Chapter 38

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Neil and Avni were continuing their argument when Neela came back to them

Neela: bacha y don't u show Neil your room

Avni: y?

Neela mentally face palmed herself

Neil: maybe next time Neela ma I have to leave now

Neela: i wished if u stayed here a little longer

Avni: if he wants to go let him na..u r acting like u will never seen him again

Neil hid his smile seen how Neela was giving Avni looks

Neil: next time I promise.

Neela : it was really great to have u over she said placing her hand on his cheeks

Neil smiled at the gesture

Avni: come I'll drop you to the door

Both started walking while Neela shook her head at her daughter

Neela (to herself) god knows what I should do to this girl here i was trying to make Neil stay so both can spend some more time together but she would never understand . But at least she did the right thing to drop him till the door.

Avni: ok mr super cop see u tomorrow then.

Neil: tomorrow?

Avni: Haan what happened ? forgot that its sangeet tomorrow

Neil: no I didn't forget I just thought u might be taking about something else he said making an excuse

Avni: don't worry U can tell me if u forgot I promise nothing will happen to your reputation after all your a cop right she said jokingly

Neil. No thanks any ways see u tomorrow

Both smiled at each other and Neil left from there

When Avni came back inside she saw Neela talking on the phone to Diksha and waited for her to finish. Once Neela finished Avni hugged her from the back

Avni: good night maa im going to sleep now

Neela:Avni wait

Avni:what happened

Neela: I was just speaking to Diksha and she said u, Neil Ali and Riya will be rehearsing together for your sangeet

Avni. Maa u do realise tomorrow is sangeet and none of us have even practiced

Neela: so? it won't take u that long to rehearse right.. besides u all danced well at the engagement and mendhi function.

Avni: y does there have to be dancing in all the functions

Neela: avniiiii stop the moaning and we all know u r amazing dancer since childhood just like Ayesha ji

Avni looked at Neela when she mentioned about Ayesha

Avni: I actually loved dancing because of Ayesha maa but now.......

Neela hugged Avni when she saw Avni lost in the memory of Ayesha.

Avni gave a small sad smile and left from there saying she is going to sleep

Meanwhile at the khanna mansion Shweta was happy seen the pic Neela sent her and went to show it to Bebe

Shweta: Bebe Bebe..she said running into Bebe room

Bebe: what is it y r u shouting? And don't run so fast in this age..Shweta ignored what Bebe said

Shweta: Bebe look at this she said showing the picture

Bebe: what?

Shweta: arien this is Neil and Avni picture

Bebe: madam madonna even I know that but u r acting like we r seen them together for the first time

Shweta: uff Bebe Neela sent me this pic few mins ago as  our Tillu was there at her house and by the picture it seems like both spent a good time together.

Bebe: that is actually a good thing but Shweta don't get all happy in front of Neil  as we shouldn't forget he still hasn't forgotten Juhi for Neil  this must have been a friendly time with Avni

Shweta: don't worries Bebe I will keep that in mind

The next day avni reached to a place which diksha had rented for avneil and aliya to practice

When she came in she saw Neil and Ali laughing about something while Riya was doing her make up

Ali: ahhh finally u arrived.

Avni: sorry was stuck in traffic

Ali hugged Avni

Ali: thank god u r saved otherwise if something had happened to u then

Avni smiled and hugged him back

Avni: I'm ok after all a  police officer came at the right time instead of coming late she said breaking the hug and looked at Neil who smirked

Riya: what r u guys talking about

Ali told her everything

Riya: I don't get it y am I the last one to know everything

Avni: so that u don't get wrinkles on your face by worrying too much.. riya slapped Avni playfully

Neil: sahil Avni is here so shall we start he said calling out to the choreographer  who was sorting out the music

Sahil turned around

Avni: did bua call him? She whispered

Riya: Haan

Avni: I must say she is quick in doing stuff like this

Avni and Riya laughed

Sahil walked over to them

Sahil; ok since your sangeet is today I will make sure to give u steps that U remember and also that would be unique for both couples and then at the end all of u will perform together doing the same steps

Riya: awesome

Sahil: so first I'll show Avni and Neil their dance step and then u guys.

Avni and Neil walked forward the choreographer did the steps with his partner showing it bit by bit to avneil.

Avn: does there have to be so many lifts

choreographer: of course darling after all you guys will be the centre of attention and having no lifts in your dance will be nahhhh he said waving his hands in the air

Avni: but

Neil: Avni it's just few lifts let's just get done with it... Avni sighed and nodded

choreographer:. Right so now come on perform the steps ( I will try to describe Avneil dance performance
In the sangeet itself along with aliya)

While doing the steps Neil twirled Avni around few times and every time he twirled the choreographer  kept telling them to come a little more closer which was a little uncomfortable for Avni.

Meanwhile aliya who was watching avneil practicing kept talking about them

Riya: Ali?

Ali: hmm?

Riya: when I see these two together it feels like they r meant to be

Ali: to be honest even I feel the same way but

Riya: but what?

Ali: it's hard to think that these two will ever fall in love with each other because Neil had a past where he loved a girl and she is no more and Avni she has given up on love due to whatever happened in the past

Riya: I agree but u never know sometimes two broken souls can only heal each other's pain
Ali didn't say anything and looked at avneil who were laughing while doing some mistakes on the steps.

choreographer: my my u guys r laughing a lot while doing the steps come on now enough of the giggiling and get to practicing  he said with his Hands on his hips

Avni: can we take a break please

choreographer: no no no darling no break look at your handsome fiance he is ready to continue to rehearse and u want a break not done sweetheart now come get back to dancing and Neil darling u r dancing well.

Avni tried to stop her laugh when she saw Neil's eyes wide when the  choreographer called him Neil darling

choreographer: I will go and show some steps to ali and Riya till then u both continue

Once the  choreographer went Avni decided to tease Neil

Avni: Neil ... oops sorry Neil darling she said imitating the way the  choreographer spoke

Neil: avniiiii stop it

Avni: y stop it by the way I think he is  in to u that way since he was checking u out. And on top of that calling u darling and handsome... Neil looked at avni annoyingly

Neil: that is not funny

Avni: ok ok sorry come let's practice before the choreographer  comes back and starts checking u out I mean starts to see if our steps r right she said changing he line when Neil glared at her.

Neil and Ali were having a hard time when the choreographer  was actually into both of them while Riya and Avni couldn't help it and laughed but stopped when they would get glared by the the boys

Finally it was the sangeet day all were running around from here to there to make sure everything was sorted for the function

At the khanna mansion

Bebe: Shweta where r u

Shweta: heres Bebe

Bebe: have u invited our neighbours for the sangeet

Shweta; of course Bebe she said while moving about

Bebe: do u need to go to the bathroom she said seen Shweta moving her legs

Shweta: of courses not Bebe whats made u think that

Bebe. Because u r moving about as if u stop then that's it she said signalling

Sjweta: Bebe I was practicing my dance moves for the function...Bebe raised her eyes brows

Bebe: is this your dance move?...please tell me from what angle does this look like a dance move?...u know what do once thing just don't dance

Shweta had her mouth wide open

Shweta: come on Bebe I'm not that bad at dancing u know how much Prakash ji Praises my dance

Bebe: of course he will otherwise u will brings the house down

Kareena: Bebe

Bebe and shweta turned around to see
Kareena walking to them

Bebe: what happened puttar

Kareena: Bebe since we r going to be staying here now I have applied to some colleges but

Shweta: but what Kareena?

Kareena: mom is saying there is no need to go college for now we could think about this later

Bebe: how can she say that it's your age to study right now and u don't  worry when u get confirmation from any colleges then let me know I will handle Maddy

Kareena hugged Bebe

Kareena: thank u so much Bebe

Bebe: keep smiling like this

Shweta: exactly when bebe is here there is nothing to fear

Bebe glared at Shweta which made her quiet.

Finally the sangeet was about to start the guest had started to arrive while some members from the khanna and metha family were welcoming the guest Avni and Riya were in one room while the boys were in the other since  Kia and akash decided that four of them should have a grand entry since it's their sangeet

Writers please don't think I'm not reading your stories I'm reading each story one by one so please bare with me

Comments for all my previous post will be replied later on hope u all love this chap


Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake
Would be waiting for all the chaps and votes

Lots of

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