knees and wiped hemant tears

Avni: u r talking about happy moments and look u r the one who is getting emotional

Hemant: ohh I'll just pretend that something went in my eyes he said taking his specks of and wiped his tears lauging slightly and Avni joined him

Avni: I promise Nanu we all will spend happy times and cherish some precious moments she said Hugging him

At the metha house Ashish was sitting on the swing in the garden

He was lost in his thoughts remembering the past . As this was the place where his Ayesha sat last

Ashish: even though u r not with me ashu I feel as if U r near me...I still curse the day when u left me...i wish if I had reached to u on time and saved u from slipping... Avni was my superstar m but whenever ever I look at her I remember how U were breathing your last breath, our aman not getting to spend time with u and all that is because of Avni and now she means nothing to me anymore

Meanwhile in the hall dayawanti nanno and Neela were discussing about the mendhi functions and the arrangements that need to be made for that

Riya came down

Riya : I have an idea if u Guys r ok with it

Neela: kya?

Riya: along with mendhi functions y not have a cocktail party in that way Neil and his family could be there along with Ali

Daywanti : that's not a bad idea

Riya: hmm and it would be something different

Nanno: but first ask the khanna family if they r ok with this

Neela: I'll call Shweta and ask her

Shweta who was making pakora with Bebe answered her phone

Shweta: hellos Neela she said putting her phone on loud speaker

Neela: Shweta I called to ask u something

Shweta: Haan tells me

Neela: as u know the mendhi function  is held tomorrow but Riya came up with an idea of having cocktail party along with mendhi function so that we all can spend time together and in that way both families could celebrate the mendhi function

Bebe: that is a fantastic idea Neela plus it's usually a tradition where the groom also puts a bit of mendhi on their hand so both the soon to be groom and bride could put it at the same time.

Shweta : what time is it going to be

Bebe: madam madonna since a cocktail party is going to be held it's going to be in the evening

Shweta: even I knows that Bebe but I'm just asking the time so we reach at the venue before the guest

Neela: it would start  from 6:30

Bebe: that's fine then we will see u tommrow

Neela: ji bye

Riya: also there is a surprise from me and Ali

Hetal: what is that

Riya: that u all will get to know tomorrow

Nanno: what did U eat today Riya first u came up with this idea and now a surprise.

Riya laughed silently and left from there

Neela: daya maa where is Ashish

Dayawanti: in the garden

Neela excused herself and went to talk to him when she came to the garden she had seen Ashish lost in thoughts

Ashish as if sensing someone in the garden looked up to see Neela walking towards him. Once she reached near him

Neela: hi I hope I'm not disturbing u

Ashish : not at all come sit he said moving up a bit so she can sit

Neela: what happened u seem at little tensed

Ashish: nothing much I thought here I will come back to india  and give my son a surprise and he would be really happy seen me but the case seems a little different

Neela: that's what u think ... aman was really happy seen u but if someone says something bad about Avni then he can't tolerate no matter who it is.

Ashish: but doesn't  he understand what I'm saying or doing is for his own benefit

Neela: he does but don't forget he is your son and would put his point across and u have to respect his feeling  for Avni...Ashish I agree u don't get along with her but aman does.. Avni means everything to him.

Ashish: u r taking aman side a lot he said smiling a little bit

Neela: of course I will after all he is my son she said smiling

Ashish looked at Neela when she said that he held her hand and squeezed it while Neela looked in confusion

Ashish: thank u

Neela : for what?

Ashish:!for everything that u have done for my family

Neela: they r my family too

Ashish: if u don't mind can I ask u something

Neela: what?

Ashish : y didn't u get married again? U could have easily moved on

Neela sitiffened at that how could she tell this man that she loved him and couldn't love anyone else but him

Neela: maybe because I didn't want too.. I was happy doing what I wanted to do and that is to be with Avni and aman

Meanwhile Avni was on her way to the cafe when her car broke down and she was waiting for an auto when a car went past her but stopped after few secs

Neil: Avni! He said getting out of the car and walked towards her

Avni looked to her right to see Neil walking towards her

Avni: hey

Neil: hi.. what r u doing over here? Waiting for anyone?

Avni: actually waiting for an auto as my car broke down.

Neil: u going to the cafe ?

Avni: haaan

Neil: come with me then I'll drop u

Avni: no it's ok Neil u probably would be getting late to go to the police station dw I will manage

Neil: yaar what type of person r u? here your friend is giving u a lift and u prefer going by an auto...I'm not a bad company u see he said smiling

Avni: ok fine lets go

Both got into the car and headed to go to the cafe

Avni: Neil

Neil: hmm

Avni: how comes u wanted to become a police officers I mean your dad runs a successful business and u could have easily joined that

Neil: agree but I never had interest in business... shall I tell u something

Avni: kya

Neil: when I was a kid I loved playing with toy guns that was the only toy I loved... sometimes mom would get me other toys for instance bat or a building kit but that never interested me.. when I was a teenager I always told my family that I want to become a police officer and catch criminals and give innocents justice and all...everyone in the family thought I'm just saying it like that but as I was growing up they got to know that I meant it.. and one thing I'm happy I about and that is my parents never forced me to join the family business in fact they supported me to achieve my dreams.He said. Looking at avni and saw her smiling at him a little

Neil: what happened?

Avni: u love your job a lot

Neil: of course I can do anything for this country.

Avni: I can see that mr super cop

Neil: here is your destination madam

Avni: huh?

Neil: cafe he said gesturing outside

Avni looked out the window and saw they reached to the cafe so soon

Avni:. That was quick

Neil: I told u I'm not a bad company.

Avni: whatever she said getting out of the car

Neil: bye

Avni: bye she said waving at him while Neil left.

First of all happy new year my lovely wattpad family

Thank u to those who commented for the previous part your comments really means a lot and also thank u to those who voted

I hope u all like this chap would be waiting for all the lovely comments

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake
My lovely writers I know u have update will comment soon Di wait for my comments
lillianalieben hope this chap brings a smile on your face
Lots of love Sonali

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