Chapter 37

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Thank u to all those that loved chap 36 this is the first time I got 100+ votes and 30+ comments I keep looking back to that chapter to see the amount of votes. And comments love u all

Would be comment to other stories later on so my lovely writers do wait for my comment love u all
Neil gave a cheeky smile and Avni took his hand placing it around her shoulder while she held him by the waist and took him to the bed. She made him lie down and was about to get up but Neil held her hand and pulled her that she landed so close to him both their face was near. Avni looked at Neil who was smiling if anyone saw them in that position then it would look like they r about to kiss.

Neil had closed his eyes slowly while avni kept looking at him she smiled slowly seen him smile in his sleep she slowly lifted her hand and was about to cup his cheeks when she came back to reality and moved away quickly but luckily Neil didn't wake up

She got up and looked around the room that will be hers too after marriage well temporary for her since she and Neil will separate after

She looked at Neil pics on the wall which had the rest of the khanna family too

Avni looked at Neil and covered him with the blanket and left his room closing the door before leaving

She came out and saw the rest were still dancing

Avni: Neil has slept but we have to be careful she said looking at Ali and the gang

Kareena:. How about we feeed them chilli

Avni: good idea that will also make the bhang effect go away but how will we make them eat chilli

Aman: leave that to me Kareena go and get some  chilli... Kareena nodded and went to the kitchen she came out with a plate full of chillies

Shweta: oye y did u bring so much chilli

Avni: actually aunty I told her as Ali Riya Dd Kia and akash r high due to bhang and to bring them back to sense we will make them have chilli

Shweta nooded

Aman: ok ok enough of dancing come on listen those who eat all these chillies will get a reward

Akash: what type of reward he said trying to drink bhang from an empty glass

Aman: something really special so who is up for it

Kia: meeee I love getting rewards she said jumping

Riya: even I want a reward ali please u also take part

Ali: anything for u baby he said trying to stand still

Dd: me too

Aman Ok so come here around this table those who eat the most chilli will get a gift soon

Akash: I will win for sure

Aman: ok so 1 2 3 Go

All of them started eating chillies after a while the bhang m effect started to get less and slowly they were coming back to their sense and their mouth was burning to the amount of chillies they had

Bebe: where is tillu

Avni:  Bebe he had bhang too but now he is sleeping in his room

Bebe: chalo thank god at least he will get some sleep otherwise he is always busy in his cases

Few hours later Neil woke up and found himself in his room he was getting flashes of the Bhang incident but after a lot of attempt he remembered everything especially the dance and the storage room bit and how he had told her about Juhi and  what she said to him and how he told Avni that there is something about her not to forget how he was behaved after having bhang

He was thinking as to y he said that to Avni that there is something about her

Neil took his phone and texted Avni saying thank u and decided to change and have a shower to get the colour of him

He came down since it was 6pm

Shweta: finally u r awake I was going to come and check on u

Bebe: tillu it felt great seen u enjoy holi today.

Neil just smiled at Bebe .

Neil: mom can u make nembu pani please have a little headache

Shweta: ok beta

Bebe: come till madam madonna make that for u let me massage your head

Neil: no Bebe its fine

Bebe: chup come and sit here. Neil sat on the floor in front of Bebe

He closed his eyes enjoying the magic Bebe fingers were doing

Meanwhile at the parikh mansion. Neela was showing hemant and nanno the pics she took of Avni which were captured beautifully

Neela: baba. Maa I have full faith that Avni will surely get happiness from the khanna family. Seen Avni and Neil together and how they played holi has raised my hopes

Hemant and nanno smiled seen how much Neela loves Avni

Avni looked at her phone seen Neil's message

Avni: so mr super cop is back to normal but does he remember everything that happened after  having bhang and y is thanking me

Avni replied back to Neil
Back to your sense mr khanna. Thanks to u I got to see how a police officer behaves when they drink bhang. And what r u thanking me for?

Neil opened his eyes when he felt his phone vibrate he took it out his pocket and sat next to Bebe on the couch.

He saw it was Avni message and opened to see the whole message he was reading along a small smile crept on his lips unaware to him but Bebe and Prakash noticed it.. Shweta who came back with neembu pani saw Bebe and Prakash smiling while Neil was busy looking at something on his phone

Shweta: Neil here is your neembu pani

Neil looked up to see Shweta and took the glass placing it in front of him and replied back to Avni

Neil text
Of course and see been a police officer I know what I did and said while having bhang and thats A true police officer sign who remembers everything. And thank u for helping me out and taking me to my room. And for listening to me when I was telling u about my past

Bebe: Neil who r u texting

Neil: Avni.  Bebe he said looking at Bebe and took his glass and went and sat on the arm chair getting comfortable missing the glances his family were sharing with each other

Avni looked at her phone and opened Neil message

Avni text:
yeh I must say even during that state u still were self praising your self. And I had to take care of u just imagine if u had spilled everything out about our plan. Thank god karena and aman didn't have bhang and they took care of ali and the rest... u actually have a big heart to keep something like that in your heart

Neil read the message and replied back

Neil text:
that was a good thing u did I must say u r actually smart enough...not really... sometimes u have to hide the pain and just m smile so that your family is happy seen u happy. I could even say the same about u even u know how to keep your family happy by hiding your pain

Avni read the message and got lost for few secs then continued typing

Avni text:
I was always smart u just never knew it. One thing is common between us we both had a tragic incident that happened in our life and we r hiding our pain so that our family is happy seen us trying to be happy

Neil text
there is another common thing only we can understand each other's pain.

Avni smiled at Neil message

Avni replied
that is true. Ok mr super cop got to go now nearly dinner time

Neil replied
good speaking to u miss ajooba

Avni replied
See u soon although not excited to see u at all

Neil laughed at the and put his phone away he took a sip of his lemon nice when he noticed Bebe Prakash and shweta staring at him smiling

Neil: what?

Shweta: what?

Neil: y r u all staring at me

Prakash: can't we stare at u after all u r our son right

Neil: yeah but the way u all r staring at me is weird

Bebe: what were u and Avni Texting each other about

Neil: nothing much just thank u and all that's it

Prakash: nothing else

Neil: nope he said smiling Seen the way his family were behaving

Then next day it was hectic day for Avni Ali and Neil
Avni was busy checking all the financial statements and also going through all the other paper work while ali was busy taking interview of people for the post of a security guard
And Neil was busy solving an imp case

Akash and Kia had planned to come to the cafe but since they found out ali and Avni would be busy they went for shopping with Riya

Time flew really quickly ali managed to find the right person for the security guard post ..he went to his cabin to see Avni busy with all the papers scattered over the table while some files were open

Ali: Avni u still r working on this

Avni: Haan she said busy with her work and didn't look at Ali

Ali: do it tomorrow it's 7pm

Avni: no I would rather finish if of now

Ali: let me help u then

Avni looked at Ali

Avni: it's ok Ali I'm nearly done would finish hopefully in 30mins

Ali: that's fine then I'll stay back

Avni: Ali just go I'm capable of
Closing the cafe myself

Ali: even I know that but...

Avni: Aliiiii

Ali: ok I'm going

Avni: wait

Ali:. What happened

Avni: did U manage to find someone

Ali: yes he had all the qualities for a security guard post and also he previous work experience is good

Avni that's good she said and drowned herself back to her work

Ali shook his head smiling

Ali : bye take care and let me know once u reach home

Avni nodded while writing something on a paper

once she finished she closed the cafe and got into her car when she saw some  girl getting into her car sitting on the passenger seat

Avni: hello who r u? and y did u get in my car? she said looking at the girl who was looking outside

Girl: look please help me some people are after me and they r planning to sell me please she said turning towards Avni and folded her hand crying continuously

Avni looked at the girl and could saw the state she was in

Avni: don't worry I will help u ok she said starting the car and thought to take her to her place

Avni was about to ask the girl where her parents are but before she could continue she heard a gun sound and could see cars speeding up from the rear view mirror

Girl: they r following us .

Avni looked at the girl  and then through the rear view mirror and speeded her car and she could see the other car speeding up

Avni quickly took a right turn while speeding up more

Avni took her phone which was kept near the gear and unlocked it

Avni: go on my contact list there will be a named saved as ali quickly she said looking at the girl and then at the rear view mirror to see if those ppl r still following or not

The girl nodded and called Ali

Girl : it's unreachable

Avni: try again

Girl : still saying the same thing

Avni : oh god who shall I call now

She kept thinking when she thought of Neil

Avni: Neil ... yes go back to the contact list and call him

Girl : there is no name saved as that

Avni: there should be check again

Girl : I did there is nothing

Avni stopped the car and took the phone from the girl and told her to keep an eye to see if the car is coming or not

She was scrolling through her contact list when she remembered she saved Neil  as mr question mark

She quickly called on  Neil number

Neil who was busy looking at a file saw his phone ringing and when he checked he saw it saying miss ajooba calling

Neil: hi miss ajooba surprised that u called

Avni : Neil I need help there is a girl in my car and some ppl r after her as they r planning to sell her please help us she said in one go

Neil was all alert when he heard Avni speak

Neil: where r u now

Before Avni could tell Neil he heard someone voice

Girl : they r coming she said seen the red van

Avni quickly placed her phone on her lap making sure to press the speaker button

Avni: Neil how long will it take u

Neil: Dd track Avni number and keep an eye on her phone location

Neil: Avni I'm leaving now along with Dd we r Tracking your number so that we know where u r every time... just make sure those guys don't get to u

Avni: ok

Both cut the call Avni looked at the girl and saw how scared she was

Avni. Y r they planning to sell u and how did u get to them

Girl: I was going to college when I got kidnapped they kept me at a place for few month with other girls and then we were bought in front of people where they would do our biddiing I finally found the chance and ran away from there but one of the guard saw me and told the goons and now r they after me

Avni: what about your parents didn't they make a complaint

Girl :. I'm an orphan my parents died when I was young

Avni felt sad for the girl ... she looked at the rear view mirror

Avni: what is your name

Girl: neha.

Suddenly the car stopped As the tyre got punctured Avni got out to see and cursed her luck

Avni: come on get out we have to hide she said taking her phone and bag
She held neha hand and were walking while turning back to see if the car is coming or not when all of a sudden they saw the red van stop in front of them

Avni. Run she said to neha  whispering and both quickly turned and started to run quickly

The two men started to run after them

They were actually close to the girls

Avni quickly picked up the big stone and threw it at them which aimed at one of the guy. His partner stood there to see if he is ok and turned to look up to see both the girls disappearing all of a sudden

He started to look for them .

Avni and neha  hid behind a bush and they were slowly keeping an eye on the person

Suddenly the man looked toward the bush he slowly walked there neha was holding on to Avni.

Avni slowly took out a pepper spray from her bag. The guy was near them and smiled dangerously when all of a sudden Avni sprayed the pepper spray in his eyes

Avni and neha  got up to run when the
Guy held on to Avni hair making her cry in pain

Man: where will u go now. We had to get this girl and with her we found another girl. He said rubbing his eyes with one hand

Avni elbowed him in the stomach and he held it in pain falling on the floor

Avni. Come she said holding neha hand and ran from there

Neil: Dd What is the location

Dd: sir Avni bhabi location is around here. Neil didn't pay attention to Dd saying bhabi again as he was worried about Avni

They got out of the car and saw Avni car they moved ahead getting their gun ready when they saw a red van near by with some guy injured on the floor

The other guy who got sprayed in the eye saw Neil and Dd with gun

Dd saw him

Dd: oye stop he said seen the guy about to run

Avni and neha  were hiding near the tree and sat down neha had rested her head against Avni shoulder

Avni was actually scared but she was staying strong for neha she just prayed Neil gets here on time before those goons find them again .. she turned her face when she saw someone walking towards them

Avni saw Neil and got up she ran towards him and without a thought hugged him crying her heart out

Neil: shhh it's ok they r arrested stop crying u r brave enough to save yourself and that girl. He said caressing her hair

Avni: thank god u reached on time otherwise ... she couldn't complete her question shuddering with the thoughts of those goons catching her and neha

Neil rubbed her back to calm her down while avni clutched the back of his shirt tightly ,burying her face in his chest

Neil: both r arrested Avni u r very strong that u saved yourself and the girl he said making her look at him and  cupped her cheeks and wiped the tears with his thumbs

Avni: thank u she said smiling through tears and placed her head against his chest feeling safe since Neil is with them

Neil noticed the girl

Neil: is that the girl who u saved ...Avni broke the hug 

Avni: hmmm

Neil walked to the girl followed by Avni

Neil: don't worry u r safe but we will need to take u to the police station for some formalities and then u r free to go

Avni told Neil about the girl and how she is an orphan

Neha: please save all the other girls

Neil: don't worry we have arrested both the goons but u will also need to tell us where they kept u and all the other girls . Avni u come too and I will drop u of after

Avni and Neha nodded

At the police station Avni was sitting in Neil cabin since she told her part of the story

She rested her Elbow on the desk and rested her head on her arm looking at the wall with a blank look

Today was a Hectic day followed by this incident slowly her eyes closed when sleep took over

After getting some info from neha Neil came back to his cabin

Neil: Avni come we... but he stopped when he saw Avni sleeping

He looked at her carefully and saw her smiling in her sleep.
He remembered how scared she was when she hugged him and was happy that he reached there on time as when he was searching for her he just prayed she was safe.

He sat next to her and smiled looking at her

Neil. Avni he said softly placing his hand on her shoulder

Avni slowly opened her eyes to see Neil sitting in front of her

Avni: what r u doing over here she said sitting straight

Neil: umm this is my cabin remember

Avni frowned at Neil and then looked around for few sec she forgot she was at the police station.

Avni placed her hand on top of Neil hand

Avni: Neil thank u so much if u hadn't come then I don't know what would have happened

Neil:Avni enough with the thank u we r friends right

Avni: still.. I know saying thank u won't be enough but u deserve it Neil

Neil chuckled slightly and Avni frowned at him

Neil: there use to be a time when u wouldn't say thank u and sorry to me and I would think of ways to make u say it and now there is always something that makes u say thank u

Avni: things were different that time and things r different now since we r friends now

Neil: there is still one thing that is the same

Avni: what?

Neil: that tashan baazi between us hasn't  changed yet

Avni: and that shouldn't she said smirking to which Neil smiled

Neil: come let's go now they both left and headed to Neil car

. Neil opened the car door for her

Avni: i can open the door for myself u know she said sitting inside

Neil: that's me been a gentlemen he said bowing down and closed the door and got into the driver seat

Ali soon called Avni and she answered

Ali: have u reached home yet? And y did u call me two times? Is everything ok?

Avni told everything that happened and how Neil came on time

Ali: thanks to Neil yaar is he with u

Avni: yeah he is dropping me home right now. She said looking at Neil who looked at her and then back at the road

Ali: then I have no tension I will see u tomorrow ok

Both said bye and cut the call

Avni: Neil I forgot one thing

Neil: what?

Avni: where is neha would it be safe for her to be alone

Neil: don't worry we have two constable guards with her who would stay with her always

Avni nodded

Soon Neil reached outside the parikh house Avni was about to get out

Avni: u won't come in?

Neil: no maybe next time

Avni: come in for a while. I can at least treat u with some coffee

Neil: ok he said smiling

When they were walking to the main door Avni told Neil not to tell anyone in the house about what happened

Neil: what if they ask how we r together

Avni: my car got punctured which is true and u were passing by so gave me a lift as simple as that

Neil: Avni u know I seriously hate it when someone lies but since u would be lying  just so that your family doesn't get worried I will agree with u

Avni: sometimes u have to lie for the betterment of others

Neil: but telling the truth won't be a harm right

Avni opened the main door and got in both lost in their argument unaware that everyone in the house r looking at them.

Avni: do u always have to argue back can't u ever agree to anything I say

Neil: same goes to u too

Neela: what r u both arguing about

Avni and Neil stopped arguing and looked to realise they r in the hall

Avni: nothing maa just random thing

Hemant: Neil beta come and sit

Neil nodded and took blessing of Neela and nanno

Nanno: Guddo u never said that Neil is coming we would have made something

Neela : exactly we would have made something good

Neil: it's ok aunty I will be going home so will eat then

Neela: no no this is your house too and u have to eat since this is the first time u came and no arguing

Neil looked at avni who was smiling at him and nodded

When Neil saw the food served on his plate he was got happy

Neil: bhindi ?

Neela: u don't like it ?

Neil: I love it Neela maa he said in Exicement

Neela: what did u say

Neil. I love it

Neela: no after that

Neil recalled and said Neela ma slowly

Neela: from now on u r going to call me that understood Neil nodded and smiled

Avni: isn't there anything else ...I hate bhindi 

Neil: who can hate bhindi that is the best dish

Avni: for u it may be but not for me she said putting a piece or roti in her mouth

Neil was pampered a lot during dinner time.

Avni: where is Aman?

Neela: he has gone to his friends house u both sit i will bring sweet dish for u Neil was about to protest but Neela one look stopped him

Avneil were sitting in the garden on the chair  both enjoying the cool breeze silently looking up at the sky

Neela who was coming with the sweet dish saw avneil sitting silently but even in that she could see how comfortable both were without saying anything

She took a picture and sent it to Shweta
And then proceeded towards them

Neela: here is gajar ka halwa

Avni: ma u also sit with us

Neil: Haan aunty

Neela: again aunty what did I say

Neil: sorry Neela ma

Neela: and no u both enjoy

Neil: we could enjoy with u too

Avni made Neela sit down and placed a spoonful of the gajar ka halwa in her mouth

Neil: this is yummy

Neela: I'm glad u loved it

Avni: Neil u should try maa other dish u would love it

Neil: I can already tell she is good cook after the yummy dinner I had

Avni: Haan otherwise Neil was just going to have a cup of coffee and go home

Neela: and u didn't convince him to stay back and have dinner

Avni: I offered him to have coffee

Neela: Avniiii

Neil: it's ok Neela ma I'm getting use to her now he said winking and both he and Neela high five each other when Avni glared at both of them

Avni: I can say the same about u too

Neela: u both talk I need to give baba tablets too

Avneil nodded and Neela left

Neil: thanks because of u I got to have yummy food today

Avni: u r acting like Shweta aunty doesn't make nice food. Thanks now I can tell her this she said smirking

Neil: oh hello my mom makes the best food just like Neela maa

They continued with their argument as to who is right and wrong while Neela hemant  and nanno watched them from inside

Precrap: sangeet

So guys hope u liked this part and I'm sure all of u r  happy to know who that girl was as most of u thought it was Juhi.

Thank u for liking the previous part really loved seen the amount of votes and comments the  for the previous part was shocked never expected to get about 100+ votes and 30+ comments for chap 36

Also guys come on we need to raise the trp since it's low this week. Some people r still watching it on the internet instead of tv. There are aweomse
Avneil moments coming up as we have seen the new olv so come on let's work hard and raise the trp. Just like last time
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake

Lots of love Sonali

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