Chapter 40

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Neil: u r finding it Very funny right

Avni: of course your expression was worth seen if only I had my phone but bad luck she said teasingly.

Neil: i nearly had a heart attack

Avni: I was surprised to see a police officer getting scared by a person

Neil: oh hello I Wasn't scared it just that i don't like people hitting on me like that

Avni: u mean if he came to u in a different way U would have liked it

Neil: avniiii he said in a warning tone

Avni: ok ok sorry i will stop for now

Neil: better...shall we take a break
Avni nodded and turned to move forward when Neil noticed something ..within second Avni found herself back in Neil's arm as he pulled her ...she frowned at him while Neil smiled he twirled her around so that her back was facing him and placed both his hand on her waist moving along to the music while avni followed his move

Avni: I thought u wanted to take a break

Neil didn't say anything And one of his hand slowly moved to her back while his other hand moved towards her stomach so she stays in her place ...Avni stiffened when she felt Neil's finger on her back which was slowly moving up...while Neil's hand moved up and slowly reached to the zip he looked at avni who turned to look at him...both continued to stare at each other slowly moving their body to the song. Avni jumped a little when she felt Neil closing the zip of her blouse up

Neil: sorry he said whispering ...both stay in that position

Avni:for what? She replied back in the same tone

Neil: I didn't know what to do at that time and how to tell u as everyone was watching us so ..he said letting his sentence trail of...Avni smiled slowly

Avni: u shouldn't be sorry in fact u saved me by doing that...Neil smirked

Neil: what can I do after all I'm a police officer it's my duty to save others ...Avni rolled her eyes and laughed slowly

Neil: shall we go now...

Avni nodded and both started to walk of the stage while the others continued to dance..Neil had held on to one of Avni hand helping her get down the stage while she had lifted her lengha a little bit so she was able to walk properly

Kareena: what happened?

Neil: nothing we just wanted to take a break both sat at the table..Neil had leaned against the chair when his eyes casually landed on Avni back and then remembered what happened on the stage when was about to close the zip of her blouse

When he saw her about to walk ahead he noticed her blouse zip was half way down ...he didn't know what to do and looked around to see others looking at them and the other people dancing on the stage...he quickly held her wrist and pulled her towards him and saw the surprised look she had when he did that...he slowly turned her around so that her back was facing him he was clearly able to see her milky skin due to the zip been half open...he slowly moved his one hand to her back without Avni noticing while he moved his hand forward near her bare stomach...he felt her body stiffen or maybe he thought like that but he felt something..even though his hand rested on her stomach he could feel the smoothness of it..he suddenly saw her look at him... and then she turned her face to look at him...he didn't know y but he didn't want to break that eye contact with her..his hand held on to her zip before pulling it when he noticed her jump and could see her expression changing as she realised what happened. He didn't know y but he started to explain y he did that despite knowing Avni trust him...he controlled his new found emotions but ignored it as he only helped Avni in a friendly way

Neil who was lost in his thoughts heard Avni call out his name so many times

Neil: sorry what did u say

Avni: the waiters asking if u need anything but u r too busy dreaming

Neil: sorry he said smiling sheepishly and ordered his drink

Later on at night Avni was in her room taking of her jewellery slowly ...she got up and walked to the washroom and was about to unzip her blouse when she recalled Neil closing the zip ... a smile came on her face when she remembered the way he held her and how he zipped up her blouse...
when she felt his hand moving up on her back she stiffened as it bought some kind of feeling but then when she slowly felt his other hand moving to her stomach something tingled inside her ...his cold fingers which just rested on her stomach was making her feel something...she turned to look at him and saw him look at her before pulling the zip up.
The smile on her face disappeared when she found herself smiling in the mirror

Avni: no what r u doing Avni he just helped u...nothing more u and Neil r just friends And sometime after the wedding u will part ways...besides all this love and all is not meant for u

She said looking at her self in the Mirror

Neil was standing near the window

Neil: nothing happened today Neil U just helped Avni as a friend and that's it and even she knows that.... all theses years my heart only thought about one person and that is u Juhi..he said looking up at the sky but all he saw was Avni image.

There was only few days before the haldi function and after that the wedding.

Avni as promised her nannu spent special moments with her family

Everyone was happy that the sangeet went well yesterday and also happy that they got few days break to rest properly before haldi and the wedding

It was Father's Day
Aman had reached to the metha house and wished Ashish a very happy Father's Day and gave him his gift while Riya gave ketan his gift..ketan took it happily but somewhere he was thinking about Avni...he called Neela to ask about Avni

Neela: u know what Avni does this day ketan she keeps herself busy ..Father's Day doesn't exist for her but because of u she somehow celebrated this day as u always was there for her since childhood

Ketan: I know bhabi I thought she would come with Aman but I guess because Bhai is here she won't come

Neela: I will try to talk to her

Ketan: no don't say anything now I will be coming there in sometime.

Neela: ok

30 mins later ketan reached there.

Avni who came out of her room saw ketan walking towards her

Avni: chachu?

Ketan: where is My gift I came specially to get it.

Avni smiled slowly and went to her room and then came back with ketan gift

Avni: here is your gift she said handing it to him

Ketan: Avni? Is this how u will give me a gift without wishing me

Avni: although this day means nothing to me but I'll just wish u a happy father day because u have been there for me

Ketan: most important thing I love u too ..Avni smiled warmly
And hugged ketan

If ketan hadn't been there then she would have lost Belief on the word father but ketan love and careness kept that alive in her somewhere but due to Ashish leaving her in the past has definitely left a impact
On her and the reason she Celebrates this day is because of ketan only

Ketan had left as he had to reach office early

Neela: Avni...she
Said walking into her room

Avni: hmm

Neela: Aman and Riya have organised a small get together since it's father day today and I think u should go and celebrate it with them

Avni: no Father's Day means nothing to me and even U know that maa...beside I have wished chachu and gave him his gift and that's where this festival ends for me She said with tears in her eyes

Neela: bacha?

Avni: no.. I don't understand y u want me to celebrate this occasion with a person who thinks that im the cause for my own mother death...who broke all ties with me years ago..she said and left the house shattered

Neela: because that Avni is still somewhere in u who longs to be with her father and i promise bacha before the wedding i promise to make things better between u and Ashish

Neela has gone to the cafe to talk to Avni over there but she got to know from a staff that Avni hasn't turned up yet and Neela knew Avni Must be sitting somewhere alone thinking about the past

Ali: Neela aunty is everything ok

Neela sighed and told what happened

Ali: dw aunty she will be back soon

Neela: even I know that ali but she just can't live like this for the rest of her life right? Just for ketan sake she celebrates father days with him but not a proper one...I want her to celebrate this day by heart.

Neil: what happened

Neela and Ali turned to see Neil arrive there with Riya as they both arrived to the cafe at the same time

Ali told Neil what happened when suddenly Neela got an idea

Neela: Neil will u help me

Neil: help with what Neela maa

Neela: to bring Ashish and Avni erase the gap between them

Neil: but how can I help u?

Neela: before the wedding i want to see that bond between Avni and Ashish again just like years ago before Ayesha ji passed away and I have an idea

Ali: what is the plan Neela aunty
Neela looked at Ali, Neil and Riya and told them her idea

Riya: do u think it will work?

Ali: we could at least give it a try

Neil. I'm in he said smiling

Neela was glad. And prayed that before the wedding things gets sorted out between the father and daughter

Ali: so mission Avni-Ashish Milap starts soon.

Riya : but how will we manage to get Avni there

Neela: Avni doesn't need to be there the main person who has to be there is Ashish and the only person who can convince Ashish to come there is daya maa and aman .

Neela called Aman and told what he has to do

Aman: Dw Neelu ma I will do that. With that both ended the call

Aman went to Ashish room

Aman ; dad

Ashish: yes Aman he said looking at some file

Aman : dad i forgot to tell u I'm taking part in a act and we r doing a final rehearsal before we perform it in college and also ali Riya And Neelu ma will take part in it

Ashish: that's gd

Aman: no it will only be good if U come and see the rehearsal please

Ashish: but

Aman: dad please

Ahsish: ok fine

Aman hugged Ashish

Ashish : when is the rehearsal

Aman: tomorrow afternoon

Meanwhile Avni was sitting on a rock looking at the waves of the sea while throwing stones in it when she heard someone speak

"Can I join u?"

She turned around to see Neil standing behind her...without replying she turned back...Neil shook his head and sat next to Avni

Neil: what happened? He said looking at her

Avni: nothing...she said looking at the waves

Neil: sometimes when u share things with others u feel better

Avni: not really u only feel better for
Some time but after its all the same

Neil: then let it feel the same if u can feel a little better for some time then feel better for sometime.

Avni looked at Neil

Avni: life is so cruel sometimes right

Neil: maybe but if we try to find happiness then it won't seem that cruel especially when u have your loved ones with u

Avni looked at Neil then looked away.
Even though Neil knew why Avni mood was of he still wanted her to say it

Avni: y does everyone expect me to go and talk to Ashish metha?...why shall I? When i needed him the most he left me...disowned me...blamed me for my maa death?... told me I don't deserve love...somewhere killed that Avni who had many dreams who also believed in fairy tales....u know Neil father day doesn't mean that much to me. Maybe I would have stopped believing in a father if ketan chachu hadn't been there for me ..the love and care he gave me can't be replaced by anyone he always treated me and Riya equally.

Neil was looking at avni he could feel the pain in her voice and placed his hand on her shoulder.
Avni looked at Neil while a tear dropped from her eye...Neil wiped it an indicated her to smile.

Neil: Avni I may not be able to take your pain away all the time but u can always share it with me...if u r angry or frustrated u can use me as your punching bang and can even rant to me .

Avni: y so that u can tell others how a girl beat up a police man she said trying to joke a little .

Neil: nope otherwise everyone would have a topic to talk about at the police station

Avni: by the way how did u know I was here?

Neil smirked

Neil: I'm a police officer so it won't take me long to find u

Avni: great!

Neil: I know I'm Neil khanna after all...Avni rolled her eyes

Precrap: none
So guys here is chap 40 hope u all like it
Thanks to those who voted for the previous part and also commented on it
Will be waiting for all the lovely comments and votes
Silent readers at least a vote can do

Please please please watch nk on tv without changing the channel

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake

Lots of love

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